View Full Version : Official Android topic

May 23rd, 2010, 10:18 PM
So who has an Android device?

Picked up a DROID Incredible on its launch day last month and I'm in love with the OS. I was an iPhone fan before, having only had a Blackberry Storm (gen 1) before hand to know about the Smartphone Market, which was a horrible start.

I'm in love with this phone and the OS and am anxiously awaiting HTC to get off its ass, reconfigure SenseUI, and give me Froyo.

So Android users, speak up, tell your tales, share your phone, share our love.


May 23rd, 2010, 10:24 PM
HTC Hero. Yes, I'm aware it's just an HTC magic with a sick new shell.


May 23rd, 2010, 10:43 PM



I'll take real pictures of my phone when I am not lazy.

May 23rd, 2010, 10:45 PM
I very much want a droid...

May 24th, 2010, 01:19 AM
How "friendly" is it to develop for?

May 24th, 2010, 07:30 AM
I renew my contract in January, so I can't decide if I should get a droid or a WP7
How much more is the verizon plan for smartphones than normal phones

May 24th, 2010, 07:33 AM
just bought a droid eris, should be getting here in a few days. no clue how good of a phone it is really, but it looks alright to me :X


May 24th, 2010, 12:14 PM
How "friendly" is it to develop for?Very, as I understand. It is Google, they'll let you do anything, its just the wireless carriers who give you grief. And they aren't smart enough to do much.

I renew my contract in January, so I can't decide if I should get a droid or a WP7
How much more is the verizon plan for smartphones than normal phones29.99 Unlimited data plan, at least, for me. It might have changed. (Mine is also less than that in reality, I have a 25% discount.)

May 24th, 2010, 12:20 PM
29.99 Unlimited data plan, at least, for me. It might have changed. (Mine is also less than that in reality, I have a 25% discount.)

WHAT THE FUCK? I'm being screwed in my ass for $49.99 CAD with the unlimited data plan.

May 24th, 2010, 12:31 PM
I have the Motorola Droid, and I fucking love it. It is almost magical.

May 25th, 2010, 02:51 PM
Posting this on my Eris : d

May 25th, 2010, 04:52 PM
I have an env3 atm (hate it D:) but totally considering upgrading to the HTC Incredible soon. Any thoughts on it?

May 25th, 2010, 07:19 PM

I'm thinking this... Or a Windows Phone 7.

May 25th, 2010, 08:33 PM
HTC Hero. Yes, I'm aware it's just an HTC magic with a sick new shell.


That's a pretty bad design though. The shape is awful, and look at how poorly they utilized the space on the front of the device. The bottom near the trackball is huge, and the screen looks about 3/4" smaller because of how it's set in from the edge. It even looks like there is a whole 1 1/2" at the bottom which is just wasted space.

At least they have improved on it with their newer phones like the Incredible and EVO. Plus, I guess since the Hero is from almost a year ago, I'm too used to the Incredible today. I'm just extremely disappointed to see LG doing the same thing with their brand new Ally.

May 25th, 2010, 09:18 PM
That's a pretty bad design though. The shape is awful, and look at how poorly they utilized the space on the front of the device. The bottom near the trackball is huge, and the screen looks about 3/4" smaller because of how it's set in from the edge. It even looks like there is a whole 1 1/2" at the bottom which is just wasted space.

At least they have improved on it with their newer phones like the Incredible and EVO. Plus, I guess since the Hero is from almost a year ago, I'm too used to the Incredible today. I'm just extremely disappointed to see LG doing the same thing with their brand new Ally.

The back button has got to be in the most awkward place I've seen on any phone, but the shape doesn't get in the way. I like it because of the shape.

May 25th, 2010, 09:43 PM
Been doing some banners for the ericcson x10 lately, and it's actually not too bad looking. I'm looking for an upgrade and I may go that way. Though I here it has some performance issues with it's shiny flash stuff, and isn't using the latest android stuff.

May 25th, 2010, 09:54 PM
Isn't this Android phone supposed to have a 1ghz processor?

Someone needs to stick 256mb of ram on it and port halo to it.

May 25th, 2010, 10:23 PM
Isn't this Android phone supposed to have a 1ghz processor?

Someone needs to stick 256mb of ram on it and add a GPU and port halo to it.

May 25th, 2010, 11:26 PM
waiting on the sprint htc evo 4g.

May 25th, 2010, 11:42 PM
I have the Motorola Droid, and I fucking love it. It is almost magical.

like wise. wouldn't trade for any other phone right now. love the incredible but I do enjoy my solid keyboard, so droid ftw. can't wait for froyo and flash : D

May 26th, 2010, 12:58 AM
Isn't this Android phone supposed to have a 1ghz processor?

Someone needs to stick 256mb of ram on it and port halo to it.The Incredible and EVO both share the same processor, as does the Nexus 1 I believe, and it is a 1GHz Snapdragon CPU. The Incredible and EVO both have 512mb of ram. This phone is faster than my old PC, sans for the upgraded GPU I put in it, although I don't need this to play games.


I'm thinking this... Or a Windows Phone 7.I'm not a huge fan of Motorola and their Blur technology, which is a shitty take on Sense and not as good as Vanilla Android, just ruins that phone. You'd be better off with an Incredible or holding off on the DROID2 which is just an upgraded version of the current DROID, which is the second best Android phone on Big Red (first if you HAVE to have a physical keyboard but SenseUI's custom keyboard is amazing, don't knock it until you try it.)

Also, jumping into W7 mobile when it first comes out sounds too much like the mistake I made with the Storm.

I have an env3 atm (hate it D:) but totally considering upgrading to the HTC Incredible soon. Any thoughts on it?I had an Env2 before my Storm and now I have an Incredible. The Incredible is the best phone I've ever had. Bought it the morning it released and haven't thought twice about it since. It does everything and anything. It is just amazing, I can't stop praising it. I'm going "wow, I never thought I'd have a phone that could do that!" almost every day. Froyo will make it even better. Honestly, if you want an Android phone on Verizon right now, and don't need a physical keyboard, the Incredible is your only sane choice.

Also, to all those waiting for Froyo to give you the option to use any Android phone as a portable hotspot, you may be waiting for nothing. The DROID has this feature cut/locked/etc from it and I'm sure the Incredible will have the same, as will any other phone with 2.2. I'm sure its VZW doing this, since it has a fee system in place for this, and realistically the network raping and usage would skyrocket.

June 26th, 2010, 08:27 AM

I'm thinking this... Or a Windows Phone 7.


This phone in the link is now called the Droid X. Anyone heard anything good about it yet? I get my upgrade on september 11 (good timing eh? :ugh:) and I was originally going to go with the Incredible, but it seems that the X may just be better than the incredible.


That's the comparison chart I've found so far. I just wanna know how easy it is to touch with a text screen since i'm so used to my env3 and having hardware buttons on the inside and outside of my phone.

Llama Juice
June 26th, 2010, 09:06 AM
I'm on USCellular, and they don't have any Android phones out for us yet :(

There are two coming out soon, the Acclaim being the first on July 9th, I'm not quite sure when the HTC Desire will be coming out.... and I'm not entirely sure which one I want...

There's the samsung acclaim which has an 800 MHz processor and runs 2.1, BUT has a full keyboard which really makes me happy...


Ooorrr there's the HTC Desire, which I think has a 1 GHz processer and also is running 2.1... but is a full touchscreen phone...


My last phone was a BlackBerry Curve, and I just went and got a Curve2 for the time being (will return it and get the Acclaim in a few days...) and just... the full keyboard on these phones makes me very happy on the inside. I love being able to walk somewhere and text without having to look at the screen and still be very accurate with it.... to me it's just like the diference between a DDR soft pad, and a nice big metal one with recessed buttons and such.... Sure the soft pads work, but they feel like shit compared to the real pads.

I guess my main issue is that I haven't ever had a touchscreen device that hasn't frustrated me (aside from my DS... which even then there's weird issues sometimes) so I don't know exactly what I want in it.

July 15th, 2010, 06:51 AM
Bumping this yet again.

Droid X is out today. My upgrade isnt until september but there's a girl at work who's husband works at verizon. She said she was going to talk to him last night and let him know i'd be coming in and see if he can get a manager override and sell me the phone today. I'm hoping they do as it's one beast of a phone. Wish me luck on getting it :X

July 19th, 2010, 07:28 PM
Good luck, let us know how it goes! Usually the contracts are pretty solid once you buy into one :(

July 19th, 2010, 08:02 PM
I picked up the original Droid last week. It's a decent phone, but I'm seriously eying the Droid X and potentially the Droid 2 (rumored August release?). Android is incredible to say the least. When FroYo releases for the Droid, I'll give it a thorough review.

Edit: Has anyone used swype? I love it. Also, Llama, touchscreen keyboards are awesome once you get used to them. I prefer my Droid's touchscreen over its hardware keyboard; but then again, the Droid's keyboard is way too flat.

July 19th, 2010, 08:16 PM
Good luck, let us know how it goes! Usually the contracts are pretty solid once you buy into one :(
Yeah Im locked into it for 2 years now unless I wanna pay a huge fucking fee to get out.

I picked up the original Droid last week. It's a decent phone, but I'm seriously eying the Droid X and potentially the Droid 2 (rumored August release?). Android is incredible to say the least. When FroYo releases for the Droid, I'll give it a thorough review.

Edit: Has anyone used swype? I love it. Also, Llama, touchscreen keyboards are awesome once you get used to them. I prefer my Droid's touchscreen over its hardware keyboard; but then again, the Droid's keyboard is way too flat.

I used Swype, and I hate it. When im using a word with double letters, idk what the fuck to do. Like if im 'swyping' a name like "hannah", i cant figure out how to get it to do double "n"s. I just prefer my X's original onscreen keyboard.

My only gripe with it so far... is that the sound.. IS TOOOOOOO FUCKING LOWWWWWW. Even with all my settings on max, the fucking ring tone is low as can fucking be, and the Alarm tone is next to impossible to hear. Idk what the fuck is wrong with it. It almost seems pointless to set an alarm cause its not even loud enough to wake me up, and using my own ringtones (that I purposely edit in audacity to be louder) doesnt seem to fix it either.

July 19th, 2010, 08:55 PM
Yeah Im locked into it for 2 years now unless I wanna pay a huge fucking fee to get out.

I used Swype, and I hate it. When im using a word with double letters, idk what the fuck to do. Like if im 'swyping' a name like "hannah", i cant figure out how to get it to do double "n"s. I just prefer my X's original onscreen keyboard.

My only gripe with it so far... is that the sound.. IS TOOOOOOO FUCKING LOWWWWWW. Even with all my settings on max, the fucking ring tone is low as can fucking be, and the Alarm tone is next to impossible to hear. Idk what the fuck is wrong with it. It almost seems pointless to set an alarm cause its not even loud enough to wake me up, and using my own ringtones (that I purposely edit in audacity to be louder) doesnt seem to fix it either.
To get doubles of a letter you just "scribble" over the letter you want doubles of.

July 19th, 2010, 09:21 PM
To get doubles of a letter you just "scribble" over the letter you want doubles of.

Ahhh okay that makes sense.

But I still have problems with the sound on my phone. I cant figure out why everything seems so low when all of the audio settings on my phone are on max.

July 20th, 2010, 05:27 AM
Was looking forward to getting an HTC Aria (at the moment I'm stuck with AT&T) because HTC had an syncing app that would let you sideload your own apps onto the phone, something AT&T doesn't want you to do. Unfortunately, the app was pulled/castrated a few days after being released.

July 21st, 2010, 08:17 PM
I thought I'd let you Android supporters know that they're developing Trillian for the phone (http://blog.ceruleanstudios.com/?p=1476) now too. Besides that and iPhone, they're also developing it for Blackberries.

July 21st, 2010, 10:34 PM
I thought I'd let you Android supporters know that they're developing Trillian for the phone (http://blog.ceruleanstudios.com/?p=1476) now too. Besides that and iPhone, they're also developing it for Blackberries.

I saw that. Very very pleased with it. I use trillian on my PC so it will be nice to have that on my phone. Only thing is, I hope it doesn't kill my battery.

Llama Juice
July 22nd, 2010, 12:20 AM
Oh hey, forgot about this thread.

I has my Samsung Acclaim, and I <3 it for the most part.

Advanced Task Killer Free is one hell of a useful app btw.

July 30th, 2010, 06:46 AM
Just got myself a Samsung Galaxy (NOT S, just regular version) for like $200 new unlocked while on vacation here in Morocco :iamafag:

Still a great deal though

July 30th, 2010, 08:21 AM
There's rumors of android 2.2 (FroYo) coming out this coming Friday. Will have full flash support then. Hoping this is true, would be really nice.

Next android OS is being called Gingerbread :d I like these food based codenames xD

August 1st, 2010, 03:47 PM
I got a Droid X. :realsmug: