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June 3rd, 2010, 04:01 PM
i figured i should share this with you guys since i know some of you are in lab science classes. my physics teacher showed us this (http://www.padowan.dk/graph/) program today. its called "Graph". its a small, easy to use, Freeware graphing program that is IDEAL for graphs for lab reports. you can define custom functions, calculate area under graphs, do trig with graphs, etc... you can also export your graphs to excel and word, or just save them as a png or jepg or something

my favorite function though is the point plotting function, because in addition to plotting points, you can define colors, shapes, and sizes of the tick marks youre using, AND it does error bars for your graphs too :iamafag:

in case you missed it, the link is http://www.padowan.dk/graph/