View Full Version : Deus Ex: Human Revolution
June 5th, 2010, 03:31 PM
Well, this should be interesting. No details on gameplay yet, but the trailer looks nice.
June 5th, 2010, 03:34 PM
apparently it's going to have regenerating health
fuck that
June 5th, 2010, 11:18 PM
apparently it's going to have regenerating health
fuck that
How many other good games out there have that? Many.
Looks pretty awesome. It's too early to say what the game will look like or how it'll play, but I'm really interested in the story now.
June 5th, 2010, 11:40 PM
How many other good games out there have that? Many.
doesn't mean it'll be good here. in dx1 regeneration was balanced out by using bioelectricity, and you had to find the aug for it in the first place. here(as far as we know), it'll be in operation from the get-go.
(if there is an option to turn it off somewhere I will be fine with it.)
also standing/crouching behind something > cover system. do people really need that process automated? waist-high walls were bad in ME2, if DX3 has them it's probably going to be worse
June 6th, 2010, 12:32 AM
Cinematically it looks very impressive. It has a Ghost in The Shell/Apple Seed/Vexille feel to it and I love it. Definitely checking it out.
June 6th, 2010, 04:45 AM
urgh azn.
Trailers a square enix tbqh
It'll at least be better than IW. The story better fucking be intact though. As long as the original writers are involved, thats good enough for me.
June 6th, 2010, 09:23 PM
The game's a prequel so don't expect it to link to much to 1 and 2.
Loving how /v/ is getting its nappies in a twist over how CYBERPUNK IS DEEEEAAAAAD ;_____; :lmao:
Never played any DX games but, thoug this looks interesting.
PS. Regenerating health isn't a bad thing by the way. Instead of having to design a space around the player entering anywhere between 100%-30% health, they can base it at 100% and then give you a more interesting fight. It also rewards you for taking risks where you take a shot or two but kill 3 guys (the few shots being a short-term penalty) instead of turtle'ing and hiding like a child.
June 6th, 2010, 10:17 PM
doesn't mean it'll be good here. in dx1 regeneration was balanced out by using bioelectricity, and you had to find the aug for it in the first place. here(as far as we know), it'll be in operation from the get-go.
(if there is an option to turn it off somewhere I will be fine with it.)
also standing/crouching behind something > cover system. do people really need that process automated? waist-high walls were bad in ME2, if DX3 has them it's probably going to be worse
I sort of agree with the cover thing, but it would be complemented by regenerating health, wouldn't it? And let's not get ahead of ourselves, we don't know what else is in the game and how it'll work. You're playing out the worst case scenarios for a game we know virtually nothing about, why not speculate the positives?
June 8th, 2010, 03:55 PM
so apparently regenerating health is necessary because you die from 3 or 4 bullets. also cover system goes to 3rd person.
also ingame screens
also I'm now far less irritated(if the conversation system is anywhere near as good as it's made out to be...)
June 8th, 2010, 11:59 PM
Oh god the comments on that video
holy shit, i can't wait, this beats any call of duty game :P
So all this hype has convinced me to play Deus Ex, any mods I should find before I do?
June 9th, 2010, 12:01 AM
just play the Nameless Mod
June 9th, 2010, 12:43 AM
Don't, it's bad
e: unless you're part of whatever forum it was made for in which case I'm sure it's hilarious
June 9th, 2010, 01:05 AM
also standing/crouching behind something > cover system. do people really need that process automated? waist-high walls were bad in ME2, if DX3 has them it's probably going to be worse
The problem with that is that you can never tell 100% if you're fully in cover or not, especially with the "refrigerator box" model of game design. That said, the cover system in Heroes of Stalingrad is looking like it'll have the best of both worlds.
so apparently regenerating health is necessary because you die from 3 or 4 bullets. also cover system goes to 3rd person.
That's not necessary. Fuck, in the first BiA on authentic you'd die from 2-4 and there was no regenerating health, nor were there any health kits. It didn't have a cover system either. That was just fine.
June 9th, 2010, 01:11 AM
gah, didn't mean I endorsed it, probably should have put it in quotes or something. at least it's better than the "you are wolverine" that I thought it would be.
June 9th, 2010, 01:44 AM
Yeah, I figured that was your intent, but I decided I'd make my own point based off of the original statement.
Fuck regenerating health and its omnipresence in modern gaming :maddowns:
June 9th, 2010, 01:48 AM
the worst part is one of the game designers said something like "regenerating health is how modern games should work"
I want to skullfuck him with a rake
June 9th, 2010, 02:26 AM
Anyone who honestly believes that ate paint chips in their infancy and is the fucking embodiment of the decline of gaming
June 9th, 2010, 02:29 AM
please remember that Eidos Montreal are the ones making this. I don't think eating paint chips would make them any worse.
June 9th, 2010, 02:45 AM
Nobody likes French Canadians. Not even the French, and that's saying something.
June 9th, 2010, 02:49 AM
also these people are making Thief 4. if they use regenerating health for that...
why the rest of Canada hasn't evicted the population of Quebec to the middle of the Atlantic I will never know.
June 9th, 2010, 02:53 AM
That's not necessary. Fuck, in the first BiA on authentic you'd die from 2-4 and there was no regenerating health, nor were there any health kits. It didn't have a cover system either. That was just fine.
It really wasn't
I couldn't stand the first BiA because of the lack of regenerating health, eventually I just skipped it
Regenerating health is probably the best innovation in modern first person shooters, thanks halo for popularizing it :)
also what the hell quebec owns and french canadian games own
I can't think of a game out of montreal that wasn't awesome (minus shovelware, obv)
June 9th, 2010, 10:01 AM
quit trolling regenerating health is fucking retarded and is probably the worst offender in the barrage of 'innovations' that have turned games into fucking babying retarded players and thrusting up a giant FUCK YOU at anyone who wants a challenge
June 9th, 2010, 12:25 PM
quit trolling regenerating health is fucking retarded and is probably the worst offender in the barrage of 'innovations' that have turned games into fucking babying retarded players and thrusting up a giant FUCK YOU at anyone who wants a challenge
I'm going to go ahead and throw in the same 2 cents that I do every time this argument comes up. Health that regenerates up to a certain point (Halo 1, F.E.A.R) is a good thing because it keeps you from getting into those awful situations where you're coming up on a difficult segment with 1 HP and no health packs in sight. With that said, it should definitely be disabled when playing on maximum difficulty to cater to the masochistic fucks like ross who want a challenge.
e: I also think that 'on demand' health regeneration systems, those that use up valuable time and resources/mana like the Force Healing in DF2 Jedi Knight, are okay.
June 9th, 2010, 03:07 PM
I'm going to go ahead and throw in the same 2 cents that I do every time this argument comes up. Health that regenerates up to a certain point (Halo 1, F.E.A.R) is a good thing because it keeps you from getting into those awful situations where you're coming up on a difficult segment with 1 HP and no health packs in sight. With that said, it should definitely be disabled when playing on maximum difficulty to cater to the masochistic fucks like ross who want a challenge.
e: I also think that 'on demand' health regeneration systems, those that use up valuable time and resources/mana like the Force Healing in DF2 Jedi Knight, are okay.
That's actually how the energy system works this time around. You have x number of pips(might be upgradeable) at the start of every level, and only the last one regenerates.
also yeah, on-demand systems work just fine(developers: see DX1)
June 9th, 2010, 04:34 PM
I'm going to go ahead and throw in the same 2 cents that I do every time this argument comes up. Health that regenerates up to a certain point (Halo 1, F.E.A.R) is a good thing because it keeps you from getting into those awful situations where you're coming up on a difficult segment with 1 HP and no health packs in sight. With that said, it should definitely be disabled when playing on maximum difficulty to cater to the masochistic fucks like ross who want a challenge.
e: I also think that 'on demand' health regeneration systems, those that use up valuable time and resources/mana like the Force Healing in DF2 Jedi Knight, are okay.
Doom 3 does the exact opposite on Nightmare. It constantly drains until it hits 25. I can't think of a more masochistic system than that...
I also like "on demand" systems like those used in Bad Company 1 and Fear are awesome. I'd like to see more games ditch the regenerating health systems for that.
June 11th, 2010, 11:21 PM
I agree with Pooky. In my opinion it doesn't matter whether or not theres regeneration, it all depends how the gameplay is built around it. As long as its fun and not too difficult then I'm fine either way.
December 11th, 2010, 08:02 AM
December 11th, 2010, 05:38 PM
oh god I hope that this isn't dialogue from the actual game itself, because this is some really, really shitty writing
The atmopshere/art direction seems like some crazy Blade Runner/MGS combo, but I can't say that's necessarily a bad thing. I really do have high hopes for this game but there are so, so many ways for it to go wrong.
December 12th, 2010, 02:09 AM
I think Blade Runner meets Ghost in the Shell is a more accurate description. That said, mediocre trailer dialogue aside, I am actually very anxious to see what Eidos can do with the game. I can't help but feel that their take on it would make a better movie than a game, though.
December 12th, 2010, 02:18 AM
Blade Runner/Ghost in The Shell does seem more appropriate. Although Ghost in The Shell Dialogue isn't like this at's actually good...
In-game graphics seem very Mass Effect 2-esque only little bit better. Regardless I'm eagerly looking forward to this.
December 12th, 2010, 02:44 AM
Dunno about the writing, but I like what I've heard about their conversation system so far, in that it's supposed to be similar to Alpha Protocol's, i.e. you have to respond in real-time, or you'll get steamrolled by whoever you're talking to.
Blade Runner meets Ghost in the Shell
No idea if it's still true, but one thing they mentioned a while back was that each of the major cities is done after a different cyberpunk aesthetic. Toronto, I believe, was supposed to be GiTS, Shanghai is Bladerunner. The tech in general - augs, weapons, what-not - feels very GitS to me, though. Happy about that.
(hopefully this means they'll have something other than the gold colour palette, which is starting to grate on me)
December 12th, 2010, 02:46 AM
If that does indeed still hold true, that is pretty fucking awesome.
December 12th, 2010, 02:53 AM
You think this is cheesy writing? Have you seen the intro sequence to Deus Ex?
And oh god the original's voice acting :lmao:
The art style is certainly stylised though the level of tech is more in-line with modern projections. Remember that Deus Ex was made a decade ago, the look of the future has changed in that time :p
There were plenty of ingame video shown at GDC (I think taht's where? may have been E3 or PAX). Look for it on youtube.
PS. It's not a gold pallet, it's a piss-coloured filter.
December 12th, 2010, 01:32 PM
oh I know the first game had shitty writing; I've been playing through it again for the nth time the past couple of weeks
If I remember correctly from an interview or something, the devs are drawing inspiration from the Renaissance era, in that both that time period and what they're trying to depict are periods of massive scientific and cultural growth and refinement, with the gold supposedly representing that and the black representing the shit that results from it. (ugh pronouns)
Really DX1 (not the shit that was Invisible War) was really ahead of it's time in the concepts behind the gameplay and mechanics; bringing those ideas over along with modern refinements to control, UI, and writing/acting could make this one of the generation's best titles. I'm just worried they'll screw one of those aspects up and leave us with a bunch of wasted potential covered in piss.
December 16th, 2010, 09:01 AM
With weak sales performance of console game titles that have been newly released during the current fiscal year as well as harsh market feedback regarding a key title, the Group recognizes the reinforcement of development capability in our Digital Entertainment segment as our most critical managerial issue.
We therefore have decided to spend additional time to further polish our upcoming game, DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION, resulting in a shift in release timing from our prior plan of the current fiscal year to next fiscal year.
Sounds like somebody's still buttmad over FF-XIV :B
December 16th, 2010, 11:24 AM
Well it shouldn't have been terrible and been a copy of Final Fantasy Eleven. Some of my friends who are hardcore FF players said that's essentially what it is.
Pyong Kawaguchi
May 31st, 2011, 10:50 AM
May 31st, 2011, 11:49 AM
LOL, Final Fantasy 27! And this got leaked so early. Goddamn.
May 31st, 2011, 03:23 PM
The NPC faces, they burn.
Pyong Kawaguchi
May 31st, 2011, 06:45 PM
Game looks like shite, smooth shite.
June 1st, 2011, 12:15 AM
wow pirating? way to kill the pc gaming industry scrublord
e: oh this isn't donor's lounge at all
Hey friend it's still two months til release they might fix those things!
August 22nd, 2011, 12:39 AM
WTF the game just unlocked early in Australia, about to start it up holey fuck I was going to study but FUCK THAT DEUS EX
When is it unlocking in other regions?
(why is no body talking about this game here wtf)
E: lmfao fuck everyone in my clan they were just screwing with me. Still, general is needed, here's the official thread music:
EE: fucking adminsssss
August 22nd, 2011, 08:00 AM
We get it tomorrow. Damn you!
August 22nd, 2011, 09:53 AM
August 22nd, 2011, 12:18 PM
This one's still my fav:
E: Apparently I forgot how to use Youtube tags
Rainbow Dash
August 22nd, 2011, 12:22 PM
real trailer HERE vvv
August 27th, 2011, 06:51 AM
game owns eat shit first page doubters
August 27th, 2011, 10:07 AM
Posting in the worst thread made about the best game made this year~~
September 24th, 2011, 06:26 AM
Far better than I'd hoped, better than DX1 if I had to pick.
jesus goddamn fuck this is a good game, should have print-screened waaaay more often, though.
also dat fukken laser
September 24th, 2011, 09:40 AM
better than DX1
No way brah! Definitely the best new game I've played this year though.
Mr Buckshot
September 24th, 2011, 01:38 PM
Best single player game I've played since Portal 2 definitely.
now god damn I want the first two deus ex games remade on the Human Revolution engine. Now.
September 24th, 2011, 10:31 PM
best game in atleast 54 years. probably longer
September 24th, 2011, 10:37 PM
Just beat it tonight. Was really good.
Mr Buckshot
September 27th, 2011, 09:20 AM
Just beat it tonight. Was really good.
Just beat it a second time while waiting for my BF3 beta to download.
Did you take a guns-blazing or stealth route? I took a largely offensive route my first time, but also missed a few side quests sadly. Second time, I upped the difficulty and went for as many stealth takedowns as I could. It's really rewarding, especially since you rack up Praxis points much faster, and by the time I arrived at the FEMA plant in Detroit I already had level 5 hacking and a full inventory size unlocked.
September 28th, 2011, 02:31 AM
When I played it, I tried stealth at first and failed miserably. Went guns blazing until about the FEMA mission when it began getting too difficult that way, which is when I began to thoroughly upgrade all my stealth abilities.
September 28th, 2011, 06:39 PM
u bad
also thank god a headshot with the traqulizer actually knocks people out instantly. i used to be on the edge of my feet every time in the first game i used it cause the fuckers would just run straight to the alarms :(
September 28th, 2011, 09:39 PM
When I played it, I tried stealth at first and failed miserably. Went guns blazing until about the FEMA mission when it began getting too difficult that way, which is when I began to thoroughly upgrade all my stealth abilities.
also thank god a headshot with the traqulizer actually knocks people out instantly. i used to be on the edge of my feet every time in the first game i used it cause the fuckers would just run straight to the alarms :(
Tranqs in Deus Ex were worse than useless. They took like 30 seconds to actually work and everybody instantly knew where you were after you fired it. Better to stick with the prod or just stealth past them.
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