View Full Version : Driving

June 11th, 2010, 03:06 PM
Shit man I'm of-age and drove a car today wtf who invented the accelerator seriously, I fucking tapped the thing and flew forward at 50 mph but luckily the lady got the brakes on quick (since it's also on the passenger side)

Fucking video games screwed up my whole perception of how a car actually works :ugh:

June 11th, 2010, 03:26 PM
Drive stick

June 11th, 2010, 03:30 PM
Be very gentle with the accelerator and the brake. thats the key to driving smoothly. Give other cars a wide berth, especially on the freeway, and use your fucking turn signals.

June 11th, 2010, 03:32 PM
^Turn signals, seriously. I hate it when people forget and then go barreling down the other way when I'm not expecting (but still expecting) them to...

June 11th, 2010, 03:57 PM
Drive stick

this. Everyone should learn on a standard.

And I fucking hate waiting for a guy to pass and he fucking turns down my road with no signal. "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" I tells him.

Also, for driving test, make sure you turn around and check your blind spots. #1 reason people fail. I forgot to and my lady still passed me. You cant just use your mirrors.

Llama Juice
June 11th, 2010, 04:19 PM
Use your fucking blinkers or I'll find you and kill you.

June 11th, 2010, 04:21 PM
Also, for driving test, make sure you turn around and check your blind spots. #1 reason people fail. I forgot to and my lady still passed me. You cant just use your mirrors.
The first time I went driving on the street I was switching lanes and didn't see anyone in any of my mirrors or out the window, but somehow I couldn't see a minivan, which I almost hit. I always actually turn my head and look now.

June 11th, 2010, 05:20 PM
Yeah it was just my first drive, controlled and in a neighborhood around the school. I still have plenty to learn and can't take the test and get my actual license for a year (my birthday's the beginning of April).

Still was really thrown off with the accelerator, why can't it just be designed like video games where it's "Pedal-to-metal to go fucking 9839088234 mph, or gently press it to MAINTAIN a lower speed, gently press more for slightly higher speed."

What the fuck is this "tap, lurch forward and go 25, tap slightly more and speed up rapidly." Automatic moving really fucked me over too, so confused D:

Edit: I'm pretty good with turn signals, the actual 'slowing down, braking, turning' was the hard part though partially due to what I mentioned above.

Llama Juice
June 11th, 2010, 05:24 PM
Oh, you live in Illinois.

That explains everything.

June 11th, 2010, 05:24 PM
Yeah it was just my first drive, controlled and in a neighborhood around the school. I still have plenty to learn and can't take the test and get my actual license for a year (my birthday's the beginning of April).

Still was really thrown off with the accelerator, why can't it just be designed like video games where it's "Pedal-to-metal to go fucking 9839088234 mph, or gently press it to MAINTAIN a lower speed, gently press more for slightly higher speed."

What the fuck is this "tap, lurch forward and go 25, tap slightly more and speed up rapidly." Automatic moving really fucked me over too, so confused D:

Edit: I'm pretty good with turn signals, the actual 'slowing down, braking, turning' was the hard part though partially due to what I mentioned above.

You have leadfoot, as do all beginning and/or female drivers. Eventually you will learn how to press it really carefully.

June 11th, 2010, 07:55 PM
But going slow is booooorrriiiiign [/typical beginner teenage driver]

Oh, you live in Illinois.

That explains everything.Such as?

June 11th, 2010, 08:01 PM
heel on the floorboard press with your toes

also, do not try to blow coke and drive at the same time. some idiot almost rear-ended my gf while she was driving my jeep, passenger was steering while the driver was riding the rails. seriously wtf.

June 11th, 2010, 08:23 PM
When i first started I also did not realize that the car moved when you werent on the brake, though I've never had a led foot so I didn't screw anything up, it just took me by surprise. Like everyones been saying, always double check your mirrors and turn your head as well if you can. Especially if switching lanes to the right, the left side is usually covered by the mirrors unless your car has weird blind spots but it doesn't hurt to turn and look anyways. also remember that OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR.

Turn signals of course, and make sure you gradually slow down when turning, instead of slamming on the brakes then turning. Inversely, don't slow down to 5mph 100 yard before the turn, its annoying to people behind you. When taking the driving test, use turn signals for EVERYTHING, including parking. Nobody does it in real life situations, but you're supposed to.

The most important thing is to keep your distance behind cars, about 3 cars length is excellent, especially for new drivers. Even more if you drive a big/heavy vehicle. I got in an accident because I had gotten a new truck and wasn't used to how long it took to stop and rear ended a guy.

June 11th, 2010, 08:48 PM
When i first started I also did not realize that the car moved when you werent on the brake, though I've never had a led foot so I didn't screw anything up, it just took me by surprise.Yeah, when my buddy drove first (and I was in the backseat) we were both like 'wtf but your foot isn't on the pedal why are we moving :?'
Turn signals of course, and make sure you gradually slow down when turning, instead of slamming on the brakes then turning. Inversely, don't slow down to 5mph 100 yard before the turn, its annoying to people behind you.I don't do that who told you I did that get your camera outta mah car! At least I'm not doing the second one though.

Turn signals are fun, I love flicking the thing up or down in fancy ways that should probably just be saved for aesthetic appeal in animating, so you don't have to worry about me never signaling ^_^

June 11th, 2010, 09:43 PM
Don't think about controlling the vehicle. Work on actual driving enough that it's second nature. Then you can think more about whats going on ahead (and all around) of you. Like everyone else has mentioned, use your blinkers PLEASE. There's also no need to zoom up behind the next driver then hit the brakes when he slows down. I see that a lot and it pisses me off. Watch the road ahead of you, and if traffic is heavy or the green is likely to change soon, just let off the gas and coast because you're likely going to need to stop anyway. Another thing that bugs me is when I try to merge onto the highway and dickheads won't let me in. If you're in the right lane and someone to your right needs to merge, be nice and switch lanes. Good drivers are courteous and patient.

June 11th, 2010, 10:04 PM
Drive stick


June 11th, 2010, 10:19 PM
heel on the floorboard press with your toes

THIS TIMES A MILLION. Some other useful tips I'm thinking of:

1.) Don't listen to anythign with headphones while driving (see this too often).
2.) Don't smoke weed while driving (this sounds more ridiculous as you think about it).
3.) Don't eat or drink while driving.
4.) Go as many car lengths behind the vehicle in front of you for every 10 miles per hour. In other words, 1 carlength = 10MPH
5.) As tempting as it is, don't speed on a road that you think you should go faster on. Cops love busting teenagers (and people generally) for this kind of stupidity.
6.) Traffic Cops overrule stop signs.
7.) Drive at your own pace and own confidence, despite what a more experienced driver says next to you. For example, my brother is 20 and he always tells me to relax more while driving, but always revokes what he says because it's important to become more eased while driving on your own.

June 11th, 2010, 10:51 PM
The 'use your toes on the pedal' sounds like it might actually help a shit ton...will try it out when we next go out (Wednesday next week, then after that I'm legally allowed to drive with my parents since I've had 2 sessions with an instructor).


June 11th, 2010, 11:03 PM
so im liking this thread too. iv had my license for around 8 months now but the only driving iv done is up to new hampshire and back for a vacation and for my actual road test. and a little around the neighborhood.

i dont like driving :(

June 11th, 2010, 11:24 PM
Indicate, learn to drive a manual (stick = manual?) - not automatic. A lot of people I know learnt to drive bare foot, and just used their big toe to accelerate to get used to the sensitivity.

June 11th, 2010, 11:49 PM
Its illegal to drive barefoot in Wa State :eng101: Timo

June 11th, 2010, 11:51 PM
How're they going to know ? I don't think it's legal here either, I don't see the problem with it tbh.

June 12th, 2010, 05:42 AM
Also don't drive with flip flops. A friend of mine got hers stuck under the accelerator and smashed into another car.

June 12th, 2010, 06:21 AM
Yep, barefoot and flip flops are both illegal in FL. too.

June 12th, 2010, 06:51 AM
I've been looking all morning for state laws indicating that it's illegal to drive barefoot. All I have found so far are opinions on the matter.. I did, however, find that many sources cite DOT and AAA as saying it isn't illegal. Though, I suppose for registered drivers of higher standard (see: truckers, emergency services...) it would be required.

As for your 'sensitivity' problem: just do as the others have said, which is to rest the heel of your foot on the floorboard and apply pressure with the front of your foot. Be wary when getting into a 'new' vehicle that you have never driven before. Accelerators are different in varying vehicles. My 99' intrigue has a firm feel to it but my step dad's 03' impala has a very sensitive accelerator.

One more thing: Do not use both feet. Only use your right foot for accelerating and braking. I'm sure you know this though.

June 12th, 2010, 08:47 AM
Indicate, learn to drive a manual (stick = manual?) - not automatic. A lot of people I know learnt to drive bare foot, and just used their big toe to accelerate to get used to the sensitivity.
THIS. It's extremely useful, especially if you ever become a designated driver or your family owns a car that's a stick.

Llama Juice
June 12th, 2010, 09:05 AM
My Illinois comment was because I'm from Wisconsin, and I've done my fair share of driving around the country....

Illinois drivers are generally about as horrible as their roads are, and they always come up through where I live to go to the water parks and such.... and whenever someone is tailgating somene around here 99.9% of the time it's either a woman or someone from Illinois.

That being said...

Grab a vase and put it on the floor of the passenger side of the vehicle. Fill it with water and try not to spill it while driving. You'd be surprised how much this comes in handy when you randomly get a few quick "hey, deliver these flowers for me." jobs.... or when your passenger door doesn't like to stay closed and a woman hopped in who doesn't have enough upper body strength to actually shut the door properly so the door flies open on her and she almost falls out because she's NOT WEARING HER SEATBELT so then you gotta grab her and keep her in the car so she doesn't die.

Before I got my license I honestly only drove the six or whatever times required to drive with the instructor and then once the night before in my mom's car so that I'd know how to do everything with her car (like turn on the lights and such) for the test. After I got my license my dad took me out into the country with a manual transmission truck and had me learn how to drive that. He then gave me a job working at NAPA as a delivery guy, and I'd have to drive different company vehicles all the time, some standard, some automatic.

My point is, it's important to be able to just jump in any random car and be able to drive. Just ask some of your black friends in Chicago, I'm sure they'll say the same.

June 12th, 2010, 11:04 AM
That must just be the tourist and shit who suck, because everyone around here is actually pretty nice and doesn't suck at driving.

If you want shitty drivers, go to California or Florida D:<

In terms of driving stick, all of our cars are automatic. The only manual car I've ever seen or been in is a teammate in swimming (who's now a senior) and would drive me and 2 others to swim practice every day after school. I found it really weird at first, but it seems like it'd be nicer because you don't exactly have to worry about slamming on the accelerator accidentally and going 50 unless you're on that gear. Makes you pay attention too since you have to switch gears all the time. And overall it's just kind of kickass.

Too bad I'll never get one unless for College I can get a good deal ._.

June 12th, 2010, 02:24 PM
That must just be the tourist and shit who suck, because everyone around here is actually pretty nice and doesn't suck at driving.

If you want shitty drivers, go to California or Florida D:<

In terms of driving stick, all of our cars are automatic. The only manual car I've ever seen or been in is a teammate in swimming (who's now a senior) and would drive me and 2 others to swim practice every day after school. I found it really weird at first, but it seems like it'd be nicer because you don't exactly have to worry about slamming on the accelerator accidentally and going 50 unless you're on that gear. Makes you pay attention too since you have to switch gears all the time. And overall it's just kind of kickass.

Too bad I'll never get one unless for College I can get a good deal ._.
Go to Millegeville, GA. My brother says they are the worse drivers to ever be on the face of the earth. Basically, a stop sign means slow down go faster to them.

June 12th, 2010, 04:28 PM
Dont fight the car, slow (but firm) movements of the controls. I love driving, I live in the countryside so theres alot of open roads with very little traffic.

Accelerate out of the corner.

June 12th, 2010, 05:00 PM
When in doubt of the speed limit go 45.

June 12th, 2010, 05:20 PM
When in doubt of the speed limit go 45.
That isn't the best advice to give, in my opinion. He should learn proper limits for varying zones.

June 12th, 2010, 07:02 PM
Yep, barefoot and flip flops are both illegal in FL. too.

Which is pretty stupid tbh. If you are wearing sandals and have no other shoes what the hell are you supposed to do. I always drive barefoot anyways since I almost always wear flip flops. I can't feel the vibrations on the pedal when I have shoes on, so I can't tell how much I'm accelerating as well. I tend to over accelerate or brake to hard with shoes.

@Dwood: When in doubt of the speed limit, go as fast as the people around you lol. Actually, 45 is probably good most of the time, but you should be able to tell which areas you should be going slower or faster, such as residential areas or a highway.

June 12th, 2010, 07:58 PM
Almost switched lanes into a truck one time because I was only watching the one. For that matter, TURN YOUR HEAD TOO, JUST TO BE SURE.

Also, driving in thongs is a good way to get something stuck where it shouldn't be. Barefoot for life~

June 12th, 2010, 10:18 PM
When in doubt of the speed limit go 45.
Wrong. Go 40 or 35 until you see a speed limit sign. IF you're in a suburban area (neighborhoods), aim around 35. IF you're in a more urban area (city/town area), aim around 40 when in doubt.

Llama Juice
June 12th, 2010, 10:19 PM
States with worse drivers in my experience. (in this order)

New Jersey

Everywhere else was fairly not terrible.... or equally as bad.

Kentucky and New York have some of the best drivers in my experience.

And @ODX, I've driven through Illinois plenty of times, it's not just the tourists that are horrible drivers. It's the whole state.

Anyhow, as for actual advice...

I hinted at it before, WEAR YOUR FUCKING SEATBELT.

Also, if someone in oncoming traffic is flashing their lights, it generally means there's a cop ahead. Check your speed, and slow the fuck down.

June 12th, 2010, 10:23 PM
States with worse drivers in my experience. (in this order)

New Jersey

Everywhere else was fairly not terrible.... or equally as bad.

Kentucky and New York have some of the best drivers in my experience.

And @ODX, I've driven through Illinois plenty of times, it's not just the tourists that are horrible drivers. It's the whole state.

Anyhow, as for actual advice...

I hinted at it before, WEAR YOUR FUCKING SEATBELT.

Also, if someone in oncoming traffic is flashing their lights, it generally means there's a cop ahead. Check your speed, and slow the fuck down.
Where were the bad drivers in Georgia? Atlanta? You can't base the entire populace of drivers off of Atlanta or Milledgeville (if you want to get technical). Many places are extremely different in driving in Georgia in comparison. I suggest driving around Roswell, GA and Alpharetta, GA. They have some pretty decent drivers there. However, I can agree if you hate Atlanta drivers. THEY AND THEIR RANDOM ONE WAY ROADS SUCK.

Llama Juice
June 12th, 2010, 10:32 PM
^I am basing most of it off of Atlanta, but there were several times where people tried changing lanes INTO THE SIDE OF MY TRUCK in the state not in Atlanta... so it's not just Atlanta that sucks.

June 12th, 2010, 11:34 PM
Do the speed limits actually vary that much over there? Here it's generally either 100 or 50. Maybe 60 or 70 in some areas.

June 13th, 2010, 12:03 AM
Almost switched lanes into a truck one time because I was only watching the one. For that matter, TURN YOUR HEAD TOO, JUST TO BE SURE.

Imagine your mirrors as futuristic scouting systems on a space ship. This will give you all the initiative you need to check them frequently.

June 13th, 2010, 06:35 PM
Do the speed limits actually vary that much over there? Here it's generally either 100 or 50. Maybe 60 or 70 in some areas.

Yeah alot of variation. Over here its taught if you see no signs but theres street lights, its 30.

June 13th, 2010, 07:44 PM
Speed's here is 50 around town, 100 on highway, 40 in school zones, 5 in carparks, 80 on freeways. Plus wherever they decide the limit should only be 70 or 90 for whatever reason.

All speeds in the superior measurement system obv.

June 14th, 2010, 05:10 PM
driving in thongs is a good way to get something stuck where it shouldn't be.
:lmao: what?

June 14th, 2010, 05:21 PM
he's from ausfailia, thongs = flip flops.

June 14th, 2010, 10:08 PM
That isn't the best advice to give, in my opinion. He should learn proper limits for varying zones.

drive 80mph on hwy 26, profit

June 14th, 2010, 10:30 PM
lmao has anyone been to WA and driven on their roads?
washingtonians dont understand what alternating when merging is >_>

June 14th, 2010, 10:41 PM
PA is like driving on goat trails and all the signs are after the turn lol plus everyone drives at least 20 mph faster than speed limit.

worst cities: Atlanta, DC, Pittsburgh (mostly because of poorly coordinated road projects)

June 14th, 2010, 11:38 PM
Philadelphia > shittsburgh.

No but seriously, after Harrisburg the roads get SO bad.

June 15th, 2010, 12:01 AM
Here in Florida, the cities hate the state speed limits as the second you enter a city zone all of the limits drop AT LEAST 10 mph. And I have never been pulled over by a cop for going 45 or under down here. That said, I have passed cops (sitting in those speed traps) going 45 when I didn't know the limit, and have never had them pull me over so imho the only area my advice wouldn't work is in a downtown city.

June 15th, 2010, 01:28 AM
lmao has anyone been to WA and driven on their roads?
washingtonians dont understand what alternating when merging is >_>

I don't think people here understand the concept of an on-ramp, either.

June 15th, 2010, 07:47 AM
drive 80mph on hwy 26, profit
In Georgia that will get you a freaking massive ticket. At least $200 worth if the speed limit is 65.

June 16th, 2010, 12:08 PM
ha I got my full license when I was 16

June 16th, 2010, 12:51 PM
From what I've read in this thread, you should all come to Canada and learn to drive, it's apparent that we have superior learners courses...

By the end of my driving lessons I was learning how to safely recover my vehicle from all types of mishaps, like taking corners to sharply and spinning out, power-sliding through wet road conditions and snow, etc... Driving is second nature to me now, I can just in any automatic and drive it no problem regardless of the size of vehicle, I can also park everything perfectly fine. I have no manual/stick/standard transmissions available to me to learn on however, but I "can" drive them if I have to, it's just not a very smooth sight since I probably only have maybe 20 hours on a stick.

Getting my motorcycle license in a few months here as well, then hopefully I'll be able to save up and get a used Honda Shadow Phantom (http://powersports.honda.com/2010/shadow-phantom.aspx) to learn on for around $5,000 and then start saving for a CBR 600RR (http://powersports.honda.com/2010/cbr600rr.aspx) once I'm confident that I can ride fairly well.

I've been driving since I was 14 however, once I was 16 I got my GDL license that allowed my to drive alone during the day, when I hit 18 I got my full license ASAP.

June 16th, 2010, 01:16 PM
In BC you take a knowledge test, then you get a 7L license where you need to drive with a supervisor for a year. After that time, you can take a road test to earn your 7N which lets you drive on your own but has a few restrictions. The biggest restriction is no more that 1 non-family person in the car. I'm on my 7N right now. The 7N lasts 2 years, and then you take another road test for a full class 7 license with no restrictions.

June 16th, 2010, 03:05 PM
Drove again today (2nd time with instructor so I can now 'legally' drive with my parents whenever), and it was hard as hell.

First off this instructor is the main one and he makes you feel like a piss poor driver, always telling you instructions and pointing out errors. "What did that sign say back there," a lot of the time, which I didn't pay attention to because I was too busy trying to follow some other thing he had given me. Oh, and nice job taking me through a fucking neighborhood with construction in it, all the corners were ripped up so I had to make wider turns which he then bitched about and would start to steer the wheel for me or slam the brakes. It didn't help much that I already had a heart attack since I was on a road going 40 for around 5 minutes with cars passing by at the same speed.

Then my buddy drove, and he gets shoved into a part of the neighborhood and streets where there are trees and bushes at every fucking corner. Couldn't see any cars coming, almost got hit ffs.

But I managed to have a smooth drive at least, using the very edge of my foot on the accelerator did help quite a bit, but of course I'm still not used to the bloody thing...

June 16th, 2010, 05:03 PM
Thats insane. your driving laws are retarded. one year wait or 20 hrs in car total. that should be it for basic cars.

June 16th, 2010, 07:12 PM
In BC you take a knowledge test, then you get a 7L license where you need to drive with a supervisor for a year. After that time, you can take a road test to earn your 7N which lets you drive on your own but has a few restrictions. The biggest restriction is no more that 1 non-family person in the car. I'm on my 7N right now. The 7N lasts 2 years, and then you take another road test for a full class 7 license with no restrictions.

That's the same as here, but we call it learners/restricted/full. The fines for breaking the stupid rules (no passengers without a full for two years here) on a restricted license are absurd too, around $400 per person.

June 16th, 2010, 08:05 PM
Learner(100 hours logged with a supervisor + 1 year min)/provisional1 (BA of 0, no more than 1 non-family member after 11pm -5 am I think?)/provisional 2 (don't ask me how it's different)/ open.

June 16th, 2010, 09:19 PM
That's the same as here, but we call it learners/restricted/full. The fines for breaking the stupid rules (no passengers without a full for two years here) on a restricted license are absurd too, around $400 per person.
I can't remember the numbers exactly, but fines are pretty steep here too. I think the program is pretty good because, judging by other peoples stories here, some states are obviously lacking. Dwood, they may sound insane but I know they help save lives. I know a few of people who are retarded enough to drink/get high and drive or go around with a bunch of friends joyriding. You can't stop all of them, but at least with the restrictions they have extra time to gain experience and more things deterring them from being irresponsible.

Here, if you take an ICBC-approved driving course then you can take your tests earlier. I never really bothered.

June 17th, 2010, 08:04 AM
inb4 stupid driving rules when you turn 16 and get license.

June 17th, 2010, 11:11 PM
inb4 stupid driving rules when you turn 16 and get license.

I got my license when I was 17. 1 year wait after I had my permit, which I got when I was... 15 or so, halfway through the year. I was in no hurry because I had to pay for insurance- that's kept me from doing anything crappy while driving because my rates for being a young driver are astronomical either way.

t3h m00kz
June 18th, 2010, 03:40 AM
Drive stick


June 18th, 2010, 05:08 AM
Surprisingly I have/began with an automatic. But recently I've been wanting to learn stick.

June 18th, 2010, 07:08 AM
My old man wouldn't let me drive until i learned to drive stick shift. Now i pretty much hate driving automatics unless i'm in start-stop traffic.

June 18th, 2010, 10:39 AM
I just came back from a driving lesson: I managed to turn off the engine 5 times in an intersection and my teacher was always telling me I was driving way too fast. So far I enjoy driving very much even though I greatly suck at it.

June 18th, 2010, 01:28 PM
Go to CA. Get driver's training there. Do 110 in traffic and learn to weave in and out between cars . Become an awesome driver like me and do 135 on the freeway in an suv or 120 in a compact.

Went by that CHP officer so fast he didn't get the opportunity to give chase.


ALSO: be sure to teach yourself how to recover from a hydroplane. best to do in a big mall parking lot after it rains where there aren't cars around. I did this and it has saved my ass at least 4x. My jeep began hydroplaning on the freeway while I was going 60 (hit oil and water) and was drifting sideways, and was able to regain control. I am not joking, learn how your vehicle reacts when hydroplaning. It could save you from having a very expensive accident or save your life (or someone else's for that matter).

June 18th, 2010, 04:47 PM
Went driving a 3rd time today, had the nice instructor again (she's the Softball coach, really likes giving positive feedback too). Pretty much just went into a neighborhood and practiced three-point-turns and one which is essentially the same as backing out of a driveway, but across a little intersection instead. Was actually quite easy, and I'm getting the hang of it.

If I didn't say it before, I'll say it again: that 'only just use your toe' advice is the greatest fucking advice I've ever received in a while.

June 18th, 2010, 04:53 PM
also, make your heel the pivot point for putting leverage on the accelerator. That'll afford you great amounts of control, especially combined with that "toes only" advice.

June 18th, 2010, 06:11 PM
Man I never had any fun with these drivers tests like you're having. :(
We literally drive around a closed parking lot, park the car, back it out, back up for 50 feet and some other shit totaling maybe 15 minutes? This may or may not be the reason for Florida's terrible drivers. Of course this is in addition to your usual months of driving with your parents and all that, but it is still really bad. Done with stick of course, im a 12yo girl.

On a side note, I've driven it on a road course as well. Learned quit a bit there and had lots of fun~

e: I wanted to post something else but I forgot what while reading through the thread. Also don't text, read a book, use your laptop, put both feet up on the dash while in cruise, blah blah etc. Seriously.

June 18th, 2010, 06:14 PM
PS Here you don't get taught by a driving instructor, you can get taught by anyone that has held a full license for 2 or more years. Way better being told how to do it by someone that actually knows you, apposed to some random that thinks you're a nut.

June 18th, 2010, 06:20 PM
... Way better being told how to do it by someone that actually knows you, apposed to some random that thinks you're a nut.Or someone being half awake and talking about how they've never ridden in a car like this before. :rolleyes:

June 18th, 2010, 07:23 PM
in california, the rule is that you are educated briefly by an instructor, and then from then on out practice with your parents.

June 18th, 2010, 09:14 PM
Well this is a Summer driving course at my High School, so we have varying classes where sometimes it's 2 hours a day of random non-sense, others it's 1, or we just drive for an hour with an instructor (and our buddy). About 2-3 times though we drive then have class.

So far we've only had a week and a half though, and later on it just gets to be behind the wheel with an instructor which like I said: This is a course at my High School in the summer and so the 'instructors' are people like the soft-ball coach, one of the track coaches, the main Driver's Ed guy of the school (because you can take the class for a semester in school as well, I can't though) and someone else who I can't remember. I think just a random PE teacher.

June 18th, 2010, 09:22 PM
I had a dream last night where my dad took my car and I took his Manual Truck and I went downhill really fast without switching gears. I ran off of the road twice and passed two cops whom ignored me. I was terrified. It makes me scared to drive a stick shift now. :gonk:

June 19th, 2010, 12:24 AM
I suppose if I ever need to learn stick then I will. I don't have any at my disposal, and my friends would never let me try theirs for fear that I'd damage their clutch. I guess I'm afraid I'd do that too, but it probably takes a lot of abuse to do damage.

Anyone ever had animals fucking jump out in front of you in the middle of the night? It's happened to me a few times with deer. I never came close to hitting them, but it's still a holy shit moment when you need to slam on the brakes. One time, the deer continued across my lane into the oncoming lane and this dumbass in that lane keeps on coming. It's like he can't see the brightly illuminated deer walking past the front of my car and doesn't understand why anyone would be stopped there. He clipped the deer but it didn't look injured.

June 19th, 2010, 08:02 PM
I suppose if I ever need to learn stick then I will. I don't have any at my disposal, and my friends would never let me try theirs for fear that I'd damage their clutch. I guess I'm afraid I'd do that too, but it probably takes a lot of abuse to do damage.

Anyone ever had animals fucking jump out in front of you in the middle of the night? It's happened to me a few times with deer. I never came close to hitting them, but it's still a holy shit moment when you need to slam on the brakes. One time, the deer continued across my lane into the oncoming lane and this dumbass in that lane keeps on coming. It's like he can't see the brightly illuminated deer walking past the front of my car and doesn't understand why anyone would be stopped there. He clipped the deer but it didn't look injured.
Opossums man. Those things suck and they're so hard to miss. I've had deer near the road, but none directly in front of me, thank God.

June 20th, 2010, 12:42 AM
Protip: When you see deer, come to a complete stop. There's always one more and they will do anything to keep up with the others including a mad dash into your grill.

That being said I've hit three deer, or rather, hit two and one t-boned my car while i was putting through the woods. They are that stupid. The first deer i hit was in heavy fog. The last deer i hit was crossing the highway in the middle of a strip mall area...no woods for like half a mile in any direction. fucking blew my mind. In PA there's a patch of blood on the road every 50 feet.

Llama Juice
June 20th, 2010, 04:47 AM
^I can vouch for the bloody PA roads.

I've never hit an animal with my truck... just other vehicles.

I was driving this girl home one time, and she looks out her window and there's a deer running alongside us (it was that time of year where there's heaps of deer out.. so we were driving slowish) and the deer is just running and watching us.... and ran into a fence.

June 20th, 2010, 04:56 AM
Biggest thing you're likely to encounter on any main road here is a possum. You speed up for those.

June 20th, 2010, 09:41 AM
Yeah my dad was telling me about what to do for deer on my first drive with him last Friday.
He said:
-If you see it, look behind you and if no cars, try to stop
-If there's a car behind you, go into the other lane and avoid the deer
-If there's a car in the other lane as well as behind you, mow him down.

June 20th, 2010, 11:20 AM
mow him down.

enjoy your busted headlights, grill, fenders, hood, windshield, and neckbrace if it flies into your car.

June 20th, 2010, 12:41 PM
I suppose if I ever need to learn stick then I will. I don't have any at my disposal, and my friends would never let me try theirs for fear that I'd damage their clutch. I guess I'm afraid I'd do that too, but it probably takes a lot of abuse to do damage.

The clutch is a lot like a brake lining, but in many cases much tougher. It is very unlikely you could wear it badly with a few practise sessions. Only thing I worry about (and not that much) is putting too much of a shock through the driveline after the clutch if you let off the pedal too quickly. Of course, if it's a small gasoline engine in an average commuter car, you probably won't worry about that either.

I learned to drive on an automatic. Learning to drive stick in my case seemed like it would never work. Now, I've been driving stick for about a year and I prefer it to automatic. Then again, my truck's pretty easy to drive as far as manual goes. If I drove a little car I'd probably stall it a lot.

June 20th, 2010, 01:49 PM
enjoy your busted headlights, grill, fenders, hood, windshield, and neckbrace if it flies into your car.I would think the chances of that wouldn't be as high as you'd expect.

And it's better than either going into a head-on collision with the person in the other lane, or stopping and having the person crash into my backside while completely destroying probably all of the above things you mentioned, on their car.

June 20th, 2010, 04:15 PM
deers are pretty much known to fuck up cars that hit them.

June 20th, 2010, 06:31 PM
Driving wasn't my problem when I took the test. It was the parallel parking that was my problem. I failed twice because the first time, I hit the cones. Second time, I forgot to look over my shoulder while pulling AWAY from the curb.

Third time was awesome though. Homeboy didn't even look out the window to see if I was parallel parked properly. He was too busy telling me some story about he and his buddies in canada and a drunk frenchman. o__O

June 20th, 2010, 10:11 PM
My driving test guy was a marine veteran who was studying to become a 3D modeler. Pretty much the best surveyor ever.

Oh, and I didn't have to parallel park :)

June 21st, 2010, 08:19 AM
I would think the chances of that wouldn't be as high as you'd expect..

they tend to jump right at the last second. it's instinctual. they do that when you shoot them with a gun as well. if you still doubt put on your physics hat and do some math: 80-200lb animal hit by 2000lb car taveling at 0-120mph...yea. also, any driver following you should be far enough back to come to a complete stop if you suddenly stop your car. Any time you rear-end another vehicle, it's your fault and your liable.

but yea, sometimes you have no choice but to hit them. it's just really dangerous and expensive.

Llama Juice
June 25th, 2010, 09:16 AM
When my mom hit a deer with her car it flew straight up... if she was in the situation you're describing it woulda landed and fucked up the car behind her as well.

That being said, when it comes to hunting season I don't drive often, and when my dad drives he takes the Snow Plow truck. Deer lose against the plow.

June 25th, 2010, 11:51 AM
Rule of thumb: If you're going to hit a deer, and it's unavoidable, just speed up, and don't swerve. If you hit the breaks, the front end of the car will lower, and the deer will come through the windshield, most likely killing you and your passenger. If you speed up, it'll either hit the front end and slip under, or pop up and over the windshield.

June 26th, 2010, 11:55 AM
Don't speed up. Hit the breaks but release them right before you hit the deer so the front of the car comes up.

June 26th, 2010, 01:10 PM
Keep talking about how you're going to hit a deer and survive not have a busted up car.

June 26th, 2010, 10:33 PM
Well sorry I haven't taken physics yet and the only science I know is a basic/moderate understanding of Biology.

So yesterday they showed us a video of someone driving along and a deer popped in front of them. They obviously had to hit it (there was no time to react) and all that really happened was the car shook a bit and blood splattered onto the windshield. Deer flew off to the side, but it wasn't a full-size one. That's all they had on deers though, didn't tell us shit about what to do.

Thanks for informing me of my real options, I've probably learned more from this thread and gotten better at driving by reading it than I would have if I solely just paid attention to class >_>

June 27th, 2010, 07:35 AM
Once saw a Pigeon fly straight into a a window of a bus going the other way, pretty nasty sight.
Limited can vouch for me when I say Pigeons are possibly the most stupid animal you will ever see.

June 27th, 2010, 07:52 AM
220 km/h...a whole another world. Also drive stick.

Don't speed up. Hit the breaks but release them right before you hit the deer so the front of the car comes up.

Con is right. Also don't try to steer away and head on.

June 27th, 2010, 05:58 PM
Once saw a Pigeon fly straight into a a window of a bus going the other way, pretty nasty sight.
Limited can vouch for me when I say Pigeons are possibly the most stupid animal you will ever see.

Well aware of this. In Charleston pigeons will eat to the point where they can't fly. When I vacationed down there I started chasing an entire flock, they couldn't fly away because they're so fat. It's actually rather funny to see 20+ pigeons waddle away in terror.

July 5th, 2010, 09:13 PM
I have a full license (only learned auto transmission though) that lets me operate a passenger vehicle with no restrictions, but no car of my own till I graduate from school and get a job and my own life. I'm going to apply for a Canadian driver's license (Ontario) in the meantime from scratch when I go back to school after summer, since it's pretty useful government-issued ID that I can use for other processes (and thus not have to carry around my passport all the time). It should be pretty easy to pass the test considering the enormous difference in driving courtesy between North America and the Middle East :P.

July 5th, 2010, 10:19 PM
With all this chit chatter about what to do in a situation if you were about to hit a car, the fact that probably none of you have personally been in that situation yet still want to hurl advice out of your arses.

I was lucky when I hit a deer, it was pitch black and I was driving back from hospital between my town and the next town. The road is the main road, however as I live in the countryside its surrounded by fields and whatnot. I saw the deer pretty much in middle of road, I had swerved to try and miss it, didnt even touch the brakes, there was no time. The deer hit the front right wing of the car (drivers side) and cracked it, bounce off it and smashed into the side pillar, narrowly missing careering into the windscreen, smashed off the side wingmirror.

The fact that I saved my life and the lifes of my family is completely down to my sheer reactions, I'd say I caught a glimpse of the head about 8 foot in front of me, traveling at 60~mph.

My sister hit a deer traveling around 35, it wrote her Mini off, she had one of those deer whistles you put on the front of your car, didnt do jack shit but she slammed the breaks on and that saved the deer flying through the widescreen, she hit it full on.

July 6th, 2010, 04:55 PM
I have discovered handbrake turns. None who enter my 4-cylinder 1995 Civic are safe any longer.

Edit: Huh, apparently my car really isn't that bad. I just looked it up for kicks, and it's equipped with a VTEC system and outputs 125HP. Pleasant surprises abound. I guess I'm just upshifting too early.

July 6th, 2010, 05:15 PM
Yeah, 125HP brand new...

July 6th, 2010, 08:55 PM
What kind of deer are they where you are Limited? I only ever saw big red deer in Scotland.
The deer in Canada are a lot smaller, red deer are comparable in size to elk here.

July 6th, 2010, 10:44 PM
I have discovered handbrake turns. None who enter my 4-cylinder 1995 Civic are safe any longer.

Edit: Huh, apparently my car really isn't that bad. I just looked it up for kicks, and it's equipped with a VTEC system and outputs 125HP. Pleasant surprises abound. I guess I'm just upshifting too early.

Aww, I've never driven a vehicle where I could pull off a handbrake turn (drove a 1995 Civic automatic actually, but it was the driving school's :) ). Also, even if your engine's a bit worn and isn't producing quite 125HP, that's still pretty respectable for a car that size. My truck's almost 8,000lbs empty and it's rated at 190 brake horsepower. It'll still push me back in the seat in the first couple of gears ;)

July 7th, 2010, 12:12 AM
Aww, I've never driven a vehicle where I could pull off a handbrake turn (drove a 1995 Civic automatic actually, but it was the driving school's :) ). Also, even if your engine's a bit worn and isn't producing quite 125HP, that's still pretty respectable for a car that size. My truck's almost 8,000lbs empty and it's rated at 190 brake horsepower. It'll still push me back in the seat in the first couple of gears ;)
My car'll only push me back in the seat if I take the RPM up near redline in each of the lower gears. I've been in gas saving mode for so long, I've gotten used to upshifting as soon as i can without lugging the engine, which means every time the needle gets to 2500rpm or so

Also you can handbrake turn in an automatic, just shift to neutral before pulling the brake, then kick it back into drive when you start sliding to control your direction.

July 7th, 2010, 08:24 AM
Just a bit bigger than the one on the right, although it didnt have antlers, as for reference, the smallest of those deer is about the size of a badger. It was a good 3 and a half feet tall.

Exam you don't want to upshift too early otherwise you lose the high revs that are matched with the speed. Your selected gear should match your speed, say you got 20 mph and wack it in 5th, you will chug the engine and stall, because your not going fast enough. I change gear to 5th in my car around 45 ~ 50 mph, unless I'm overtaking, acceleration in 5th is very slow (and on purpose).

July 7th, 2010, 02:26 PM
Exam you don't want to upshift too early otherwise you lose the high revs that are matched with the speed. Your selected gear should match your speed, say you got 20 mph and wack it in 5th, you will chug the engine and stall, because your not going fast enough. I change gear to 5th in my car around 45 ~ 50 mph, unless I'm overtaking, acceleration in 5th is very slow (and on purpose).
But that's... exactly what I do? I didn't mean that I went straight to fifth or skipped any gears.

July 7th, 2010, 02:57 PM
Drove around on higher speed roads today (which I've already done plenty of times before, even with them, so it wasn't a big deal).

Only thing different today though was...
What the fuck is wrong with people, use your fucking turn signals when you're coming into my lane to go 20 over the speed limit (MPH) god damn :ugh:

July 10th, 2010, 01:55 PM
Also you can handbrake turn in an automatic, just shift to neutral before pulling the brake, then kick it back into drive when you start sliding to control your direction.

Oh, I know it's possible. My one friend has a 1967 Chevrolet Beaumont station wagon with a 3-speed automatic in it; he used to do tons of hand-brake turns in that boat. My point is that I wasn't going to try it in the Civic I was driving because it was the driving school's with the driving instructor in the passenger seat.

Certainly couldn't do one in my truck, though. The parking brake barely holds it on level ground and some moron "fixed" it by replacing the adjustment bracket with a generic bracket, so there's no way to fix it without taking the whole thing apart and installing a new adjuster.

July 11th, 2010, 03:51 AM
My handbrake isn't strong enough to slide reliably on pavement, I've only gotten it to really work well on dirt so far.

July 12th, 2010, 04:54 PM
You can't really use JUST your handbrake for any kind of reliable slides, there's a lot more to it involving throttle control as well.

Power slides are much more fun than handbrake slides anyhow, it's so satisfying to use nothing but the power of your engine to cause your back tires to start spinning and lose traction. Went to a track day at a racetrack near here last year and they happened to have an opt-in course teaching you to power slide, great fun.

July 12th, 2010, 09:54 PM
You know what drives me crazy during the daytime though? Stray and neighbors' cats and dogs. I'm always freaking out that one of them will jet behind my car and I won't see them at the last second. Basically, if I did that, I'd be unemployed until I found an actual job (which would be after College).

July 13th, 2010, 12:17 AM
You can't really use JUST your handbrake for any kind of reliable slides, there's a lot more to it involving throttle control as well.

Power slides are much more fun than handbrake slides anyhow, it's so satisfying to use nothing but the power of your engine to cause your back tires to start spinning and lose traction. Went to a track day at a racetrack near here last year and they happened to have an opt-in course teaching you to power slide, great fun.
power slides are great if you have a rear wheel drive car. Otherwise, not really. It's a different process in a front wheel drive car, you have to manage every single pedal, the wheel and the handbrake within a timespan of about a second. It would be nice to have a third leg or something but what are you gonna do.

July 13th, 2010, 06:58 PM
You can't really use JUST your handbrake for any kind of reliable slides, there's a lot more to it involving throttle control as well.

No one said a hand brake slide was reliable.

Power slides are much more fun

Can't disagree with that, though my experience is mostly restricted to fishtailing.