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View Full Version : Can anyone help me with this script?

June 16th, 2010, 09:22 AM
As some know, I'm working on command lists. However, I've hit a tiny (and obnoxious) road black with making a warthog run with you as the gunner. I can get the command list working just fine, but with the exception of using a Trig (i hate to because the AI driver never gets in the right spot), I can't have the command lists start when I get into the gunner's seat. So here's my question:

What script would I use to detect the player getting in the gunner's seat?

Ex: I walk over to the warthog, I get into the gunner's seat, the script detects me in the seat, and the command list for the driver begins.

If you can help with this, not only will the result be MUCH prettier, but at the same time I'll put you in the credits of the master release (more about that July 7th) for this side-project I've been working on.

June 16th, 2010, 12:10 PM
15 second search in HS_Doc

(vehicle_test_seat_list <vehicle> <string> <object_list>)

tests whether the named seat has an object in the object list

(vehicle_test_seat <vehicle> <string> <unit>)

tests whether the named seat has a specified unit in it

(ai_command_list <ai> <ai_command_list>)

tells a group of actors to begin executing the specified command list

(ai_command_list_by_unit <unit> <ai_command_list>)

tells a named unit to begin executing the specified command list

(ai_command_list_advance <ai>)

tells a group of actors that are running a command list that they may advance further along the list (if they are waiting for a stimulus)

(ai_command_list_advance_by_unit <unit>)

just like ai_command_list_advance but operates upon a unit instead
I've used all of these in the past for similar scripts.


(vehicle_test_seat HogWart W-Driver (unit (list_get (players) 0 ) ) )

June 16th, 2010, 12:36 PM
Thanks, I was using HSC Doc but couldn't figure out how to properly script it in, but I got the script from someone else before I could log in to lock this. Thanks anyways, you're contribution will be posted in the credits.