View Full Version : Toy Story 3 - SPOILER ALERT

June 19th, 2010, 12:38 AM
Image "borrowed" from SlashFilms.com (http://www.slashfilm.com/wp/wp-content/images/toy-story-3-trailer-2a.jpg)

Let me just start of by saying that I grew up with Toy Story; I was only two-years-old when the original Toy Story was released back in 1995, and four when Toy Story 2 was released in 1999. Ever since I first laid my eyes on these Disney/Pixar film, they have always had a special place in my heart.

When I learned a few years back that there was talks of a third installment in the series, I was hysterical. Honestly, two movie would have been fine with me, but I was really interested in seeing where they were going to go with a third Toy Story. However, when I first heard about the original plot for Toy Story 3, I was a bit skeptical at first. For those that don't know what the original plot was, I'll let Wikipedia sum it up for you:
"Jim Herzfeld wrote a script for Circle 7's version of the film. It focused on the other toys shipping a malfunctioning Buzz to Taiwan, where he was built, believing that he will be fixed there. While searching on the Internet, they find out that many more Buzz Lightyear toys are malfunctioning around the world and the company has issued a massive recall. Fearing Buzz's destruction, a group of Andy's toys (Woody, Rex, Slinky, Mr. Potato Head, Hamm, Jessie, and Bullseye) venture to rescue Buzz. At the same time Buzz meets other toys from around the world that were once loved but have now been recalled." (Source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toy_Story_3#Development))

After hearing this, I honestly felt disappointed; not only because of this lackluster plot, but also partly because Pixar wouldn't be developing this film. Things were looking like they were taking a turn for the worst. Until everything changed, that is.

A few years later, and things took a turn for the better; Pixar was now developing the film and the plot changed significantly. The plot was now being deveopled around an idea brought up in Toy Story 2 which basically stated "what would happen when Andy grows up?" Well, Andy is now seventeen-years-old in Toy Story 3, and is soon off to collage. Seeing as he is now older, and more mature, he no longer has any use for his old toys like Woody, Buzz, Rex, and many other memorable ones. Andy decides he'll store them in the attic, but things take a turn for the worst and they end up being donated to Sunnyside Daycare. I'll describe more of the plot in point form when I actually review the movie below.

The Best:

An Emotional Ride From Start to Finish: If this film doesn't bring tears to your eyes by the end, there is something wrong with you... you monster! The movie starts off with a retrospective look at Andy and his Toys and how much fun they used to share together. Coupled with Randy Newman's classic, "You've Got a Friend in Me," it's a touching moment, especially for those that have followed the series over the past 15 years. Once we see Andy all grown up, it's almost heart-wrenching; he no longer seems to care about his (read: our) favorite toys anymore and it really gets to you. Andy even goes so far as to call his toys junk and worthless. It get's to you because these are the toys that many grew up with; not only through Toy Story, but for some in real life as well. By the end of the movie though, Andy learns just how special his toys are to him and they way the portrayed that in the film is beautiful - to say the least.
A Villain You'll Feel Almost Sorry For: The main villian in Toy Story 3, is the soft, cuddly, strawberry-scented teddy, Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear. When first introduced in the film, he seems like a nice, lovable character. Once the plot gets into the nitty-gritty though, you'll find that Lots-O' isn't what you though he was; he becomes a devious, back-stabbing villain who you would like nothing more but to see the stuffing ripped out of his finally stitched body. He does, however, have an interesting past that may make you reconsider those malicious thoughts of yours - that is, if you really want to.
It's Comedy...: There are plenty of laughs in this movie, especially for the adults. The movie provides a well-executed balance of emotion and refreshing, comedic relief throughout - most of which younger children may not understand (I.E Barbie noticing Ken's ass-cot). This movie does have its share of childish jokes as well - Lincoln Logs being compared to poop, and the sticking of toy parts where they should not be stuck - and because of this, is able to keep the kids watching throughout the movie, even though they probably don't care enough to pay attention to the plot of the film. Also, a Spanish Buzz Lightyear... enough said?

The Worst:

...And Tragedy: There are very few returning characters in this film, and I thought that was very disappointing. In the beginning of the film, Woody states that most of Andy's toys have either been sold or put into the attic over the years (Bo Peep and Wheezy were named as being gone in the film. RC Car is no where to be seen in this movie either, sadly; not even a mention of him). Also, Zurg is not in this movie either, but then again that doesn't really matter as he has nothing to do with the story. The limited amount of returning characters in this film work, however; if there were anymore, the film would have had too many characters to keep track of and could have potentially caused the film to lose focus.
Some New, Boring Toys: When the toys finally end up at Sunnyside Daycare, they are welcomed by many new toys. Many of these new toys are uninteresting (Stretch the Jelly Octopus, for example) and serve no real purpose to the plot. This is more of a nitpicking or an opinion point, however.

Overall, Toy Story 3 is an amazing sequel for an amazing series. It is hopefully to be seen as a warm and touching ending to a childhood favorite. They have left it open for a potential sequel I guess, but it really wouldn't be worth making in my opinion. I'd rather let Toy Story 3 complete the special space in my heart.

Also, if you haven't done so already, I'd highly recommend getting Toy Story and Toy Story 2 and Blu-Ray as they are amazing in High Definition and are a pair of great movies to own.


June 19th, 2010, 03:58 AM

I adored the movie. I was seven years old when Toy Story first came out, and it was one of the very first movies I saw at the movie theatre. The series holds a really special place in my heart, so my sister and I decided to go to the drive-in movie theatre to experience it.

I thought they paced the film really well. They had just the right amount of nail-biting moments (I'm glad I was in the privacy of my car because I was shouting at some parts), mixed with the comic relief of the ever metrosexual Ken (come on... his little "dress up" montage had me dying with laughter). They would put you right on the edge of your seat, and give you just the feeling you needed after being under all that suspense.

I hated Lots-O because as much as I sympathized with his story, it made me angry that he was never redeemed. He had been replaced, and he never wanted to feel that way again. So when NEW toys came to the day-care, he put them in the most destructive room so that he would never be replaced again. And even at the end, when all the toys were on that garbage chute heading into the incinerator, I REALLY thought Lots-O was going to come through, after Woody and Buzz saved him from being shredded up. Also, I just want to note..... WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT CREEPY BABY AND MONKEY. Oh my god. If I was a kid I would've pissed my pants.

This film felt so much more "grown up" than the previous one, not just because of how long it's been since the last film. There were some parts where I turned to my sister and said, "Boy, that's just grim."

I admit, I cried, HEAVILY, at the ending. When I saw all the toys get into the "attic" box, and Woody crawled into the box for college, I was REALLY praying that Pixar wouldn't do this sort of thing to us. The ending was absolutely perfect. All the toys got a one last playing with from Andy, who realized how much he loved his old toys just as he was faced with letting them go. It evokes feelings that we've all had at some time in our life--about letting go of people and things that we love.

I'd give it a 10/10. It was beautifully executed.

June 20th, 2010, 06:43 PM
Let me just start of by saying that I grew up with Toy Story; I was only two-years-old when the original Toy Story was released back in 1995, and four when Toy Story 2 was released in 1999.
How'd you work that one out?
I was about 8 at the time of toy story, seen the first two film's but for some odd reason the third one just doesn't seem to interest me as much.

June 20th, 2010, 06:59 PM
How'd you work that one out?
I was about 8 at the time of toy story, seen the first two film's but for some odd reason the third one just doesn't seem to interest me as much.
Oops, I put four because I was thinking about the years between the two movies :p So yeah, I would have been six.

Also, when you say that the third one doesn't interest you, are you saying that as a person who hasn't seen it yet? If so, I'd highly recommend you go see it, regardless of how you fell. You will enjoy it.

June 20th, 2010, 07:01 PM
If you don't cry or laugh in this movie, you have no soul. "plays with original buzz lightyear"

June 20th, 2010, 07:23 PM
Also, when you say that the third one doesn't interest you, are you saying that as a person who hasn't seen it yet? If so, I'd highly recommend you go see it, regardless of how you fell. You will enjoy it.

I've not seen it, but when I say I'm not too interested it's more of a case of I've grown away from toy story and most films as a whole.
These days I don't really watch too many film's, although toy story has a little nostalgia to it the time between the latest and the past film has had too much of a gap for me to feel inclined to watch it.

June 20th, 2010, 08:08 PM
I watched it today and gotta say i DID feel bad for lotso

laughed at the scene with "ken" in the highheels and bookworm just going "meh"

also totoro stuffed animal is lulzy shame id didn't have any lines or when he spoke it was just japanese with subtitles ala spanish buzz lightyear

June 20th, 2010, 08:35 PM
6 of my friends and I went to see it Friday. It is one of the best movies I've ever seen. There's not much to be said that haven't been said in this thread already. It is a very emotionally moving movie.

This movie, to me, is better than the first 2, best trilogy (maybe 2nd best, can't decide).

Rob Oplawar
June 20th, 2010, 09:17 PM
Just saw it today. I loved it, but I have to say, it was really dark for a Toy Story. There were some very small (2 years old ish) kids sitting next to me who got so upset they burst into tears at the point where the baby doll threw lotso into the dumpster, and I have to say, I pretty much agreed with them. There were some really upsettingly scary and sad parts. Idk, you can make an argument that two years old is too young to see anything other than teletubbies, but I was a little bit shocked.

Still, like I said, I loved it.

June 20th, 2010, 10:03 PM
Hi this movie was amazing, that will be all, thank you.

June 20th, 2010, 11:54 PM
Amazing movie, brought back so many memories. Made me tear a bit during the sad parts
The holding hands scene at the land fill got to me.

June 22nd, 2010, 10:13 AM
I don't remember my silver buzz lightyear.

June 22nd, 2010, 11:36 PM
I saw the movie again yesterday and I made a startling connection:
The garbage man at the beginning of the film might possibly be Sid from the original Toy Story. I say this due to his black shirt with a white skull on it.
After making that connection, I Googled it and came across this page filled with easter eggs/tidbits hidden in Toy Story 3. It's actually quite interesting and kind of makes you want to see the film another time to spot them for yourself.


June 24th, 2010, 11:23 PM
Ok the end of Toy Story 3 grabbed at me. It's really a sad movie. Pretty dark but not what I was expecting. I thoroughly enjoyed that wonderful pixar movie. I think they could have added about 20 more minutes to the movie to help add some more dimension to lots-o but all in all I give it 4.5 stars..

June 26th, 2010, 12:21 AM
Amazing film, felt my eyes watering a few times T_T

Gotta love how all audiences can enjoy it, there were kids, teenagers and adults in my theater.

Makes it even better when at the part Woody called them all selfish, this one little kid audibly asked "What does 'selfish' mean?" in the moments following. Everyone started laughing, it was great although Woody was starting to stalk out.

June 26th, 2010, 12:23 AM
I saw this today. It's really a GREAT movie. At times it gets pretty dark... but Pixar is amazingly creative. 4 / 4

June 26th, 2010, 11:52 AM
Coming back from the dead for a moment (you guys are still on my homepage lol). Definitely, this is one of my favorite movies. Pixar really took this movie to the brink. I haven't seen many other Pixar movies lately (I heard Up was emotional too) but it did seem a bit far (dark) for them. I'm glad they took the risk. They knew their audience. It was made for us: the kids who saw it when they were 8 and who are now in their 20's. They thought it through well. The incinerator scene really got to me. For a second I really thought this might be how it ends. But I kept screaming in my head: "This is a kid's movie, they can't kill them off!" while gripping my seat. Then, them accepting their fate as they join hands together - truly heart wrenching. And their timing is perfect. Right after they drop the biggest climax onto you and essentially scare the crap out of you, they come back with a save and some comedic relief: "THE CLAAAAAW". They did the same with the ending. Bringing you to tears: the end of a series, the emotional attachment between a once boy and his toys, and the final goodbye: "So long partner". Then they come back with some more jokes to leave you laughing at the very end with Heterosexual Ken writing the letter, thinking it was Barbie. lol The movie was amazingly executed, well thought out, and definitely worth the 11 year wait. They even kept THAT continuity. In Toy story 2, Andy was about 8. Plus 11 years. That's about college time. Pixar, if you ever top this movie I will be surprised. 10/10

Speaking of easter eggs, the scene where the baby threw Lotso in the garbage can was a spoof off Star Wars VI. When Darth Vader threw the Emperor into the abyss.

June 27th, 2010, 12:04 AM
Saw the movie today, and I really liked it. However, disregarding what some may say about standard plot formula and what-not, anyone who didn't see Lots-O being the bad guy the moment he was introduced must have missed Toy Story 2, when they did the exact same thing. I felt that was a shame. Also, the theater I was in was split about 50/50 between families with kids, and young adults. Everybody loves this movie.

June 27th, 2010, 10:48 AM
Holy crap, I never knew about the references they made to other movies in Toy Story 3! Awesome movie, loved Buzz's Hispanic mode

July 3rd, 2010, 02:25 AM

Like 4 times.

E: Grew up with toy story, and used to play with my toys just like Andy. I still have a few of them and I am 17, and going to college soon. It was awesome to watch this.

Llama Juice
July 3rd, 2010, 06:09 PM
There are very few returning characters in this film, and I thought that was very disappointing. In the beginning of the film, Woody states that most of Andy's toys have either been sold or put into the attic over the years (Bo Peep and Wheezy were named as being gone in the film. RC Car is no where to be seen in this movie either, sadly; not even a mention of him). Also, Zurg is not in this movie either, but then again that doesn't really matter as he has nothing to do with the story.

Zurg actually made an appearance at the end in a box of donated toys to the daycare.

Anyhow, saw this movie like a week ago with my sister and her fiance.... and yea.. pretty much from the point where they were about to go in the incinerator to the end I was holding back tears... then at the end my sister looked over at me after I sniffled and laughed at me for crying.... even though her and her fiance were both crying.

The movie was absolutely amazing, if for some reason you still haven't seen it, you should be beheaded. 'nuff said.

Also, who else saw it in 3D?

July 4th, 2010, 12:15 AM
Zurg actually made an appearance at the end in a box of donated toys to the daycare.

Anyhow, saw this movie like a week ago with my sister and her fiance.... and yea.. pretty much from the point where they were about to go in the incinerator to the end I was holding back tears... then at the end my sister looked over at me after I sniffled and laughed at me for crying.... even though her and her fiance were both crying.

The movie was absolutely amazing, if for some reason you still haven't seen it, you should be beheaded. 'nuff said.

Also, who else saw it in 3D?
I did, also, cried at the same part.
And when they mentioned about Bo Peep.
And when Andy gave them away, but played with them once more.
And when she asked for Woody and he got all dramatic.
And many other times.

July 5th, 2010, 12:59 AM
Was the 3D really worth it?

I saw it in 2D and it didn't take away from the story..

July 5th, 2010, 04:47 PM
I liked how it ended the way the first one started, the blue cloudy wallpaper.

I also really really enjoyed the theme too. Obviously parallel to current real world circumstances. The lower rung of society taking all the beatings, living in "the other room" the big guys roaming around doing whatever they wanted, controlling, meeting in secret in the vending machine, interrogation. Shit, you even had fucking mind control and detention centers, with Buzz and the toy crates. "The monkey on the security system" was a nice touch too.

Was pretty unexpected actually. Almost a little message of hope. If I didn't know any better judging by the theme and progression of the movie, Pixar are massive conspiracy nutjobs too. Barbie had an interesting line at one point too, confirming what I've just said. Huge amounts of respect to Pixar. Though, Wall E was another jab at things, not in the same light as this though. More on the wastage and laziness of society.

Honestly, Pixar are the fucking masters. I nearly cried about 3 times, and that hasn't happened in a movie in a long ass time. Anyone who compares that bullshit that is Dreamworks to them is a fucking moron.

Madagascar? Shrek? Ice Age? How to Train Your Dragon? Please.

Not only do they have strapped for cash hollywood star studded casts, shit writing and little to no thought about the flow of a story, but the animation and "CG" quality is terrible. In a dreamworks movie you can actually see the polies. That, and Dreamworks made Madagascar, the shittest movie I've seen. They were also vile enough to make a fucking sequel to that piece of shit.

In contrast, Pixars movies, every single dam frame is an artwork you could put on your wall. I shit you not. Every. Frame.

The only slightly meh Pixar movie, is Cars, and even that, had it's charm. On the outside, it looked like a pretty urgh kind of setting, but they pulled it off. Same thing as Ratatouille. I had my doubts, as with Cars, but was blown the fuck away.

Toy Story, A Bugs Life (that Ants movie was complete fucking shit, do not compare it) Ratatouille, Finding Nemo, Wall E, Up.

Dreamworks don't even compare. And don't forget, Dreamworks was nothing more than your everyday film group before pixar came along. Then Hollywood decided they needed their own Pixar.

Oh also, Pixars artists are real industry fucking gurus. Dreamworks artists and tech and teams are no doubt most likely chinese slave labour or something.

tl;dr, Pixar are yet to make an even slightly shit movie. I just can't see it happening, not from people with that much care and consideration to the quality of what they do.

July 5th, 2010, 10:25 PM
I liked how to train your dragon.

July 6th, 2010, 12:33 AM
^ I am disappoint.

HTTYD doesn't have shit compared to anything Pixar has done. Ever.

July 6th, 2010, 12:36 AM
Since when was Ratatouille good?

Seriously that movie sucks.

July 6th, 2010, 02:23 AM
Since when was Ratatouille good?

Seriously that movie sucks.
How so?

July 6th, 2010, 02:42 AM
I liked it.

July 6th, 2010, 02:52 AM
Heathen do you like everything?

Ratatouille was okay.

July 6th, 2010, 11:44 AM
Pixar has top notch movies IMHO. Dreamworks is meh.

July 11th, 2010, 05:27 PM
Watched this with my flatmates last night, I'm pretty sure my inner child died when the film ended. I really enjoyed it, but there's no way it deserves to be #6 on IMDB's top 250.

July 18th, 2010, 02:10 PM
Saw this in 3D, and loved it. Definitely shed a few tears at the ending. I saw it again in 2D at the drive in, and didn't really miss the 3D, but it was cool when it was there. Now I really want to go back and watch the whole trilogy again.

August 22nd, 2010, 07:13 AM
I almost cried too at the ending! Great movie, saw in 3D.

// The first movie was my childhood favorite.

August 22nd, 2010, 09:10 AM
The first movies were my favorites as a kid. I still watch almost every animated movie that comes out now, but this movie didn't do much for me.

Llama Juice
August 22nd, 2010, 10:40 AM
That's because you don't have a soul.

August 22nd, 2010, 09:13 PM
anyone else notice that hilarious cool hand luke spoof?

August 23rd, 2010, 12:24 AM
I really enjoyed it, but there's no way it deserves to be #6 on IMDB's top 250.
OMG you are right. What has IMDB become...

I haven't watched it yet but I am sure this is a decent movie. Though I am not fond of these forever going on sequels like Shrek etc. They should just make 2 movies at most and then stop there.

Llama Juice
August 23rd, 2010, 08:57 AM
Yea, I hate how often companies make another sequel a decade after the others, clearly it was done only for money and they didn't put any thought into the story or anything. Every time this happens I go to the theater and am horribly upset by how rushed the film was and how obviously it was done just for the quick buck.

August 23rd, 2010, 09:08 AM
I agree but Patrick you should know that this is not a movie like that. This one finishes the story, and does it well.

August 24th, 2010, 11:45 PM
I would like to note that Pixar wanted to leave the story as it was but Disney or whoever owned half of the company was going to do it without Pixar.... so guess what they did? Pixar said they didn't want to butcher it so they made the movies. (#2 was that way, at least)