View Full Version : What are your favorite single player games/mods?

July 12th, 2010, 07:54 PM
Peoples of Modacity, what are your favorite single player games or campaigns to larger games? You're free to include mods for things like Source/Unreal/etc as well.

I ask this because, well...
Multiplayer has really become a bore to me, everything is just repetitive and nothing new and innovating has come out or is going to come out. So now I'm turning towards Single Player games now-a-days, but the thing is I'm not really sure what kinds of things to get so I'm seeing what kinds of things you guys play. Perhaps I'll pick one up/download the mod.

July 12th, 2010, 08:42 PM
Metro 2033 is interesting to play, story is incredible (the book is better) and the gameplay is decent. Speaking of which, Cryostasis (that rossmum likes) kinda reminds me of Metro 2033, haven't played it yet, but I hear it's mostly story driven so if you like that, go for it.

Mods, mods, mods...

July 12th, 2010, 08:44 PM
All Halo Games
Half Life
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Duke Nukem 3-D
Need For Speed Games
Others I can't currently think of...

July 12th, 2010, 08:50 PM
really enjoyed Tron 2.0

also Oni and both KotOR games, though TSL is better than K1

July 12th, 2010, 08:52 PM
Gentlemen, Bioshock.

July 12th, 2010, 08:52 PM
Metro 2033Damn! I had completely forgotten about this game! I'll try to go pick it up when I can, or if it's M, whenever my brother feels like coming with me to get it.

Gentlemen, Bioshock.Have on computer, started playing now, fun.

July 12th, 2010, 10:50 PM
Anything made by Bethesda with the words Elder or Fallout in them.

July 13th, 2010, 12:09 AM
Anything made by Bethesda with the words Elder or Fallout in them.

Beautiful games. Great stories too.

July 13th, 2010, 12:12 AM

July 13th, 2010, 01:46 AM
If you have an internet connection, this. The game has a great story line and you definitely do not HAVE to group/fellowship with anyone to reach the level cap. However there are a few instances along the epic story that require you to group up for a few quests per epic story.

July 13th, 2010, 02:43 AM
mass effect 1+2

1 is good, and have moments of brilliance.
2 is just fuckwin.
so very much fuckwin.

July 13th, 2010, 11:14 AM
I actually had the Mass Effect 2 Demo downloading from Steam as I was making this thread :iamafag:

July 13th, 2010, 11:25 AM
+1 for Mass Effect games and Bethsheda made games

Assassin's creed series are also good games. GTA4 can be a blast too.

July 13th, 2010, 12:42 PM
Let's see..

I've played through the campaign at least 14 times.

The Area* signle player maps for Halo CE.



Metro 2033.

July 13th, 2010, 12:45 PM
World of Goo!

July 13th, 2010, 12:59 PM
World of Goo!Played it, loved it, best game ever.

Great music
Great gameplay
Fun story

NOT A REALITY SIMULATOR :D (except for the 'physics')
+Rep for mentioning

July 13th, 2010, 01:10 PM
Halo 1 :realsmug:, tbh it was more fun on the xbox when I first saw it and didn't know anything about it and played it. Reminds me I should play it right now for kicks.

July 13th, 2010, 08:00 PM
Audiosurf is a fun game to play once in awhile, especially if you have lots of upbeat music, even if you like the music you listen to once in awhile.

July 14th, 2010, 12:11 AM
Metro 2033 is interesting to play, story is incredible (the book is better) and the gameplay is decent. Speaking of which, Cryostasis (that rossmum likes) kinda reminds me of Metro 2033, haven't played it yet, but I hear it's mostly story driven so if you like that, go for it.

Mods, mods, mods...

Penumbra series, Assassins creed 2, I've been having fun with Alien Breed Impact, and ARMA 2.

July 14th, 2010, 01:53 AM
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are both amazing games, if you can find them.

The Metal Gear Solid series are fantastic, though be prepared to sit through some longer than needed cutscenes. Though I would play them in order if possible if you want to get the most out of (and understand) the mindfucking plot.

Any main series Marios (Absolutely loving Galaxy 2 at the moment), Zeldas or Metroids are fun. There really aren't any 'bad' games in those series.

As for open world games there's GTAIV, but some other good ones include Saint's Row 2, Just Cause 2, Crackdown and the last gen GTA's are still fun now (Vice CIty is still my favourite of all of them).

July 14th, 2010, 11:45 AM
I really enjoyed both of the F.E.A.R games.

July 14th, 2010, 12:27 PM
final fantasy 6, if you want to go back to snes days. first final fantasy i ever played. its not too difficult to pick up and play, as long as you pay attention to the dialog. the story line is awesome (hint: celes = best character ever)

still in the snes era, all of the donkey kong countries kicked ass, then after that move up to n64 with donkey kong 64. holy shit that game eclipsed my entire childhood.

and if youre still bored after that, play zelda 3 on snes (a link to the past). great-ass game. then move on to zelda ocarina of time, and THEN play majoras mask. because it is more or less a direct sequal that has little to nothing to do with ocarina of time, lol. after majoras mask, if youre willing to go back to 2d, play zelda oracle of seasons and oracle of ages. i say play it after oot and mm, because oracle of ages/seasons draws concepts from oot and mm that are interesting to see adapted to the gameboy style. if you play them on an emulator, i recommend visual boy advance
theres a secret shop that only opens if youre playing the games on a gameboy advance, since they are both gameboy color games
oh and at some point you might want to play links awakening too. thats another gameboy game, but if you play it, make sure to download the DX version, because that one is in color.

oh and if youre STILL bored after that, play the banjo kajooie series on n64. i had that as a kid, and just recently started up banjo kazooie on p64 and 100%ed the game. its not incredibly challenging, but its fun and funny. banjo and tooie is fricking great too. kazooie's lines just keep getting funnier throughout the whole game.

if youre looking for something more modern, red dead redemption is fucking awesome. best sp iv played in a long time. in my opinion, its on par with bioshock a far as the story goes. its not as deep as bioshock's story line, but the character development is excellent, and the game doesnt just end at the climax of the game. its got some hilarious moments too.

if youre going to play fable, i recommend getting the lost chapters, because its kind of the the early version of DLC. fable the lost chapters just adds more weapons to the game, and extends the gameplay by a few hours (not to mention makes it a bit harder than the original too). alot of people look down on fable 2 since its kind of really different from fable 1, but i liked fable 2. granted it has alot of gitches (no seriously, it glitches alot), iv never run into anything game breaking. the gameplay is different than fable 1 in that you have guns to work with, and the whole combat system is updated. it doesnt really feel like fable 1, but i really enjoyed it. it ends kind of abruptly though :(

if youve got 800 ms points, you might consider downloading j4's perfect dark remake on the xbl marketplace. they havent changed anything gameplay wise (i mean nothing. the rcp120 is still in mp :gonk:). what they did was make all of the textures look better, i think they made some new models, and they made the whole game run at 60 fps, which is a god send (it used to drop to like 7 fps on that fucking snow level). the most important addition is the ability to play any 2 player mode over xbl with friends, OR use matchmaking to find people to play with. thats a nice feature imo.

E: if you play any fallout/elder scrolls games, get them on pc. bethesda loves its fanbase and puts the game editing kit on the cd with the game, so you can make mods. the mod community for these games is one of the best iv ever seen. ill also say that if youre going to play morrowind, learn how to use the console. that game is really difficult to pick up and play without anyone helping you at first. i fucking love it though :-3

E2: after final fantasy 6, play final fantasy 7 if you can find it. they released a pc version too if that helps. the story there is amazing, confusing, emotional, and long as fuck. i mean seriously, long as fuck. iv got like 60 hours in that game on my first play through, and i think im about 1/4 of the way through.

E3: and assassins creed series. i love those.

im sure ill come up with more later.

July 14th, 2010, 12:31 PM
Shadow of the Colossus are both amazing games, if you can find them.

This. I love this.

Also, if you're into games like Audiosurf, maybe you'd like Beat Hazard.

July 14th, 2010, 02:59 PM
Thanks donut, Now I'm playing Zelda Oracle of ages. and after that seasons. I love it when someone mentions games you have but haven't played in forever, only to get re-addicted to them.

July 14th, 2010, 03:23 PM
Thanks donut, Now I'm playing Zelda Oracle of ages. and after that seasons. I love it when someone mentions games you have but haven't played in forever, only to get re-addicted to them.

Seasons is much better than Ages. IMHO.

July 14th, 2010, 03:54 PM
make sure you save all of your passwords so you can get the lv3 stuff :iamafag:
E: and yeah i think i enjoyed seasons more too. i started with ages though, so idk.

July 14th, 2010, 05:31 PM
I have both, but I don't think I ever beat Ages. Seasons though, hoooo boy I loved that game and got like...everything+more.

July 14th, 2010, 07:19 PM
If you have an internet connection, this. The game has a great story line and you definitely do not HAVE to group/fellowship with anyone to reach the level cap. However there are a few instances along the epic story that require you to group up for a few quests per epic story.


Also, Mass Effect 1 and 2 as some have already said.

Trine is a fantastically beautiful side scrolling game. Graphics and lighting are breathtaking. The game is fun and easy to play. The physics of the game make it more fun and challenging. + it has 3 player co-op.

Trine Gameplay:


July 14th, 2010, 08:49 PM
Trine is fun, but as with all co-op games, play with your friends or your placed with a group of incompetent fuck offs.

July 14th, 2010, 09:24 PM
Starcraft Single player. Been playing it to refresh before SC2 release.

July 14th, 2010, 09:53 PM
Starcraft Single player. Been playing it to refresh before SC2 release.
I'd recommend StarCraft 2 Beta single player, but the AI are retarded and if you dont' have an invite... v0v

July 14th, 2010, 11:33 PM
I'd recommend StarCraft 2 Beta single player, but the AI are retarded and if you dont' have an invite... v0v
Stop showing off that you have the SC2 beta.

Also, has anyone ever played Ace Combat 1, 2, 3, 4, X, 5, and 6?

Those games are so much fun.

July 15th, 2010, 08:17 AM
I remember playing ACE combat when I was young, such a fun game. It's a little difficult though

July 16th, 2010, 12:50 AM
I remember playing ACE combat when I was young, such a fun game. It's a little difficult though

A little? You obviously haven't played Ace Combat X. You have to shoot down a fucking airplane the size of the city that has hundreds of sam turrets and shit on it, WHILE you are flying over a enemy city and having hundreds of AA turrets shooting at your ass. Oh and did i mention? It has fucking active camouflage so you can't lock on to it.

Game is fucking ridiculously difficult. I've beaten it on normal but I'm struggling with it on hard.

Not to scale FYI.

July 16th, 2010, 10:28 AM
I've always wanted to play an Ace Combat game, but it has never been made for PC. Only Platstation platforms got the games with the exception of Fires of Liberation, which was released for XBOX 360 only and Skies of Incursion, which is only on the iPhone.

July 16th, 2010, 11:08 AM
Unreal and Unreal 2, Half-Life series, The Legend Of Zelda games (pc only?), Prince of Persia trilogy, Red Dead Redemption, GTA Vice City :)

July 16th, 2010, 03:59 PM
Stop showing off that you have the SC2 beta.
That's hardly what I'm doing, there are so many people in the beta now it's basically open. Ask the right people and you'll get an invite as well, though it's not really worth it at this point since the game is so close to release.

July 16th, 2010, 06:10 PM
speaking of betas did any one else realise that MoHs was open beta now?

/off topic

adding on to my List Mirrors edge, Deus Ex, Dead Space, FEAR, the newest Wolfenstein, STALKER games. Oh and the Witcher.

E: If any one wants I can give them my copy of Stalker Clear sky from D2D since I don't use it.

July 17th, 2010, 03:22 AM
also Oni and both KotOR games

though TSL is better than K1

Also, the whole Jedi Knight series, SP and MP. I guarantee you these games are more interesting than anything you've played in the last couple of years.

July 17th, 2010, 04:05 PM
I've always wanted to play an Ace Combat game, but it has never been made for PC. Only Platstation platforms got the games with the exception of Fires of Liberation, which was released for XBOX 360 only and Skies of Incursion, which is only on the iPhone.

Ace combat 1 2 and 3 are easy to emulate though I'm not a fan of the older ones. I know Ace Combat 4 (my favorite <3) can be emulated nearly perfectly (you have to skip the cut scenes or it crashes and depending on which GFX Plugin you use it can be either ugly and fast or pretty and slow) on PCSX2 Build 9.6 and Build PG1.00. And if there is any good PSP emulator out there Ace Combat X is a really good game and might be emulateable.

A tip on PCSX2 emulation. You need at least 2.8ghz dual core processor to get a half decent frame rate on it. Even on a i7 some games run a little slow.

July 18th, 2010, 11:55 AM
I've been really into the LEGO series of video games; LEGO Batman, LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4, and Lego Indiana Jones are all really great single-player games. The LEGO games are the type of games that you don't have to take too seriously, but rather sit back and enjoy.

July 18th, 2010, 02:18 PM
Ace combat 1 2 and 3 are easy to emulate though I'm not a fan of the older ones. I know Ace Combat 4 (my favorite <3) can be emulated nearly perfectly (you have to skip the cut scenes or it crashes and depending on which GFX Plugin you use it can be either ugly and fast or pretty and slow) on PCSX2 Build 9.6 and Build PG1.00. And if there is any good PSP emulator out there Ace Combat X is a really good game and might be emulateable.

A tip on PCSX2 emulation. You need at least 2.8ghz dual core processor to get a half decent frame rate on it. Even on a i7 some games run a little slow.

I would use emulation software, but I can't do so legally. Also, with the amount of effort it takes to get it running, I'm better off just pulling out the old PS2 and asking around for the games.

July 18th, 2010, 03:52 PM
I would use emulation software, but I can't do so legally. Also, with the amount of effort it takes to get it running, I'm better off just pulling out the old PS2 and asking around for the games.

My policy on emulation is that if you can't find the game at Game Stop then there isn't anything wrong with downloading a rom for it. I used to own Ace Combat 4 on the PC and many many many other games that I now play Via emulation.

July 18th, 2010, 04:29 PM
I've never understood why emulators lag on games that a PC should easily run. If anyone cares to enlighten me.

July 18th, 2010, 10:41 PM
Emulators aren't always perfect, so it lags the game. it has nothing to do with your computer (unless your computer is bad).

July 23rd, 2010, 03:24 PM
I've never understood why emulators lag on games that a PC should easily run. If anyone cares to enlighten me.
It's mainly because your are emulating the entire circuit board for the console on your computer. On standard it takes a computer (roughly) 4 times as powerful as the console to emulate it.

The quality of the emulator also can make a huge difference in the speed.

July 23rd, 2010, 03:29 PM
It's mainly because your are emulating the entire circuit board for the console on your computer. On standard it takes a computer (roughly) 4 times as powerful as the console to emulate it.

The quality of the emulator also can make a huge difference in the speed.
It's like playing one of the new Pokemon Generation 4 games where it presents a more 3d effect. The game may lag when you're not in a battle and it may freeze up because you're not using the exact requirements and conditions the game originally uses on the console.

July 24th, 2010, 12:08 AM
It's mainly because your are emulating the entire circuit board for the console on your computer. On standard it takes a computer (roughly) 4 times as powerful as the console to emulate it.

The quality of the emulator also can make a huge difference in the speed.According to VMWare it's usually 2-120x slower to emulate a discrete GPU.

Hmm... Post #2345.

July 24th, 2010, 04:46 PM
According to VMWare it's usually 2-120x slower to emulate a discrete GPU.

Hmm... Post #2345.

Eh, 4x is what I've encountered usually. PSP at 333mhz can just barely emulate N64 games it a playable framerate. And a Core 2 at 2.6ghz can emulate a gamecube.