View Full Version : HCE HCE3 Expo
English Mobster
July 21st, 2010, 04:29 PM
Just saw this on HBO today. A quick search here resulted in (surprisingly) no results, so I figure it's my job to make a thread.
If there is a thread on this already, just let me know and I'll lock it.
From the post on HBO:
Remember last June when Halo CE3 Got pushed to the bottom of the Custom Edition list? Well just wanted to let the Custom Edition'ers out their that CE3 now has a trailer.
Go check it out. Also join us live this Friday at our website to see some pretty big Halo Custom Edition reveals from Machinima to Maps!
Admittedly, the trailer is stupid.
July 21st, 2010, 04:36 PM
How bout an explanation of what it is? The vid loads for 2 seconds and dies.
E: if it's just halo3 models ripped and put in a shitty map for machinima then I'm not interested.
July 21st, 2010, 05:03 PM
It's going to be a video showing off a bunch projects people in CE are working on/finishing up/releasing.
Here's the original thread. (
July 21st, 2010, 05:05 PM
I watched the entire video and have honestly no idea what is happening.
Edit: Oh.
July 21st, 2010, 05:19 PM
Was hoping this was the announcement for H3PC.
Oh well.
July 21st, 2010, 05:30 PM
someone posted this on a certain board of 4chan...lets jsut say guro flooded the post
July 21st, 2010, 05:36 PM
The trailer is so stupid.
July 21st, 2010, 08:06 PM
Some guys at halomaps tried to get this started; I tried to get in on it, but it's being managed by a bunch of inattentive, unorganized teenagers with little to no idea what the hell they're doing. I wouldn't expect much, as most people already know about the few decent things that are actually in development.
July 21st, 2010, 08:39 PM
that was terrible.
also expecting to see about 50 campaign mods or mp>sp conversions. :shake:
July 21st, 2010, 08:47 PM
The date was pushed back 2 times to allow all the disorganized procrastinators to have more time.
July 21st, 2010, 08:53 PM
Actually, there's some pretty nice stuff being made.
One of them, Elefants UMP Map Pack (, has already been shown a bit and I've played them. The gameplay on the maps is nice, one of my favorite is probably Chamber ( Still a bit to fix, like all the black marks from where shots hit...but otherwise it was kind of neat.
I've seen/helped/played with some other stuff as well, and trust me, they aren't horrible or just "random shit shoved into a terrible map." Keep in mind a lot of the members are (on average) between 10-15 or so, making the content just a bit more impressive.
So please, at least give the maps a try when they are available for download. Don't just shove them away if they're shown terribly by CE3.
July 21st, 2010, 10:44 PM
Haha- Chamber does look like fun. I'd submit Precipice, but it isn't done, and I'm planning an actual promo video which will come out near release. As such, maybe I'll just send them A Halo CE Roadtrip. That's always a decent 3-4 minute viewing.
July 21st, 2010, 11:27 PM
Haha- Chamber does look like fun. I'd submit Precipice, but it isn't done, and I'm planning an actual promo video which will come out near release. As such, maybe I'll just send them A Halo CE Roadtrip. That's always a decent 3-4 minute viewing.
Do this.
July 21st, 2010, 11:31 PM
so far the only redeeming things are made by members of this site
oh look another BG mod
July 22nd, 2010, 12:17 AM
so far the only redeeming things are made by members of this siteYou haven't even seen anything yet, what are you judging? And Elefant may be a member of this site but more or less, uses Halomaps more often. Gamma as well, he's got some nice stuff in the works.
oh look another BG modOnce again you haven't seen anything yet, are you somehow looking into the future and being selfish by not sharing your techniques?
July 22nd, 2010, 01:10 PM
O.k Hi there Everyone. The name is Slow Bullet also Slayer 117 from the Halomaps forum. I'm the guy in Charge of running CE3. The Trailer was something stupid we came up with at last minute so we could tell everyone what time it was since we were so sick of the people who do not know how to read a highlighted part of a thread. Anyway you all look curious and want an explanation about CE3. CE3 is something me and MattDratt/HaloCERipper decided to do when E3 was coming up. We decided what the heck lets do something Stupid for CE like we usually do. So we made CE3. CE3 will have the map makers, machinima, other things that have to do with halo CE. We have about maybe an hour and a half of film from people coming to us. Its all custom content, we made sure there were no Stupid blood gulch mods. (too many people asked for that) Anyways CE3 will air 7/23/10 you can find out more by going to our halomaps thread located here:
and also our Official Site located here: (
So there you have it, have anymore questions and I'd be glad to help you out any way possible.
July 22nd, 2010, 01:17 PM
There'll be a new Lumoria gameplay vid =)
July 23rd, 2010, 12:23 PM
How about putting your obviously shoddy skills from the pathetic trailer and actually work to keep a fucking deadline. You havent even the tenacity to update the date on the homepage of your freaking website.
Talk about bodge job...
July 23rd, 2010, 02:37 PM
How about putting your obviously shoddy skills from the pathetic trailer and actually work to keep a fucking deadline. You havent even the tenacity to update the date on the homepage of your freaking website.
Talk about bodge job...
This is why i dont Go to modacity, Because people cant Read. we clearly Stated that 7/23/10 is the day CE3 is like 100 times. so Since your to ignorant to Read anything let me say this as simple as i can.
The Trailer was somthing Stupid we put together just to show everyone CE3 was still alive. since Deuche bags were yelling at me and Dratt cause we pushed the date back from the 7th to the 23rd. Not our Fault, we cant control people and make them turn there stuff in. so we had to wait till we got somthing. if we decided to stick with the 7th the live show would only be 5 minutes long.
But now we have about 20 people showing and it will be aporxamintly 1 hour long. Go the the Halomaps Article to stay Updated. And we dont want to hear any of your crap cause trust me weve already heard it. the thing is were the first people to ever do somthing like this and wer ethe first people in al ong time to get reconised by Bungie from CE. So untill you actualy hit the age of a rated M game learn some respect kids. Thats why Modacity is always lame almost everyone here is like 13 years old and they only complain no good maps have ever came from Modacity.
CE3 7/23/10 8pm EST
July 23rd, 2010, 03:09 PM
This is why i dont Go to modacity, Because people cant Read. we clearly Stated that 7/23/10 is the day CE3 is like 100 times. so Since your to ignorant to Read anything let me say this as simple as i can.
The Trailer was somthing Stupid we put together just to show everyone CE3 was still alive. since Deuche bags were yelling at me and Dratt cause we pushed the date back from the 7th to the 23rd. Not our Fault, we cant control people and make them turn there stuff in. so we had to wait till we got somthing. if we decided to stick with the 7th the live show would only be 5 minutes long.
But now we have about 20 people showing and it will be aporxamintly 1 hour long. Go the the Halomaps Article to stay Updated. And we dont want to hear any of your crap cause trust me weve already heard it. the thing is were the first people to ever do somthing like this and wer ethe first people in al ong time to get reconised by Bungie from CE. So untill you actualy hit the age of a rated M game learn some respect kids. Thats why Modacity is always lame almost everyone here is like 13 years old and they only complain no good maps have ever came from Modacity.
CE3 7/23/10 8pm EST
Oh my god you are an amazing trole. Those last 3 lines were so full of logical fallacies that it actually pissed me off when I read it.
Good job.
July 23rd, 2010, 03:12 PM
This is why i dont Go to modacity, Because people cant Read.
This is why I hate people from Halomaps, because they cannot type legibly. Take the time to look over your post for typos instead of just typing it as fast as you can because you are angry about what Limited said. He was just saying that rather than waste your time on a video, which you said yourself was "stupid", you should have put more pressure on the people to keep the initial deadline.
And we dont want to hear any of your crap cause trust me weve already heard it. the thing is were the first people to ever do somthing like this and wer ethe first people in al ong time to get reconised by Bungie from CE.
Can't take a little criticism? I know The Pit map by Penguin was on Bungie's front page, so even if they did recognize you, it hasn't been "a long time" since it happened. Do you mind sharing where Bungie has recognized you, because I don't see it in their news.
So untill you actualy hit the age of a rated M game learn some respect kids.
You have no room talking, the way you type and your posting behavior shows your true age. If you don't like it here, then don't come back. Go back to Halomaps where you belong.
Thats why Modacity is always lame almost everyone here is like 13 years old and they only complain no good maps have ever came from Modacity.
There have been plenty of good maps from this site. The way you hate this website though, you automatically dismiss them as being bad.
July 23rd, 2010, 03:17 PM
This is why I hate people from Halomaps, because they cannot type legibly.Actually, the majority of members at around 5+ months of time at Halomaps, type pretty well.
It's only the younger ones, who have just newly joined (because they found Halomaps easier than Modacity), that are of course not going to type 'legibly' and 'up to your standards.'
July 23rd, 2010, 03:19 PM
Firefox has built in spell checking.
It's not a excuse that you can't type "legibly" when the program will tell you when you have a misspelling.
July 23rd, 2010, 03:23 PM
Firefox has built in spell checking.
It's not a excuse that you can't type "legibly" when the program will tell you when you have a misspelling.Looking over his post, it's mainly grammatical errors which are acceptable since he only has a shitty Middle School education in grammar (which is pretty much the same as 'nothing').
There's always the chance he uses a different browser too? If not, then it's just how he is. Haven't you ever met idiots (not that I say he is entirely one) in real life who just piss you off and act completely stupid?
July 23rd, 2010, 03:56 PM
The whole idea seems pretty cobbled together. I was hoping your website presentation would be a lot better than this, but without proofreading and trying to appear a bit more organized and professional, you get stuff like:
Do you think this will be sucessful?
Dratt: No.
Slow Bullet: I think it will be a huge hit, one of the biggest things to ever hit CE.
I have no clue because everyone keeps quitting
As information comes, I'll sure to be posting more on who's attending and what I can say about CE3.
You're not generating great interest by being inattentive towards your own webspace and an extremely poor trailer that hardly even explains what CE3 is about. Not to mention, being accusatory towards a great portion of the people who practically kept CE in development at the place where all the greatest strides have been made is a bad idea.
July 23rd, 2010, 06:53 PM
Better page to view the stream since he can't even do that right. (
July 23rd, 2010, 08:08 PM
I'm 12 and how do I write unfunny machinima script!
That was horrible. I want to wipe it from my memory.
July 23rd, 2010, 08:12 PM
Can't say I wasn't surprised. Nice to see some stuff from Project Lumoria though.
July 23rd, 2010, 08:15 PM
I feel like I was repeatedly raped in both eyes and I feel really let down, like someone just burst my mammoth balloon in my face which contained sick inside.
I knew it was going to be the opposite of the dogs bollocks, but it was even more pathetic than that.
July 23rd, 2010, 08:17 PM
They were lame as shit, but the maps were creative.
Is it just me or are they really into themselves? almost as if mommy told them they were special just the way they are.
July 23rd, 2010, 08:47 PM
Halo CE3 Expo In 10 seconds.
width=300 height=220
July 24th, 2010, 05:17 PM
lul, all noob's think they are cool with their ripped things... get back to halo[stike]rips[/strike]maps.
July 24th, 2010, 05:42 PM
lul, all noob's think they are cool with their ripped things... get back to haloripsmaps.Quit being a prick with your horrible, high-horse attitude against rips. I'm really getting fucking sick and tired of it.
They are having fun playing the game with them, and that is after all, what a video game is for. This is a billion year old game, with an ever changing modding community that you don't seem to belong to anymore. Why oh why, do you give a damn anymore? Just leave them alone, let them have their fun, and learn their 'mistakes' once they grow up a little because they are younger than you and only just beginning puberty/not even there yet and don't have as much common sense as you.
I do not say that in an insulting way either, I say it in the truthful way because that's just how life works on humans and we can't rush it.
July 24th, 2010, 05:54 PM
lul, all noob's think they are cool with their ripped things... get back to halo[stike]rips[/strike]maps.
Why do you even care? It's not like it's your work.
July 25th, 2010, 10:06 AM
lumoria is the only redeeming project featured
July 25th, 2010, 03:51 PM
lumoria is the only redeeming project featured:lolugh:
You're kidding me, there's way more than just that. Although I do agree partially that most look like they were just made for fun and not actual quality, you're completely missing noticeable others:
Savior CE-
(Its look is akin to Guardian, but the layout is different. Features lots of Mythril's particles)
UMP Map Pack-
(This is [mainly] one guy making 11 maps, so of course not all of them are aesthetically pleasing. The gameplay, however, is great on most levels)
Project Subterfuge-
(Pretty much an ODST running around an open swamp, I forget why he changed the arms to Spartan, something about having to fix something in animations which I believe I've corrected now)
July 25th, 2010, 04:04 PM
Savior is actually really impressive.
July 25th, 2010, 04:30 PM
savior looks pretty decent, except for the walkways, those are really bad.
subterfuge looks interesting, but from the short amount shown, looks repetitive. the smg reload mag out is really overdone.
a couple of the ump maps look decent as well.
July 25th, 2010, 05:26 PM
11 map eh? Sounds like someones copying me.
I kind of like the Reflex BR (even though it looks ripped). But why does it have a scope in if its a reflex sight!?!?
July 25th, 2010, 05:28 PM
But why does it have a scope in if its a reflex sight!?!?While you're wondering that, why not ask Bungie the same thing about their pistol in both Halo 1 as well as Reach, ha.
the smg reload mag out is really overdone.It actually looks OK, the video just had low FPS at that point and made it look funky. I could send you a render of it if you want.
July 25th, 2010, 05:33 PM
While you're wondering that, why not ask Bungie the same thing about their pistol in both Halo 1 as well as Reach, ha.
It actually looks OK, the video just had low FPS at that point and made it look funky. I could send you a render of it if you want.
Because the pistols on Halo 1 and Reach had a little HUD integrated scope on them? Or at least that's what I thought.
English Mobster
July 25th, 2010, 05:34 PM
That's what I thought as well.
July 25th, 2010, 06:06 PM
that's different from being an optic scope or telescopic sight.
July 25th, 2010, 06:26 PM
Wow, savior is quite nice looking- great atmosphere.
July 25th, 2010, 06:43 PM
Saviour does actually look pretty sweet, either I didn't see it or the video was too low quality for me to actually see it properly.
I'm not sure how well you can create an SP using quagmire as your BSP since it isn't really that big at all, but I guess we'll see.
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