View Full Version : Three Screen Xbox 360

July 30th, 2010, 07:48 PM
Anyone know what games support this, and how to go about doing it? I might try it.

July 30th, 2010, 08:07 PM
Forza 3, although you need 3 xboxs, 3 copies of the game, and obviously 3 screens.

July 30th, 2010, 08:12 PM
That's the only game?

July 30th, 2010, 11:18 PM
If it's that important to you... just use Eyefinity or nVidia Surround and an Xbox 360 controller...

July 30th, 2010, 11:38 PM
Well, i'm getting another xbox for free from my friend, and i'll have 3. That's why I was wondering.

July 30th, 2010, 11:58 PM

you gonna be like this guy, plague?

July 31st, 2010, 12:19 AM
Well, i'm getting another xbox for free from my friend, and i'll have 3. That's why I was wondering.Ah, okay.

July 31st, 2010, 01:26 AM

you gonna be like this guy, plague?
Except i'd be good at it. And have 3 of the same monitors :p

July 31st, 2010, 02:44 AM
3 copies of the game
Or install to HDD.

So the fucking game actually has this programmed into it? That's fucking crazy. That's one way to get multimonitor support on consoles (I really hope the next gen consoles support more than one output)

July 31st, 2010, 07:25 AM
Technically you still would need 3 copies of the game, as the Xbox still needs the disk in the tray, to use game from hard drive.

July 31st, 2010, 01:01 PM
I don't know if it is the same on 360, but Baja: Edge of Control on PS3 has an option for Panorama mode, and it's the same thing; three PS3s, three screens, and three copies of the game are required. Of course, the game is definitely NOT worth getting three copies of just to get a little extra viewing angle.

July 31st, 2010, 03:10 PM
I'll probably try it out with Forza 2 and 3. I wish Halo 3 and Reach would support it though :C

August 1st, 2010, 04:39 PM
Technically you still would need 3 copies of the game, as the Xbox still needs the disk in the tray, to use game from hard drive.
this is probably not good at all, but a while back i had to replace my disk drive. i never screwed the bottom part back onto the metal case of the disk drive, and my xbox is still open. you can pull the big metal cover housing off of the disk tray after it checks for the disk to play from the hard drive. iv never actually done it, but i figure it would work.

thats fucking stupid that you need 3 copies of the game just for some peripheral vision though. i can understand needing 3 xboxes solely to support the graphics, but 3 copies of the game? if the xboxes are all connected, cant it just read the disk from the main console?

E: yeah plague if something worthwhile supported this like halo or call of duty, i would actually see the reason to do this. 180 degree peripheral vision in an FPS would be invaluable. at this point it seems the only purpose of the multi screen function is exactly what you see in the video i posted: rich people looking for a simulation experience.

August 1st, 2010, 05:13 PM
this is probably not good at all, but a while back i had to replace my disk drive. i never screwed the bottom part back onto the metal case of the disk drive, and my xbox is still open. you can pull the big metal cover housing off of the disk tray after it checks for the disk to play from the hard drive. iv never actually done it, but i figure it would work.

thats fucking stupid that you need 3 copies of the game just for some peripheral vision though. i can understand needing 3 xboxes solely to support the graphics, but 3 copies of the game? if the xboxes are all connected, cant it just read the disk from the main console?

E: yeah plague if something worthwhile supported this like halo or call of duty, i would actually see the reason to do this. 180 degree peripheral vision in an FPS would be invaluable. at this point it seems the only purpose of the multi screen function is exactly what you see in the video i posted: rich people looking for a simulation experience.
The reason you need 3 copies of the game is because you are literally playing the game. The other Xbox 360s need to join the same game that the "main" console is playing, and set their spectating view to the other cameras.

Also, lag would be a bitch if you actually wanted to do this with a FPS. Your side screens would have probably a 30 ms delay on them minimum. Well, maybe not necessarily "lag" as in response time, but rather the exact coordinates of your viewpoint from the primary monitor probably won't be sent 1000 times a second, so it would be slightly sluggish and off from the primary screen.

PC gaming supremacy.


August 1st, 2010, 05:17 PM
oh wow, i had no idea. i thought they were all linked together somehow. fuck that then.