View Full Version : Xbox 360 Fan Fix

August 1st, 2010, 09:29 PM
The 360 I have's fan no longer works, because for some reason after I added the Whisper fan, it messed the plug up. And since Pyong is busy doing something, I decided to come here. (and also because Google hasn't come up with a clear solution, nor has Youtube.)

I saw a few fixes on Youtube, but i'm not completely sure they work. The box is already apart, and the mobo is sitting beside me, ready for action.

August 2nd, 2010, 10:23 PM
Since no one replied, I searched a long while on google, and came up with something interesting.

I found out that the usb power is 5 volts, which is what the fan regularly runs, so I got out the splicers, and created a monster usb fan setup. I found out that the brown and blue cords on the xbox are the same as the red and blue. Black = blue, and red = brown. I didn't need the green and white wires, so I just got them off. Only problem is I had to carve some of the rubber off of the usb to fit it in the plug right.
