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View Full Version : Help me with my script please?

August 3rd, 2010, 07:33 AM
Okay, I'm making a script for my level, and it's giving me this error:
8.03.10 22:26:54 [thingy line 6] this is not a valid script name.: boss )
08.03.10 22:26:56 recompiling scripts after scenarios were merged.
08.03.10 22:26:56 [thingy line 1] this left parenthesis is unmatched.: (script startup windslider

and this is the script:
(script startup place
(Ai_place humans )
(ai_place covies )
(sound_looping_start levels\a10\music\a10_01 none 1 )
(sleep_until (> 3 (ai_living_count covies ))0 )
(wake boss )

(script dormant boss
(ai_place the_boss )
(device_set_position door_1 1 )

What did i do wrong?

August 3rd, 2010, 09:00 AM
OK the first error is that the script name "boss" wasn't yet defined, so simply,
put the dormant script ABOVE all scripts ("place" script in this case).

Also, are you sure that you have only one .hsc file in your script folder? I don't see a startup script called "windslider"...

If you do, then the problem is in another .hsc file in your scripts folder!

If you don't, well... you can always ask someone who is much more proficient in scripting than me here!

August 3rd, 2010, 10:01 AM
put your dormant script above the startup script, also make sure you dont have the space inbetween boss and )