View Full Version : Camera Jerking
August 4th, 2010, 05:18 PM
How would I go about forcing the camera to "jerk" when you melee. I would like to replicate what happens in halo 2 when you melee, where both your character moves slightly forward and your camera jerks a little bit. without coding this in with opensauce(which is not happening(at least by me)) I can't imagine how to go about doing this. Swinging a big heavy weapon around just doesn't have the same feel unless you circume to the force driving you forward.
August 4th, 2010, 07:29 PM
Halo 1 doesn't support animation of the camera, at least to what I last recall.
And lunging without Open Sauce is probably impossible. Even if you did get it to lunge, it'd probably do it every time you melee and not just when a player is detected in front of you...which I believe once again, is impossible.
Making force in a weapon melee comes with the animations, which isn't exactly a hard thing to do but a lot of animators I've seen haven't grasped the concept yet. I somewhat have, but even I'm not fully there.
August 4th, 2010, 08:29 PM
I would test this myself but my machine is currently dead, but just make sure see if this makes sense. the cameras' general location is bound to the third person model so by creating an animation that moves the model, as aposed to making a very static animation, the camera could move. does this make sense or am I just full of myself. I think it was the Zteam that managed to do something like this.
August 4th, 2010, 08:36 PM
I don't quite understand what you're talking about, but there is something called the 'frame bone24' which is just about where the camera is. It does not control the camera, but moving it will also move all the other bones. I'm not sure if making that have a seizure would work out well, though.
...Actually now when I think about it, the camera can actually 'shake' as seen when you're hit by an explosion or likewise, but animating the actual camera itself I believe is impossible. Perhaps putting in that camera shake through a simple .damage_effect when you melee could quite possibly work.
August 4th, 2010, 09:00 PM
the camera jerking effect IS possible, but you dont get it through animations. in the weapon tag there is a field for melee damage and melee response. both of those fields are for a .damage_effect tag. the melee damage one is, obviously, for melee damage done to the victim of the melee. melee response is for the recoil the melee-er feels. by that, i mean .damage_effect tags arnt just for damaging people. theyre also used for screen colors, effects, and shaking.
long story short, put go under screen shaking parameters in a .damage_effect tag and specify the melee shake there, then link the .weapon tag to it under melee response. just be sure not to mix up melee damage and melee response, lol.
August 5th, 2010, 12:06 PM
so thats what that tag does. I've been wondering what that was for quite some time.
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