View Full Version : script spawn ai help
August 7th, 2010, 06:55 AM
this is my script :
(script continuous ai_spawn
(if (= (volume_test_object block_1 (list_get (players) 0)) true)
(ai_spawn_actor squad_1)
y have add to the map a trigger volume block_1 and a encounter squad_1,at startup squad_1 don't spawn,good...but when i enter in trigger volume block_1,squad_1 don't spawn...why?
sorry i'm french.... thanks all :neckbeard:
August 7th, 2010, 11:50 AM
Replaces "ai_spawn_actor" per "ai_place"
(script continuous ai_spawn
(if (volume_test_object block_1 (list_get (players) 0))
(ai_place squad_1)
Sry i'm French >_<"
August 7th, 2010, 01:39 PM
We have 3 french members now.
Whats up with that?
Also your script is going to continually spawn hundreds of ai the way you have it set up. It would be better with,
(script startup ai_spawn
(sleep_until (volume_test_object block_1 (list_get (players) 0)) )
(ai_place squad_1)
August 7th, 2010, 05:45 PM
thx inferno :neckbeard: :downs:
so,i also want to have dropship who drop covenant ,help,too hard for me :ugh:
thx for help :downs:
August 7th, 2010, 05:54 PM
This is the script for the pelicans flying and landing at the beach in the level Silent Carthographer. You will have to import recorded animations into your scenario. You can do this with the a modified sapien program.
Basically how this works is it spawns a vehicle and loads the ai into the vehicle and then tells the vehicle to play a recorded animation. And then when it gets to the place were it drops the ai off it uses the ai_unload script and then tells the ai to move on to there firing positions and stuff.
(script startup cutscene_insertion
(sound_looping_start "sound\sinomatixx_foley\b30_insertion_foley" none 1 )
(sound_class_set_gain "vehicle" 0.3 0 )
(fade_out 0 0 0 0 )
(cinematic_start )
(show_hud false )
(camera_control true )
(wake music_b30 )
(set play_music_b30_01 true )
(fade_in 0 0 0 60 )
(camera_set insertion_1b 0 )
(sleep 60 )
(object_create insertion_pelican_1 )
(object_create insertion_pelican_2 )
(object_beautify insertion_pelican_1 true )
(ai_place beach_lz_marine )
(ai_place beach_lz )
(unit_enter_vehicle (player0 )insertion_pelican_1 "p-riderlf" )
(unit_enter_vehicle (player1 )insertion_pelican_2 "p-riderlf" )
(vehicle_load_magic insertion_pelican_1 "rider" (ai_actors beach_lz_marine/left_marine ))
(vehicle_load_magic insertion_pelican_2 "rider" (ai_actors beach_lz_marine/right_marine ))
(object_teleport insertion_pelican_1 insertion_pelican_flag_1 )
(object_create jeep_2 )
(vehicle_load_magic jeep_2 "gunner" (ai_actors beach_lz_marine/jeep_gunner ))
(vehicle_load_magic jeep_2 "driver" (ai_actors beach_lz_marine/jeep_driver ))
(vehicle_load_magic jeep_2 "passenger" (ai_actors beach_lz_marine/jeep_rider ))
(unit_enter_vehicle jeep_2 insertion_pelican_1 "cargo" )
(recording_play_and_hover insertion_pelican_1 insertion_pelican_1_in )
(object_teleport insertion_pelican_2 insertion_pelican_flag_2 )
(recording_play_and_hover insertion_pelican_2 insertion_pelican_2_in )
(objects_predict insertion_pelican_1 )
(objects_predict insertion_pelican_2 )
(objects_predict (ai_actors beach_lz_marine ))
(objects_predict (ai_actors beach_lz ))
(object_type_predict "scenery\c_storage\c_storage" )
(object_type_predict "scenery\c_uplink\c_uplink" )
(object_type_predict "scenery\c_field_generator\c_field_generator" )
(camera_set insertion_2a 120 )
(sleep 60 )
(camera_set insertion_2b 90 )
(sleep 90 )
(camera_set_relative insertion_3 0 insertion_pelican_1 )
(sleep 90 )
(fade_in 1 1 1 30 )
(camera_control false )
(sleep 15 )
(cinematic_set_title insertion )
(sleep 30 )
(sound_impulse_start "sound\dialog\b30\b30_insert_010_cortana" none 1 )
(sleep (sound_impulse_time "sound\dialog\b30\b30_insert_010_cortana" ))
(sleep 30 )
(sound_impulse_start "sound\dialog\b30\b30_insert_020_cortana" none 1 )
(sleep (sound_impulse_time "sound\dialog\b30\b30_insert_020_cortana" ))
(sleep (max 0 (- (recording_time insertion_pelican_1 )900 )))
(sound_impulse_start "sound\dialog\b30\b30_insert_030_pilot" none 1 )
(sleep (sound_impulse_time "sound\dialog\b30\b30_insert_030_pilot" ))
(sleep (max 0 (- (recording_time insertion_pelican_1 )300 )))
(sound_impulse_start "sound\dialog\b30\b30_insert_040_pilot" none 1 )
(sleep (sound_impulse_time "sound\dialog\b30\b30_insert_040_pilot" ))
(sleep (max 0 (- (recording_time insertion_pelican_1 )120 )))
(cinematic_stop )
(show_hud true )
(sound_class_set_gain "vehicle" 1 2 )
(sleep 60 )
(vehicle_unload insertion_pelican_2 "rider" )
(sound_impulse_start "sound\dialog\b30\b30_insert_050_sarge2" none 1 )
(sleep 30 )
(vehicle_unload insertion_pelican_1 "rider" )
(unit_exit_vehicle (player0 ))
(unit_exit_vehicle (player1 ))
(unit_set_enterable_by_player insertion_pelican_1 false )
(unit_set_enterable_by_player insertion_pelican_2 false )
(set global_mission_start true )
(sleep_until (not (volume_test_objects mission_start (players ))))
(sleep 50)
(vehicle_unload insertion_pelican_1 "cargo" )
(vehicle_hover insertion_pelican_1 false )
(recording_play_and_delete insertion_pelican_1 insertion_pelican_1_out )
(sleep 120 )
(vehicle_hover insertion_pelican_2 false )
(sleep (recording_time insertion_pelican_2 ))(recording_play_and_delete insertion_pelican_2 insertion_pelican_2_out ))
August 7th, 2010, 06:01 PM
can i do dropship move with point,not animations?with animations the dropship use always the same way,no?
August 7th, 2010, 06:05 PM
You can do it with points but it's very complicated to set up and not very accurate. Animations always play the same way.
August 8th, 2010, 03:55 AM
Thanks,but i don't found the animations :gonk: where are they?:ohdear:
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