View Full Version : Nexus Wars

August 20th, 2010, 03:38 AM
My god is this an entertaining mod... even though there are a few cheese tactics to win it with.

Basically it's ~4v4... you have an invulnerable SCV that can call down exactly 1 nuke per match and build anything -- protoss, zerg, or terran.

The ONLY units you have direct control over are the SCV and if you mass up ridiculous amounts of minerals -- one of three hero units (Odin, Queen of the Blades, and Zeratul).

Every other unit gets autospawned from the buildings you create and march on down to the enemy Nexus... stopping to attack whoever they see on the way... until one team or the other destroys the nexus.

You get cash to build buildings one of two ways:

1) The buildings you already have (that are still alive) give you 1/25th of their value every 20 seconds.
2) Killing enemies gives you a "bounty" based on how powerful they were.

For more detail... cue Husky.


August 20th, 2010, 10:22 AM
Love this map. Played it with my friends a bunch.

August 20th, 2010, 11:50 PM
it's good, i just cant get a long game out of it.

it's definitely a map where it supports the winning player, for instance if you see a line start to move backwards even the slightest bit you need to build as fucking much as you can in that area, because once it starts moving your fucked. and as for nukes, well by the time you use them it's generally too late to push them back.

good game but needs some tweeks, like for instance how the old tarpit defense maps where.

August 21st, 2010, 02:07 AM
Yeah that's not true. Momentum hits because of the clumping of units. A stream of units is easier to take down than a ball. Also -- unless you were already wiped -- the nuke will not injure your players (though it shouldn't be used if it could splash your players -- because either the target's too small or you are aiming wrong) -- allowing your units (already clumped to attack the now nuked crap) push back... in a clump... reversing the momentum -- starting you back toward the enemy base, stopping to kill ones-and-twos of enemies, clumping more as you push. Also -- the nuke will give you many kills... which you can put towards economy... adding even more to the push (and giving you more perpetual economy every 20 seconds)

Actually the hard part is keeping up the momentum after a well-placed nuke.

Unless you have a lot of droppers -- games usually go on until the ~30-35 minute mark.

August 21st, 2010, 08:32 AM
i've had one long game.

and we had a dropper in it, we where just a better team.

it's not just the chain vs ball effect that determines it, it's their counters vs your counters and when a team has the upper hand they not only gain in kills, but minerals which make a succesfull counter very very hard against a decent opponent.
It's hard to outbuild a guy that has more minerals, a larger economy and an even larger army.

August 21st, 2010, 07:57 PM
Oh, I love that game! Man, this one time, we were playing against these guys (woah, playing against people, amazing right?), and one of them just massed banelings that would all come out at the same time. At the beginning, it looked like we were going to win, but once he got to the point where he was sending out around 60 banelings at once...well...let's just say that it wasn't as fun anymore :(

August 22nd, 2010, 12:04 AM
Yeah it's possible to corral units into a giant blob if you want to be a jerk... particularly banelings because of how cheap they are. It's pretty breaking but not devastatingly.

August 22nd, 2010, 12:20 AM
Yeah it's possible to corral units into a giant blob if you want to be a jerk... particularly banelings because of how cheap they are. It's pretty breaking but not devastatingly.

Well it wouldn't be so bad if everyone in the match did it. It would make for some more interesting battle if everyone has a set time limit to do whatever the fuck they want. Once that limit is up, everyone must unleash their army, or whatever they've built up so let it fly and the game should continue normally from there without people creating a giant army again. That way we can see who manages their shit the best in the first...say 4 minutes or so. Whichever team wins the first confrontation are rewarded by their good choices and timing with being able to attack the enemy bases while the enemy have to rebuild units again. At that stage, the losing team would have to pool their shit together to take out the remnant of the first victorious wave and then defend against whatever else the winning team sends their way.

August 22nd, 2010, 12:26 AM
They just need to make everything spawn in waves. It's annoying how you have to time your shit to all spawn at once.

August 22nd, 2010, 03:58 AM
^ that.

A defending team under the pump doesnt always have time to manually set every building to spawn in waves.

September 3rd, 2010, 11:13 PM
Nexus Wars seems to have gotten pretty popular:

September 4th, 2010, 12:28 AM
Not really -- all mods SHOULD be stacked into a single instance -- and it chooses the lobby for you. Something's going weird lately.

September 4th, 2010, 01:16 AM
Not really -- all mods SHOULD be stacked into a single instance -- and it chooses the lobby for you. Something's going weird lately.

:iwasbeingfacetious: :notmyscreencap:

t3h m00kz
September 6th, 2010, 10:07 AM
this looks very simplistic and... dare I say, arcadey. I like it. I'll have to try this if I dip into MP, though I'm intimidated by the MLGs and the koreans.

September 9th, 2010, 04:41 AM
i dont think it'll be long before marauders and thor's get nerfed in this version :P

September 9th, 2010, 06:38 AM
Thors reapers and sieges are