View Full Version : Halo Reach Leaked: This Is The Way The World Ends
Che Guevara
August 20th, 2010, 07:30 PM
not with a bang, but with a whimper :ohdear:
game-tuts want to claim credit but they're not, they're fucking slowass fakes. this is how you pics-or-gtfo!
anyone who faked the reach leak is a fucking pussy attention whore! IGN must have a really slow news day if their journalism is reporting on baseless leaks. but they're not as bad as the MLG FUCK STICKS with their whiny douchebag members and president for their fake leak rumors. they already were full of shit before, why would they want to feed themselves full of more bullshit?
but they're all just pawns in this game of chess. the real king and queen douchebags are the assholes at MS who mishandled the Halo 2 port to "PC" (that is, if your PC is a shista or higher machine)! they ruined what could have been a great game port, then lied to us about the editor! now i'm here ruining their lime light with what will probably be their last properly done fucking halo game.
MS murders games, Viva La RevoluciĆ³n!
now for the people here for the story, here's a few hints (spoiler warning!)
Jorge is the first to go. Kat follows him shortly after. eventually Cartar bites the bullet. then Emile meets his maker. capt Keyes and the PoA are back in the end. glacier is actually an underground forerunner construct where Halsey is hiding out but is soon breached by the covies.
August 20th, 2010, 08:48 PM
Well uh... this is interesting.
How the hell did you get it? Game-tuts apparently cracked the encryption, some guys are getting it through license transfers, and others have it legit with a DLC code for review. Or is it retail? O_o
August 20th, 2010, 08:53 PM
Welp. Thanks for showing this... I guess?
August 20th, 2010, 08:53 PM
August 20th, 2010, 09:22 PM
Well that rather sucks.
I refuse to die.
But Capt. Keyes and the PoA? You just fucking made my day.
August 20th, 2010, 10:39 PM
It's not really a spoiler but I do have a question about armor customization:
can you change where your knife is placed in the armory?
what is available to you at the beginning of the game without achieving anything?
Che Guevara
August 21st, 2010, 12:14 AM
the knife is only available for the right side, so no. i'll have to check out what new accounts get when i play again later.
some gameplay things i've noticed
* skrimishers can use hologram abilities
* the concussion rifle is basically the plasma equivalent of the brute shot. just more annoying when it's being shot at you -_-
* the sabre mission is no fucking joke on legendary. but it is still fun. the mission isn't the only 'unique' situation you'll get thrown into. hope you like mac blasts...
* the MC's firefight dialogue actually has substance, he isn't quiet as a pin drop.
* there's a mission that seems EXTREMELY inspired from the old T&R mission from halo 1. it is a super fucking fun mission. you'd be crazy not to enjoy it with the camo powerup found at the start of it...
* eh, don't let the AI drive you while you gun in legendary. not so much because they can't drive, but just there are some fucking powerful weapons out there in the hands of some smart covies who will rip you to shreds.
August 21st, 2010, 12:19 AM
Thanks for this stuff...though don't take Ernesto's name into disgrace.
August 21st, 2010, 01:05 AM
Oh if I had a modded Xbox.
August 21st, 2010, 01:28 AM
August 21st, 2010, 01:56 AM
So, I'm one of those people who just loves to know things before games come out. This question, I believe, is on a couple people's minds, but I apologize if anyone is upset that I'm asking this.
In what way is Noble Team involved with the PoA? Do we just catch a glimpse of it, or what?
(Perhaps a PM would be more suitable, since there appear to be many people who want nothing spoiled.)
August 21st, 2010, 02:19 AM
It'''s like forbidden fruit (the spoilers) ;_;
Che Guevara
August 21st, 2010, 02:25 AM
people should know the purpose of spoiler tags. not my fault curiosity killed a couple kitties
the PoA is dry docked at the shipyards (remember that one map from the beta?). after the glacier level you have to hand deliver a high-value item to capt'n keyes. and by that time in the game, there isn't really a noble team anymore so to say they're "involved" isn't an accurate statement. anyway, the PoA and its capt make more than just a cameo appearance don't worry.
it really is a touching game/ending. "A Spartan Will Rise" is an understatement. a whole batch of them rose, but like the mighty titans they are, end up falling at some point in time.
August 21st, 2010, 02:31 AM
I thought it was a tl;dr of the article explaining about the leak. But no, just show the ending unexpectedly.
August 21st, 2010, 03:31 AM
Why the hell isn't this leaked? D:<
Sorry if I seem like an angry leech, but I've been to 5 modding sites so far, with varying levels of teasing regarding a leak, but no gorram leak!
What's stopping people from leaking!?
August 21st, 2010, 03:35 AM
I guess people don't want to get put on the same scale as the French? heh
I wouldn't be surprised if a game disc ISO appears by the end of this month, assuming these characters don't do it first :ugh:
August 21st, 2010, 03:47 AM
lol, nobody does. xD
Seriously, even though I know it will inevitably be leaked, it's the fact that these guys already have it, have had it, and have made no effort to leak it; only used it to get attention. I find that kind of arrogance absolutely disgusting. >.>
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 21st, 2010, 03:48 AM
Km00, know anything about what to do with the file? ;)
August 21st, 2010, 04:47 AM
I don't mess with Xbox security circumventing. That's an up hill battle on a mountain which you have no view of the top. I prefer messing with Halo. At least I'm on a somewhat level ground with it, since stuff I learned from 6+ years ago can still be applied when figuring out systems implementations or data usage. I leave the generalists to their general reversing while I specialize (or try to at least) in Halo and its tech.
tl;dr: No.
August 21st, 2010, 05:11 AM
So what's new with the Infection gametype?
and wtf is this?
August 21st, 2010, 05:15 AM
Hey there, I made an account just to ask you a question since someone redirected me here and I was super excited. Can I take the bullet hole through the helmet as a cue that your Noble 6 does indeed die by the end of the game? Good to know I predicted correctly on the fate of the remaining Noble Team members. I'm really curious about the fate of my own personal character though. I was also wondering something from the Armory if you could check, does the Blue Visor show up as costing 50,000 cR and are there any other visor colors available to you besides Silver and Blue?
August 21st, 2010, 05:51 AM
Oh holy shit !!!
I want to know more spoliers PLZ !!!
I just want to know, what is the item Noble hand to CPTKeyes ?
Is it really worthy six Spartan's life?
August 21st, 2010, 05:59 AM
Oh holy shit !!!
I want to know more spoliers PLZ !!!
I just want to know, what is the item Noble hand to CPTKeyes ?
Is it really worthy six Spartan's life?
I want you to know that I hate this post.
You. Never. Ever. Need. More. Than. One. Exclamation. Point. Unless. You. Are. Using. It. In. The. Manner. Which. I. Am. About. To.
t3h m00kz
August 21st, 2010, 06:06 AM
who the FUCK are you
August 21st, 2010, 06:13 AM
Best guess, found their way over here. There are like 17 guests in the topic right now, and it's 4 o'fucking-clock AM.
August 21st, 2010, 06:13 AM
Oh holy shit !!!
I want to know more spoliers PLZ !!!
I just want to know, what is the item Noble hand to CPTKeyes ?
Is it really worthy six Spartan's life?
As someone who is majoring in journalism and loves the English language this post makes me cringe. =\ As for me personally I'm from NeoGAF. They posted his leaks over there, so here I am >_> and I'm loving these leaks. I'm just wondering if that helmet was Carter's or if his Noble 6 is wearing Carter's style of helmet. XD
t3h m00kz
August 21st, 2010, 06:17 AM
Best guess, found their way over here. There are like 17 guests in the topic right now, and it's 4 o'fucking-clock AM.
I noticed 27 guests earlier. I was wondering what was up...
22 guests in this thread. right now.
August 21st, 2010, 06:23 AM
24 right now, yikes. Also I can't seem to find anyone by the name of hardportcpt on, half tempted to dive /v/ for a reach general.
August 21st, 2010, 06:25 AM
24 right now, yikes. Also I can't seem to find anyone by the name of hardportcpt on, half tempted to dive /v/ for a reach general.
It's the kind of arrogance in that B.Net post which is the exact reason I don't go to their forums. I only go on Bungie now for the BWU's and Vid Docs. As I said I personally am from NeoGAF. I'm still waiting on my approval over there, so when they posted a link to this leak and a forum that doesn't make me wait 2+ months to post I decided to register. I'll try not to noob it up.
t3h m00kz
August 21st, 2010, 06:27 AM forums consist of only kinds of people. the "I can has" type, and the MLG extremists.
neither of which I can say I'm particularly fond of.
E: and kids super pissed off that they've got homework the week reach comes out
August 21st, 2010, 06:34 AM
"and kids super pissed off that they've got homework the week reach comes out"
Fuck them at least they have a 360.
It's great how Reach will somewhat alleviate that "my sniper you gay scrub" thing with loadouts.
(Ugh, this whole stay up 'til 7am thing is making me cranky.)
t3h m00kz
August 21st, 2010, 06:35 AM
indeed it is.
there's also the kids super pissed off that their parents won't buy them the new Reach edition 360... spoiled fucks
August 21st, 2010, 06:46 AM
I wonder how many of them will try to RROD their 360 to get their parents to buy them the new one. And then their parents won't, and I'll fucking irrigate Mars with the tears.
e: wait a goddamn minute. All the images in the OP are attachments, not embeds. What are the guests doing if they can't see the screens?
t3h m00kz
August 21st, 2010, 07:15 AM
I have no freaking idea. but I checked, and does seems to be getting hit pretty hard by people leaking and shit.. odd.
on the bright side, this is the most people we've had on at once in a while..
then we get fucking hacked
August 21st, 2010, 07:19 AM
But we're an exclusive secret clubtree fort, not the neighbourhood Wendy's.
(spellcheck, "neighbourhood" is the correct spelling. You're set to en-gb, stop giving me bastardised spellings)
August 21st, 2010, 07:19 AM
Thank you for putting all of that in spoiler tags. There is one thing I would like to know though; what is this map as asked above
t3h m00kz
August 21st, 2010, 07:21 AM
But we're an exclusive secret clubtree fort, not the neighbourhood Wendy's.
(spellcheck, "neighbourhood" is the correct spelling. You're set to en-gb, stop giving me bastardised spellings)
fuck you dude now I want a double stack
August 21st, 2010, 07:25 AM
Never been to a Wendy's in my life.
Sorry for derailing the thread earlier.
t3h m00kz
August 21st, 2010, 07:27 AM
you haven't lived
on topic, I personally can't wait to hear how fucking raped these leakers are going to get with fines... they'll be in debt for the rest of their lives
August 21st, 2010, 07:30 AM
I dunno. All depends on if Microsoft can figure out who's got it. If they're staying offline and all...
'course it also depends on their method of obtaining it, not sure how much of that stuff Microsoft can check.
August 21st, 2010, 07:35 AM
Che Guevara
you can say whether we will see in the game Master Chief?
mission and the levels really huge?
August 21st, 2010, 07:57 AM
Wow, curses to my curiousness, time to go down a bottle of vodka to try and forget what I've read.
August 21st, 2010, 08:06 AM
Fuckin' A. I like how spoilers don't work on the Recent Forum Post section on the main page.:saddowns:
t3h m00kz
August 21st, 2010, 09:46 AM
Wow, curses to my curiousness, time to go down a bottle of vodka to try and forget what I've read.
go for it it's the weekend
August 21st, 2010, 09:50 AM
indeed it is.
there's also the kids super pissed off that their parents won't buy them the new Reach edition 360... spoiled fucks
I had to work for mine cause I'm not some rich fag where I can dish out $400 by asking my parents.
Besides my old 2008 xbox is getting unreliable so I need to get a new one.
And some spoilers don't surprise me.
English Mobster
August 21st, 2010, 10:04 AM
August 21st, 2010, 10:12 AM
I love my curiosity, now I want to get Reach.
August 21st, 2010, 11:53 AM
Okay Edited this even tho its just me wild theorizing >_> I'm probably wrong
Oh and I just noticed... what is the significance of July 7th 2589...
August 21st, 2010, 11:57 AM
Oh and I just noticed... what is the significance of July 7th 2589...
Woah, that date is years after Halo 3 ends.
August 21st, 2010, 12:09 PM
Woah, that date is years after Halo 3 ends.
Same edit as above, tagging it even tho its just wild speculation =\
I'm starting to think I know why Chief is a Firefight voice and all his armor parts are in the Armory >_> That date is 30+ Years after the end of the Human-Covenant War and guess who was last drifting in space at the end of 3.... <_<
t3h m00kz
August 21st, 2010, 12:11 PM
I'd suggest spoiler tags guys
August 21st, 2010, 12:23 PM
Well, all my questions seem to be asked, so I'll go for another.
Are Drones in this game? That was something that was never denied, except for their absence in Firefight.
August 21st, 2010, 12:45 PM
I'd suggest spoiler tags guysWell, this is kind of the spoilers shouldn't even be in here in the first place if you don't want to know anything.
I guess using them would still be somewhat beneficial though, and shouldn't hurt anyone typing in a few more words.
August 21st, 2010, 01:22 PM
:( I'm sad now.
also damn, modacity just got a huge traffic of guests now lol.
Che Guevara
August 21st, 2010, 02:46 PM
Jorge, Carter, Emile all take one for the team. Kat gets assassinated. noble 6 dukes it out with one too many zealot elites in the end...
the MC doesn't appear anywhere in the campaign's story. he is only in firefight
each literal campaign "level" is like 2 or 3 HUGE missions. you'll end up spending on average (some may be longer, others shorter) of 50 to 60minutes on each level on heroic if you're a seasoned player.
that picture of a map with infection doesn't come with the game. it's either an old build of forge world (has more halo look than reach), a scrapped map or possible future dlc.
August 21st, 2010, 02:55 PM
Hey, Che. This is something I'd love to know before I go dark and avoid any more spoilers. Does Red Team/any other Spartans from the novel make an appearance, or is it all Noble Team?
August 21st, 2010, 03:00 PM
Ah, I'd probably forget what I read since I never forgot to play the beta and I don't know who the characters are.
August 21st, 2010, 03:02 PM
Wait, so what happens with Jun?
Is he the only one that survives?
August 21st, 2010, 03:25 PM
Wait, so what happens with Jun?
Is he the only one that survives?
What about Jun?
And does Curiosity kill the Kat? or carelessness?
August 21st, 2010, 03:28 PM
Fucking 72 guests?
August 21st, 2010, 03:30 PM
Fucking 72 guests?
I was a guest, but I've decided to become a member so I can join the discussion.:iamafag:
Che Guevara
August 21st, 2010, 03:49 PM
What about Jun?
And does Curiosity kill the Kat? or carelessness?
to answer your first question:
* kat's death is kinda sudden and unexpected...not my most favorite scene meh
* there's also a gold colored visor you can buy after purchasing all other visors
* someone mentioned some other spartan team. noble team is the only spartan team that appears during the battle to defend reach
August 21st, 2010, 03:51 PM
Blahh. it doesn't make sense for Bungie to include Halsey and no other Spartans. That's disappointing.
August 21st, 2010, 03:51 PM
to answer your first question:
* kat's death is kinda sudden and unexpected...not my most favorite scene meh
* there's also a gold colored visor you can buy after purchasing all other visors
* someone mentioned some other spartan team. noble team is the only spartan team that appears during the battle to defend reach
Yes but what other visor colors are there besides Silver and Blue and what do they cost in cR?
August 21st, 2010, 03:58 PM
to answer your first question:
* kat's death is kinda sudden and unexpected...not my most favorite scene meh
* there's also a gold colored visor you can buy after purchasing all other visors
* someone mentioned some other spartan team. noble team is the only spartan team that appears during the battle to defend reach
Woah. Could you answer another question for me? How many helmets are available in Reach, and what is the most expensive?
August 21st, 2010, 04:00 PM
So I've read that Noble Six is outmatched by more Zealot Elites than he can handle in the end. It sounded like a somewhat weak ending, for such an epic story... so I got to pondering.
Isn't there an achievement for the 5th mission that involves killing an Elite? Kill a Zealot Elite before he can escape, if I remember correctly. Something tells me there is a an alternate ending to the game, if you get that achievement. Maybe Noble Six gets past the Zealot Elites, and dies in another manner.
Someone should definitely try this, and let me know how it goes.
Haven't heard anything about the Legendary ending either, though I'm guessing nobdy has seen it thus far.
August 21st, 2010, 04:06 PM
Hey Che, thanks for all the new info. On behalf of the rest of the Halo community I'd like to say I'm very greatful that at least somebody with an early copy of this game is sharing information at will. Could you post a screenshot or two of all of the helmets available, and I don't just mean the starting ones, I mean all of them. I assume you have a mod for it.
August 21st, 2010, 04:28 PM
So I've read that Noble Six is outmatched by more Zealot Elites than he can handle in the end. It sounded like a somewhat weak ending, for such an epic story... so I got to pondering.
Isn't there an achievement for the 5th mission that involves killing an Elite? Kill a Zealot Elite before he can escape, if I remember correctly. Something tells me there is a an alternate ending to the game, if you get that achievement. Maybe Noble Six gets past the Zealot Elites, and dies in another manner.
Someone should definitely try this, and let me know how it goes.
Haven't heard anything about the Legendary ending either, though I'm guessing nobdy has seen it thus far.
Considering there's 10 levels, that seems like something of a stretch - just because you kill one particular type of enemy half-way through the game doesn't mean you would then be able to survive against a large group of them unarmed come game's end (unarmed is speculation due to Che's use of the term 'duking it out).
There's an extended ending for Legendary, but given the fact that A: Bungie's always been more focussed on producing a single, driven narrative and B: Marketing departments have an enormous hard-on for multiple endings and pimp that shit out like crazy then I'd say that it's very unlikely there's multiple endings on this one. Sounds like wishful thinking on your part.
ps I didn't find this through; that place is everything bad about forums, ever.
August 21st, 2010, 07:17 PM
Hey Che, when are we going to be able to see a full video walkthrough campaign. It's happened for other games that have been leaked (usually courtesy of the fucking French *ahem* ODST *ahem*) Will it happen? Right now all the stuff on youtube is the crappiest quality humanly possible. Thanks a shit ton for all the stuff you've told us alread, I'm really grateful.:neckbeard::golfclap::downs:
August 21st, 2010, 07:31 PM
Yeah, I'll host the videos if he makes them. Except unlike the ODST French leak, these will be in English!
August 21st, 2010, 07:33 PM
What the fuck is going on? There are links to modacity on all sorts of fucking sites linking to this thread.
August 21st, 2010, 07:33 PM
Woah. Could you answer another question for me? How many helmets are available in Reach, and what is the most expensive?
Have you seen the armour effects? The hearts and bones one (Heart Attack is what it's called) costs 300000 cR, while the electrical current ("Inclement Weather") costs 2000000cR, 2 fucking million!
August 21st, 2010, 07:35 PM
Yeah, I'll host the videos if he makes them. Except unlike the ODST French leak, these will be in English!
Can you please post a link in this thread or something to notify us, googling and searching all this shit is a huge pain in the ass. Thanks (BTW sorry for the double post).
August 21st, 2010, 07:50 PM
Well you know they're all gonna die eventually. They're on Reach, after all.
Also, all these new people need to stop posting and fuck off. They'll just create hundreds of otherwise unused accounts.
t3h m00kz
August 21st, 2010, 08:04 PM
but spartans never die.
August 21st, 2010, 08:16 PM
Well you know they're all gonna die eventually. They're on Reach, after all.
Also, all these new people need to stop posting and fuck off. They'll just create hundreds of otherwise unused accounts.
No thanks, I think I'll stick around. Sorry to noob up your day.
August 21st, 2010, 08:23 PM
Here's some campaign footage and such. Awesome pair of cutscenes. (
August 21st, 2010, 08:26 PM
Hey Che, when are we going to be able to see a full video walkthrough campaign. It's happened for other games that have been leaked (usually courtesy of the fucking French *ahem* ODST *ahem*) Will it happen? Right now all the stuff on youtube is the crappiest quality humanly possible. Thanks a shit ton for all the stuff you've told us alread, I'm really grateful.:neckbeard::golfclap::downs:
"usually" - they did it once.
"fucking french" - you're complaining about them doing the same thing that you're encouraging Che to do.
At first I thought the modacity regulars complaining about all the noobs dropping in here was a little bit unwarranted but it's starting to make more sense now.
August 21st, 2010, 08:31 PM
Also, all these new people need to stop posting and fuck off. They'll just create hundreds of otherwise unused accounts.
is there some like storage space issue we're having that i don't know about?
August 21st, 2010, 08:50 PM
"usually" - they did it once.
"fucking french" - you're complaining about them doing the same thing that you're encouraging Che to do.
At first I thought the modacity regulars complaining about all the noobs dropping in here was a little bit unwarranted but it's starting to make more sense now.
I'm not going to bother replying to that directly, because I honestly don't care about your criticisms. Please read this because I don't want to start a flame war and waste my time.
Anyways the campaign, forge and firefight somebody showed was pretty sick, but the guy should release more, he's trying to tease us or some shit.
August 21st, 2010, 09:09 PM
Chill you guys, no need to complain about new people signing up. There's already hundreds of unused accounts in the database that have never even been activated.
August 21st, 2010, 09:29 PM
No thanks, I think I'll stick around. Sorry to noob up your day.
You can stay. You already have 10 posts :D
I'm just saying that when the day comes, it'll be real annoying to clean the unused accounts out. Everyone is welcome to stay if they actually contribute to the forum for more than a month. That's simply my opinion, though. Who the fuck cares what I say?
August 21st, 2010, 10:10 PM
Lolz, so it went to Halo Reach leaks to discussing all the unused accounts and other shit this thread is bringing in. I'm lovin it.
August 21st, 2010, 11:02 PM
What's this "high priority" item that Capt. Keyes so desperately needs to be delivered?
*Edit: At Korn, definitely my first assumption. :realsmug:
August 21st, 2010, 11:06 PM
I think it's quite obvious that Keyes forgot his porno stash back in his barracks and requested Noble Team to hand deliver it. I mean, what other high value item could it be that is in the halo universe?
August 21st, 2010, 11:18 PM
to answer your first question:
Is that Jun? like this is the first frame of the game, where is the helmet Nouble 6
August 21st, 2010, 11:25 PM
I think it's quite obvious that Keyes forgot his porno stash back in his barracks and requested Noble Team to hand deliver it. I mean, what other high value item could it be that is in the halo universe?
You're talking about Cortana right?
August 21st, 2010, 11:28 PM
LOL! +rep
August 21st, 2010, 11:40 PM
Actually it's captin keyes empty pistol he hands to chief.
Man, you all blind :parrot:
August 22nd, 2010, 12:15 AM
Lolz, so it went to Halo Reach leaks to discussing all the unused accounts and other shit this thread is bringing in. I'm lovin it.
Sorry, I forgot to add more "I can has leakz of Reach? Gimme now!!!"
Seriously, bro. You're gonna have a shitty time playing this game if you know everything about it, but have to wait for it and then when you get it you're like..."oh, that's cool, but I already knew that...:("
Trust me. It's not fun playing something for the first time, but already knowing what the fuck happens.
August 22nd, 2010, 12:17 AM
Is there any info on armor permutations, armor effects, multilayer maps, etc someone can compile into a single post? I don't want to inadvertently stumble on campaign spoilers.
August 22nd, 2010, 12:27 AM
Two of the FF Maps have blatant campaign spoilers in the background.
August 22nd, 2010, 12:28 AM
Fuck it, I'm just gonna stay out of this thread for a month
August 22nd, 2010, 12:29 AM
Fuck it, I'm just gonna stay out of this thread for a month
You'd best do that. There have been several campaign spoilers in this thread with no spoiler tags.
August 22nd, 2010, 12:31 AM
Luckily the ones I've seen weren't surprising, such as all of noble team getting killed (no shit, MC was the last spartan), and Keyes being in the game (no shit, it's a prequel to CE).
August 22nd, 2010, 12:35 AM
I have a couple of general game design questions, actually. I recall in their first ViDoc, Bungie stating the game could manage 40+ AI at a time. This number later grew to 60 in a more recent interview, though if that was a typo or if they actually had made more improvements on the engine, well...
I'm not particularly exacting either way, but just how busy do things get in Campaign? Does it ever seem like there are encounters that have dwarfed previous titles in the franchise or do the overall numbers feel more or less the same? Is the feeling of being involved in large-scale combat actually there? For better and for worse, the Halo games more felt like they were geared more towards small skirmishes and guerilla-style pushes. Those are certainly welcome, mind you, just curious about the numbers at work.
More importantly, are enemies equally as engaging as they are numerous? They certainly seemed full of personality and animalistically cunning in the official media.
On a related note, are the friendly AI worth a damn, whether it's other members of Noble Team or grunts? Does it feel like each member of Noble has their own character whenever you're fighting alongside them?
To put it in other words: Is the game as challenging as advertised? Did Bungie succeed in that particular gambit?
And on other side-notes: What does the game consider the "standard" difficulty? Heroic as was the case in the prior two games or is Normal still a challenge as it was in the first game?
Oh yeah, and assuming we'll be seeing urban combat, how involved does that get? Do we finally get to see something on the scale of what the E3 demo of Halo 2 promised? And do we get to fight in a vacuum again? That was certainly a highlight in that one. Maybe some boarding action after the dogfighting in orbit?
Thank you.
August 22nd, 2010, 01:31 AM
These are excellent questions.
Any armour abilities we don't know about yet?
Che Guevara
August 22nd, 2010, 01:37 AM
I have a couple of general game design questions, actually. I recall in their first ViDoc, Bungie stating the game could manage 40+ AI at a time. This number later grew to 60 in a more recent interview, though if that was a typo or if they actually had made more improvements on the engine, well...
I'm not particularly exacting either way, but just how busy do things get in Campaign? Does it ever seem like there are encounters that have dwarfed previous titles in the franchise or do the overall numbers feel more or less the same? Is the feeling of being involved in large-scale combat actually there? For better and for worse, the Halo games more felt like they were geared more towards small skirmishes and guerilla-style pushes. Those are certainly welcome, mind you, just curious about the numbers at work.
More importantly, are enemies equally as engaging as they are numerous? They certainly seemed full of personality and animalistically cunning in the official media.
On a related note, are the friendly AI worth a damn, whether it's other members of Noble Team or grunts? Does it feel like each member of Noble has their own character whenever you're fighting alongside them?
To put it in other words: Is the game as challenging as advertised? Did Bungie succeed in that particular gambit?
And on other side-notes: What does the game consider the "standard" difficulty? Heroic as was the case in the prior two games or is Normal still a challenge as it was in the first game?
Oh yeah, and assuming we'll be seeing urban combat, how involved does that get? Do we finally get to see something on the scale of what the E3 demo of Halo 2 promised? And do we get to fight in a vacuum again? That was certainly a highlight in that one. Maybe some boarding action after the dogfighting in orbit?
Thank you.
you'll def be seeing a lot more active AI characters in reach. i'm not sure if can recall a time when there was 40 characters running about...maybe 30 (not to say they can't support 40+ AI tho, they might have thought after a certain number that things just got too overwhelming, idk)
things get pretty damn busy while in the campaign. i will bet you money that there won't ever be a time where you think to yourself 'man, there are too few enemy characters in this encounter!'. the only exception i think to all of this is probably the first level, but i think it's due to the fact that it's suppose to ease you into the game. on that note, the first level is also a tutorial level kinda but doesn't run you thru the motions like halo1 or halo2 did. the first level basically gives you enough characters to fight to get a feel for the game and ease you into what's going on. for people new to the game, or who didn't play the beta, this will be a good thing. existing users shouldn't mind it tho (gave me more time to enjoy the views)
i've played on heroic and legendary...both are challenging. the AI isn't dumb and will use some smart maneuvers against you. take into account there are a shit load of them and you got yourself a pretty challenging firefight. people who just run and gun are going to have a real hard time playing this game on the higher difficulties.
friendly AI...well they're a special case. why? because they don't die. ever (they're invincible). well, expect when they're killed off but heh, that's a different story! this fact kinda makes some later game play feel like a joke, but i guess it could worse, you could have to baby sit them along with your troopers (when you actually have their support). who wants to babysit a spartan?
the game considers normal the standard difficultly AFAIK, not sure what you mean exactly. if you're a seasoned player then you'll want to play on heroic as you bring to the table a pre-existing know-how of how to fight the enemy or drive a vehicle, etc.
there's def urban combat again (gotta help them civies!). i wouldn't compare it to halo2's e3 demo as reach isn't earth. but you do get to fight in a vacuum again (during some boarding action like you said), and you get some good exposure to dogfighting in space (via the sabre in two battles, but in the same level) and in the air (via the falcon).
i think i forgot to address a question about buggers earlier: yes, they're back in the campaign, but not as :ugh:ifying
edit: nope, no secret AAs
August 22nd, 2010, 01:54 AM
How does the space battle play out? Is it always a small little skirmish or do we get to see the main battle?
August 22nd, 2010, 03:27 AM
Che Guevara,
what about the forerunner
the game will tell about them?
more iteresting screenshots please
August 22nd, 2010, 05:27 AM
Spoilers(Dr.Halsey order Noble Team to hand something to CaptainKeyse ? )Spoilers
What is that ?
August 22nd, 2010, 05:41 AM
Well Che I guess I'll copy paste my earlier question since I really want it answered =\
Hey there, I made an account just to ask you a question since someone redirected me here and I was super excited. Can I take the bullet hole through the helmet as a cue that your Noble 6 does indeed die by the end of the game? Good to know I predicted correctly on the fate of the remaining Noble Team members. I'm really curious about the fate of my own personal character though. I was also wondering something from the Armory if you could check, does the Blue Visor show up as costing 50,000 cR and are there any other visor colors available to you besides Silver and Blue?
Also have you seen this armor in there yet?
1616 I'm wondering about the shoulder pad specifically, I know the helmet is Recon without all the silly attachments and that the Visor color is blue but I don't know what that shoulder is, but it looks cool as all hell.
August 22nd, 2010, 06:10 AM
Well Che I guess I'll copy paste my earlier question since I really want it answered =\
Hey there, I made an account just to ask you a question since someone redirected me here and I was super excited. Can I take the bullet hole through the helmet as a cue that your Noble 6 does indeed die by the end of the game? Good to know I predicted correctly on the fate of the remaining Noble Team members. I'm really curious about the fate of my own personal character though. I was also wondering something from the Armory if you could check, does the Blue Visor show up as costing 50,000 cR and are there any other visor colors available to you besides Silver and Blue?
Also have you seen this armor in there yet?
1616 I'm wondering about the shoulder pad specifically, I know the helmet is Recon without all the silly attachments and that the Visor color is blue but I don't know what that shoulder is, but it looks cool as all hell.
Hey, are you Laszlo from Gaf?
Also, that shoulder there is the ODST shoulder pad.
August 22nd, 2010, 06:24 AM
Also, I will ask my question again. Che, could you show all of the helmets available, not just the ones available from the start, but ALL of them. I assume this would be possible with mods.
August 22nd, 2010, 06:44 AM
Hey, are you Laszlo from Gaf?
Also, that shoulder there is the ODST shoulder pad.
Well if that's the ODST shoulder pad then I want it. XD I'm not Lazslo. I'm a person from NeoGAF that has yet to be approved, I've been waiting more than a month and its kinda growing tiring. But this place seems rather nice.
August 22nd, 2010, 06:51 AM
Well if that's the ODST shoulder pad then I want it. XD I'm not Lazslo. I'm a person from NeoGAF that has yet to be approved, I've been waiting more than a month and its kinda growing tiring. But this place seems rather nice.
Yeah, I've been lurking for about 3 months. Registered a month ago, still not approved either. It's a bit stupid.
And yeah, Gaf seems like a good place. I'm not really a fan of the rediculously strict moderation over there (a well known long established member just got permanently banned for making a joke about Saddam Hussein) so I'm not really sure how long I'll last there, haha.
August 22nd, 2010, 07:34 AM
you'll def be seeing a lot more active AI characters in reach. i'm not sure if can recall a time when there was 40 characters running about...maybe 30 (not to say they can't support 40+ AI tho, they might have thought after a certain number that things just got too overwhelming, idk)
things get pretty damn busy while in the campaign. i will bet you money that there won't ever be a time where you think to yourself 'man, there are too few enemy characters in this encounter!'. the only exception i think to all of this is probably the first level, but i think it's due to the fact that it's suppose to ease you into the game. on that note, the first level is also a tutorial level kinda but doesn't run you thru the motions like halo1 or halo2 did. the first level basically gives you enough characters to fight to get a feel for the game and ease you into what's going on. for people new to the game, or who didn't play the beta, this will be a good thing. existing users shouldn't mind it tho (gave me more time to enjoy the views)
i've played on heroic and legendary...both are challenging. the AI isn't dumb and will use some smart maneuvers against you. take into account there are a shit load of them and you got yourself a pretty challenging firefight. people who just run and gun are going to have a real hard time playing this game on the higher difficulties.
friendly AI...well they're a special case. why? because they don't die. ever (they're invincible). well, expect when they're killed off but heh, that's a different story! this fact kinda makes some later game play feel like a joke, but i guess it could worse, you could have to baby sit them along with your troopers (when you actually have their support). who wants to babysit a spartan?
the game considers normal the standard difficultly AFAIK, not sure what you mean exactly. if you're a seasoned player then you'll want to play on heroic as you bring to the table a pre-existing know-how of how to fight the enemy or drive a vehicle, etc.
there's def urban combat again (gotta help them civies!). i wouldn't compare it to halo2's e3 demo as reach isn't earth. but you do get to fight in a vacuum again (during some boarding action like you said), and you get some good exposure to dogfighting in space (via the sabre in two battles, but in the same level) and in the air (via the falcon).
i think i forgot to address a question about buggers earlier: yes, they're back in the campaign, but not as :ugh:ifying
edit: nope, no secret AAs
This is all sounding very cool and tremendously exciting. Thanks for the response. This does sound like the sequel Combat Evolved deserved.
What I meant by that difficulty question was that Bungie and the games called Heroic "The way Halo is meant to be played", at least in Halo 3 and ODST. Just wondering if that was still the case here. Not that it's a biggie. Any excuse to replay through the campaign over and over again is a good one. 8)
How prominent are civilians and wildlife? Will we encounter them often and does the game react if we shoot them? How about those gueta creatures? Can they ruin your day?
Are troopers competent enough or should I never, ever entrust them with driving me around while I man the turret and rely on them as cannon fodder?
Oh yeah, and do civilian vehicles appear in Forge? Was thinking Race could be stupidly entertaining with beat up trucks and such.
Apart from all that, more screenshots, please! Not asking for anything too spoilery, just want to see more of these environments and vistas. Maybe some stuff showing off the odds we're up against and those aforementioned urban and vacuum sequences.
And because I'm a bit of a knife freak: How many are there available to buy? I noticed in that video posted earlier that the Spartan was holding a DMR in the Armoury. Is that the new default option or does that mean we get to select our signature weapon?
Cheers again!
August 22nd, 2010, 07:58 AM
Hey there, I've got three videos that I've seen so far, two of which show off quite a bit of Armor, including the fact that normal Recon is indeed included in the game without day one purchase. Looks like all Day One Purchase gets you is Recon + Attachments. Anyway, none of these contain spoilers, I'm not a dick. One of the videos has Countdown in it, a Firefight map from the campaign but the level has been seen before in other trailers. Enjoy
August 22nd, 2010, 08:28 AM
dear sweet god how many kiddies are coming here...
im gonna try to steer clear of this thread, i've already seen enough to piece to gether the whole fucking campaign
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 22nd, 2010, 11:03 AM
I has working reach.
But nothing to use it on yet! (Doesnt work on flashed box and my jtag is dedz0r)
August 22nd, 2010, 11:17 AM
dear sweet god how many kiddies are coming here...
I can't speak for them, but sorry, man.
It just so happens the part of the game I'm most interested in (Campaign) is understandably the part Bungie have been the most mum about.
Ultimately, I'd just like to know more of how it works in its game design, not so much interested in specific plotpoints as I am perhaps the kind of level design and enemies we'd be dealing with. It certainly looks vast, but does it deliver?
August 22nd, 2010, 11:50 AM
I've noticed that the site has considerably slowed down.
Or is it just me?
August 22nd, 2010, 12:18 PM
I've noticed that the site has considerably slowed down.
Or is it just me?
It's just you.
August 22nd, 2010, 12:19 PM
The speed of the site has been fine for me. We were actually running a little low on resources at one point yesterday (never out), but they were increased for the demand.
August 22nd, 2010, 12:27 PM
I'm going to guess that if I type 'halo reach leaked' into google this thread will be like the very first page.
let me go check this
damn it isnt
August 22nd, 2010, 12:47 PM
Wait jcap, do you have the leaked version or not?
August 22nd, 2010, 12:55 PM
I can't speak for them, but sorry, man.
It just so happens the part of the game I'm most interested in (Campaign) is understandably the part Bungie have been the most mum about.
Ultimately, I'd just like to know more of how it works in its game design, not so much interested in specific plotpoints as I am perhaps the kind of level design and enemies we'd be dealing with. It certainly looks vast, but does it deliver?
Maybe you should just wait for the game to find out?
Wait jcap, do you have the leaked version or not?
ROFL, why would you think that? Even if he did, he wouldn't say he does.
August 22nd, 2010, 01:45 PM
I could do that.
I could also ask people who've played the game exactly how big an improvement it is over prior iterations so that I can temper my expectations.
August 22nd, 2010, 02:06 PM
Because he said he would post the videos of campaign etc. I.e. the not crappy quality ones.
August 22nd, 2010, 02:12 PM
He said he would host it if the other guy was going get videos.
August 22nd, 2010, 02:20 PM
Sweet thanks for clarifying shit for me.
August 22nd, 2010, 03:34 PM
Holt shit this thread exploded.
August 22nd, 2010, 03:36 PM
Am I the only one from 2004 that modded this game his entire life and doesn't know a shit about the Halo story besides that there is a ring that kills everything? :iamafag:
August 22nd, 2010, 03:41 PM
Lol, probably.
August 22nd, 2010, 05:02 PM
I'm going to guess that if I type 'halo reach leaked' into google this thread will be like the very first page.
let me go check this
damn it isnt
google "halo reach modacity" without quotes
and you'll find the advertisement to this site
August 22nd, 2010, 05:20 PM
Does anybody have anymore Reach vids, NoblePenis posted this one in a thread, it's just a stream with no sound but good quality. stream (
Here's 15 minutes of campaign in HD (
August 22nd, 2010, 05:36 PM
I'm going to guess that if I type 'halo reach leaked' into google this thread will be like the very first page.
let me go check this
damn it isnt
Nah the other site that Im at has made an iso out of the xcp file and that one is over 200 pages in 1 1/2 days.Oh but the iso is onlyplayable on jtag console and is being upped as we speak.Guess another 4-5 hrs it will be all there
August 22nd, 2010, 05:47 PM
What's this other site you speak of. Give us a URL please, I wanna see it.
August 22nd, 2010, 06:11 PM
No haha almost posted it.I might get kicked here.Cause its an xbox site which is dedicated to download games for flashed xbox and jtags.So since I haven't read the rules(who does?) i'm not saying
Nevermind here is a google search
now this is not a link to the site simply a search for a guess which 1 i ment when you see it,also you'll need to register
August 22nd, 2010, 06:32 PM
Any further discussion about obtaining this game or any other game illegally will not be tolerated. You (read: everyone on this forum) have been warned. However, there are no rules about discussing games, even if they were leaked.
August 22nd, 2010, 06:43 PM
Any further discussion about obtaining this game or any other game illegally will not be tolerated. You (read: everyone on this forum) have been warned. However, there are no rules about discussing games, even if they were leaked.
Correct. However, if you want to discuss extracting Reach or asset extraction, that is allowed. We just don't tolerate linking to downloads of pirated games.
August 22nd, 2010, 07:58 PM
Above are the instructions for extracting it from the XCP archive (if you have it, don't ask) so you can take a look at the files for modding.
August 22nd, 2010, 08:36 PM
jcap, I really do not think this site should be supporting such posts, even if the source content isn't linked. People want to talk about the game, fine. But that's borderlining on piracy, especially since no one owns the game yet.
August 22nd, 2010, 09:19 PM
Can you tell me what all the names of the single player missions are just out of curiosity.
August 22nd, 2010, 09:47 PM
Because he said he would post the videos of campaign etc. I.e. the not crappy quality ones.
Oh true. No, he meant, as Syuusuke said, that he'd upload the videos if someone provided them to him.
jcap, I really do not think this site should be supporting such posts, even if the source content isn't linked. People want to talk about the game, fine. But that's borderlining on piracy, especially since no one owns the game yet.
I was starting to get concerned about this as well.
August 22nd, 2010, 10:10 PM
jcap, I really do not think this site should be supporting such posts, even if the source content isn't linked. People want to talk about the game, fine. But that's borderlining on piracy, especially since no one owns the game yet.
I agree, especially with the minor publicity the site is getting as a result of this whole thing. The last Modacity needs is an influx of new users with wrong ideas of what this site is about.
August 22nd, 2010, 10:18 PM
What is this site about?
August 22nd, 2010, 10:35 PM
What is this site about?
Modding and mapping for Halo CE, H2V, Source games, Unreal, and other games/engines. It's in the title, bro.
August 22nd, 2010, 10:52 PM
halo reach leaked download iso xbox hacking pc teens furry kornman00 aimbot
August 22nd, 2010, 10:58 PM
halo reach leaked download iso xbox hacking pc teens furry kornman00 aimbot
August 23rd, 2010, 06:35 AM
August 23rd, 2010, 08:53 AM
Halo Reach is a really sad game. :(
August 23rd, 2010, 11:33 AM
Pretty much. They said it would be, and it really is. There are moments of true heroism in this game though. I am really liking the somber, self sacrifice trend I'm seeing lately in games. To have protagonists that can actually die and aren't invincible only strengthens the narrative and your investment in the character. I mean just look at Red Dead Redemption.. holy shit.
August 23rd, 2010, 11:39 AM
I guess the images are confirmed to be real, guys! I'll be taking them down in about an hour from now when I get home, because we received a takedown notice this morning. To be honest, we don't even know the legitimacy of this notice, since he's from the UK and the domain is not registered to Microsoft, but we want to be on the safe side anyway (any lawyers reading this, please chime in with your $0.02). If anyone wants to save the images (and repost), better do so now!
Demand for Immediate Take-Down: Notice of Infringing Activity
URL: (
Case #: [redacted]
Date: 23 August 2010
Dear Sir or Madam,
Microsoft has received information that the domain listed above, which appears to be on servers under your control, is offering unlicensed copies of, or is engaged in other unauthorized activities relating to copyrighted works published by Microsoft.
1. Identification of copyrighted works:
Copyrighted work(s):
Xbox360: Halo Reach
Copyright owner:
Microsoft Corporation
2. Copyright infringing material or activity found at the following location(s): ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Images of the above copyright work(s) is being made available for copying, through downloading, at the above location without authorization of the copyright owner.
3. Statement of authority:
The information in this notice is accurate, and I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am authorized to act on behalf of Microsoft, the owner of the copyright(s) in the work(s) identified above. I have a good faith belief that none of the materials or activities listed above have been authorized by Microsoft, its agents, or the law.
We hereby give notice of these activities to you and request that you take expeditious action to remove or disable access to the material described above, and thereby prevent the illegal reproduction and distribution of this copyright work(s) via your company's network.
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please advise us regarding what actions you take.
Yours sincerely,
James Young
Internet Investigator
on behalf of Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
United States of America
August 23rd, 2010, 11:44 AM
Did Bungie ever say who the writing team consisted of? From what small snippets I've seen, the writing seems to be much improved over previous games. Might just be the influence of the presentation, tone and superior voice acting, mind you.
August 23rd, 2010, 11:56 AM
Admins: Just talked with Microsoft being my profession and this was not sitting good with me since it was missing A. a contact phone number and for these cases it must also contain a Digital Signature with that being said they said it is fraud, I gave them the link here and they verified that they do not have a James Young employ and that the email extension is not valid furthermore they said on there notices they will also have a phone number for the person(s) to call and correspondence is done through written. I will be receiving an email with the case number and contact information for the antipiracy case manager who verified the information and will forward it to the Admins here and at PPCGeeks as well. If one one the Admins here can PM there email addy so I can send the email to them for future verification on these types of notices.
There's no James Young with Microsoft.
August 23rd, 2010, 12:01 PM
I'm going into spoiler territory here but I'm thinking there's a Legendary Ending after ALL of this, for several reasons which I'll highlight in spoilers. These WILL contain end spoilers for Noble 6. Do not click them if you don't wish to be spoiled. I'm serious.
Alright, first of all the final battle with Noble 6, fighting for his life against the Zealots. Near the end you can see he is on the ground just barely fighting them back, but his actual "death" is obscured from view by someone/thing entering into the frame. I'm wondering if this will be part of a legendary ending. Also if you look at the grassy Reach shot the date is July 7th, 2589. That's Bungie day 30+ years after the end of the Human-Covenant War. There's definitely a legendary ending that no one has seen yet, and I'll be keeping that unspoiled for myself for when I have the game in my own hands. Cheers, and I'd like to hear thoughts on this little theorizing I'm doing. Let me know if I'm officially insane. :P
August 23rd, 2010, 12:50 PM
Jcap, you deleted rather than hid posts?
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 23rd, 2010, 02:27 PM
Here's the pics mirrored:
Pyong Kawaguchi
August 23rd, 2010, 04:21 PM
Map filename list Multiplayer:
20_sword_slayer - Sword Base
30_settlement - Powerhouse
35_island - Spire
45_aftship - Zealot
45_launch_station - Countdown
50_panopticon - Boardwalk
52_ivory_tower - Reflection
70_boneyard - Boneyard
forge_halo - Forge World
ff10_prototype - Overlook
ff20_courtyard - Courtyard
ff30_waterfront - Waterfront
ff45_corvette - Corvette
ff50_park - Beachhead
ff60_airview - Outpost
ff60_icecave - Glacier
ff70_holdout - Holdout
m05 - NOBLE Actual
m10 - Winter Contingency
m20 - ONI Sword Base
m30 - Nightfall
m35 - Tip of the Spear
m45 - Long Night of Solace
m50 - Exodus
m52 - New Alexandria
m60 - The Package
m70 - The Pillar of Autumn
m70_a - Credits
m70_bonus - Lone Wolf
August 23rd, 2010, 04:46 PM
Pyong man advancebo showed me that list already.
I still question at ONLY 9 MP maps.
August 23rd, 2010, 04:54 PM
Any idea as to whether the bonus is a playable level or just an after credits epilogue?
August 23rd, 2010, 04:59 PM
I still question at ONLY 9 MP maps.
Would the Forge World maps and remakes count as extras?
August 23rd, 2010, 05:05 PM
Would the Forge World maps and remakes count as extras?
People don't count Forge World and any variants because it will all be the same scenery. XD
August 23rd, 2010, 05:10 PM
People don't count Forge World and any variants because it will all be the same scenery. XD
True dat.
But I still want to know what that Pillar of Autumn Mission at the end is. It seems like a bonus for legendary difficulty, as the normal ending just sees the PoA taking off, and then the opening cutscene of Halo: CE.
August 23rd, 2010, 05:36 PM
Pretty sure that's the last mission. There's nine missions and Noble Actual is the name of the opening cutscene.
Lone Wolf seems to be the bonus mission which appears after the credits and where most of those initial screenshots are from.
August 23rd, 2010, 05:44 PM
Sword Base:
Before Winter Contingency was declared, ONI spooks kept themselves occupied in this remote installation.
Hydroelectric plants like this one provide clean, sustainable energy for the inhabitants of Reach.
Shielding infantry from aerial assault, these spires force the Covenant's foes to fight on deadly ground.
Vessels like the Ardent Prayer are a prelude to the devastation the Covenant fleet can unleash upon a planet.
It was only a matter of time before even the most clandestine UNSC operations were thrust into the public eye.
New Alexandria's civilian concourses provide access to rapid transit and views of Reach's serene vistas.
Reach's elite mix business with pleasure, building lavish penthouses atop soaring corporate ivory towers.
The once formidable Commonwealth awaits its final destination at one of the UNSC's ship breaking facilities.
Forge World:
A blank canvas recommended for Forge editing only.
Fight for fertile ground on a deserted farmyard.
Fight to secure the fortified ONI plaza.
Fight for vital infrastructure that fuels the war effort.
Fight for air superiority inside the belly of the beast.
Fight for prime real estate on the shores of New Alexandria.
Fight for survival amidst the smoldering ruins.
Fight for salvation deep down in the underground caves.
Fight for your life in the UNSC ship graveyard.
NOBLE Actual:
Welcome to Reach.
Winter Contingency:
There's a disturbance on the frontier.
ONI Sword Base:
Covenant are attacking a vital ONI base Drive the bastards off.
Move in behind enemy lines and evaluate the opposition.
Tip of the Spear:
Two massive armies clash! Time to go to war against the Covenant.
Long Night of Solace:
Move up the beach and secure the launch facility Take the battle to the Covenant Super Carrier.
All is not lost Evacuate civilians from an occupied city.
New Alexandria:
Provide air support in a forest of crumbling skyscrapers.
The Package:
Your orders are to destroy Sword Base. Or are they?
The Pillar of Autumn:
Deliver Halsey's data package to the Pillar of Autumn
Lone Wolf:
Spartans never die. They're just missing in action.
August 23rd, 2010, 05:46 PM
What are the difficulty level descriptions?
August 23rd, 2010, 05:59 PM
Isn't Lone Wolf the small mission to survive after the PoA cutscene?
August 23rd, 2010, 06:01 PM
Seems likely.
Wonder if there's a time limit on how long you're able to hold out, or if they just keep swamping you with more and more enemies 'til it becomes unmanageable. Good extension of the introduction to Firefight that the final setpiece in ODST was.
August 23rd, 2010, 06:11 PM
Isn't Lone Wolf the small mission to survive after the PoA cutscene?
Yeah, it is that one. It's the one where you also die for real if your health gets low enough
August 23rd, 2010, 06:57 PM
...though don't take Ernesto's name into disgrace.
This isn't the thread for it so I'll keep it brief:
Don't even start with that nonsense...
August 23rd, 2010, 07:15 PM
This isn't the thread for it so I'll keep it brief:
Don't even start with that nonsense...
How about don't start it at all :golfclap:
I probably know more about him than you do and I am not one of those hasta la victoria siempre kiddies. Being half latino and have read his biography...your chances are pretty slim.
August 23rd, 2010, 08:28 PM
Shall we start a new thread in a separate topic?
August 23rd, 2010, 08:34 PM
August 24th, 2010, 12:36 AM
must spread rep
August 24th, 2010, 09:20 AM
Yeah, it is that one. It's the one where you also die for real if your health gets low enough
August 24th, 2010, 09:25 AM
Yeah, but you may not be dead. There is always a Legendary ending for these games, the shot of Noble 6 is completely obscured by the Elite entering into the frame, and you never see the stab get close to his body, all you see is the arm raise up. Then it shows his helmet sitting in a grassy field on Reach on July 7th, 2589. July 7th is Bungie day, and the date is 30+ years after the end of Halo 3. It's not over yet.
August 24th, 2010, 10:45 AM
I'd honestly feel of copped out if that was the case.
Besides, even in the unlikely event that Elites going all Ides of March on you doesn't snuff you out, how would you survive a glassing?
August 24th, 2010, 11:06 AM
I dont know why I check this thread. I never check the spoilers and I dont ever read anything.
August 24th, 2010, 11:50 AM
Yeah, but you may not be dead. There is always a Legendary ending for these games, the shot of Noble 6 is completely obscured by the Elite entering into the frame, and you never see the stab get close to his body, all you see is the arm raise up. Then it shows his helmet sitting in a grassy field on Reach on July 7th, 2589. July 7th is Bungie day, and the date is 30+ years after the end of Halo 3. It's not over yet.
That's the thing, though. They never really show the killing at the most dramatic moment. The date may mean something, but most of the time it's just a tease for something that doesn't exist. Really, how could it not be over yet...37 years after the Reach events. Nobel 6 still kicking ass at 60+ years old...well, maybe.
August 24th, 2010, 02:49 PM
That's not that big of a stretch, Spartans are very resilient due to all the enhancements they put in them. I mean hell Master Chief is like 45 or older and Sgt. Johnson who is a Spartan-I is over 80 years old by the time he dies in Halo 3. So I'm not really seeing it be a huge stretch that Noble 6 would still be kicking at 60+
August 24th, 2010, 03:11 PM
That's not that big of a stretch, Spartans are very resilient due to all the enhancements they put in them. I mean hell Master Chief is like 45 or older and Sgt. Johnson who is a Spartan-I is over 80 years old by the time he dies in Halo 3. So I'm not really seeing it be a huge stretch that Noble 6 would still be kicking at 60+
cryogenics bro.
August 24th, 2010, 03:14 PM
That's not that big of a stretch, Spartans are very resilient due to all the enhancements they put in them. I mean hell Master Chief is like 45 or older and Sgt. Johnson who is a Spartan-I is over 80 years old by the time he dies in Halo 3. So I'm not really seeing it be a huge stretch that Noble 6 would still be kicking at 60+
Johnson was definitely not 80+ years old when he was killed.
August 24th, 2010, 03:14 PM
Where'd Che get to anyway?
Cortana made it pretty clear in the coda that Noble 6 is dead.
August 24th, 2010, 03:21 PM
Where'd Che get to anyway?
Cortana made it pretty clear in the coda that Noble 6 is dead.
I'd venture that was Dr. Halsey and not Cortana. By 2589 Cortana would be well into full rampancy which is when an AI goes completely insane/defective.
Johnson was 82 at the time of his death. However, because much of that time was spent in cryogenic suspension during Slipspace jumps, he was physically much younger. Its been stated before he was 82 at the time of his death, but due to the cryo and slip space was much younger physically. He was born in the 2400's, and died in 2552.
Also someone -can- speak out of inexperience. I said I might be wrong, if Noble Six is dead oh that's sad. If he's alive, then awesome. Its a theory I won't be proven wrong till I see the Legendary Ending, and if I am I'll gladly eat humble pie. All it is, is a theory. =\
August 24th, 2010, 05:44 PM
At this time in human history, the estimated human longevity is around 150 years of age. John-117 is in his mid 40s, making him the rough equivalent of a fully healthy man in his mid 20s today. That and given the amount of time spent in cryo sleep, and the extended periods of time in slipspace. John at this time is extremely healthy age wise.
August 24th, 2010, 07:41 PM
I'd venture that was Dr. Halsey and not Cortana. By 2589 Cortana would be well into full rampancy which is when an AI goes completely insane/defective.
Johnson was 82 at the time of his death. However, because much of that time was spent in cryogenic suspension during Slipspace jumps, he was physically much younger. Its been stated before he was 82 at the time of his death, but due to the cryo and slip space was much younger physically. He was born in the 2400's, and died in 2552.
Also someone -can- speak out of inexperience. I said I might be wrong, if Noble Six is dead oh that's sad. If he's alive, then awesome. Its a theory I won't be proven wrong till I see the Legendary Ending, and if I am I'll gladly eat humble pie. All it is, is a theory. =\
I forgot about the cryo sleep thing. I think I read about that somewhere. You may, in fact, be correct about Johnson's age. Actually I now remember reading it at the Halo Wiki. There's no citation for it so I'll assume it is incorrect information for the time being. Captain Keyes must have been a lot older than he appeared in CE, if this is true...along with many other characters.
The legendary ending for any of the games had never actually held any significance, besides (fake) confirming Johnson's death in CE. The legendary ending for Reach probably doesn't reveal or answer anything. It'll probably raise more questions like Halo 3's legendary ending. Reach is the last Halo game to be made by Bungie. However, it matters not if Noble 6 is dead or not. We won't ever find out. We don't need to know either. It's fully implied.
August 24th, 2010, 09:48 PM
Che Guevara
August 25th, 2010, 08:33 PM
Where'd Che get to anyway?
well the game itself was leaked by whoever, wasn't by the group i know, so i didn't think my services were needed anymore since videos were popping up left and right on youtube lol
The legendary ending for any of the games had never actually held any significance, besides (fake) confirming Johnson's death in CE. The legendary ending for Reach probably doesn't reveal or answer anything. It'll probably raise more questions like Halo 3's legendary ending. Reach is the last Halo game to be made by Bungie. However, it matters not if Noble 6 is dead or not. We won't ever find out. We don't need to know either. It's fully implied.
i only watched the ending when i played legendary and it had the cinematic shot from halo 1 and the first two lines play before the credits did. i'm not sure if this is done for all difficulties or not, but that's the only thing special i noticed.
August 26th, 2010, 03:54 AM
Hella sad. You get stabbed in the face.
August 26th, 2010, 04:27 AM
Every time I see Keyes in that video he reminds me of the Illusive Man, whom I hate.
Love the visually improved Autumn, though, especially the engine nozzle flaps.
August 26th, 2010, 11:51 PM
probably useful to someone.
Here are all the fonts that halo reach uses.
tv nord Condensed 18
tv nord condensed bold 24
tv nord condensed bold 42
tv nord condensed bold 30
eurostile lt demi 13
tv nord hud 15
tv nord condensed 15
eurostile lt demi 18
tv nord condensed 16
tv nord condensed 17
August 27th, 2010, 11:00 PM
Can you post voice credits for the game? I'd love to know who Bungie recruited to voice the members of Noble Team.
* Does the game feature water craft / water battles / anything on the water?
* What civilian vehicles are encountered in the campaign? Do any of these appear in multiplayer or Firefight? Are they available in Forge?
* What types of wildlife appear in the game? Can you kill them? Can you ride them?
* What is Auntie Dot?
August 28th, 2010, 01:41 PM
No water crafts, No civilian vehicles in forge except I think the forklift.
Yes there is wildlife, you can kill them.
August 28th, 2010, 03:09 PM
Can you post voice credits for the game? I'd love to know who Bungie recruited to voice the members of Noble Team.
* Does the game feature water craft / water battles / anything on the water?
* What civilian vehicles are encountered in the campaign? Do any of these appear in multiplayer or Firefight? Are they available in Forge?
* What types of wildlife appear in the game? Can you kill them? Can you ride them?
* What is Auntie Dot?
1.There are no watercraft, and the closest you can get to water battles is forging ships in the water. Bungie made a map where a part of the map is like a "wading pool"
2.All vehicles you encounter in campaign are drivable (except for the Pelican and Phantom :( ). I don't believe you can spawn any of the civvie vehicles are forgable, or appear in multiplayer.
3.There is some wildlife, like the Moa (ostriches) or the Gueta. You can't ride the wildlife.
4. Auntie dot is Noble Team's AI, kinda like Master Chief has Cortana, but Dot is stupid and can't really "talk" like Cortana (i.e. she doesn't make any remarks like Cortana).
Thats the Gueta, it's fucking HUGE!
September 2nd, 2010, 06:33 PM
Can anyone tell me where Buck (ODST) appears in the Reach campaign? I want to know.
September 2nd, 2010, 07:06 PM
Can anyone tell me where Buck (ODST) appears in the Reach campaign? I want to know.
You don't actualy see him, just his Pelican, and you have to escort a "high-value object" or something like that, it's at nightime, and you fly around New Alexandria (Big-ass city) in a Falcon destroying Covenant comms jammers.
September 2nd, 2010, 07:12 PM
You don't actualy see him, just his Pelican, and you have to escort a "high-value object" or something like that, it's at nightime, and you fly around New Alexandria (Big-ass city) in a Falcon destroying Covenant comms jammers.
Damn I wanted to see a redesigned Buck. Maybe a Buck whose hair isnt permanently perfect? :iamafag:
Oh well, he was my favorite ODST at least I get to use his voice in Firefight
September 2nd, 2010, 09:24 PM
A buddy reviewed this.
really nailed the covenant as the strategic winners while you're almost always the tactical winner
also the DMR is pretty cool and most of the new weapons are fun plus dope also game has framerate issues in 1080p that ODST did not have
oh and punching ostriches in the mouth as they run past you is great
1/5 dinosaurs (not enough dinosaurs)
3/5 sound (good music in the beginning that wasn't being halo soundtrack but then later it was halo soundtrack and i did not like that but at first it was cool)
10/5 pronounciation (guy says ma'am like he is saying madam in old english except he drops the d it is sweet+nice)
overall would play again but this time firefight i haven't touched that yet i want to touch that
oh yeah and the ending was pretty fun i liked the ending that gets some stars out of even more stars
September 4th, 2010, 02:27 PM
Replaying Combat Evolved prompts the question: What's the range like on the shotgun in Reach?
September 4th, 2010, 07:06 PM
Replaying Combat Evolved prompts the question: What's the range like on the shotgun in Reach?
In the beta, I found effective range to be somewhere in between the H1 and H2 shotguns.
September 4th, 2010, 07:14 PM
^which is anywhere between the other side of a long hallway and 3 inches away from your face :v:
in all seriousness though, when i played the beta i didnt use the shotgun too much, but when i did the range was a bit better than the halo 3 shotgun, as in you can actually kill somebody without putting the barrel in their mouth and following up with a melee.
September 5th, 2010, 03:12 AM
^which is anywhere between the other side of a long hallway and 3 inches away from your face :v:
in all seriousness though, when i played the beta i didnt use the shotgun too much, but when i did the range was a bit better than the halo 3 shotgun, as in you can actually kill somebody without putting the barrel in their mouth and following up with a melee.
And it didn't require more than 2 shots to kill a person. The halo 3 shotgun is a terrible weapon.
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