View Full Version : Overclocking IBM P4T-1 Mother Board Running Phoenix Bios

August 26th, 2010, 12:49 AM
Thread title +1.

It's running a IBM version of phoenix bios. Is there a way to flash the bios so I can overclock? I've got 3 fans in this old computer and it runs at room temperture so I think I could push a little more performance out of it.

Also what program would I use to overclock a AGP Geforce FX5200?

August 26th, 2010, 01:45 AM
Rivatuner for the video card, or many others. If your bios doesn't have any clock control then deal w/ it I guess :-3

lol you have a 5200

August 26th, 2010, 02:25 PM
Well I've always heard you can flash Phoenix Bios to overclock them. But I don't know where to get said bios or how to burn the disc to flash them with.

August 26th, 2010, 06:05 PM
BIOS usually gets put onto a floppy.

August 26th, 2010, 06:22 PM
Why is it that the BIOs screen claims to be made by IBM and the board claims to be made by ASUS.

And neither of them will help me on tech support.

August 28th, 2010, 02:26 PM
Probably because Phoenix and IBM had a partnership kind of thing going when the BIOS was developed.