View Full Version : Freedom of Speech? In my Alaska State fair?
August 28th, 2010, 12:23 PM
I don't know where to begin. Or where to even agree or disagree upon. I think this guy is Crazy, but he might have some rights. But I think their is also a fine line between disturbing the public or something I don't really know. Since I'm not to fresh with my constitution, I'll leave it up to you pros to decide.
Security doesn't even know what the fuck to do! They are just putting their weight down on him while some lady is giving him fucking water. I give up on everything, especially politics.
August 28th, 2010, 06:25 PM
You can do Freedom of Speech if it does not conflict with any other laws. That easy. AFAIK he did nothing wrong.
Comparing Obama to Hitler though is stupid; hardly worth the effort. Pretty sure private security is not trained for these incidents. They were clearly overburdened in that situation.
from their website
President Barack Obama's stated intention, to shut down and destroy the NASA program at its root, when added to the Hitler-like health-care policy, and the general, destructive features of all other leading Obama policies, is one step too far to bear.
OMG. Public Health Care already existed since 1883 in Germany.
August 28th, 2010, 06:36 PM
I believe it was on private property though...I mean if you invited anyone to a BBQ for fun and to have a great time you wouldnt want some idiot disturb people. You would probably kick him off your property. Now a couple years ago, there was an incident called "bong hits for jesus". I dont feel like going into details so..
August 28th, 2010, 06:38 PM
If it was on private property, they obviously had the right to remove him -.-
This is no rocket science.
August 28th, 2010, 07:14 PM
from their website
President Barack Obama's stated intention, to shut down and destroy the NASA program at its root, when added to the Hitler-like health-care policy, and the general, destructive features of all other leading Obama policies, is one step too far to bear.
This is the sort of thing that makes me really cranky. Obama has NEVER stated an intention to "DESTROY NASA OMG," and I have to just roll my eyes considering the hypocritical nature of Americans even if this was the case. Hypothetically speaking:
Space exploration is something that is currently not a necessity. While NASA turns its focus to investigating climate change, it would be quite reasonable for Obama to cut funding to NASA's space exploration programs. This would help reduce our deficit. But as a result, Americans would cry and whine because Obama is taking away American jobs and spending all our money on THE GLOBAL WARMINS.
On the other hand, if Obama did NOT do the above, and NASA launched some sort of billion dollar space journey, Americans would be crying and whining about what a waste of taxpayer money it is, and how Obama is hijacking our government and spending all our money and creating a deficit that existed long before he entered office.
I genuinely wish people weren't so stupid.
More relevant to the topic:
I don't really understand this whole "Impeach Obama" campaign. Though, that man had every right to carry that banner around if he wanted to. I think the police were a bit too rowdy with the man and with the crowd. Their standoffish and "I'M A STATE TROOPER, BACK OFF, BACK OFF, BACK OFF" attitude probably made that situation about a billion times worse.
At the same time, the crowd was also escalating the situation too. "WE'LL PUT THIS ON THE NEWWWWWWWWS."
I am irritated with humanity right now, lmao.
August 28th, 2010, 07:24 PM
Aero, you do know that the Obama Administration didn't cut funding to space exploration right? Only the moon program (can't remember the name), and the new rocket program (I think?). There's a thread around the forums discussing this very thing. However, facts are irrelevant considering the point you were trying to get across still stands.. as it is very, very true. The state trooper was actually just doing his job. If a police officer shows weakness in that moment then things can get entirely out of control. The rest of the guys in blue were just security detail; they, as stated earlier, are probably not trained in these type of situations.
I'm not entirely sure if this was private property. He incurred a trespassing charge, so it may have been. Either way, these situations happen all of the time. It's not just politics either. This happens with religious topics, bands, and various other topics. It's quite common.
August 28th, 2010, 07:30 PM
Aero, you do know that the Obama Administration didn't cut funding to space exploration right? Only the moon program (can't remember the name), and the new rocket program (I think?).
Read my post. I'm pretty sure I have a "Hypothetically speaking" up in there right before that paragraph. :) It was only for the sake of an example, hon.
August 28th, 2010, 07:35 PM
I agree aerowyn, sometimes I feel if being human is more of curse than a "special purpose".
August 28th, 2010, 08:31 PM
Read my post. I'm pretty sure I have a "Hypothetically speaking" up in there right before that paragraph. :) It was only for the sake of an example, hon.
I'm almost certain you didn't have that there when I posted. However, even if you did, it's of no importance. I agreed with your post. Don't get defensive over trivial things; especially since I pointed out that the point of your message was understood.
I apologize if I'm misunderstanding your context, or 'emotion.' Text is hard to pull from sometimes. I also did not mean for it to seem as if I was trying to cut down your argument/example.
August 30th, 2010, 07:47 AM
chances are that wasn't private property but rather country or township property. /freespeech
August 30th, 2010, 12:22 PM
If it was at the state fair, the state fair grounds is a state park. State Park = public property
August 30th, 2010, 07:58 PM
Ya it was private property.
August 31st, 2010, 08:49 AM
Ya it was private property.
source please.
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