View Full Version : [SOURCE] Alien Zombies?

September 3rd, 2010, 05:34 PM
Right now i'm remaking Der Riese from Call Of Duty: WaW, but only the layout. Pictures will come later when i'm farther than I am now.

I was browsing around the internet, and came across this (http://swarmarmory.com/tutorial?name=Creating-A-Point-System). What i'm wondering if instead of just weapons, this can be applied to opening doors too. Any ASW people out there got some input on this?

I'm just doing the basic layout right now, and after that comes fine tuning and visual upgrading. I've already added some since this video.


September 4th, 2010, 09:44 PM
Double posting because no one views this thread anyway.

From now on i'll just post updates on my blog (http://johnflasser.blogspot.com/2010/09/alien-swarm-der-riese.html). If you wanna see progress on it, you can check there.