View Full Version : Chorizo + Kielbasa
September 26th, 2010, 09:24 PM
The first entry in my epic Sausage Trilogy, Chorizo is a classic big team objective and slayer map variant built on the Forge World Island, formerly the home of Paradiso.
Suuports: Slayer, CTF, Assault, KOTH, Oddball, Headhunter, Territories, Stockpile
Supports (but are shitty): Invasion Slayer, Infection
Does Not Support: Invasion, Race, Rally
Vehicles: Falcon X2, Warthog X4, Ghost X2, Mongoose X2, Wraith X2
Weapons: DMR, Needle Rifle, Assault Rifle, Plasma Repeater, Magnum, Plasma Pistol, Grenade Launcher, Concussion Rifle, Shotgun, Needler, Sniper Rifle (X2), Rocket Launcher (X2), Frag Grenades, Plasma Grenades, Mounted Machinegun (X4)
Updated 10/21/10
Download Chorizo revision 1.1 (
See post below for details.
Old Version (
Update: 10/12
I made a small-ish, non-vehicle arena map in the Colosseum called, "Kielbasa."
Supports: Slayer, CTF, Assault, KOYJ, Oddball, Headhunter, Stockpile, Territories, Infection
Does not support: Invasion, Invasion Slayer, Race, Rally
Weapons: DMR, Needle Rifle, Assault Rifle, Plasma Repeater, Magnum, Plasma Pistol, Needler, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle X2, Grenade Launcher X2, Concussion Rifle X2, Rocket Launcher X1. Plasma Grenade, Frag Grenade
Updated 10/21/10
Download Kielbasa revision 1.1 (
See post below for details.
Old Version (
September 26th, 2010, 10:32 PM
Looks really nice and the structures look well attended to. There are only two things that urk me though: the Scorpions and if the map will be entirely used due to some complex areas. Idk, complexity is something I always look out for in maps for some reason. Either way, the map looks very nice, but you definitely should reconsider the use of Scorpions in comparison to the use of Wraith tanks.
September 26th, 2010, 11:51 PM
I'm thinking Wraiths would be comically inept on this map. At least the Scorpions can swat the Falcons.
By the way, I should probably mention that the mountain is no longer a camping paradise (or paradiso). They can't walk up there, because I put extra rocks in the way, along with a soft kill area. Killing them softly.
I also have it so that there are 1-way teleporters to the roof of each base as a shortcut home or a back door for attackers. When you emerge on the roof, you will find that you are in a soft kill zone and have 10 seconds to get off the roof. This will hopefully prevent camping or blocking the teleporters. Interestingly, this is a team-only feature. In FFA gametypes, the roof is fair game for camping because there isn't a team required to spawn in that area.
September 27th, 2010, 04:56 AM
Heh, it looks nice...but as DarkHalo said, it looks too complex. Great maps are usually born from a very simple concept.
Also the Scorpions swat everything, whereas a Falcon can easily be taken down with a warthog, laser, heck even combined small-arms fire. It also doesn't do insane amounts of damage to other things.
September 27th, 2010, 09:16 AM
It's not actually complex. The bases are simple as can be. The protruding structures coming off of the mountain are just long, straight catwalks with a lower plaform to help you get down without taking fall damage. The middle building is just a big deck with a small interior space and some stairs. It's elevated off the ground to allow vehicles to pass. There is nothing maze-like about any of it. But maybe that's just because I built it.
In any case, the map is what it is. I did what I had to do to craft the space and take ownership of it. Without all that stuff, it's not Chorizo, it's just the Island. This isn't CE, where an author can take ownership of every last square foot. This is Forge and you have to find a way to put a unique stamp on things.
If I ever get a test going, I'll try Scorpion vs Wraith. I still can't imagine the Wraith being able to do much of anything, other than getting stuck. It's shitty that I have to choose one over the other. Couldn't older Halo games swap tanks with gametype settings? Anyway, if the Scorpion is a problem, then it can be turned off.
September 27th, 2010, 05:06 PM
You could replace the Tank with a weaker Guass Cannon the AA Hog; it may seem a little unfair to the Falcons, but having them spawn occasionally wouldn't be a bad thing, especially since I've witnessed first hand how damn obnoxious a Falcon can be (even if with Drop Shield). It's ALMOST obnoxious as having a Guass Hog (because it's so difficult to remove from play at first). Also, you don't want to have something being able to constantly swat something else from play; if you do that, what is the point in adding that other element in the first place? Get what I mean?
September 27th, 2010, 06:30 PM
I was just playing with the Wraith and there seems to be plenty of room for it to move. Problem is, I'm going to have to keep all Tanks off the map, because of the shitty gametype options. You can have "No Tanks" and "No Aircraft", but you can't have no aircraft and no tanks. I think it's important to be able to leave just the 4-wheelers on the map, so I have to choose to have either aircraft or tanks. I'm choosing the aircraft.
Similar problems arise with the Gauss Hog. They can't be individually enabled/disabled. So, if people want the Gauss gone, they would have to turn off all Warthogs.
I miss Custom Edition.
September 27th, 2010, 08:14 PM
I was just playing with the Wraith and there seems to be plenty of room for it to move. Problem is, I'm going to have to keep all Tanks off the map, because of the shitty gametype options. You can have "No Tanks" and "No Aircraft", but you can't have no aircraft and no tanks. I think it's important to be able to leave just the 4-wheelers on the map, so I have to choose to have either aircraft or tanks. I'm choosing the aircraft.
Similar problems arise with the Gauss Hog. They can't be individually enabled/disabled. So, if people want the Gauss gone, they would have to turn off all Warthogs.
I miss Custom Edition.
I'm glad there are no tanks or Guass. The map look WAY too close quarters in terms of vehicular combat versus the infantry combat to be balanced for tanks anyways. Just please use the AA Hog instead to guarantee a moderate way to balance out the Falcon.
September 27th, 2010, 08:26 PM
Whoops, didn't notice the "Light Ground" option in the vehicle sets. Guess I'll have to reconsider my options. The smart play right now seems to be to include a Wraith. If people want the Scorpion instead, they can choose the "All Human" vehicle set option to convert the Wraith to a Scorpion. If I had a Scorpion in by default, then the "All Covenant" option would have to be used and that would just fuck things up.
October 1st, 2010, 05:36 PM
Edited first post with new version, new images, new information.
So, this Modacity forging thing turned out to be still-born. Saw it coming. Any suggestions for other forums that might be interested in hearing about this map variant? Forge Hub is a given. Any others?
October 3rd, 2010, 08:37 AM
What we really need are more gamenights where we play everyone's maps.
October 3rd, 2010, 11:48 AM
What we really need are more gamenights where we play everyone's maps.
I definitely agree. We should plan one for Friday of this week if possible, mainly because I hate seeing maps die out and no one ends up playing them just because people couldn't organize for some testing time.
October 3rd, 2010, 12:32 PM
Can we not call it a test? Every test I've ever run has devolved into a screwing around session, which incidentally, is not useful as a test. Let's get a bunch of custom maps at a state of done-ness that we can take them seriously and play them competitively and go from there. Half-baked WIP's need not apply.
I posted over at Forge Hub and it got buried under a pile of remakes in record time. Still, I'd rather make a new map of my own design, featuring my own ideas than spend a week making the 63rd-best Hang Em High remake.
October 3rd, 2010, 04:50 PM
Can we not call it a test? Every test I've ever run has devolved into a screwing around session, which incidentally, is not useful as a test. Let's get a bunch of custom maps at a state of done-ness that we can take them seriously and play them competitively and go from there. Half-baked WIP's need not apply.
I posted over at Forge Hub and it got buried under a pile of remakes in record time. Still, I'd rather make a new map of my own design, featuring my own ideas than spend a week making the 63rd-best Hang Em High remake.
THIS. Halo3 had this problem for a few months after Foundry was released. I think in about a couple of months that will definitely die down.
October 3rd, 2010, 06:04 PM
THIS. Halo3 had this problem for a few months after Foundry was released. I think in about a couple of months that will definitely die down.
They're currently having a best remake competition.
October 3rd, 2010, 06:33 PM
I saw that contest and shook my head. As if people need that incentive. Oh well, I guess it's best to get it out of everyone's systems early on. I don't fault people for doing remakes, I just wish remakes weren't the only things people cared about.
There are going to be a lot of shitty maps that get attention because they claim to be remakes. Forge can maybe do 1/3rd of past Bungie maps in a passable fashion. The other 2/3rds will be forced on it like a bad stepdad on a teenage daighter.
October 4th, 2010, 12:49 AM
How about WE do our own testnight?
WE as in all (active) forgers on this site.
We could start off with testing smaller maps (4-8 people), of which I happen to have 2...
My gamertag is my username here.
October 4th, 2010, 02:42 PM
I guess I could try to whip up a mid-sized arena map this week.
Also thinking about making my own "Onyx Label" for quality original maps. I had a feeling that even if the guild had worked, I would have wound up doing my own thing anyway.
October 4th, 2010, 06:49 PM
I'll try to get one of my maps done by this Saturday night. Uhh, how about 9 EST?
October 5th, 2010, 03:55 AM
9 EST is good for me (asuming you mean 9 am). And yeah, the reason I suggest doing medium sized maps is so we don't need as much testing people + it's alot less chaotic in pregame lobby.
October 5th, 2010, 03:49 PM
9 EST is good for me (asuming you mean 9 am). And yeah, the reason I suggest doing medium sized maps is so we don't need as much testing people + it's alot less chaotic in pregame lobby.
Yikes I meant 9 PM. I have the SAT in the morning, so I won't be functional until later that evening.
October 5th, 2010, 08:20 PM
That puts me at like 2 AM, not really a time fitted for a hard working man like me..
How about Sunday at 9 am EST? Or a bit later would also work for me.
October 12th, 2010, 10:52 PM
Updated first post with new map.
E: added walkthrough video. Bungie's SD render quality is shit.
October 13th, 2010, 06:37 PM
Have you play-tested Kielbasa? It looks like it could be fun. I'll have to try it, seeing as Chorizo took me fancy.
October 13th, 2010, 07:06 PM
To be honest, I didn't even go in with a second controller to make sure every single gametype worked properly. Though, I did triple check everything in Forge. I didn't playtest.
Playtests are just too hard to pull together and they don't last long enough to work out things that weren't glaringly obvious to begin with. I do think testing is necessary for asymmetrical maps, which is why I haven't done asymmetrical.
Also, I don't like playing my own maps. I would much rather watch others play. So, if anybody has a film of a game or two that's not just screwing around, send it my way.
October 21st, 2010, 02:18 AM
I'm working on giving my maps some extra spit polish for the contest.
Chorizo revision 1.1 changes:
- More red and blue object color distinction.
- Teleporters no longer lead to soft kill zone. The receiver pad has been moved to the front tip of each base's roof, while the rest of the roof remains a soft kill volume.
- Added another set of 1-way teleporters for each team from inside base to each team's machine gun platform. This is to give an infantry boost, similar to the teleporters on Blood Gulch.
- Rocket launchers are placed on blocks, making them easier to locate.
- Ramp added to machine gun platform to make them ground accessible without having to platform jump.
- Machine gun turrets trimmed from 4 to 2. One turret per platform is enough.
- Removed safe havens support.
- Other miscellaneous tweaks and optimizations.
Chorizo revision 1.1 images
Download Chorizo 1.1 (
Kielbasa 1.1 changes
- Removed "Juicy" effect. I liked how it made the red and blue stand out better, but it worsened some of the lighting issues inherent to the colosseum.
- Added light to the middle platform. It was too dark for the center of the map.
- Expanded red and blue team respawn zones. They are no longer trapped in the flag room like sardines in a can.
Kielbasa revision 1.1 images
Download Kielbasa 1.1 (
October 21st, 2010, 04:45 PM
These look great. Someone needs to organize a customs day for next weekend.
October 22nd, 2010, 05:25 AM
I'll probably be hosting some big team games this weekend, just drop by if you're on (goes for any interested people)
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