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View Full Version : HCE Custom Weapon: Parts not showing in game

September 29th, 2010, 12:35 AM
Hey, I made custom content in Halo CE a couple years back and just recently got back into it. I decided to make a custom weapon just to get a feel for it again and I settled on a Beretta SMG (model seen here)
In case it is relevant, the model is made up of multiple pieces totaling around 2.5k triangles(before optimization) each piece containing open edges. And before you ask, yes it hasn't been smoothed and only has a solid texture atm. I wanted to make sure the model was alright in game before I spent time working those out.

The problem is that pieces of the weapon aren't showing up in game. I would assume it has something to do with them being separate pieces of geometry, but I figured that would explain all of the pieces except one showing up, or none at all. The thing is, some do and some don't. Here are screens of what it looks like in game.

Any help is appreciated and I apologize before hand if the problem is obvious or if I'm just being dumb. Like I said I've been out of the game for a while.


Once again, the model hasn't been optimized so there is a ton of unused polies. The color coded one designates the different parts. I know its sloppy to have that many parts, I just wanted to get it in game as soon as possible.

[edit] A little side question that doesn't need its own topic. Twice I've tried making a simple map only to have tool spit out tons of edges that are open. I know for a fact they are not seeing as there are no vertexes that need welding, no faces in front of each other, no holes in the geometry etc. I imported the wrl of both files so I could make sure the areas were closed, which they were. I don't understand how tool things the models have open edges. Anybody know what might be the problem?
[edit...again] I found my problem with the bsp geometry. Apparently tool doesn't like editable polies? Don't remember that being an issue, but once I converted it to an editable mesh, tool compiled it no problem.

September 29th, 2010, 01:19 AM
Few things to make sure:
-Make sure all objects are linked to the frame
-Make sure everything has a shader

And that's about it.

September 29th, 2010, 03:04 AM
Yea everything is linked to the frame and every part has the same solid color bitmap, so they all share a shader.

Is it possible that there is a limit on how many parts you can have to a weapon model?

September 29th, 2010, 05:42 AM
It looks like there is something in the clip that is messed up. Post pictures of it with direct screens in 3ds max.

September 29th, 2010, 08:35 AM
Post updated with more screens. If anybody willing to help would like to take a look at the model itself, let me know and I'll send it to you.

September 29th, 2010, 11:36 AM
Don't forget to convert your model to an editable mesh before exporting from 3ds max. I've had trouble from that in the past.

September 29th, 2010, 07:51 PM
Woo thanks sean. Converting it to a mesh solved my bsp problem, why wouldn't it fix my weapon problem? I feel dumb now.

herp derp