View Full Version : Forge WIP Thread

October 1st, 2010, 12:29 PM
Instead of using the MFG thread, there should be a dedicated WIP thread, as the MFG idea is going no where as of now.

Here an early block out of my next remake; another favorite of mine.

October 2nd, 2010, 03:08 AM

WIP Asymmetrical map of mine. Red base.

October 2nd, 2010, 09:13 AM
Reminds me of the beach structure from The Silent Cartographer

October 2nd, 2010, 11:00 AM
No pics of it right now, but working on ANOTHER invasion map called "the wall" which is something of a tribute to quarantine zone

October 2nd, 2010, 06:07 PM
Middle section is done. I think I'm just going to do one section a day so I don't go crazy.
I also think that Juicy + Colorblind makes it look much better.

October 3rd, 2010, 07:57 AM

New gametype and map. Variant of KoTH using a banshee.

Gameplay can be a bit querky bit it can also be really fun. Still working out some things to do with the gametype itself. Map is intentionally bland as there will be A LOT of running.

October 3rd, 2010, 07:54 PM

October 3rd, 2010, 08:06 PM
Yep. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=23659682&postcount=741
At least on GAF I actually have a chance of my map getting noticed.

October 3rd, 2010, 08:24 PM
http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?22396-Invasion-Assault-Variant-Confliction! (http://www.modacity.net:4000/forums/showthread.php?22396-Invasion-Assault-Variant-Confliction%21)

Confliction for those who haven't seen it. Still need a finalizing test (just reassures that balance is reinforced). All mechanical problems are complete to my knowledge.

I'm also pre-planning for another Invasion map. I'm calling it "Tower of Babel" right now and it basically is another Assault Variant, but I think it's definitely a step forward if it's done right as I hope it will be.

I've also started on a non-Invasion map conversion from CE of my erroneous map (pun intended) Advantage. It'll take a while. Pre-planning has also begun to add in a map called "Grass Pit" which is another conversion from CE of a concept map that was originally going to be a sandy map. Grass Pit will definitely be easier to get done than Advantage, thankfully.

October 4th, 2010, 02:31 AM
I was flipping through the Art of Halo, and thought about making Waterworks. Good call! Cant wait for it!

October 8th, 2010, 08:03 PM

Stupid b.net not uploading all of my recent screenshots. Oh well, here's one. Map name still undecided.

October 8th, 2010, 08:29 PM
Hmm looks interesting. I think it'll play nice given it's just the right amount of space for the entire map.

I'm finding it tough to work on Babel because the structures in Forge aren't what you would call hospital to circular interior. The curved walls are okay, but there really isn't anything you can use as flooring without the floor looking hideous. I might change it to an octagon form and see how well it turns out.

October 9th, 2010, 02:35 AM
My first attempt at a serious map. It’s meant for big team games and hopefully invasion if I can get all the proper spawns and barriers down. Concept is as follows. There are 2 large bases, one set in Montana and the other in Alaska. Each zone is set as a territory for either team and divided down the center by the preexisting canyon and a two way teleporter system. Each team is given one Falcon, Mongoose, Default Warthog, and a rocket hog for air defense. The catch is the only vehicle either team can use to assault the other is the Falcon; this being due to the map division. This will allow for either team to have a capable defensive force while also preventing the others from “base raping” with a combination of both their vehicles and whatever they have managed to steal.

What I’m hoping to accomplish is a heavy emphasis on teamwork. In theory what I hope the case will be is that the only way to effectively assault one anothers bases is with a large cooperative attack between a fully loaded Falcon and whatever infantry may be making their way by foot. This infantry will be relying heavily on the falcon to stave off whatever attacks may come their way by opposing enemy warthogs and infantry; whilst the Falcon depends on said friendly infantry to eliminate any dug in defenses such as, Turrets, snipers, rockets, ect. All and all, it sounds alright on paper but only time will tell.

So far I have only completed the blue base in Alaska and the structures leading up to the dividing point. Spawns and map limits have been set but I still need to lay out weapon placement.

Picture dump below

Blue base exterior:


Top floor:

The dividing line:

Red team Falcon pad / view of blue base:

More to come...

October 9th, 2010, 08:21 PM
Looks very nice. Simplistic, classic, and thoughtful. I wonder how it will play.

October 9th, 2010, 08:50 PM
I really like that base. Keep it up. I look forward to testing it out for myself.

Rob Oplawar
October 10th, 2010, 07:03 PM
Been workin on something. Prolly won't get a chance to work on it again until next weekend, so I'll post a pic for now.

October 10th, 2010, 11:24 PM
Looks complex and very interesting. I hope when you work on it next you'll have some overview shots for us to see the layout; it's difficult to tell what's a path and what's for decor in the picture you gave us.

October 11th, 2010, 12:15 AM
Here is my second update on, “Rocky Road;” the title is still in the works.

As of now I have completed the Red base and done some fine tuning on each base to make it a bit more playable. Still I don’t know what will and won’t work until I actually get a match going. So, on the list of things to do I have, completed both bases, set all player spawns for both teams, set the points for power weapons and vehicle spawns, and set out some rock outcrops for added cover. The only things left I suppose are to set the rest of the objectives for all the game types. I have set hills and the flag stands/capture pads, but the game still says the map is not compatible with Capture the flag or king of the hill. Still trying to figure that one out; hope I can soon seeing as how this is an objective game based map.

Updated picture dump below

Some added visual flare to blue base:
Mounted turrets replacing shades for added lethality against Falcons:
Grav-lift enterance, one of the 3 ways into each base:
Overview of Blue territory:

Red Base:
Man Cannon, another of the 3 entrances to either base:
Falcon moved from original location:
Red territory overview:
And a big overview of the entire map:

October 11th, 2010, 12:41 AM
To edit specific gametypes, you have to change the Forge mode from basic editing to the type you want to work on. For CTF, all you need are the flag stands and you want to set their Options->Advanced->Gametype Label to "ctf_flag_return" (or something like that). Set their team to whatever, their shape to "none", and Game Specific to "True".

October 11th, 2010, 06:56 AM
Also remember to fill in those middle areas with some scenery or structures or something so there is a bit more to do if you're on the ground.

October 13th, 2010, 08:22 PM
I’m just about done with this map; the only thing left is to set it up for Territories and then figure out how the hell I get the Hills in KotH to actually move. Other than that this map is good to go for a play test and then a full release.

Things that have changed from my last update are as follows. First off the map has been renamed Stonehenge, not that great but it works. Second I have added a lot more cover throughout the blue territory making it less of a shooting range for the blues to pick off the reds from their high perched base. Third, I have set up a guard bunker at each teleporter to allow each team to harass each other as they try to get through. Lastly I have finalized weapon placement. Outside of each base they are few and far between, but they are definitely out there.

Updated pictures below:

The Red Zone:

Red Bunker:

The Blue Zone:

Blue Bunker:

Arch, blue side:


October 13th, 2010, 10:24 PM
You have to number the hills in Options->Advanced->Spawn Sequence. Same with territories, except you use flag stands for territories instead of hill markers (because territories have flags).

October 13th, 2010, 11:00 PM
Yeah, all the hills are numbered but it still wont move from the first. It may be fine I might just need to have more than one person in game. Time to dig up my extra controllers.

October 13th, 2010, 11:18 PM
Straight King of the Hill should keep the Hill in one spot. Crazy King is the one that moves it around.

October 14th, 2010, 07:20 AM
Kinda off topic, although kinda on topic as well.


Theres a contest to remake older halo maps. Theres some amazing remakes already put together in there

October 14th, 2010, 10:11 PM
Make sure (if your budget allows) to fill in the gaps where people can be picked off easily enough with natural structures or something of the sort. You have no idea how many times I wished I could have some decent cover trying to progress forward on a map.

October 16th, 2010, 01:46 PM
Started work on a semi-symmetrical ctf map on the back part of the island today

Rob Oplawar
October 16th, 2010, 06:30 PM
I have bad news, good news, and worse news.
The bad news is, when you stand in the corner from which the screenshot was taken, the framerate drops to about 20-25 frames per second. Not game-stopping, but just noticeable enough to be unacceptable. The frame rate drop exists with or without the Guardian statue.
The good news is, I think I might be able to do this map in such a way that the framerate won't drop.
The worse news is it would mean I would have to start from scratch. FML.

MasterzMac: lol
u didnt fix that thing i moved
i see it there in the pic
me: what the fuck
i saved before you did that
how the fuck

me: you think you're real funny, don't you
MasterzMac: yep
me: you're fucking hilarious
MasterzMac: i am
its how i get all the womanz
me: i won't forget this, funny man
MasterzMac: ok
you can screw up my next forge project
me: i know how to hold a grudge
MasterzMac: oh wait
i will never have a forge project
me: you think that makes you safe?
you've got another thing comin
i will bide my time
MasterzMac: iVirus?
me: mark my words
MasterzMac: lol
me: the proper moment will come
and i will have my revenge

October 16th, 2010, 09:02 PM
Very nice guys. I like the simplicity with neatness and prettiness of it all. I wish my maps looked that good. I'm still a WIP. :(

October 16th, 2010, 10:17 PM
What mode are you having framerate problems in? If it's Forge, it's normal -- especially in basic editing mode towards the end of a project when you have a lot of gametype objects and spawn information set up.

And I got burned by Forge saving a fuck up. I think you have to turn "Save Changes" to "No" before quitting out or turn the console off to be on the safe side.

October 16th, 2010, 11:44 PM
Rob, as interesting as that map is, it's a little difficult to tell what's for decoration and what actually contributes to the layout. IMO, it just looks difficult to navigate. However, it's aesthetically brilliant, so props.

Rob Oplawar
October 17th, 2010, 12:36 AM
I think it's easier to tell what's what when you're actually in the space and can deduce depth from your movement and whatnot, but there's a good chance I'm biased.
The framerate drop is most noticeable in Forge, but it's there in slayer as well, and that's just me in there with no other players or physics or explosions going on... I'm looking into how I might address it.
Thanks for the input. :)

October 17th, 2010, 01:25 AM
Check to see if you have a lot of stacked transparencies from that angle. Seeing glass through glass through glass might cause problems.

It seems you have some FX combo working. You might try reducing or turning them off to see if that helps.

October 17th, 2010, 04:52 AM
You know what determines the primary hill in KOTH? Spawn Sequence 0? Nope. Highest spawn sequence number? Nope. It is determined by the hill marker's Y COORDINATE. Closest Hill to Y 0 is the only Hill that will ever be active in vanilla King. What in the fuck, Bungie? This is retarded. I can't put the primary hill in the middle of my maps, unless I only place one hill, making Crazy King useless. God damn it.

October 17th, 2010, 05:54 AM
That guardian stature is very nice. :3

Here's hoping you can emulate the map perfectly when you fix the frame rate issue.

October 17th, 2010, 09:47 AM

October 17th, 2010, 09:58 AM

remaking a map i did in halo 3 called "paths" the map was redone from sheer memory..i'll post the map in a bithttp://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=2817842

Rob Oplawar
October 17th, 2010, 01:17 PM
The dynamic lights in the guardian and the combination of special effects actually don't affect the framerate at all, surprisingly.

Well, I spent a good 60 minutes moving all the objects into the colosseum...
I didn't bother trying to get them properly aligned, as you can tell; I just wanted to see how it would look inside the colosseum and if that would help the framerate issues. It looks fine and it does fix the framerate issues. But, there are a few problems:
1: The colosseum is about 3 units narrower than the original arena; it's been shortened from 33 units to 30 units, and the change is noticeable in the bases.
1.5: It's a bit shorter as well, but I'm debating whether a slight decrease in the vertical distance is actually a bad thing.
2: I can't see the sky out the windows anymore, and I liked that about the other version.
3: It's dark inside the colosseum- so dark, in fact, that I can no longer get away with that combination of effects, which makes me sad because I really liked the way that combo brought out the colors and contrast.

On the plus side, the walls and floor of the colosseum allow me to use fewer objects to seal the arena in some key areas, and the sound environment in there sounds much more appropriate than it did when the arena was outside, and once again it does fix the framerate issue.

So, should I keep the old map, outside with nice colors and nice skybox and try and reduce the number of objects used to fix the framerate problem, or should I rework the map to fit inside the colosseum and not have pretty scenery outside?

e: side-by-side color comparison:
Looking at those side-by-side, it looks like when I transferred it I squashed the bases a lot more than I needed to. I think I have plenty of room to fit the arena perfectly into the colosseum, so the only downside (other than having to realign all those hundreds of objects one-by-one) is that I don't get the rich colors. Thoughts?

ee: The more I look at it, the more I think it might actually be better without that combination of effects. Hm...
Ah, yes, I thought I was misspelling that... I wasn't sure if I should capitalize it or not. Anyways, fixed the spelling at any rate.

By the way, I'm trying to decide between two different names right now. Antechamber of Transept... Antechamber makes more sense and I think it sounds better.

October 17th, 2010, 01:22 PM

October 17th, 2010, 02:07 PM
You are using nudge values to position your objects, right Rob?

Rob Oplawar
October 17th, 2010, 02:57 PM
No, I'm just eyeballing it all. :rolleyes:
I built it outside at first, and then to test it inside the colosseum I just grabbed everything and threw them into the correct general areas inside the colosseum. Now that I can tell it's probably where I want it to stay, I'll nudge everything back into place.

October 17th, 2010, 03:27 PM
Try constructing using nudge and angular snaps from the start - almost everything is built to fit with everything else in some way or another, and how each piece works with others can often help the map build itself rather than requiring you to solve dimensional issues on your own.

Rob Oplawar
October 17th, 2010, 03:42 PM
Yes, I used all the snaps out the wazoo when I built it. I just built it outside at first because I wanted the sky to be visible through the windows. I only moved it into the colosseum once I realized having it outside was causing problems, and for that move I didn't bother with the snaps. There were hundreds of pieces to move and I just wanted to get them inside quickly so I could see if it would work.

e: Blargh! The lighting inside the colosseum is fubar. God dammit, I've either got outdoors with good lighting but bad framerate, or indoors with shit lighting but good framerate. Why must I be practical and prefer strong gameplay over good appearance? There must be a way for me to have my cake and eat it too.

October 17th, 2010, 06:11 PM
Try some FX and junk to see if any of it makes it look better.

Has anyone tried a night time map yet with the Purple FX?

October 17th, 2010, 06:27 PM
Try some FX and junk to see if any of it makes it look better.

Has anyone tried a night time map yet with the Purple FX?
Can't see shit.

October 17th, 2010, 06:52 PM
Can't see shit.
maybe you're brightness level is too low on your TV, because unless the area was "lol dark" to begin with i can see fine on a map with pruple FX

October 17th, 2010, 07:54 PM
I keep my tv perfectly calibrated. I can see just fine, but I can't play in it.

October 17th, 2010, 08:00 PM
I'm really bad at finishing maps. :(

I just loose inspiration and my stuff never comes together like I hope it will. I always have a great start, but as I continue working the map becomes more and more bland. It's just difficult to maintain a good idea to how the map looks in its most important areas. The most recent one I've been working on ended up great on the outside and this courtyard area, but the hallways were too big and I'm running lower and lower on Budget and Building Blocks. I'm just tired of getting to a certain point and having the entire thing being ruined by overlapping faces, corners going through walls, the near impossibility of making a proper Octagon with walls, and my incapability of making good interiors. I don't know, I think frustration just gets the best of me half of the time.

October 17th, 2010, 09:11 PM
I don't go into Forge with any preconceived designs. I just let it take me where it wants to take me. I tinker and experiment until things come together and I leave open the possibility of scrapping any or all of my work.

October 17th, 2010, 09:35 PM
You know what determines the primary hill in KOTH? Spawn Sequence 0? Nope. Highest spawn sequence number? Nope. It is determined by the hill marker's Y COORDINATE. Closest Hill to Y 0 is the only Hill that will ever be active in vanilla King. What in the fuck, Bungie? This is retarded. I can't put the primary hill in the middle of my maps, unless I only place one hill, making Crazy King useless. God damn it.
I do remember a quote somewhere stating that the spawn sequences for KOTH were bugged. I assume that could be fixed with a patch, and I don't believe that was the way Bungie intended for KOTH to work at all.

Don't quote me though.

October 17th, 2010, 10:01 PM
yes, it has to be a bug. It's looking at the wrong value to be closest to 0. But they should have caught that. It is so plain and obvious, unless they don't test KOTH.

Rob Oplawar
October 17th, 2010, 10:20 PM
Hm, I just thought of an interesting fix to my framerate issues... I could turn the whole room around. The framerate only drops when you stand in the corner on the side away from the grav lifts and face the opposite corner that has the grav lifts, because you're seeing that entire complex wall and also the mountains and trees and forerunner light tower thingy in the background (you can't actually see it, but it's being rendered nonetheless). The wall opposite the grav lifts is miles less complex. If I had that wall face the mountain instead, it might resolve the issues. Trouble is, it'll take me a long time to test this theory; it'll take me at least two hours at least to get all the objects more or less in place. :S Good thing I have until mid-November to enter the contest.

October 18th, 2010, 01:52 AM
yes, it has to be a bug. It's looking at the wrong value to be closest to 0. But they should have caught that. It is so plain and obvious, unless they don't test KOTH.

Alot of things didn't get tested thoroughly in this game it seems to me. I mean they had Scorpions in Hemorrage for crying out loud!

October 18th, 2010, 05:25 PM
Alot of things didn't get tested thoroughly in this game it seems to me. I mean they had Scorpions in Hemorrage for crying out loud!
Lol. That's more like nostalgia taking over than testing IMO.

October 18th, 2010, 06:16 PM
Nearly done with this, but my budget is so low, you don't even realise.


More in spoiler:

Rob Oplawar
October 18th, 2010, 09:23 PM
Wow, that looks crazy. I'm intrigued.

October 18th, 2010, 09:57 PM
Thanks. I've been calling it Coronet throughout the development, and I'm sure that's going to be the final name, too. Unfortunately, I may have to butcher a few decorations (minor things probably, like those railings and columns) and such to save up on my budget. I've nearly hit $0 WITHOUT weapons, and on top of that, I've run out of pieces in almost every category under Structure except Inclines (which sitting at like 30-40).

I've never made walls/ceilings with a bunch of Ramp, XLs before. Lol.

October 19th, 2010, 12:38 AM
There's also an object limit, which you will run into when you try to set the map up for gametypes and spawning.

October 19th, 2010, 01:01 AM
Lol. That's more like nostalgia taking over than testing IMO.

The first time I loaded up that map in MM I just knew what was going to happen. Our team quickly took out their tank and went on a spawn-killing spree which the other team could do nothing about, simply because this map+mode was clearly never balanced. It was also ridiculous to see how "scared" the lighter vehicles were to cross the hills to the center of the map, knowing they didn't stand a chance if the tanks on defensive mode...it put the game into a stalemate (or however it's spelled). Once one tank was down, the other team was simply doomed unless an oxen was driving the remaining tank.

Simply horrible, NOT nostalgia. It was balanced in Halo 2, but not in Reach.

October 19th, 2010, 03:51 PM
There's also an object limit, which you will run into when you try to set the map up for gametypes and spawning.
It's 600 something. I ran into it on hopalong when placing gametype marks.

October 19th, 2010, 05:13 PM
The first time I loaded up that map in MM I just knew what was going to happen. Our team quickly took out their tank and went on a spawn-killing spree which the other team could do nothing about, simply because this map+mode was clearly never balanced. It was also ridiculous to see how "scared" the lighter vehicles were to cross the hills to the center of the map, knowing they didn't stand a chance if the tanks on defensive mode...it put the game into a stalemate (or however it's spelled). Once one tank was down, the other team was simply doomed unless an oxen was driving the remaining tank.

Simply horrible, NOT nostalgia. It was balanced in Halo 2, but not in Reach.
Face-palm. I wasn't being serious. The only reason, I think, why Bungie put Scorpions on that map WAS because it was on Halo 1's. This sort of thing drives me crazy with developers; I rather have them draw new inspirations and revert back to old ones from previous games. Mainly in the Multiplayer department.

October 22nd, 2010, 11:02 AM
Hemmorage needs more cover and they need to get rid of the scorpions/wraiths/revenants and maybe the ghosts too. I'm really not a fan of the revenant. Choppers were much better vehicles.

October 22nd, 2010, 04:34 PM
Hemmorage needs more cover and they need to get rid of the scorpions/wraiths/revenants and maybe the ghosts too. I'm really not a fan of the revenant. Choppers were much better vehicles.
I think they need to lessen the frequency of those vehicles, but not remove them. It's too late to incorporate Choppers for that map, so it's best to figure out how to work with what we have. The Ghosts spawn very fast and are a nuisance to foot traffic in area with no cover. I actually like the Revenant and prefer it over the Wraith most times. I do agree that Hemorrhage needs a lot more cover though; that or change DMR/Pistol starts to AR/Pistol starts. WHY DO WE ALWAYS HAVE DMRs IN BTB?

October 22nd, 2010, 04:51 PM
Lol wow, if you take away the DMR you take away any fun infantry can have without a power-weapon.

October 22nd, 2010, 09:40 PM
Finished the damn map.



Will make a nice, fancy thread later.

*Done (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?22539-Map-Coronet)

October 23rd, 2010, 11:23 AM
Hemmorage needs more cover and they need to get rid of the scorpions/wraiths/revenants and maybe the ghosts too. I'm really not a fan of the revenant. Choppers were much better vehicles.

Tanks wouldn't be that much of an issue if they just returned the goddamn rocket launcher. No one cares about the plasma launcher, it doesn't fit with the rest of the heavy weapons anyway.

Seriously, changing Scorpions to Wraiths did jack shit, I can rape in a Wraith just as well with a Scorpion.

October 23rd, 2010, 07:25 PM
I find the Plasma Launcher to be a valuable asset in Invasion Slayer games against Scorpions, Banshees, and Wraiths. You just have to take the time to know how to use it, but I do agree with Rocket Launcher should be SOMEWHERE on that map. That or the Splazer....

October 24th, 2010, 01:08 AM
...I know how to use it perfectly fine, that doesn't mean it belongs. You can keep it in invasion but take it out of Hemorrhage.

And no the Laser is fine where it is in the game...appearing ONLY in 2 maps. As nerfed as it is I still hate it.

October 24th, 2010, 03:12 AM
A word of warning to fellow Forge, uh, guys. The file/save system in Reach is shit and has bugs. About 5 days ago, I was working on Kielbasa and saved it, then went to work on Chorizo. When I selected Chorizo, Kielbasa loaded up instead. I uploaded Chorizo to my File share and it uploaded as Kielbasa. I loaded up my local copy of Kielbasa and it was out of date. None of the changes I had made before saving had stuck. Yet when I load up "Chorizo", the up-to-date Kielbasa is ready to go.

What I figure happened was it saved to the wrong slot. Some index still thought that slot was assigned to Chorizo, but the data there was all Kielbasa. That version of Chorizo was gone and I had to rebuild everything from an older version, which took 2 hours.

So, my advice to everyone is to not take file integrity for granted. Back up your files either to your file share or some kind of external storage. I'm just glad I had that other version on my file share.

October 24th, 2010, 12:49 PM
Ouch, that sucks. I guess that's motivation to populate my Forge maps and get them on my File Share ASAP.

November 1st, 2010, 10:07 PM

Well, I've been working on an A30/Infinity inspired Invasion map for a while now, and I think I've finally gotten it to a showable status. Here's a basic rundown of the map:

Spartans are on offense, Elites on defense. The Spartans have to plant and arm the bomb at the central shield generator to get past Phase 1. The shield wall falls once the bomb is detonated, and the Spartans then have to capture one of the 2 outlying structures. They can either approach the structures from the front by foot/with their Phase 2 Warthog, or take the newly-spawned Gravity lifts to allow for an alternate route. Finally, Phase 3 ends with the Spartans having to retrieve a Covenant core from the Forerunner tower and return it to their original spawn point (which may be changed depending on the difficulty of returning the core).


Click for more pictures

First phase overview (shield wall phase)

One of the Covenant initial spawn areas

Destroying the shield wall generator

Outlying structures, Phase 2 objectives

Gravity lift spawns:

Forerunner base (Banshee spawns in Phase 3)

Overview of Phase 2 structures

Overview of Phase 3 Base

November 1st, 2010, 11:36 PM
Put some antennas in those bases with the territories; it would make more sense when capturing them seeing an obvious visual objective.

November 2nd, 2010, 07:17 AM
That's making me want actual Halo 1-esque Forge pieces,

November 2nd, 2010, 08:47 AM
I want Infinity bases and Silent Cartographer pieces.

November 14th, 2010, 03:51 PM
Well, I've got a few updates for my Invasion map;

First, column structures have been added to the Phase 2 bases, which better represents their appearance in a30 along with giving some added protection for defenders or attackers.

Second, a new spawning location has been added for the Phase 3 defenders, to help the map flow a little more evenly and give the Elites more spawning choices.

Lastly, the entire Phase 1 area has been overhauled to give the Spartans a better chance of successfully planting the bomb. Elites now spawn without Plasma Grenades, with a total of 8 spawning at timed intervals to reduce grenade spamming. The rocks have also been adjusted to allow the Spartans more strategic options in planting the bomb.


Rob Oplawar
November 23rd, 2010, 04:38 PM
Woot, I'm done! (Pending some more playtesting, of course).

November 23rd, 2010, 04:40 PM
Can't really tell anything about how it will play from the pictures, but it looks fantastic. Should get a customs going sometime.

November 24th, 2010, 07:18 AM
It looks great aesthetically. How is the framerate?

November 24th, 2010, 07:30 AM
I think it definitely needs playtesting before we can judge it. It looks very nice, but I'm thinking that there isn't enough difference in the coloring and lighting of areas of the map from the screenshots. If the lighting doesn't cater to map direction and movement, then some people might become lost or blend in too well with the surrounding blend of the architecture from afar. In other words, I think it might play light Burial Mounds visually for some people judging from the screenshots.

November 24th, 2010, 07:52 AM
It's kind of late in the game to be making design alterations based on test feedback. Lock it down, triple check every object, submit it, and hope for the best.

Rob Oplawar
November 24th, 2010, 01:07 PM
There's still a minor framerate drop if you stand in a certain place and look in a certain direction... Whenever I just run around in the map as though I'm playing I don't notice it, but it could potentially be an issue.

As far as lighting and direction goes, though, there are some changes I can make in a pinch if it turns out to be that important for the gameplay.

I have a combination of 3 special effects on, which I feel brings out the colors better but it does deepen the shadows a lot in a potentially bad way. I could turn off the effects easily- it wouldn't look as nice, in my opinion, but it could help people orient themselves better.
I'm in love with the Guardian statue I have in the center, but it adds absolutely nothing to the gameplay that a much simpler centerpiece wouldn't do. The Guardian contributes to the framerate drop, although it's not entirely responsible for it. The guardian uses the entire budget of 2 dynamic lights, although the lights have a negligible performance impact.
In either base I built in a purely aesthetic dip in the walkway at the top of the main ramps, and under that on each side is a tunnel that I suspect does nothing for the gameplay.

So, if it turns out that framerate and difficulty finding your orientation in the map are a problem, I can very easily delete the Guardian and the tunnels and the special effects, and add red and blue lights at each base, which will tremendously help orient the players.

November 24th, 2010, 02:30 PM
We should really, and I mean REALLY, do some more modacity custom game nights.

November 24th, 2010, 02:53 PM
Yeah, we have less than a week until the due date for submissions, and I really want to test my map out (even though it probably sucks :P)

How about Friday? Is that good for everyone?

November 24th, 2010, 04:23 PM
That sounds good. That or tonight if anyone is online. Although, I don't have a working mic so I can't voice my opinion until later, but I guess if anyone is online we could setup a game.

Lodex, you should try to submit that one map with the turrets and grav hammer and side cave that's used for CTF that we all played that one time.

November 24th, 2010, 07:10 PM
Actually, turns out Friday is bad for me, I say we should do it tomorrow or Sunday. Saturday may be alright. Should we make a thread about this?

Rob Oplawar
November 24th, 2010, 07:17 PM

November 24th, 2010, 11:36 PM
I think adding red and blue lights would be a mistake. It's going to color the players, in addition to the scenery, potentially leading to some team confusion. Plus, I just hate those light objects. Stupid collidable balls. They should be invisible.

Just make sure you set the object color of every symmetrically-placed structure either red or blue. The only things I leave white are the things that are right in the middle. Oh, and don't use <team color>, use the explicit red and blue designation.

Rob Oplawar
November 27th, 2010, 09:56 AM
I already have assigned the team color on all the objects. It's noticeable if you're paying attention, but it's easy to miss. :/ We'll see how it looks in the gamenight tonight.

February 9th, 2011, 11:22 PM
Well this thread seems a little dead; allow me to resurrect it for just a moment. I'm currently working on a new, medium scale, objective/slayer oriented, map for all to enjoy...should it turn into something halfway decent. The design philosophy for this map is is simplicity; under-complicated bases coupled with straight forward weapon/vehicle selections, and 2 choice routs of attack; coming together to create intense hot spots for carnage and epic defense. The inspiration for this map is drawn heavily from Halo CE's, "Danger Canyon." This can be seen in the map location, base design, weapon spawns, and avenues of attack. So far I have completed all of the structures, cover layout, weapon placement, and vehicle spawns. The only things I have left are to finish placing player spawns, objective points, and of course to play test it.

pics as follows; thoughts and ideas are much appreciated:

The red side:

The Crossroad:

The Blue side:

More pictures of weapon placement and other stuffs later!

February 9th, 2011, 11:37 PM
I really like the simplicity approach in the architecture, most maps nowadays seem almost overforged. The only problems I see are that having the cave as the only route between bases means you'll likely end up with a basic chokepoint, and it won't offer much variation in gameplay or tactics. Also, the map seems like it'd be a pain to navigate on foot, and if the vehicles are occupied or destroyed, it'd be annoying to have to trek all the way back to and through the cave just to get back into the action.

February 9th, 2011, 11:45 PM
It might be cool to add more overhead walkways that are linked by teleporters or something, just so you aren't stuck walking on foot the whole way, but can still make a difference without vehicles.

February 10th, 2011, 05:37 PM
I really like the simplicity approach in the architecture, most maps nowadays seem almost overforged. The only problems I see are that having the cave as the only route between bases means you'll likely end up with a basic chokepoint, and it won't offer much variation in gameplay or tactics. Also, the map seems like it'd be a pain to navigate on foot, and if the vehicles are occupied or destroyed, it'd be annoying to have to trek all the way back to and through the cave just to get back into the action.

That's what I'm afraid of too. The teleporters on each of the bases will first take you up to the overhead walkways and then to the center of the cave which offers a quicker rout on foot; but even after that the players still have to navigate through the second half of the cave, which can very easily be camped even with cover. I tampered around with making the teleport paths from red base to blue base all linked so that players could just run through a series of two way teleporters and eventual end up at the other base. The thing is it only takes roughly 45 seconds to make a round trip which would absolutely break any base objective oriented games.

my original plan was to have a completely separate set of teleporters from the walkway > beach cave ones, that would link to every cave in Forge World making a long alternate rout, that follows the rules of risk and reward, for anyone on foot. The risk being that it is a very claustrophobic rout that only has 2 ways you can go, forward and backward. making it prone to grenade spam and very close quarters tooth and nail fights. The reward being that it's a much quicker rout that offers total protection from any vehicle / long range attacks. Unfortunately I can't do this because I'll be over my limit for teleporters and unable to complete the last link. I can't shorten the cave rout either, because it will make the rout much to quick, and again, become a game breaker.

What I may end up doing is make all the current teleporters 2 way again but move the ones from the top of the bases to the far ends of each teams territory, thus extending the time it takes to make a round trip by that much.


February 26th, 2011, 12:55 PM
Well I had something to show for once, but I just figured out that you need a Gold Membership to upload things to the File Share. Okay, I get the fact that being able to play on Matchmaking requires Gold, BUT WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE TO PAY TO UPLOAD SCREENSHOTS TO A WEBSITE? Yeah, it's their resources, but the resources are already in use and its not like giving Silver (recently Gold) members the ability to use the File Share would decrease profits or anything. Hell, you don't even pay for your default File Share spaces after you buy the game. This makes me very :(.

Here's the description:

After a mysterious geometric movement courses through Hemorrhage, the Spartans of the gulch find that although Blue Base is unscathed, underground rocks and Forerunner structures have pierced the surface, and Red Base has been moved beyond The Wall onto the hills! Now Spartans fight for victory in a wider, but more obstructive valley that provides cover for almost any solider, now dubbed Battle Gulch.

The description is all I can offer, but the map is currently setup to use aerial vehicles as well. It's still a WIP (needs more integration of some things), but I'll get it to a point that when I renew my XBL membership for March and April you all will see a much more complete form. Wish I had pics. We all know who to blame.

February 26th, 2011, 05:31 PM
This pisses me off because, 1) Previous games such as Halo 3 and H3: ODST just required you to have a connection to LIVE and 2) This prevents people from getting a simple 5 pt Achievement. Is there something I'm missing? What's right? Who's wrong? The game contradicts the book.

February 26th, 2011, 05:47 PM
what about all the achievements you need to play online to get?

March 21st, 2011, 08:58 PM
I got a map coming up called Forge World: Invasion. Basicly uses half of Forge World, I need to mess with the spawns more and add weapons, so I'll get some pictures up soon.