View Full Version : External Hard drive cannot be accessed (Data Error: Cyclic Redundancy Error)

October 6th, 2010, 06:25 PM
Well I knew it would probably happen sometime.

You see, I had this external for a long time, (like maybe 2 years lol) and for some reason at one point the drive did not work. Western Digital, 3 clicks and a spin, does that until it is turned off. I left it alone for a while until just recently, where I took it apart with the help of a neighbor (who had the right tools to open the enclosure)

So, got myself a docking station, plugged it in, and it works just fine.

At least, the loading part does. Windows says it cannot access the drive because of a cyclic redundancy error, which I knew the "fix" was to run chkdsk. Originally the computer checked the disks on startup, and more often it would bring up the chkdsk for checking up my external. I ignored it a lot, since it took a while to actually complete it. I restarted my computer, making sure the docking station was on, and...

Nothing happened. Windows loaded without a chkdsk. Oh well.

Currently running GetDataBack to see what I can do, while it is doing so, wondering about what I can do.

TL;DR tell me your opinion on my situation.

October 6th, 2010, 06:36 PM
I guess the most important question is -- is there data you REALLY want off of it? Or are you just trying to use the external harddrive again?

October 6th, 2010, 06:40 PM
did you specify any parameters when you used chkdsk?

anyway, it's time to part ways with that hdd, so have you tried a live rescue distro?


October 6th, 2010, 06:47 PM
I guess the most important question is -- is there data you REALLY want off of it? Or are you just trying to use the external harddrive again?

Currently running GetDataBack to see what I can do, while it is doing so, wondering about what I can do.

I thought that would have explained that there is data I want off of it. Oh well, should have explained it better, my bad.

did you specify any parameters when you used chkdsk?

anyway, it's time to part ways with that hdd, so have you tried a live rescue distro?


Dwood suggested http://ubuntu-rescue-remix.org/ , but as I said before, Running GetDataBack to see what I can get off the drive.