View Full Version : Minecraft MP crashes. Halp

October 21st, 2010, 12:08 AM
Separating this from the main minecraft thread because it wont get noticed there. Whenever I play minecraft in MP, I get disconnected after ~5 minutes.

I did some googling and couldn't find what was up. here's my error message


It is so long it literally cuts off of the screen. I tried writing firewall rules to allow minecraft, and I tried disabling the firewall altogether, but nothing works.

October 21st, 2010, 11:11 AM
It's happened to me a few problems, its either a problem with client connection code, or server connection code. It occurs because they is an error with the transmission of information, something unexpected has arrived and it freaks out :D. Cant really do anything about it.

October 21st, 2010, 03:40 PM
It might be because minecraft's login is down due to a DDoS attack.

October 22nd, 2010, 06:49 PM
^ its been happening long before the ddos

October 27th, 2010, 09:34 PM
in MP you MIGHT need to set view distance to normal or short, and graphics to fast

October 27th, 2010, 11:18 PM
Just looked at the forums and found this:

Maybe it can help you out