Rob Oplawar
November 13th, 2010, 03:38 PM
The Forgetacular contest deadline is fast approaching! We need to organize a Modacity gamenight to playtest each others' maps.
Thursday likely won't work, as it is Thanksgiving.
I'm open for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 4:00pm - 10:00pm MST.
Post what times you're available and I'll update the OP with times and gamertags.
Okie dokie then, let's try for 4pm - 9pm MST tonight (Saturday the 27th) and possibly tomorrow night (Sunday the 28th) again depending on the turnout.
Rob Oplawar
Mr Kwatz (Mr Big)
General Routon (staticchanger)
? (DarkHalo003)
about 75 tacos (sevlag)
Kumulipo (FRain)
? (Arteen) ?
? (Necr0matic) ?
Let's try to be civil about map selection. The main goal here is to test everybody's Forgetacular contest submission. So, I'll propose some quick rules:
One map per person, until everyone has had their primary submission tested.
We'll prefer to test a map that's designed for the number of players in the party- if we have a lot, we'll prefer to test large scale maps, if we have a few, small scale maps.
I think everyone is entitled to two games on their map before the party can decide to move on to the next, unless the first game takes in excess of 25 minutes.
We'll try to be an informal and polite democracy- if you have a mic, speak up in the lobby to let the party leader know what you prefer to do next, but please, use your inside voice and try to let other people speak instead of having multiple people speaking at once.
If you want to make modifications to your map, please wait until after the gamenight is over so we have the maximum number of testers.
Don't be a douche- whoever is having their map tested will have party leader. Once your turn is up, pass party leader on to the next person.
Be somewhat serious. It doesn't help testing at all if you're goofing around. If you're not being helpful, then we won't help you test your map.
Ok, that's a lot of rules. The gist of them is this: Don't be a douche. If everybody follows that simple guideline this should be a fun night.
original post (last weekend):
I have a playable draft of my Forgetacular entry ready for playtesting. I bet there are a number of other people who will be similarly ready in the next couple of weeks. I remember there was talk about having Modacity Reach parties where we played each other's maps, but I can't find the thread that discussion was in, so:
Who wants to set up a Modacity XBL party tonight or tomorrow night, a few hours after this posting? I need 7 people in addition to myself to play a round or two each of team slayer and CTF on my map, and in exchange I'll be happy to play a few rounds on other people's maps.
If there's enough interest, I'll update the OP with whatever time we settle on and a running list of who's all playing.
Thursday likely won't work, as it is Thanksgiving.
I'm open for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 4:00pm - 10:00pm MST.
Post what times you're available and I'll update the OP with times and gamertags.
Okie dokie then, let's try for 4pm - 9pm MST tonight (Saturday the 27th) and possibly tomorrow night (Sunday the 28th) again depending on the turnout.
Rob Oplawar
Mr Kwatz (Mr Big)
General Routon (staticchanger)
? (DarkHalo003)
about 75 tacos (sevlag)
Kumulipo (FRain)
? (Arteen) ?
? (Necr0matic) ?
Let's try to be civil about map selection. The main goal here is to test everybody's Forgetacular contest submission. So, I'll propose some quick rules:
One map per person, until everyone has had their primary submission tested.
We'll prefer to test a map that's designed for the number of players in the party- if we have a lot, we'll prefer to test large scale maps, if we have a few, small scale maps.
I think everyone is entitled to two games on their map before the party can decide to move on to the next, unless the first game takes in excess of 25 minutes.
We'll try to be an informal and polite democracy- if you have a mic, speak up in the lobby to let the party leader know what you prefer to do next, but please, use your inside voice and try to let other people speak instead of having multiple people speaking at once.
If you want to make modifications to your map, please wait until after the gamenight is over so we have the maximum number of testers.
Don't be a douche- whoever is having their map tested will have party leader. Once your turn is up, pass party leader on to the next person.
Be somewhat serious. It doesn't help testing at all if you're goofing around. If you're not being helpful, then we won't help you test your map.
Ok, that's a lot of rules. The gist of them is this: Don't be a douche. If everybody follows that simple guideline this should be a fun night.
original post (last weekend):
I have a playable draft of my Forgetacular entry ready for playtesting. I bet there are a number of other people who will be similarly ready in the next couple of weeks. I remember there was talk about having Modacity Reach parties where we played each other's maps, but I can't find the thread that discussion was in, so:
Who wants to set up a Modacity XBL party tonight or tomorrow night, a few hours after this posting? I need 7 people in addition to myself to play a round or two each of team slayer and CTF on my map, and in exchange I'll be happy to play a few rounds on other people's maps.
If there's enough interest, I'll update the OP with whatever time we settle on and a running list of who's all playing.