View Full Version : [CRYSIS] Guardians Map

November 18th, 2010, 06:33 PM
Made a map for crysis
Its a quick map that I finished in a day, was working more on gameplay than graphics so it doesnt look to fanatastic but its not bad at the same time.
There are a few broken things as its the 1st map iv actually completed and got ingame so bare with me

Known problems:
Hole in ground at proto bunker.
Vehicles don't respawn but its a small map so it doesnt matter to much.
One levitating container.
And Specing is f'd up.



Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/s6cpvkkF/Mesha.html

There might be a server with someone playing it up on Crysis v1.1 or ill be on later after study to muck around on it, feel free to join if you still play Crysis.


P.s Sorry for the image size, for some reason shot tags wouldnt work.

November 21st, 2010, 01:55 PM
I like the general design and direction of the map, but I think you should spend more time trying to fix some bugs and make it a bit more visually appealing. Certainly one day is not enough to produce quality work. Maybe a week, though.

November 21st, 2010, 04:46 PM
Thanks, Im currently in my final exam week and so I didn't really have much time, I'm thinking of spending more time on it over the holidays and fixing it up, make it look preeeettty.
Might also change a few things as a result of gameplay testing.