View Full Version : Patches? Patches! (toss buffs everywhere)
December 4th, 2010, 04:50 AM
o -- Hallucination research time decreased from 110 to 80.
o -- Observer
+ Cost decreased from 50/100 to 25/75.
o -- Phoenix
+ Build time decreased from 45 to 35.
o -- Void Ray
+ Now deals 20% more damage to massive targets.
+ Flux Vanes speed upgrade removed.
o -- Bunker
+ Build time decreased from 35 to 30.
# This is only a temporary change for the patch 1.2.0 PTR.
* -- SCV
o Repairing SCVs now assume the same threat priority as the unit they’re repairing.
+ SCV construction movement made more consistent.
* • ZERG
o -- Infestor
+ Fungal Growth no longer affects air units.
December 4th, 2010, 06:01 PM
yas needed it though
December 4th, 2010, 07:47 PM
Holy shit the amount of phoenixes we're going to see from here on in is going to be awesome.
December 4th, 2010, 07:53 PM
o -- Infestor
+ Fungal Growth no longer affects air units.
Zerg no longer has an effective way to deal with a person who goes mass phoenix.
December 5th, 2010, 01:11 AM
December 5th, 2010, 01:14 AM
Bigger deal?
Custom Maps
• Map makers can now use custom UI layout files to create new UI or override existing game UI.
December 28th, 2010, 08:28 PM
i swear to god they need to do something about void rays, nobody just builds a few and lets em lose, they build an unhealthy amount then turn them loose... im hoping for a dmg reduction on void rays...
also roaches are fun
December 28th, 2010, 08:43 PM
i swear to god they need to do something about void rays, nobody just builds a few and lets em lose, they build an unhealthy amount then turn them loose... im hoping for a dmg reduction on void rays...
also roaches are fun
How did they get to mass voidrays, post a replay.
They've been nerfed once already, I'd really rather not have it happen again :ugh:
December 28th, 2010, 08:58 PM
void rays are fine as is.
before you got ya know 2 or 3 and you could demolish a zerg base easily. Protip, if your Zerg build muttas against and focus fire them
they cant get charged properly and they die quickly
December 28th, 2010, 09:05 PM
There's little excuse for lots of ranges of builds. The key is to get a scout on your opponent(s) and not get caught off guard.
December 28th, 2010, 11:35 PM
3 Void Rays? Psh More like 12. Rush any base with 12 and you're fucking done.
December 28th, 2010, 11:38 PM
how exactly does 1 "rush" to 12 void rays.
wtf is our opponent doing.
December 29th, 2010, 12:13 AM
Reading up on someshit and i saw a suggestion to make toss unit build times decrease by 5 seconds, so that it takes the same time as a warp gate to build units.
It allows toss to mass a larger army so they can apply early pressure and the warp gate is used souly for proxy stuff and warping in to expo's later game.
seems like a good idea to me. Thoughts?
December 29th, 2010, 12:29 AM
With the timing for a 4gate rush (all day erry day :q:) your gateways are spending all your money already while warp is researching so I can't see it being that great.
December 29th, 2010, 12:30 AM
we might end up seeing things like 3 gate expo into double robo though :P
December 29th, 2010, 04:04 AM
There's really no downside to a 50/50 upgrade like that though so I can't see the speed upgrade making much difference (warp is so useful lol).
Unless you want to up the price too <:mad:>
December 29th, 2010, 04:47 AM
yeah boy
for 50 bucks i'd say the entire reason its in their in the first place is to stop them being able to do fast harrass. seing as zealots up against lings and rines are pretty fucking op in a 1v1 status
December 29th, 2010, 04:51 AM
Marines can kite zealots and in BW, they never had warpgates anyway :downs:
December 29th, 2010, 07:53 AM
marines can kite fucking everything op shit
December 29th, 2010, 08:54 AM
i noticed there is a lack of diversity with the zerg units, zerg has no wall scaling units ismilar to the colossi or the reapers
i saw someone suggest infestors be able to use N parasite while burrowed. sounds like a good idea seeing as how infestors are useless while using the ability
December 29th, 2010, 05:54 PM
They can launch a barrage of infested terrans out of nowhere, I think that's pretty scary!
December 29th, 2010, 06:28 PM
They can launch a barrage of infested terrans out of nowhere, I think that's pretty scary!
also the nydus worm has to be the best psychological warfare based unit possible
December 29th, 2010, 11:24 PM
fucking nydus jesus christ it's so good D:
I have a mate who always roach rushes me. If I repel that, he'll switch to nydus and try to baneling up my minerals while I counter attack. It's either stay in my base and let him have the map or push and die D:
Fuck I'm bronze.
December 30th, 2010, 08:38 AM
fucking nydus jesus christ it's so good D:
I have a mate who always roach rushes me. If I repel that, he'll switch to nydus and try to baneling up my minerals while I counter attack. It's either stay in my base and let him have the map or push and die D:
Fuck I'm bronze.
division and rank? don't worry im brone too. appearntly at the higher divisions, players arent phased AT ALL by the sound of a nydus worm
December 30th, 2010, 05:46 PM
Rank 1 in the SEA server, finally playing enough to get promoted soon I hope! (
December 30th, 2010, 07:18 PM
thats a cool website, jstu had a look at my map stats.
jungle basin, i win 67% of the time :O
(north american server)
You can see the moment i started going protoss for lulz
December 31st, 2010, 11:44 AM
So I jacked up my name. When do we get paid name changes?
January 1st, 2011, 08:27 AM
So I jacked up my name. When do we get paid name changes?
you get one free name change, dont know about the cost of it afterwards
also, god damn my teamates dont understand how to quick build thier shit, and half of them always rage quit.
January 1st, 2011, 10:52 PM
Never play group matches with randoms and 1v1 your friends (or make them ladder) till they're not worthless before playing with them!
January 1st, 2011, 11:24 PM
also the nydus worm has to be the best psychological warfare based unit possibleTeammate got pissed off that I sent my stalkers away from his base to take out a Nydus worm that was popping up near my mineral line (got it in time).
He got rushed by Mutalisks and we lost.
Looking back in the replay -- turned out the Nydus was loaded with 4 pages of Banelings.
We later agreed that we were screwed either way :p
That frickin' team was always two-or-three prong attacking us the entire match. It was a 4v4 map with each team split in two. ((High Ground)) So each of us were slammed constantly.
P.S. I suck at RTSes. I'm trying to get better but it's harddddd :p
January 2nd, 2011, 08:36 AM
the worm itself is easy to kill, an SCV can kill it
cant find anyone that is willing to play with me and i'm kinda meh with 1v1 seeing as how 9/10 times a toss player just cannon rushes me
January 2nd, 2011, 03:56 PM
Cannon rushes are getting annoying, people seem to be doing it more often...
Hell, during one of my placement matches for 1v1 because I was 3 for 3 and didn't want to be put up very high, I decided to cannon rush. What did my opponent do? Did the same bloody thing, but he only trained 1 new probe so he had virtually no income and I stomped him. Now I'm in fucking Gold and BNet keeps pitting me against high ranking people in Silver Gold AND Platinum.
I think they should make it so you have to build a Gateway before you can build a Forge, similar to the "Supply Depot before Rax" for Terran. Sure, it should be easy enough to just watch your ramp for a probe (depending on the map) but sometimes you slip up and miss it so you get fucked over hard.
January 2nd, 2011, 04:55 PM
also for cannon rush's, the secret is just 1 cannon just outside the range of theirs.
they cant come anycloser to build more.
the more you know~
January 2nd, 2011, 04:58 PM
Also, if you don't see a scout when you expect to (about the time yours gets to their base!), start looking around your base. If you catch a cannon being built, you can take it out with a handfull of workers. Make sure you kill their probe too.
I'll 1v1 you sevlag, add me on steam (the_n00b1n8R)
January 2nd, 2011, 05:18 PM
dont he's a bad Bronze player AH HAHAHAHA HAHAH
January 2nd, 2011, 06:03 PM
Says the guy who plays the only race literally worse than Terran.
January 2nd, 2011, 06:11 PM
Says the guy who plays the only race literally worse than Terran.
Warp gates.
January 2nd, 2011, 07:00 PM
Z Worse then T??
Ahhhh hahahahaha that was indeed a might gaffaw
January 3rd, 2011, 02:14 AM
Warp gates.
300 supply attacks
January 3rd, 2011, 04:36 AM
300 supply attacks
And the fact that we have to use 300 supply to destroy a 200 supply T/P army doesn't say anything?
January 3rd, 2011, 05:50 AM
not to mention have more expansions and sink more money with better economy's???
January 3rd, 2011, 12:46 PM
there was a suggestion of allowing OL to spawn creep without any pre-reqs. this would be useful for preventing cannon/bunker rushes. it'd also allow zerg to rush with SC..because lets be honest blizzards idea of requiring a 3rd pylons in order to build cannons is dumb
January 3rd, 2011, 05:38 PM
No I think it'd be fine to keep it as a "need Lair+the upgrade" because spreading creep is easy enough. If you get 1 more Queen than you have bases, you should have enough energy to have creep spreading everywhere as long as you pay attention and keep doing it.
January 3rd, 2011, 05:51 PM
the point, you missed it.
the whole point is that it's not a risk vs reward strategy to deny zerg early expansions and wall them off in their base and a whole heap of other shit. Meanwhile Z cant retaliate.
2 pylons and a cannon in a Z's base does tremendous damage for their economy, tech, and unit producing structures.
January 3rd, 2011, 06:11 PM
And the fact that we have to use 300 supply to destroy a 200 supply T/P army doesn't say anything?
Destroy being the operative word. No other army has the ability to use a 300 army :downs:
there was a suggestion of allowing OL to spawn creep without any pre-reqs. this would be useful for preventing cannon/bunker rushes. it'd also allow zerg to rush with SC..because lets be honest blizzards idea of requiring a 3rd pylons in order to build cannons is dumb
Making it harder to cannon rush and instead making spinecrawler rush slightly viable is a great idea!
If you're having cheese problems son, I feel sorry for you. I've got 99 problems but a bunker rush ain't one.
E: Also, cannons are pretty fucking important in defending a 6pool.
January 3rd, 2011, 11:20 PM
Destroy being the operative word. No other army has the ability to use a 300 army :downs:
No other army has the ability to warp reinforcements to the front line nearly instantly as well. While we have the extra larvae we need to win the battle, you can still get reinforcments faster (usually enough to wipe out our first push and make a zerg want to hold onto the extra 100 supply he had out of fear of a second push)
Face it, the game is actually fairly balanced, it's the tech path and the tactics you choose that fuck you over in the end.
January 4th, 2011, 08:47 PM
that the original topic, after the first few pages alot of it got derailed by some toss elitist named "greathate" but then again alot of toss players who see their precious rush strategy fouled up are whining about it anyways.
too be honest as it stands right now the only actual SC rush possible is against ANOTHER zerg player, seeing as creep already exists at said enemy's base.
January 4th, 2011, 10:03 PM
haha, buttmad as h3ck zerg detected :lmao:
January 4th, 2011, 11:18 PM
That kid needs to learn how to play zerg. A cannon rush is annoying yes, but if you don't spot the early forge and react appropriately you deserve to get cannon'd.
January 5th, 2011, 01:00 AM
The best way to be 100% sure cannon rush isn't coming is scout your base, then scout his. If his main doesn't have any gateways and maybe just a pylon//he's far behind, something funny is going on.
January 5th, 2011, 02:16 AM
I scout after my pylon, if they don't have more than a pylon in their base when my gateway comes down then they're up to something (NEVER EVER ASSUME THEY'RE BAD, YOU WILL DIE SO MANY TIMES).
Check your base: If you see a forge, it's a cannon rush. If you find a gateway, it's obviously zealot rush. if you find nothing, expect zealot rush but be if you see gas at his main, expect voidrays.
January 5th, 2011, 07:11 AM
Look at the match that just happened on the GSL, Kyrix Vs choya.... for a text book example of why it's horseshit.
It's so easy to get such a big lead on Z's.
January 5th, 2011, 07:59 PM
Look at the match that just happened on the GSL, Kyrix Vs choya.... for a text book example of why it's horseshit.
It's so easy to get such a big lead on Z's.
never expect a toss player to sympathize with the zerg. they don't want a strategy they can use early on to win be used against them
also OP of that thread is just suggesting zerg being able to do just what terran and toss do, but like i said I dont expect toss players to understand due to the fact they have the ability to do this to begin with
January 5th, 2011, 08:12 PM
He's not really suggesting they be able to cheese.
if they really want they can already do it.
Hatchery -> cancel -> spine.
It's a trade off between the scouting patterns of peoples OL's. it's nearly impossible to block walls in due to OL's haveing the slowest movement speed of anything in the game. yes they are slower then queens off creep. So instead of scouting as everyone does with Z, they could send it to their ramp and spew creep to stop the pylon block. even then they wouldnt be able to stop them putting a pylon at their expansion.
theres 3 scenario's.
* They scout with it which is what they do now (they cant really fuck up a P's build order they might force 1 extra gateway, on absurdly close spawn positions But they'd have to sacrifice their OLto do it.
* they stop the wall in at the base of the ramp
* they stop the pylon engineering bay at the expansion.
they can only do 1 of those 3 things.
the only thing that cry baby toss is winging about is that he's spent ages copying other peoples builds untill he's got it that refined he just does the same build every single game.
Toss need a shake up anyway, they're more stagnant then T atm. i mean jesus in a PvP matchup if you dont go 4 gate you loose. wtf is that shit.
January 6th, 2011, 07:08 PM
never expect a toss player to sympathise with the zerg. they don't want a strategy they can use early on to win be used against them
also OP of that thread is just suggesting zerg being able to do just what terran and toss do, but like i said I dont expect toss players to understand due to the fact they have the ability to do this to begin with
God your tears are delicious :realsmug:
Seriously, it's not hard to scout a cannon rush. I've only done it once and it's really so boring, I've never touched it since (won btw). How do they get a probe in your base without an overlord seeing it :S
January 11th, 2011, 12:01 AM
Patch is out in SEA
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.2.0
* Chat Channels have been added! Players can now join others in both public and private channels.
o Added in-game chat bar command to whisper to other players. Using the "/w" command will open up a list of available friends, party members, chat channels, and other players within your current game.
o Added option to auto-join previous private channels.
o Added option to prevent chat channel text from appearing in in-game chat display.
* A new Master League has been added! This league now represents the highest tier of players.
* Customizable Hotkey Support has been added.
* Stalemate Detection has been added. This will end the game in a tie for all remaining players if no players have income, production, or destroyed structures for three consecutive minutes. A countdown timer will now appear when the game detects this scenario.
* An Extreme graphics option is now available. Players can now configure screen space ambient occlusion.
Additional Improvements and Changes
* Several help dialogue and tech tree improvements have been made:
o In-game help is now available in
o The help dialog’s tech tree has been improved.
o Unit information in the help dialog now displays abilities and upgrades.
* Several Save/Replay File dialogue improvements have been made:
o Added ability to sort replays and saved games by name and date.
o Added ability to right-click and rename a replay or saved game from within the game interface.
o Added a new tab for auto-saved games and unsaved replays.
o Added an option to permanently save all replays. Checking this option will mark all unsaved replays as being saved.
o Added visibility for where replays and saved games are being saved to.
o Added a "Show in Folder" button which will open the location where a replay or saved game is stored on your computer.
* Camera following behavior for observers and replays has been improved.
* The System Alert panel has been moved to the top of the screen and the duration of most system alerts has been reduced.
* Mouse buttons can now be bound to the Push-To-Talk hotkey.
* A hotkey indicator option has been added to show the primary hotkey on top of command buttons.
* When selecting a Vespene geyser, the number of current harvesters will be displayed in the info panel.
* Added an option to disable any error sounds. The Response Sounds checkbox now controls whether unit-specific audio is used for error sounds instead of a generic buzz.
* Added Game UI layout per-map overrides. Map makers can now use custom UI layout files to create new UI or override existing game UI.
* Added a toggle button to the in-game replay panel to Show or Hide the timeline/duration information.
* Added hotkey to Pause/Resume game for both single player and multiplayer (Pause/Break key).
o Players can no longer block off ramps with two 2x2 buildings.
o Hallucination research time decreased from 110 to 80.
o Observer
+ Cost decreased from 50/100 to 25/75.
o Phoenix
+ Build time decreased from 45 to 35.
o Void Ray
+ Now deals 20% more damage to massive targets.
+ Flux Vanes speed upgrade removed.
+ Repairing SCVs now assume the same threat priority as the unit they’re repairing.
+ SCV construction movement has been made more consistent.
StarCraft II Editor Improvements
* Map locale management has been added.
* Further editor tips and hints have been added.
* New trigger functions, actions, and events have been added:
o New trigger functions:
+ Verify Bank - used to verify that a bank’s signature is intact.
o New trigger actions:
+ Bank Option - used to change options for banks including adding a signature.
+ Remove Inventory Item - used to instantly remove a requested item from an inventory.
+ Set Visibility Type Of Text Tag - used to control whether fog or black mask hides the tag.
o New trigger events:
+ Mouse Moved - sent in response to the mouse being moved in the game world.
* New unit properties have been added:
o Carried Minerals, Carried Vespene, Carried Terrazine, and Carried Custom Resource.
o Bounty (XP) - used to grant experience when a unit is killed.
* New Effect Used event property has been added: Life, Shields, and Energy changed.
* Copy/paste support has been added to the upgrade editor.
* Behaviors can now be replaced by either the shortest duration (the original method) or by farthest distance.
* Behavior abilities can now properly charge the player using the ability instead of always charging the owner.
* Right clicking an item in an inventory will now have the icon appear immediately next to the cursor.
* Font Style Files can now be added to Mods and Maps using the FontStyleFileArray field in GameUIData. Existing styles can have their individual attributes overridden or entirely new styles can be added.
* UI Layout files can now be added to Mods and Maps using the CustomLayoutFileArray filed in GameUIData. Most existing frames can be modified or overridden and entirely new templates can be added which can be created from the Dialog system within the Editor.
* Attributes and values can now be hidden in the game lobby and can be configured through Game Variants.
* The mouse wheel now scrolls the control under the cursor.
* Copied doodads now retain their height offset.
* Attribute and Veterancy behaviors now normalize vitals when new levels are applied.
* Mouse clicks & highlights are now allowed while in relative camera mode.
* Edit boxes are now available for trigger dialogs.
* The game will now properly find custom imported files within mods.
* Maps can now depend on even more mods.
* Dialog Items can now be hooked up from already existing frames within a created Panel.
* Change Focus commands are now available in the Trigger module View menu for switching input focus directly to different areas.
* The water editor layout has been improved.
* Effect offsets can now optionally contain a Z component.
* Added a new type of Dialog Item called Panel. Panels are containers for other dialog items to help with grouping and hierarchy.
* Added new UI to insert text tags for data references, unit info, and hotkeys.
* Added an effect range to the effect ability to restrict how far away the effect can be placed. This will allow effects to behave like the Stalker Blink effect.
* Added a behavior flag to suppress fidgeting.
* Added a new stalemate melee option to determine whether the stalemate detection checking is enforced.
* Added a new “Creator” player to effects. It will be set to the player issuing an order if available.
* Added a new type of item that can use an effect ability.
* Added a validator that checks to see if a unit can path to a point.
* Added a validator that checks if there is a cliff between two points.
* Added MinimapRenderPriority to CActorUnit and MinimapRenderPriorityList to CActorGlobalConfig. This allows custom map makers to define the render priorities of units on the minimap.
* Added a Locale sub-menu in the Mod menu for changing the active text locale for the current document.
* Added a Mod Info dialog in the Mod menu for more easily changing mod name and description text.
* Added a Modify Locales dialog (also in Locale sub-menu) for adding or removing text locales.
* Added an Editor Tips dialog in the Help menu (and optionally on start up) with tips for using the editor effectively.
Bug Fixes
* Gameplay
o General
+ All diagonal ramps are now the same with regards to unbuildable locations at the bottom of the ramps.
+ Critter health bars are now hidden unless highlighted or selected (if status bars are set to show when units are selected).
+ Orders can no longer be canceled by clicking on the info panel in challenges before the challenge begins.
+ Text tags are now paused when the game is paused.
+ Autocast state for abilities will now reset to the default state when unit ownership is permanently changed.
+ Autocast repair will now charge the player requesting autocast functionality.
+ Repair will now clear its autocast state if the owning player leaves the game.
+ Harvest orders no longer end if an order is queued while waiting to return cargo.
+ Harvesting units no longer avoid enemy units.
+ Hold position units no longer automatically move out of the way when placing a building.
+ Enemy units no longer show passive buttons in the command card.
+ Missiles are no longer affected by Vortex.
+ Actors with a large number of create events no longer crash the map.
+ Fixed an issue where cliff jumping units were able to traverse unpathable terrain.
+ Fixed an issue with units trying to get out of the way so buildings can be constructed.
+ Fixed an issue with harvesting units bypassing force fields.
+ Fixed an issue where melee units were unable to attack a colossus when it was on a cliff.
+ Fixed an issue where larva would not wander around.
+ Fixed an issues where loading a saved Challenge could improperly overwrite the best score.
+ Fixed an issue with animation stutters when flying units are separating.
+ Fixed an issue where units could push opposing units when they shouldn't have been able to.
+ Added "Detector" text to the info panel for units which can detect cloaked or burrowed units.
+ Added combat reveal tinting to help show that combat reveal units cannot be hit.
o Protoss
+ Protoss structures can no longer be powered without a power source if constructed while powered by a Warp Prism under the effects of Neural Parasite.
+ Mass Recall can no longer target larva or eggs.
+ Fixed an issue where units that were picked up by a Graviton Beam would still block pathing on the ground.
+ Fixed an issue where a Zealot could burn its Charge cooldown without actually moving.
o Terran
+ Changed the position of the Select Builder button on Terran buildings, and changed the hotkey to Q.
+ SCVs can no longer continue construction on a building from inside an adjacent bunker.
+ Fixed nuke dot not being visible all the time.
+ Fixed an issue where you could see an enemy MULE drop pod in some cases where you didn’t have vision of the target location.
+ Fixed an issue where a Medivac would be able to continue healing a unit that was stuck in a Graviton Beam if the Medivac had started healing the unit before it was picked up by the Graviton Beam.
+ Fixed an issue where a Thor would continue to channel 250mm Strike Cannons on an uplifted Terran building if it lifted off at just the right time.
+ Fixed an issue where a Thor could get stuck channeling if a player queued up multiple targets for 250mm Strike Cannons.
+ Fixed an issue where SCVs could continue repairing at a short range even though the structure they were repairing was blocked by Force Fields.
o Zerg
+ Creep will now spread evenly in all directions.
+ The Burrow and Cancel Neural Parasite buttons have been moved on the command card.
+ Fixed an issue with Ultralisk unable to attack a row of sensor towers.
* StarCraft II Editor
o The “For Each Real” and “For Each Integer” actions will now correctly execute once when the starting and ending bounds are equal while the increment is also zero.
o Items dropped from an inventory will now use their default height when dropped.
o The View Script command will now view library scripts if the library list has focus.
o Carried and equipped item behaviors and weapons are now restored properly when a unit is revived.
o Publish dialog now updates storage information after removing a published file in the Managed Published window.
o Dropdowns now correctly select items as you type using partial matching.
o Standard dependencies can no longer be modified in the Dependencies dialog (only added or removed).
o Camera following can no longer be disabled via hotkeys if it was requested via triggers.
o Fixed an issue with editing stylized text values when using system locales other than English.
o Fixed an issue with Veterancy experience share filters.
o Fixed an issue when editing mover data where values were not being saved correctly.
o Fixed an issue that prevented certain changes to angle values.
o Fixed an issue where selection circles would drop when a flying unit was over a cliff.
o Fixed an issue where the scroll bar for tree views could disappear.
o Fixed an issue where triggers setting the mouse relative could result in the mouse being stuck in relative move mode.
o Fixed an issue where setting the color of a dialog item of type label wasn’t working.
o Fixed a crash that could occur while editing upgrade values.
o Fixed text truncation with Set Text actor message.
o Fixed display of ability command links in the Overview Manager.
o Fixed many areas where English text was displayed instead of localized text.
o Fixed a crash when destroying a persistent effect.
January 11th, 2011, 12:21 AM
well atleast infestors arnt fucking ruined.
but jesus the last few weeks have really been all protoss on the ladder anyway... Toss is going to be a nightmare to play against at the moment, hell broodlords just copped a big nerf, prety sure they're classed as massive. >_<
January 11th, 2011, 12:32 AM
People are finally working out how to use the protoss units properly. It won't be too long before the other races learn how to deal with the new tactics.
January 11th, 2011, 12:52 AM
i've been saying that since the beginning of time that protoss unit compositions have been stale as shit.
January 14th, 2011, 10:12 PM
i've been saying that since the beginning of time that protoss unit compositions have been stale as shit.
but if you make them think the game will lose a large chunk of players.
need to show a nice 2v2 where the onyl reason the red guy got top on the board was he spammed hatcheries everywhere to increase army count. all he built was slings its sad he didnt even bother to try to help his teammate...
but back to the point, anyway to convert the replay to a WMV file or something uploadable to youtub?
January 16th, 2011, 08:40 PM
Just post the replay file, anybody who cares already owns SC2 and can watch it in that lol.
January 16th, 2011, 10:35 PM
Playing on sundays. Stupidest decisions of my lief. It's like all the "Should be in Gold but i'm in Silver" players are on today. Lost 5 games in a row. uncool.
January 17th, 2011, 12:51 AM
watch more day 9 and Gsl then ~
January 17th, 2011, 08:54 PM
Playing on sundays. Stupidest decisions of my lief. It's like all the "Should be in Gold but i'm in Silver" players are on today. Lost 5 games in a row. uncool.
As opposed to the "should be in gold but I'm in bronze" players :realsmug:
January 18th, 2011, 01:56 AM
I play at odd hours of the day so perhaps the group of players I see is usually different than you...
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