View Full Version : Ragin'

December 29th, 2010, 03:59 AM
You: :D!!
MicroMarine has reconnected.
You: :D!
MicroMarine: wow you are weird
You: :D
MicroMarine: 1. This is not even my account
2. I'm eating
You: :{D
MicroMarine: 3. I use Terran and zerg is my worst
You: <:{D
MicroMarine: 4. I will get on my real Terran account right now and smash u
You: :D!!!
i'm dancinrock !
MicroMarine: you are weird kid
You: lol why you say that
MicroMarine: You won a single game and continue to harass me like you won a championship
You got no cash prize
You: cheese all day erry day
i do have a cash prise
MicroMarine: You are still worthless and wasting your time here
You: your delicious
MicroMarine:lol i'm eating
You: terran tears :D
MicroMarine: I dont give a F
you won a fake game lol
You: i'm so aroused by you right now
MicroMarine: lol you are only gold
You: herp herp herp
MicroMarine: If you wanna see a real profile look up my account "PaleAle"
You: chicka woop
MicroMarine: All Diamond all day
leave me alone plz k thanks
You: so i just beat a diamond player
and he's raging
you just made my day
now i'm so hard for you
MicroMarine: raging?
I asked you to please leave me along
You: Tell me about your other acount now :D
MicroMarine: Alone
That's not rage
I said plz
You: i wanna hear about how good you are
just makes my win sweeter:D
MicroMarine: I honestly dont care you just won that
go away please geez
You: tell me:D
MicroMarine: Look it up god
leave me alone
You: 8{D
senoir mustache is in love with you

He tried to ling rush me, i fended it off with Superb building placement, countered killed all his drones and ling and queen and he had a handful of roaches.
Called GG but he raged, so i took an additional 6 base's while he built as many spines and spores as he could. he may have been wasting my time, but i think i managed to waste more of his :D
And after that we had pillow talk.

*smokes cigarette*

Got some memorable rage?