View Full Version : A tribute to Phoenix
January 6th, 2011, 04:29 PM
January 6th, 2011, 04:56 PM
This is what happens when idiots watch kick-Ass.
January 6th, 2011, 05:24 PM
That's actually pretty cool. Glad they didn't give away his secret identity.
January 6th, 2011, 05:47 PM
That's actually pretty cool. Glad they didn't give away his secret identity.
No, just the location of where he goes and where his stuff is hidden. :p
January 6th, 2011, 05:59 PM
The Real-Life-Superhero movement has actually been around for a long time. There's some cool ones, try Googling the topic if you're interested.
January 6th, 2011, 06:01 PM
I don't think that he's that stupid. That scene was probably just propped for filming.
January 6th, 2011, 07:11 PM
Ive seen this person in Seattle, he's a NWA. He has a whole posse, they were on the Mens Rooms a few weeks back
January 6th, 2011, 07:40 PM
Where's his raspy voice when he speaks :saddowns:?
January 7th, 2011, 01:38 AM
That's pretty cool if you ask me
January 10th, 2011, 01:03 PM
JUSTICE: foiled by the investigative prowess of 10 o'clock news, you have name and it's...
.....that guy that works at the comic book store.
January 26th, 2011, 04:37 AM
Wow! That was an amazing costume! And it's weapon is cool! I don't know his face when he was not in that costume.. I am curious about it.
January 26th, 2011, 03:04 PM
OMG that is so fucking cool. Makes me want to drop out of school and do that in Portland haha. Too bad Im fat lulz.
As far as the comic book shop thing, I wonder if he owns it or if the owner is a friend or what? Maybe he sells comics by day to pay for his suit and equipment, and at night he is the Phoenix?
Wow that sucks. At least they didnt like kill him or something. Fucking Seattle lol.
January 26th, 2011, 07:26 PM
They need a handler. You know, someone to give logistical support while in the field.
Surprised no one has sparked a game about this yet tbh. Heh, imagine if such a game were successful too. And all the little kids tried to be like that. And a whole generation turned into street heros like this.
January 26th, 2011, 07:32 PM
I wonder how long it will take until we see you on the streets, corn man.
January 26th, 2011, 07:37 PM
They need a handler. You know, someone to give logistical support while in the field.
Surprised no one has sparked a game about this yet tbh. Heh, imagine if such a game were successful too. And all the little kids tried to be like that. And a whole generation turned into street heros like this.
It would be like the sixties, but with less weed or crime and more homeless people (if thats possible)!
January 27th, 2011, 04:06 AM
I wonder how long it will take until we see you on the streets, corn man.
I need to back Phoenix up
January 27th, 2011, 03:02 PM
What kind of c/korn are you looking for. Korn band member costumes or a corn costume? Or you could be a Korn member in a corn costume?
February 19th, 2011, 05:58 AM
He's not a superman but he's great as him! We're safe going outside! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
February 19th, 2011, 11:39 AM
OMG that is so fucking cool. Makes me want to drop out of school and do that in Portland haha. Too bad Im fat lulz.
Sorry, I had to :S
February 26th, 2011, 03:20 AM
So how does he get away with carrying Mace, Tear Gas, and Taser Nightsticks while doing vigilante justice? Just asking.
February 26th, 2011, 03:31 AM
If the cops ask all he's doing is walking around wearing protective gear in case he needs to defend himself. That said, this entire thing is just a horrible idea. No need to dress up like a retard in the States where you can open carry and conceal carry a handgun for when the shit hits the fan.
Aren't you allowed to shoot someone in self-defense and/or the defense of others in most States that allow open and/or conceal carry? I'm talking a life threatening situation here obviously.
February 26th, 2011, 06:39 AM
Yes. But you gotta make sure it's a killing shot or else they'll sue you for injuries.
February 26th, 2011, 03:11 PM
So how does he get away with carrying Mace, Tear Gas, and Taser Nightsticks while doing vigilante justice? Just asking.
It's America.
Yes. But you gotta make sure it's a killing shot or else they'll sue you for injuries.
Yeah, but you can't make it look like you murdered the fuck out of them either.
February 26th, 2011, 05:56 PM
That said, this entire thing is just a horrible idea. No need to dress up like a retard in the States where you can open carry and conceal carry a handgun for when the shit hits the fan.
What, do you want him to conceal his identity by running around wearing a ski mask? The symbol like a costume gives people something to recognize, all the while protecting identifying features. If executed properly, you could bring fear to the small time crooks. For big time guys, best to keep dialing 911 (which he says he does)
February 26th, 2011, 06:48 PM
Kornman, my points is that dressing up is silly. Just carry a handgun and if you need to defend yourself in a life-threatening situation, kill the fuck. No need to hide your identity then.
February 26th, 2011, 07:09 PM
Freelancer, this is why Canada won't allow you to dress up like Bobofett and prance around with airsoft guns in the name of fighting street crime.
February 26th, 2011, 07:16 PM
Kornman, my points is that dressing up is silly. uTiZK5-Zjcvf3pimUTd4ZzJ_Rc
Pity you removed all the other images.
February 26th, 2011, 07:24 PM uTiZK5-Zjcvf3pimUTd4ZzJ_Rc
Pity you removed all the other images.
Oh he hasn't..not all of them.
Loving the hypocrisy Freelancer!
February 26th, 2011, 09:50 PM
Not what I meant, and you all know it.
February 26th, 2011, 09:55 PM
quality posts itt
February 27th, 2011, 07:42 AM
Not what I meant, and you all know it.
How is dressing up like a toy soldier any less silly than dressing up as a super hero?:allears:
February 27th, 2011, 07:45 AM
How is dressing up like a toy soldier any less silly than dressing up as a super hero?:allears:
Exactly my thoughts.
February 27th, 2011, 07:58 AM
There's a huge difference. Being that one is a sport and one is plain stupid. Is putting on pads or jerseys for hockey silly? No.
February 27th, 2011, 08:09 AM
There's a huge difference. Being that one is a sport and one is plain stupid. Is putting on pads or jerseys for hockey silly? No.
Is posing in front of a camera and then photoshop the image to make it look like you're in a desert to pretend as though you are really there silly?
yes actually.
February 27th, 2011, 08:33 AM
The military one is slightly less because its more common.
Freelancer, please don't mess up this thread. The whole point of the super hero suit was that it was just a cool/weird thing to do that most other nerds don't have the balls or athletic conditioning to do. Just because you think its stupid doesn't mean it is, just like WarLord thinking its weird to dress up like a member of the military is stupid doesn't make it so. But what you said was pretty hilarious and hypocritical. just sayin
February 27th, 2011, 12:57 PM
You guys are still missing the point, what I do is a sport and I have equipment for that sport just like any other player that takes his sport half-seriously. As for the photo's, you're telling me that people taking their picture while in their sports uniform is any different? No, it's not.
The desert thing literally took me all of 2 minutes in Photoshop, at some ungodly hour of the morning while I was slightly drunk and going through my airsoft pictures. People Photoshop other sports players all the time as well, so again, there's no difference between what I do with airsoft and any other sport player with a computer and some passion with it.
End of that discussion. God you guys sure know how to draw things out when they're offtopic.
TVTyrant, for future reference I'm pretty sure you can delete your own posts using the button. I deleted it this time because I'm not sure if that's available for regular users or just Site Donors.
February 27th, 2011, 01:29 PM
If the cops ask all he's doing is walking around wearing protective gear in case he needs to defend himself. That said, this entire thing is just a horrible idea. No need to dress up like a retard in the States where you can open carry and conceal carry a handgun for when the shit hits the fan.
Aren't you allowed to shoot someone in self-defense and/or the defense of others in most States that allow open and/or conceal carry? I'm talking a life threatening situation here obviously.
a carjacking isnt always a life threatening situation. and shooting somebody even in a life threatening situation changes depending on if youre in your house or not. on the street, im pretty sure they have to pull a weapon on you first, and even then i think they would need to shoot or stab or something first in order for you to shoot back, otherwise its murder. the whole thing is really convoluted though. and like i said, a carjacking, like in that video, isnt usually a life threatening situation, so a concealed carry permit isnt going to do anything. the outfit combined with non-lethal tools like mace, like kornman said, is a symbol to criminals. purse snatchers, vandals, car jackers, etc... see him coming in the black and gold suit, and they know the cops have been called, the know he has mace, and they know hes about to intervene. hes like batman, minus the ridiculous car. if this is a terrible idea, then carrying concealed is even worse because thats going to land him right in jail in a heartbeat.
February 27th, 2011, 01:54 PM
He's not like batman, he doesn't have anywhere near the resources to pull off a successful vigilante routine. He's just going to get himself killed when he ends up going after someone with anything more than a kitchen knife. I've seen him talking about how his suit is knife and bullet-proof to some degree, but knife-proof is only good against cutting motions in most cases, someone stabs you with a Ka-bar and you're done. Watching most of the videos, you can almost tell by his body language and the way he walks around that he does NOT know how to handle himself properly.
Also, my original point is that any thug with half a brain could take this guy to court for "damages" after any kid of intervention. Protecting your identity is useless in that case, the cops are gonna go after him if some thug wants to press charges and he doesn't show up to protect his "true identity".
February 27th, 2011, 02:24 PM
and my point is if hes going to do this (and hes clearly going to), carrying concealed isnt going to help, and the outfit is for a symbol. read the article posted earlier about how he got his nose broken. yeah, he got hurt, but the way he confronted the guys wasnt with his mace. he put one of them in a headlock after calling the cops, holding the guy there. the only reason he failed was because there was a second guy who pulled a gun out. theres more than one of him too. hes got a bunch of people with these costumes, so if it really gets bad he can call in more of his guys. eventually that outfit will develop a reputation, and anybody who sees it coming is going to run. i only said hes like batman because of that.
February 27th, 2011, 03:37 PM
You're right, he's not like batman, he's real.
He's not out there trying to fight off some kind of criminal master minds who are wrecking havoc on the city. He's out there, as a concerned citizen, fighting street crime. Police have rules and regulations they have to work under. He doesn't have to drive around in a marked or obviously unmarked police car. He wears a uniform and that's that. If you're seriously wanting to claim airsoft or whatever as a fucking sport, then calling him out on wearing an outfit, which actually serves a purpose, while actually doing something useful for his community...then you're just (well, still) an ignorant arse. A fucking gun isn't the final solution for fighting crime and a fucking gun isn't a swiss army knife. His suit actually provides some form of protection where regular shirt and jeans can't soften anything above a hand smack. If you're going to do something, you might as well do it right.
I don't know how shit works up there in Canada, but down here in the US, where this guy resides, you can't pull a gun on someone and shoot them unless there is a clear imminent danger to your life.
February 27th, 2011, 03:47 PM
I don't know how shit works up there in Canada, but down here in the US, where this guy resides, you can't pull a gun on someone and shoot them unless there is a clear imminent danger to your life.
Up here you can't attack somebody beyond the reasonable measure. If you are attacked and gain the upper hand, it is illegal to attack the person back. The most you can do is either run for safety or hold the person down until help arrives.
February 27th, 2011, 07:33 PM
Amit, you can kill in self-defense here so long as it's without a weapon.
Also, fuck laws, if someone is coming at me with a knife with meaningful intent and I have the ability to end him immediately, it's going to happen. I'm not going to pussy foot around or try and run for my life if he's just going to give chase, sorry.
Vigilante justice always ends badly, just wait. He's going to piss off the wrong people on either side of the law and get killed or punished.
February 27th, 2011, 07:58 PM
Self-defense laws are fucking stupid.
If I get confronted by some guy with a knife who is serious about stabbing/shooting me I'm not going to run off in hopes that he's going to give up while pulling out my phone, dialing 911, waiting for the call to go through, and waiting for the cops. I could be killed by then, and the guy who did it is long gone.
I'm going to beat the living shit out of the guy 'till I know he won't run off if I get the chance, then call the police.
Pretty much what Freelancer said.
February 27th, 2011, 08:24 PM
You all have big mouths and watched too many movies. Not saying what you are doing is wrong, it is just that situation will never happen.
If someone is pulling a knife or a gun on you and wants your money, you are not going to start to fight.
February 27th, 2011, 08:47 PM
You all have big mouths and watched too many movies. Not saying what you are doing is wrong, it is just that situation will never happen.
If someone is pulling a knife or a gun on you and wants your money, you are not going to start to fight.
depends on their fight or flight thought patterns when their stressed.
I've had a guy pull a knife on me and i went for him and turned it on him.
i fought.
February 27th, 2011, 09:24 PM
Never been in a physical conflict where a weapon got pulled. Sounds like a pretty dangerous and tricky situation. I would probably just give up my wallet or whatever. Not worth killing someone over when I can just call the police and de-activate my accounts and such. I don't carry cash with me. Only time I've ever been threatened I had another guy with me who was 300 pounds (im 300 too). The guy looked at us and ran off.
I think this guy is really brave to go out and fight people who have guns and blades every night. It might seem stupid, but if there are enough guys like this willing to go out and fight, more power to them.
E: Freelancer I just found the delete option, thanks for informing me.
February 27th, 2011, 10:52 PM
Amit, you can kill in self-defense here so long as it's without a weapon.
You can kill here even with a weapon. As long as it is the weapon of the assailant. Usually if you gain the upper hand and manage to grab the attacker's weapon, you are now in power of the situation (usually) and you have to make the choice of killing or wounding the person. I would not intentionally kill somebody, but I would disable the fuck out of their legs or arms to prevent them from getting closer to me. Point is that the only reason you should even be able to inflict major harm on the bad guy is because they did it to you. Seems like we work on a retribution system directly within the situation, but only if you're forced to harm the other person.
You guys think I said to run right away. That's not in the context of what I was saying. I was saying that if you gain the upper hand, you should hold the person down (preferably) or if you've disabled them you can run somewhere safe and report the attack.
February 27th, 2011, 10:54 PM
You all have big mouths and watched too many movies. Not saying what you are doing is wrong, it is just that situation will never happen.
If someone is pulling a knife or a gun on you and wants your money, you are not going to start to fight.
Like I said, if I get the chance. I'm not going to try and fight some guy standing 6 feet away holding a gun at me.
But it has happened to me and I fought the guy and he was arrested.
February 27th, 2011, 11:55 PM
Are there any real scenarios on the news or stuff in Canada where bad guy came in, was fought off, and then the law did not go after the person who fought them off? Because here in Americaaaaaa you either kill or get sued.
February 28th, 2011, 12:23 AM
Also, batman didn't use guns :mech2:
February 28th, 2011, 12:31 AM
Well I have a personal experience of mine. My friend's dad owns a few convenience stores. We used to chill in the back room of one of the stores after school sometimes (his dad had a kickin computer for gaming in there). Around 5:30PM on January 13th, this hooded dude walks into the store and holds a knife up to my friend's dad at the register and orders him to open the register. Naturally these faggots yell pretty loud so when we looked through the window of the door we basically shat our pants. The dude was probably inexperienced too since he didn't even look around to check if there were other people in the store. Well, my friend's dad didn't wanna get cut so he gave the guy all of $45 dollars that was in the register lolz.
Turns out were weren't the only ones who heard the yelling since the walls aren't that thick. The guys who work in the pizza shop next to the convenience store heard and came outside to investigate. The awesome part was that they waited outside until the guy left and then fucked his shit up right there. When the cops arrived, they cuffed him and he was charged with armed robbery. Other than that I don't know much of what happened to him since his dad wouldn't let us outside until the dude was in the car and rolling away. I saw a bit of blood on the pavement, though. Apparently they tackled him to the ground and his cheek hit the ground pretty hard. That would explain why he didn't struggle much after.
My friend's dad and the guys along with the people that owned the shop on the other side already planned that if one of them were to get robbed, just make as much noise as possible so they could assist. Thing is that you can't just do that or the person might get crazy and attack you. That's why my friend's dad always has somebody else in the shop or in the back room ready to assist or call for help. Yeah, we were trying to call for help but was like frozen there afraid that if I made sounds that the guy would come back there.
February 28th, 2011, 09:49 AM
You're right, he's not like batman, he's real.
He's not out there trying to fight off some kind of criminal master minds who are wrecking havoc on the city. He's out there, as a concerned citizen, fighting street crime. Police have rules and regulations they have to work under. He doesn't have to drive around in a marked or obviously unmarked police car. He wears a uniform and that's that. If you're seriously wanting to claim airsoft or whatever as a fucking sport, then calling him out on wearing an outfit, which actually serves a purpose, while actually doing something useful for his community...then you're just (well, still) an ignorant arse. A fucking gun isn't the final solution for fighting crime and a fucking gun isn't a swiss army knife. His suit actually provides some form of protection where regular shirt and jeans can't soften anything above a hand smack. If you're going to do something, you might as well do it right.
I don't know how shit works up there in Canada, but down here in the US, where this guy resides, you can't pull a gun on someone and shoot them unless there is a clear imminent danger to your life.
February 28th, 2011, 05:39 PM
If I'm in a situation where I can comply with my aggressors demands or easily flee I'll do it in a heartbeat. It's obviously the fastest and easiest way to get out of the situation without incident and live to call the cops about it later. If the situation goes beyond that and the aggressor is making threats or actions to cause me serious bodily harm or death, I'll do my best to end him as fast as possible...
Some friends and I were robbed once coming out of a downtown bar by a couple guys with knives, they were standing a good 3-5 feet away from us and just demanding that we drop our watches/jewelry/money/wallets/phones on the ground and told us to fuck off after (it was another guy, three girls, and myself). We did what they said and backed off, into the bar again to call the cops. The guys were arrested in like 5 hours or something because my friend had a GPS tracking app on his iPhone that they stole and just relayed the thieves location to 911.
In that situation, the aggressors weren't coming at us offensively with any intent so we just did what they wanted. If they had just tried to lunge at me or my friends I would have tried to intervene. Hope that clears up when I would/wouldn't act.
If we were allowed to carry here in Canada (concealed, because open carry worries people to much and you'll have to deal wit a bunch of bogus rundowns by the cops) I would carry all the time. In the above situation I wouldn't pull my gun because who knows, maybe in the ensuing moments they get my gun somehow. If they attacked us though, fuck yes I'd pull it and shoot them.
February 28th, 2011, 07:39 PM
Thanks Freelancer because that is exactly the point. They will NEVER attack you if they want your money because they are just human beings as well...they are NOT going to harm/kill you for no reason because that would get them into deeper UNNECESSARY trouble.
In the situations where their primary purpose is to harm you, 90% of the time your gun will be useless. Those situations are more than rare though unless A. you have put yourself into trouble B. social reasons (e.g. Jews, Muslim people in Germany) or C. a person with psychological disorders. All of those cases are so rare that about 90% of the forum members have not experienced such a situation. If you add all those members and their life times together, this scenario basically never happens. To then say I want to carry a gun just in case would be like taking a helmet every time you go outside for a walk in case you fall.
I fully support self-defense but just giving them your stuff and calling the cops is a thousand times better than taking care of it by yourself in that situation. What you did was totally right. In the end you did get everything back, no one was harmed and the guy who assaulted you has to suffer more.
February 28th, 2011, 09:25 PM
What about people that are intoxicated (alcohol or drugs) to the point where their inhibitions are completely thrown out the window? Also, people are killed in robberies a lot. It's easier to the thief to kill the person and take what they want than risk keeping them alive and getting caught fairly quickly (or so they may think).
You must live in a really nice place Pat. I'm a realist.
March 1st, 2011, 01:34 AM
Yeah, thats a good strategy. Like I said, your plastic cards are not worth your life. However, the best I ever heard was a guy who had a knife put to his throat, so he dropped his wallet. Wheen the mugger reached for it, he pulled his .40 S&W from his pocket and stole the guys knife lol.
March 1st, 2011, 11:44 AM
Knife to the throat = life-threatening situation. Totally justified.
If they're just brandishing it in front of you so you know it's there, that's different imo.
March 1st, 2011, 04:29 PM
March 1st, 2011, 05:39 PM
Chris Rock: "And this is a gun mother fucker! Now give me the fucking wallet or I'll shoot yo cracka ass!"
October 10th, 2011, 06:15 PM
Batman sued by Joker for assault by batarang (
October 10th, 2011, 07:58 PM
Hah, lol. Was bound to happen eventually...
October 10th, 2011, 08:24 PM
article says the cops were more interested in taking him out than dealing with the crime he was trying to stop. nice.
October 10th, 2011, 10:43 PM
Yea, that's kinda stupid. Shows where the cops minds are really at though...
October 13th, 2011, 02:03 PM
The man without his mask (
October 13th, 2011, 02:27 PM
:O Holy crap hes black
October 13th, 2011, 02:38 PM
Saw a report on him 2 hours ago on German television xD
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