View Full Version : New Laptop, need some game recomendations! Asus G53 w/Nvidia 460m!
January 12th, 2011, 06:27 PM
Hello modacity, I just got a pretty sick rig comming on the way, and I was wondering if some people could give me some input on what games to consider purchasing, not really worried about minimum specs, I can safely say I can play pretty much all games out there with this computer.
Games I play mostly: COD, Halo, Racing games, very old RTS games.
I was wondering what are the best games from the last 2 years? I love deep stories and sandbox type games. (not really COD, not really that sandbox). So far on my list of games to look for are: Metro 2033(any feedback on this one?) Minecraft, and since I had an amazing time playing Age of Empires a while back, I think I'm either going to go for civilization or star-craft 2. Any other games that I should look into?
^Lappy+specs if anyones interested., ill post pictures when I get it, for now I am just arming myself with games until it gets here.
January 12th, 2011, 06:40 PM
Very fine taste you have in laptops, good sir!
Games you HAVE to buy (in no particular order):
Mass Effect Series (deep story)
Borderlands (sandbox)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (complex story AND sandbox)(the other two games are good too, but this one is the purttiest)
Metro 2033 (linear that plays like a sandbox? I don't know how to describe it, but it's cool)
Bad Company 2 (should already know what Battlefield stands for)
Starcraft II (RTS)
Dragon Age (deep story)
Just Cause 2 (very huge's awesome)
Red Dead Redemption (sandbox and deep story)
S'all I got for now.
January 12th, 2011, 07:23 PM
Greaet laptop, may run a little hot but I think you'll be happy for awhile.
January 15th, 2011, 05:19 PM
Oh my aching wallet, I'll look forward to these high spec, higher priced laptops in the Spring/Summer. But nice Laptop. I'm either going to get an Asus or an HP with dedicated RAM and an ATI card (I've used an ATI for 6 years, don't feel like changing). As far as games:
-Age of Empires (no longer in production, but still a fun fun gaming series)
-Starcraft (from what I've heard/seen, it's pretty cool stuff)
-Bioshock (assuming you lack an Xbox)
-Halo Combat Evolved PC (still alive and kicking!)
-Marathon (search google for it, it has a decent fanbase and is the Sci-Fi equivalent to Doom)
-H2V (for the lulz)
-Spore (also for the lulz)
-Unreal Tournament games (pretty fun with a sizeable fanbase)
Otherwise, you're on your own. Try using Steam and Xfire to locate other good games. I'm casual combining both Xbox and PC and I really only deviate between whatever game I have interest in at the moment, so I don't know a lot of PC Gamers' choices.
January 15th, 2011, 09:36 PM
Doom wasn't sci-fi?
January 15th, 2011, 09:44 PM
Doom wasn't sci-fi?
It was more Fantasy than Sci-Fi. I think of Aliens when I think of Sci-Fi. Doom didn't really have Aliens.
January 15th, 2011, 10:50 PM
With the G53, check the airflow, I've heard they ship with some plastic piece blocking a lot of it or something.
January 16th, 2011, 02:37 PM
Thanks everyone for the input, I sure missed alot of games! The little shit got delayed in customs for another week (im literally too impacient right now for it)
Also freelancer, I always adored your gaming laptops, finally able to get one myself! Also the g73 is the one that has alot of problems, the first model was riddled with problems because it had an ati 8570, changed over to nvidia 460m and practically all gone(even runs cooler). This is the smaller version of g73.
Right now, priorities are, BC2, SC2, Metro 2033. I already have h2v, HCE (obv). Also Im actually more excited about the fact I can play wii and ps2 on the go.
so yeh thanks guys.
January 16th, 2011, 02:49 PM
Yes, but the trade off is that the GTX460M is not as capable as the ATI HD5870M. ASUS also has a bad habit of underclocking its Nvidia GPUs to get them to fit in the thermal envelope.
January 16th, 2011, 06:23 PM
Yes, but the trade off is that the GTX460M is not as capable as the ATI HD5870M. ASUS also has a bad habit of underclocking its Nvidia GPUs to get them to fit in the thermal envelope.
True, but id take the 460m over the 5870 after reading the horrors g73 users had with it. Typically they perform the same at DX11, but dx10 and dx9 the hd5870 is better.
Also this computer could overclock and have sustainable temps, I have been reading like a mad man about this lol.
January 17th, 2011, 02:19 AM
Also freelancer, I always adored your gaming laptops, finally able to get one myself! Also the g73 is the one that has alot of problems, the first model was riddled with problems because it had an ati 8570, changed over to nvidia 460m and practically all gone(even runs cooler). This is the smaller version of g73.
I was wrong anyways, it's not the G53 with the cooling issues, it's the G51. They have a plastic cover behind the fan inside the chassis to keep dust out, except I guess they forgot that a solid object isn't exactly the best thing to put in the primary airflow intake.
The G53 is beast, was actually playing with them at Memory Express the other day, I absolutely love the matte finish they use on it. It's almost rubberized to the touch, wish my Alienware had that instead of this stupid glossy black fingerprint magnet coating haha.
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