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January 26th, 2011, 10:17 PM
every now and then i feel a twwinge to listen to the songs i grew up on.

and i stumbled accross this.
the first EP and album from Killswitch had the singer Jessie Leach, who wrote all the lyrics for the band, however he started suffering from depression and homesickness from his wife and begun to s tart blowing out his voice cause he couldnt control his emotions while singing.
he eventually broke down and resigned from the band.

I still love my" last serenade"," element of one", "life to lifeless" and a heap of others which where the pioneering songs for the metalcore movement, with clean vocals as well as screams, growls and melody all in.

from their the band recruited singer Howard jones to fill the spot from jessie and they released end of heart ache and went mega big almost overnight.
Howards a better clean singer with a much larger range, but jessie had his own style and husk that drew you in.

And here i found a vid of both singers on stage together, which is just fucking awesome.

January 27th, 2011, 11:09 AM
Beginning when I started to learn e-guitar I liked Metalcore...but now...it's all commercial shit to meh :ohdear: Scandinavian metal is the best metal there is :iamafag:

I noticed when I grew up that I like some of the musics my parents always listened to even though they are totally different from my taste now. Luckily it was Santana, Pink Floyd and co. Sometimes I go through my millions of favorites on youtube and listen to songs I favorited years ago.