View Full Version : Transformers: Dark of The Moon
January 27th, 2011, 11:21 PM
Anyone interested? I know I am, I rather enjoyed Revenge of The Fallen considering how much ass Optimus kicked.
January 27th, 2011, 11:28 PM
Yeah, it's gonna be so kickass! I can't wait to see the new Megatron, Shockwave, Sentinel Prime (though we got a glimpse of him in that trailer) and Soundwave finally being on the ground.
And thank god Megan Fox is gone, I never liked her.
January 28th, 2011, 12:08 AM
Megan Fox was the only thing worth watching those movies for. They've removed the only eye candy, am sad.
January 28th, 2011, 06:52 AM
That's what got JFK shot :tinfoil:
January 28th, 2011, 07:47 AM
When I first saw the trailer, I was hoping it would be set in the past. I think it'd be cool to see JFK bro-fisting Optimus Prime. But then I found out The Beef's still in it. At least they got rid of miss Fox. Freelancer, I have no idea what you see in her.
January 28th, 2011, 08:53 AM
I mean, yeah she was kind of hot, but there are tons of gals out there that look much better than she does such as the girl they're replacing her with.
January 28th, 2011, 12:39 PM
When I first saw the trailer, I was hoping it would be set in the past. I think it'd be cool to see JFK bro-fisting Optimus Prime. But then I found out The Beef's still in it. At least they got rid of miss Fox. Freelancer, I have no idea what you see in her.
He see's a pair of unsupported breasts, blowjob lips and a hole so wide it makes the grand canyon seem claustrophobic.
Film looks interesting but I'm getting bored of bays films.
January 28th, 2011, 08:17 PM
I mean, yeah she was kind of hot, but there are tons of gals out there that look much better than she does such as the girl they're replacing her with.
While I agree with the first part, I must disagree on the second one. The new girl looks like even more of a slut and given her background as a model it seems as if that's exactly what Bay wants. Seriously, they could just leave out the drama and give me straight-up robot fights since that's the only reason I watch the movies. The sound effects are amazing.
January 28th, 2011, 11:59 PM
If it were no story at all, had no human characters, and it were just the two sides bashing each other, I would still go see it.
January 29th, 2011, 02:36 AM
Unfortunately the new chick isn't nearly as hot as Megan Fox, that being my point. You can disagree, since everyone has different tastes in women, but this is my opinion and I'm allowed to voice it (FYI).
They should have got someone like Jessica Biel or Angelina Jolie. But they're both to old to fit into the character roll imo. I wouldn't be surprised if Megan Fox has a cameo in this film... I mean, she and the other kid were hitched at the end of both movies, how are they going to just explain her away?
January 29th, 2011, 04:20 AM
She was impaled by Megatron two months before the present-day segment of the film. The end.
January 29th, 2011, 02:02 PM
She was impaled by Megatron two months before the present-day segment of the film. The end.
Since he was raging that he wasn't gonna be the main villain of this movie. Poor Megatron :(
And he's also pissed off cause he transforms into a truck too.
January 30th, 2011, 03:45 AM
Megatron transforms into a tank or a plane, neither of which form is camouflaged as an Earth vehicle. It is also canon for him to turn into a Walther PPK (lolwat). Does he have a truck form now, too?
January 30th, 2011, 01:52 PM
It's been confirmed that this time around he transforms into a Mack Titan 10 wheeler tank truck, which is a human vehicle (obviously :P)
January 30th, 2011, 05:24 PM
It's been confirmed that this time around he transforms into a Mack Titan 10 wheeler tank truck, which is a human vehicle (obviously :P)
As long as the tanks form a huge gun barrel in robot-mode, I'm okay with this.
January 30th, 2011, 06:23 PM
Oh, and Optimus has his trailer (like in the G1 series cartoon) which is awesome! I'm thinking it's gonna be used as extra armour or something.
January 30th, 2011, 07:52 PM
The transformer movies were cool while they were just about the human military getting its ass kicked by space robots. Then it just went insultingly bad.
So that's what, only the first 10 minutes of the first movie worth watching?
January 31st, 2011, 02:51 PM
I think you were reading too much into it. I pretty much turned off my brain when watching it.
January 31st, 2011, 04:40 PM
^ That's what I did with the new Predators movie, enjoyed it better.
January 31st, 2011, 08:37 PM
I think you were reading too much into it. I pretty much turned off my brain when watching it.
When you can't even take a movie at face value without wanting to punch something, there's something wrong.
The transformers movies were awful in so many ways jesus christ :ugh:
February 1st, 2011, 03:32 PM
Eh? I enjoyed the robots kicking the shit out of each other. I didn't pay much attention to the rest.
February 5th, 2011, 07:42 PM
Meh, the fight scenes in these movies just look like a big mess of break dancing. The sound effects are horrible IMO. Putting a recorder to a car accident would be easier on the ears than the screeching of white noise in these films.
February 6th, 2011, 07:06 PM
New trailer is up :
Looks fucking awesome!
February 6th, 2011, 07:34 PM
He pulls out his sword again! sick!
February 7th, 2011, 01:50 AM
This also confirms Optimus retaining the "Jet Convoy" he received in RoTF (even though at the end he discarded it.) I'm supremely happy about this. The Jet Convoy in Armada was simply awesome.
El Lobo
February 8th, 2011, 02:05 AM
No Megan Fox, no Lobo seeing this in theaters.
February 8th, 2011, 08:36 AM
Gotta agree with Lobo on this. The motorcycle scene was the only part that made the last one worth watching.
May 10th, 2011, 10:05 PM
Yes I know it's late by 2 week posting
maybe its been posted else were but oh well
May 10th, 2011, 10:52 PM
SOOOOO Looking forward to this.
May 10th, 2011, 11:15 PM
Hurray! Yet Another Cliche Trailer! :ugh:
May 10th, 2011, 11:34 PM
Was thoroughly impressed but what REALLY caught my eye was the Kung Fu Panda 2 trailer in the related vids...
May 11th, 2011, 12:52 AM
i was like holy shit, but then i remembered i hate transformers.
May 11th, 2011, 12:54 AM
I dunno what all the Transformers hate is about... Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this movie, especially since I saw that trailer.
May 11th, 2011, 06:06 AM
I dunno what all the Transformers hate is about....
They are so jelly, you should know this.
But really guys who hate it explain why you don't like it then I might not make fun of your opinion.
May 11th, 2011, 06:20 AM
But really guys who hate it explain why you don't like it then I might not make fun of your opinion.
For me it's because their robot designs are unnecessarily complex, and the fact that they only play bit parts in their own movies.
May 11th, 2011, 07:13 AM
Just go to watch them bash robots into one another :downs: I am getting tired of the human actors, though.
May 11th, 2011, 08:33 AM
Oh awesome, they're making Crysis 3 :downs:
But really guys who hate it explain why you don't like it then I might not make fun of your opinion.
I actually liked the first transformers movie while it was humans being slaughtered by robots (the opening scene basically). Then they acted like people gave a fuck about the "characters" "personalities" and their "drama". It's a fucking transformers movie, wtf is this teen soap shit doing in it.
Also it totally fucked with the lore, also the way they axed Megatron was totally anticlimactic and lame.
I get transformers is retarded but that movie took it to a gunmetal-grunge extreme.
Also megan fox is really unattractive and all the actors were awful at their jobs.
Haven't wasted my time on T2 (not the good T2, transformers 2) but my mate said it was more of the same but dumber.
May 11th, 2011, 09:30 AM
This movie is going to suck for these reasons:
1.The third movie always sucks, even compared to the sequel. Anyone remember back to The Future 2? How about 3? At least we all knew 2 existed. How about Spider Man 3? No? Nothing? Exactly.
2.No Megan Fox. Sorry n00b, but she filled a major role in those movies. Who is this new person? Are they going to pretend hes dating someone else? If they are why does she look different. I think shes actually more attractive than fox was, but consistency problems there.
3.Uh the other two movies were pretty terrible so why will this one be any better? I liked the battle scenes from both movies, but my friends and I (whom I went to both movies with) could literally predict the dialogue before it happened.
May 11th, 2011, 08:40 PM
This movie is going to suck for these reasons:
1.The third movie always sucks, even compared to the sequel. Anyone remember back to The Future 2? How about 3? At least we all knew 2 existed. How about Spider Man 3? No? Nothing? Exactly.
2.No Megan Fox. Sorry n00b, but she filled a major role in those movies. Who is this new person? Are they going to pretend hes dating someone else? If they are why does she look different. I think shes actually more attractive than fox was, but consistency problems there.
3.Uh the other two movies were pretty terrible so why will this one be any better? I liked the battle scenes from both movies, but my friends and I (whom I went to both movies with) could literally predict the dialogue before it happened.
Generally this, but The Return of the King is an exception to your first point :D
May 11th, 2011, 09:28 PM
Generally this, but The Return of the King is an exception to your first point :D
All the LotR movies did butcher the lore to an extent though, and Return of the King was the worst in that area IMO. What happened to the whole freaking end of the book?
May 11th, 2011, 09:30 PM
There's a reason that happened. You just can't fit that much content into a film. Regardless, they were good films.
May 11th, 2011, 09:59 PM
Just go to watch them bash robots into one another :downs: I am getting tired of the human actors, though.
This is what I do. I never did like the stupid sappy love story in the first 2 movies.
May 11th, 2011, 11:04 PM
There's a reason that happened. You just can't fit that much content into a film. Regardless, they were good films.
Yeah don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the movies. I just don't feel like Peter Jackson was very in tune with Tolkien's original ideas.
At any rate, that was horribly off topic, I apologize.
May 11th, 2011, 11:15 PM
2.No Megan Fox. Sorry n00b, but she filled a major role in those movies. Who is this new person? Are they going to pretend hes dating someone else? If they are why does she look different. I think shes actually more attractive than fox was, but consistency problems there.
What major roll did an ugly tart fill in a Transformers movie? :S
All the LotR movies did butcher the lore to an extent though, and Return of the King was the worst in that area IMO. What happened to the whole freaking end of the book?
LOTR movies are meant to be taken as an abridged version. They're not outright saying stuff like the scouring didn't happen, just that it wasn't particularly relevant to the rest of the plot portrayed in the books and films.
May 12th, 2011, 01:02 AM
The Transformers movies are meant to be their own continuity and not necessarily reflect the lore of any of the many Transformers series. Just saying.
May 12th, 2011, 01:44 AM
What major roll did an ugly tart fill in a Transformers movie? :S
She filled in the role of the person who will draw your eyes away from all the bad acting, duh.
May 12th, 2011, 01:46 AM
There's a reason that happened. You just can't fit that much content into a film. Regardless, they were good films.
They didn't include the Scouring because that part of the book sucked. Seriously I hated that they did that in the book. Totally killed the epic ending and added too much length to the story. Sure it adds some depth, but it killed the whole point of the Shire to me.
May 12th, 2011, 01:52 AM
They didn't include the Scouring because that part of the book sucked. Seriously I hated that they did that in the book. Totally killed the epic ending and added too much length to the story. Sure it adds some depth, but it killed the whole point of the Shire to me.
I thought all the Hobbits coming back to the Shire dressed in badass wargear and leading the rest in an armed rebellion was a pretty significant part of the story. Not only does it give you an idea of just how much the hobbits have changed and grown since they left the shire, it's also the part where their society as a whole finally starts to break out of its shell of willful ignorance and complacency.
Also, they didn't just cut that part out of the movies, it basically never happened since the shire is looking pretty okay when everyone gets back.
May 12th, 2011, 02:20 AM
If you had the extended versions of the DVD's with the Appendices you would know why the Scouring isnt in the movie...
May 12th, 2011, 04:39 AM
If you had the extended versions of the DVD's with the Appendices you would know why the Scouring isnt in the movie...
Because it ruins the ending?
May 12th, 2011, 04:51 AM
She filled in the role of the person who will draw your eyes away from all the bad acting, duh.
with more bad acting and did i mention she's ugly ??????
May 12th, 2011, 07:11 AM
Not everyone thinks shes ugly for one, and for two they are all bad actors, so adding a piece of ass who can't act isn't too terrible of an idea.
May 12th, 2011, 08:14 AM
Not everyone thinks shes ugly for one, and for two they are all bad actors, so adding a piece of ass who can't act isn't too terrible of an idea.
Why not just get actors who can perform the task for which they are payed.
Or a plot that doesn't rely on CGI to get bums in theater seats like a crack addict relies on lonely men :S
May 12th, 2011, 09:25 AM
Why not just get actors who can perform the task for which they are payed.
Or a plot that doesn't rely on CGI to get bums in theater seats like a crack addict relies on lonely men :S
Motherfucking win
May 12th, 2011, 12:53 PM
THIS is why I go to the cinema. I'm not into the transformers comics, never read any and really I don't care. I'm going to see shit get blown up, robots kicking each other's asses and basically the whole "entire Planet VS some evil stuff in a apocalyptic battle of the masses".
Call me brain dead or whatever, but thats what I enjoy. I think people who go to the cinema to watch love stories are absolutely stupid, what a waste of tech.
The girl in the film is his new love interest, shes a British model (whos part of Victoria's Secret), and shes dating Jason Statham. Probably cant act for shit, but its better than that overhyped bimbo megan fox.
May 12th, 2011, 01:27 PM
THIS is why I go to the cinema. I'm not into the transformers comics, never read any and really I don't care. I'm going to see shit get blown up, robots kicking each other's asses and basically the whole "entire Planet VS some evil stuff in a apocalyptic battle of the masses".
Call me brain dead or whatever, but thats what I enjoy. I think people who go to the cinema to watch love stories are absolutely stupid, what a waste of tech.
The girl in the film is his new love interest, shes a British model (whos part of Victoria's Secret), and shes dating Jason Statham. Probably cant act for shit, but its better than that overhyped bimbo megan fox.
Nobody watches Michael Bay films for the plot or character development. They watch because things explode. Robots fighting each other? Win
May 12th, 2011, 03:44 PM
Nobody watches Michael Bay films for the plot or character development. They watch because things explode. Robots fighting each other? Win
[Cough] Armageddon [cough]
May 12th, 2011, 09:38 PM
Nobody watches Michael Bay films for the plot or character development. They watch because things explode. Robots fighting each other? Win
I only like giant ass robots kicking the shit out of each other and blowing up human things and humans.
Only reason why I like transformers, that and I watched the 2nd generation cartoons of transformers every fucking day, I would rage if I couldn't see it at 7 or 8 PM EST I think. Remember no DVR's back then kiddies
May 12th, 2011, 10:27 PM
Nobody watches Michael Bay films for the plot or character development. They watch because things explode. Robots fighting each other? Win
I'd rather watch death race.
at least thats got an awesome actor in it.
May 13th, 2011, 11:49 AM
I'd rather watch death race.
at least thats got an awesome actor in it.
I'm guessing you didnt see/hear about the horrific Death Race 2, it was absolutely rubbish.
Why we fighting about different films? Watch both if you want.
May 13th, 2011, 09:14 PM
They didn't include the Scouring because that part of the book sucked. Seriously I hated that they did that in the book. Totally killed the epic ending and added too much length to the story. Sure it adds some depth, but it killed the whole point of the Shire to me.
Scouring of the Shire is what made the ending so great. The whole point of the Shire was to show that even paradises cannot be untarnished for ever. To be completely honest, the "epic ending" isn't really epic. There's no one single part where a battle ended or whatever where it felt awesome. At the end of the Scouring of the Shire, you had that epic feeling because there was that single, final blow that ended the War of the Ring. With the destruction of Sauron and the triumph of the Men of the West at the Black Gate, you sort of feel detached from it. At least that was the way I felt. BTW, I must have reread Scouring of the Shire at least 10 times in addition to the entire book three times.
Oh yeah, on topic:
I'm going to watch this movie. Why? No, not because of some bitch being casted as Sam's girlfriend. I'm going to see it for the same reason I saw the first and second one: SHIT EXPLODING and giant robots fighting EVERYWHERE. Same reason I went to see Suckerpunch. (-robots, +Emily Browning)
If you're expecting to get a good story out of this, go and watch Revenge of the Fallen and then reevaluate what your purpose in this thread is.
May 14th, 2011, 07:16 AM
Scouring of the Shire is what made the ending so great. The whole point of the Shire was to show that even paradises cannot be untarnished for ever. To be completely honest, the "epic ending" isn't really epic. There's no one single part where a battle ended or whatever where it felt awesome. At the end of the Scouring of the Shire, you had that epic feeling because there was that single, final blow that ended the War of the Ring. With the destruction of Sauron and the triumph of the Men of the West at the Black Gate, you sort of feel detached from it. At least that was the way I felt. BTW, I must have reread Scouring of the Shire at least 10 times in addition to the entire book three times.
I didn't like it because I felt it hurt the point of the book. Frodo and Sam go on this great journey to save not the world, but to protect the homeland paradise they come from. The Scouring meant to me that their journey was pointless. Gandalf should have just taken the ring then, because it has nothing to do with Hobbits at that point. If the Shire is destroyed or damaged, their battle was purposeless, at least for Mary, Pippin, and Sam. I just thought it had more to do with allegorical interest than story telling (the rebuilding of Britain following WWII was an obvious inspiration). I know Tolkien has said that he didn't mean for it to be an allegory, but thats how it turned out.
On Topic: I will probably see this movie. I just will only enjoy the explosions. Megan Fox's panty scene will be missed :saddowns:
May 19th, 2011, 07:27 PM
Thread, derailed.
May 19th, 2011, 07:43 PM
How did it go from giant ass kicking robots to midgets in imaginationland?
May 21st, 2011, 04:59 AM
Scouring of the Shire WAS depicted in the movies, in the Mirror of Galadriel. IMO that was a good way of including it without adding yet ANOTHER ending to RotK.
As for Transformers, I mainly watch them for the action like everyone else but I don't mind the human interaction bits. The love-story parts are silly and useless but the whole "Sector 7 Government-Autobot Alliance" intrigues me a little bit. I mean, they could have completely removed Sam and his roles in the film and replaced them with Captain Lennox military stuff or Agent Simmons Sector 7 slinking around.
May 21st, 2011, 04:14 PM
Turns out sector.. err.. section.. 7 DOES exist. And look what they built..
Silly Corps of Engineers....
July 1st, 2011, 12:31 AM
So, anybody else seen this film yet? It's hard to say whether or not I'd recommend it. On one hand, there are some really funny bits in there, that really seem as if they belong in a different movie. That's definitely worth a look. On the other hand, the film itself is once again an uninteresting tale of Shia LeBoef's relationship drama, followed by an hour-long Army Strong commercial with robots. There is actually a frightening amount of "with us or against us" American patriotic ideology floating about in this film, coming from the Autobots, and chiefly, from Optimus Prime. I found myself rooting for the Decepticons by the end. Any rational person will see that they are actually trying to do something worthwhile for once in this movie, if going about it in the wrong fashion, and the Autobots are there to fuck up their shit because of freedom and what's right and yadda yadda. Also, worst political writing I have ever seen since MW2. Oh, the Decepticons are planning an invasion unless we send the Autobots packing? Welp, better not even try to mount a counter-offensive of millions of worldwide troops against MAYBE A FEW DOZEN ROBOTS. Jesus Christ.
"It's a Transformers movie, nobody watches it for the story" will not save you here. People will watch this film, and it will influence them to join the military. And money will be made, and sequels, or films likewise will be produced. The Transformers movies may very well do nothing but harm.
July 1st, 2011, 01:05 AM
Its Michael Bay. What did you expect?
July 1st, 2011, 01:40 AM
Transformers is quickly turning into the CoD of movies.
July 1st, 2011, 02:53 AM
I saw it and I pretty much agree with DarkHalo, it's another shitty romance sub-story inside a military recruitment video. That said, I went into this expecting exactly that and wasn't disappointed in the slightest. I was tired going in and it was nice to just switch off my brain for a little-while.
Interestingly enough, out of all the movies I've seen that are basically military recruitment ads with a bit of story drizzled on the side (Battle L.A.), this made me want to join up the least. This coming from a guy who's been actively attempting to join the Canadian Forces for three years.
July 1st, 2011, 04:14 AM
July 1st, 2011, 05:08 AM
I liked it. I went in to watch robots fighting. I saw robots fighting, plus other cool stuff. It had a basic storyline which I wasn't bothered with to much, it was a good laugh, and there was lots of explosions. I thought it was well worth the $15 NZD to go see in 3D.
I recommend it to people who just want to go watch some destruction.
July 1st, 2011, 02:51 PM
Im planning on watching it tonight. Its only 5 dollars (US) out of my pocket
July 1st, 2011, 03:45 PM
I saw it and I pretty much agree with DarkHalo, it's another shitty romance sub-story inside a military recruitment video. That said, I went into this expecting exactly that and wasn't disappointed in the slightest. I was tired going in and it was nice to just switch off my brain for a little-while.
Interestingly enough, out of all the movies I've seen that are basically military recruitment ads with a bit of story drizzled on the side (Battle L.A.), this made me want to join up the least. This coming from a guy who's been actively attempting to join the Canadian Forces for three years.
Battle LA was good though IMO. At least, I enjoyed it more probably since the last aliens-invading-Earth movie I saw recently (new movies) was Skyline, which had potential but it was clear that it suffered from budget cuts and that annoying "Humanity is fucked" writing.
July 1st, 2011, 05:43 PM
Giant robots fighting, explosions, and boobs.
I don't see the problem here.
July 1st, 2011, 08:50 PM
I thought it was pretty neat until they started soaring through the city in wing suits as if they were wearing jet packs.
July 2nd, 2011, 01:42 AM
I thought it was pretty neat until they started soaring through the city in wing suits as if they were wearing jet packs.
Yeah the wingsuit scenes were drawn out way to much to make them believable. However this is a movie about giant alien robots so...
July 3rd, 2011, 03:38 AM
Worth that money to see it in 3d.
Really is.
July 3rd, 2011, 05:32 PM
Worth that money to see it in 3d.
Really is.
Except it's a very bad movie so it really isn't
July 3rd, 2011, 05:37 PM
If you want to see explosions and robots doing cool stuff, it's worth the money. If you want anything else well don't go see it.
July 3rd, 2011, 08:44 PM
Except it's a very bad movie so it really isn't
If you want to see explosions and robots doing cool stuff, it's worth the money. If you want anything else well don't go see it.
July 3rd, 2011, 09:22 PM
Well I enjoyed the movie for both the story as well as explosions and all that.
Oh, and the new girl was so much better than Megan Fox in essentially every way.
July 3rd, 2011, 11:36 PM
Except it's a very bad movie so it really isn't
July 4th, 2011, 12:48 AM
i think i've seen bits and pieces of transformer movies, and it's been horrendously bad so i've just ended up walking away from them.
if i want stupid action i'll watch death race, or anything with jason statham
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