View Full Version : HCE FRMT
February 3rd, 2011, 02:49 AM
We have been renamed the FRMT. Just so everyone knows, these tags were modelled by ourselves or the textures/models were copied from reach/halo 3 and we are currently remaking Reachgulch. Some tags we obtained exclusively from Sphinxbio
These are all the tags we have worked on. Contact me via pm or xfire, my xfire is Hiralis, add me if you can help with any aspect of the mapping. We currently have a custom modeller, ripper, placement guide, and a part-time cutscene man. Anyone willing to help? I just ask that no one makes fun of this thread or trolls. Please, we're all human aren't we?
February 3rd, 2011, 02:53 AM
What Tags?
February 3rd, 2011, 03:16 AM
Pictures broken.
February 3rd, 2011, 03:26 AM
Not trying to stir anything up with this, but just as a word of warning... No one will take you or your team seriously until you learn to post images correctly, almost every post I've seen that has been made by you with pictures in it has been broken. I mean, posting images should be extremely easy to get right in comparison to mapping for a video game.
And I still haven't seen anything that you have made yourself, all I've seen is tags that other people have provided or that you have downloaded/ripped and put into Bloodgulch. If this latest thread by you has changed that, I digress.
And another thing, make one thread and continually update it. We don't need a new thread every time you change the name of your team, you can rename your old threads by double-clicking to the right of the thread name in the open space. Do that from now on.
February 3rd, 2011, 04:29 AM
Not trying to stir anything up with this, but just as a word of warning... No one will take you or your team seriously until you learn to post images correctly, almost every post I've seen that has been made by you with pictures in it has been broken. I mean, posting images should be extremely easy to get right in comparison to mapping for a video game.
And I still haven't seen anything that you have made yourself, all I've seen is tags that other people have provided or that you have downloaded/ripped and put into Bloodgulch. If this latest thread by you has changed that, I digress.
And another thing, make one thread and continually update it. We don't need a new thread every time you change the name of your team, you can rename your old threads by double-clicking to the right of the thread name in the open space. Do that from now on.
i will do that, and no offense taken. And i'm TRYING to make vehicle bipeds right now lol. My main problem is that they don't have any head or body markers. Any help?
February 3rd, 2011, 05:10 AM
Has this not been done about 3248 times already by all of the other 6 million "insert letter(s) here"MT teams?
February 3rd, 2011, 05:17 AM
Hiralis, you know the team is bad when someone who worked with Bungie says so. Just sayin'
Anyway, yes Nitro it has been done, and it's been beaten to death a million times already. In fact, Hiralis was temp banned from the site for being the typical "new guy that can't take advice" kid. He seems to have smartened up a bit, but I don't expect anything of note for many months from his team. My prediction is that it will simply fall apart like the other 3248 "insert letter(s) here"MT teams as you say. But what can you do? We've given him helpful advice, tips on where to start, etc... He would rather ignore us and continue asking us for, and continuing to use tags that are not his own. Hopefully he will eventually sit down and learn the required skills to make a decent map.
February 3rd, 2011, 05:25 AM
Hiralis, you know the team is bad when someone who worked with Bungie says so. Just sayin'
Anyway, yes Nitro it has been done, and it's been beaten to death a million times already. In fact, Hiralis was temp banned from the site for being the typical "new guy that can't take advice" kid. He seems to have smartened up a bit, but I don't expect anything of note for many months from his team. My prediction is that it will simply fall apart like the other 3248 "insert letter(s) here"MT teams as you say. But what can you do? We've given him helpful advice, tips on where to start, etc... He would rather ignore us and continue asking us for, and continuing to use tags that are not his own. Hopefully he will eventually sit down and learn the required skills to make a decent map.
i regret to say that you are absolutely right. I still need to update things, make my own. I completely understand. I prefer some help, for example, how to make vehicle bipeds, which i'm attempting to do right now. Any idea's? It says there are no head or body makers, how do i fix that?
February 3rd, 2011, 05:28 AM
What do you mean by "vehicle bipeds"? Are you trying to create a biped (player character) that's actually a vehicle? Or are you just trying to create a vehicle? The terminology you're using is confusing me, and probably some others that could help out. It's not your fault, I just don't understand what you're trying to make. :confused:
February 3rd, 2011, 10:27 AM
He's trying to link to the viewer of the Xfire images instead of the images themselves.
Here they are:
February 3rd, 2011, 11:52 AM
I doubt you have the means to rip from Reach as you claim. Also the only thing that's yours is probably the Assault Rifle...
February 4th, 2011, 01:22 AM
What do you mean by "vehicle bipeds"? Are you trying to create a biped (player character) that's actually a vehicle? Or are you just trying to create a vehicle? The terminology you're using is confusing me, and probably some others that could help out. It's not your fault, I just don't understand what you're trying to make. :confused:
I'm trying to create a biped that is looks the same and has the same movements as a vehicle. For example, instead of driving a pelican, run into it while bump possession is on and u can just go from there
my absolute biped fail. I'm making it so that bipeds are vehicles.
t3h m00kz
February 4th, 2011, 10:38 PM
Just so everyone knows, these tags were modelled by ourselves
You're going to tell us you modeled this?
Has this not been done about 3248 times already by all of the other 6 million "insert letter(s) here"MT teams?
Obviously not. Not enough, at least.
February 4th, 2011, 11:06 PM
So he wants to make a biped that you can bump possess that looks like a vehicle? What the hell? Why would you want that? Just enter the vehicle and drive.
February 4th, 2011, 11:24 PM
So he wants to make a biped that you can bump possess that looks like a vehicle? What the hell? Why would you want that? Just enter the vehicle and drive.
Yea IDK, just making a vehicle seems like the better way to go.
February 4th, 2011, 11:38 PM
The only things that cross my mind are he wants the ability to play with different bipeds or he wants fp legs.
February 4th, 2011, 11:48 PM
pretty sure that grenade launcher was modeled by hunter. also, that sniper is a fucking extruded box. there is no way in hell you made the grenade launcher when your sniper is a gun shaped box.
February 5th, 2011, 12:45 PM
In his original post, it says that some of the tags are modelled by them and some are ripped.
I don't think bump possession is a good idea because just think about how many times you bump into vehicles/other players during an online MP game, without the intention of using them. You would constantly be possessing objects unintentionally. Just imagine how annoying that would be. Also, to my understanding, you can bump-possess in succession, meaning I can bump possess a Warthog, crash into a Banshee, possess the Banshee, crash into a Scorpion, etc... How often do you crash into other players/vehicles during a game? Unless you have some other kind of game mechanic you're shooting for that I'm not seeing, which in that case I'm all ears for the creativity!!
Don't become discouraged by what we're saying, take it constructively. You're doing something that not only gets very little respect, but it's also been done 10,000 times already. Just go for it, model EVERY SINGLE THING yourself, every texture, every sound effect, every last asset to your mod, make it yourself. Take it from me, it's a very satisfying feeling. So what if it doesn't come out perfect, it's not better than Bungie, it's not AAA quality, who cares? It will be your best effort, and trust me, the passion will show in your work. Also, just think, why should I play your half-assed, buggy, incomplete Halo Reach rip mod when I could simply spin my chair around, turn on my Xbox and play a perfect Halo Reach with 300,000 other players? The whole reason behind our Halo 2 CE mod back in the day was to play Halo 2 before the retail version shipped, so we created every last asset ourselves. After Halo 2 shipped, guess what, the Halo 2 CE mod more or less was put to rest and I/we just started making piles of original maps.
Extracting someone else's assets and putting them in your mod is like being an 'original' band that plays all covers at their concerts. It's cheating, it's stealing, it's disrespectful to the artist and simply proves that your team has no talent. A while back, Dave Mertz and I were chatting about Halo CE and how so many people expected the editing kit to come with a "Generate Awesome Map" button. Well, now we have that button. It's called scenario->extract /recursive.
Again, try not to take offense, this is purely constructive. Just put your best foot forward, have some self-confidence, put some effort and elbow grease into it and you will surprise yourself as to how much fun you have. Also, the community will have a lot mre respect for you and might actually play your stuff. :)
February 5th, 2011, 01:20 PM
Extracting someone else's assets and putting them in your mod is like being an 'original' band that plays all covers at their concerts. It's cheating, it's stealing, it's disrespectful to the artist and simply proves that your team has no talent.
I've seen many groups who say their intentions are to make "tributes" to the very developers they are stealing the work from and disrespecting.
If you make a good enough effort you can eventually make a big enough impact that a developer might pick you up.
I know of a guy from the Crysis community who was working on Time of Day mods ( for various levels, his work was so impressive he has since been hired ( by Crytek.
February 5th, 2011, 06:39 PM
I've seen many groups who say their intentions are to make "tributes" to the very developers they are stealing the work from and disrespecting.
If you make a good enough effort you can eventually make a big enough impact that a developer might pick you up.
I know of a guy from the Crysis community who was working on Time of Day mods ( for various levels, his work was so impressive he has since been hired ( by Crytek.
How do you think I got hired by Bungie? :)
Once inside, I actually asked a few people how they feel about extracting assets. Some people say they could give 2 shits. Some didn't even know it happens....and then certain people would get red in the face, pop veins and start cursing profusely. Not a single employee had respect for it, or thought it was cool, or impressive. Just sayin'...
February 5th, 2011, 06:54 PM
You still with them?
February 5th, 2011, 07:11 PM
He explained in another thread that he's basically on a mandatory 3 month leave from them/Microsoft right now.
Also, in case anyone is curious, here's how it works in the game industry: Basically, if you want to work for Microsoft, Bungie or almost any game studio, you will most likely start off on a <12 month contract as a Software Test Engineer or maybe a Test Associate, or in simple terms, a tester. It's not very common that someone gets right on board as a designer, dev or producer/PM right off the bat. It happens, but you gotta be GOOD....or know someone.....or graduate from a school like Full Sail or Digipen. Also, as a contractor (or CSG as it's called), at Microsoft you're limited to 12 months on a contract, and then you MUST take 100 days off. Don't ask why, it's some kind of super complicated technicality that drives me and every other CSG up the freaking wall once a year, but that's how it is. you contract for UP TO 12 months, and then you're done. Then, you absolutely, positively cannot work for Microsoft again for 100 days, then you're eligible again. Sounds fun to have a 3+ month vacation once a year, but once you're 100 days is up, you don't have another contract waiting for you. No, no, no, you must go out into the wild and find another job. That's the fun part. :(
February 5th, 2011, 07:19 PM
I doubt you have the means to rip from Reach as you claim. Also the only thing that's yours is probably the Assault Rifle...
That looks like my low poly, that was made from my High poly. :\
t3h m00kz
February 6th, 2011, 07:52 AM
Nitrous, were you on Reach by any chance?
February 6th, 2011, 04:26 PM
No, I had nothing to do with Reach. The only Halos I worked on were Halo 2 for Windows Vista end-to-end, tested Halo 2 Xbox DLC and some very early Halo 3 multiplayer QA.
February 14th, 2011, 05:19 AM
I'm in the FRMT and i'm doing like custom buildings. Any suggestions? this is all i have so far
February 14th, 2011, 11:26 AM
Threads merged~
I don't see any custom buildings in those photos, all that you've shown there are tags that you downloaded from other people and stuck into a map. The only thing I could say is "yours" is the block structure, if that's the case you may want to look into Minecraft instead of Halo: Custom Edition.
Almost everyone that has given you advice has said this before, and I'll say it again. You need to learn how to model in 3D Studio Max before you even start worrying about getting things in-game. Make a base like the ones you downloaded as scenery tags and placed in Bloodgulch should only take you maybe 30 minutes to an hour in 3DS Max once you learn some basics.
February 14th, 2011, 03:07 PM
look, i know the bases aren't mine, but i'll use them in any case. Everyone who i receive tags from will get a piece of credit thrown to them. This part isn't going to be released. It will however, be released on the Halo Reach Bloodgulch mod of ours
February 24th, 2011, 02:36 AM
Hello, i've decided to start modelling in gmax myself and here is wot i have so far
February 24th, 2011, 03:58 AM
It's good to see that you've started making your own stuff, but we really don't need to see every small progression you make in modeling. When you have something that's actually useful and worth showing, by all means post it. Don't post all the little useless things you make while learning to model. Those of us that know how to model have already been there, and those that are learning or want to learn will discover similar things as they progress.
I really don't know what kind of responses you expected to get in this thread with that content... Did you have a question? Did you want critique? Posting this thread like you did will only get you a bunch of flames and unhelpful comments. I'm going to merge this with your FRMT thread since it's not nearly new-thread worthy.
February 24th, 2011, 04:07 AM
Remember freelancer, this may not be related to FRMT. I think he needs to be pointed to the Studio section of the forums instead of merging the two threads.
February 24th, 2011, 04:08 AM
He's the only one posting any work related to FRMT on Modacity. I was going to merge this into quick-crit but that would probably just end badly.
February 24th, 2011, 04:52 AM
He's the only one posting any work related to FRMT on Modacity. I was going to merge this into quick-crit but that would probably just end badly.
I mean, the model might not be.
February 25th, 2011, 12:59 AM
look, its important tht i have a try. AND i'm starting to get tired of this criticism. I'll take it, but these forums have gone way too far. I'm sick of it. This is my last post. I'm never coming onto modacity... EVER
February 25th, 2011, 01:07 AM
February 25th, 2011, 02:16 AM
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