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March 21st, 2012, 11:36 PM
Someone was in a lot of trouble for that.
March 22nd, 2012, 01:37 AM
Someone was in a lot of trouble for that.
Yeah, the pilot was definitely trying to show off initially when he did the low flyover of the house. Whatever went wrong happened when he started gaining altitude.
March 22nd, 2012, 01:42 AM
I think where it started going wrong was when he made that hard bank to the left at the top of his climb. As soon as he finished that and nosed down, you can bet your buttons he was already thinking "Oh fuck!"
March 22nd, 2012, 01:48 AM
Yeah, at 0:20 he was definitely thinking "fuck my life".
Also, watch close at 0:25 and you can see that one guy was probably INCHES away from getting smacked by the tail and tail-rotor assembly.
Fake Edit: Now that I've read the video description, it's good to know that the pilot is facing criminal charges.
March 22nd, 2012, 02:11 AM
if that really was irl battlefield 3, theres about 7 or 8 million people out there who are going to be facing criminal charges for their chopper piloting :lol:
March 22nd, 2012, 02:32 AM
Yeah, that exact scenario plays out A LOT in Battlefield.
*Hits the top of the tower or get shit by the missile, loses control*
March 22nd, 2012, 03:16 PM
if that really was irl battlefield 3, theres about 7 or 8 million people out there who are going to be facing criminal charges for their chopper piloting :lol:
Nah, DICE and EA should face criminal charges for releasing a game with such a shitty UI and lack of a sandbox that people can play in before venturing out into the wild.
March 22nd, 2012, 03:55 PM
That's a pretty sick video. In that you very rarely see that kind of thing in that quality on camera. I'm wondering what the pilot was thinking exactly, but the way he was flying seems to suggest mechanical failure at some point.
Also, if you notice the thing stays in one piece for the most part.No mechanical failures until he hit the ground. He tried to pull off a return-to-target maneuver in thin mountain air (note the snow) and miscalculated the amount of collective he'd need to apply to keep from hitting the ground. It would have worked had he been operating in the denser air of a lower altitude. Helicopters not specifically built for flight in a thin atmosphere SUCK at high altitudes.
March 22nd, 2012, 07:23 PM
Man Korn is really mad about not being able to practice flying.
El Lobo
March 22nd, 2012, 07:30 PM
I'm a decent pilot now, took a lot of practice. Lot of crashing.
March 22nd, 2012, 07:43 PM
He's got a point though. What's wrong with creating a private game so you can practice piloting? Just make it non-ranked and so players can't earn challenges and shit. BC2 had private matches but you needed at least 8 fucking people before you could start. That being said, I'm a very decent pilot myself. I still hate dice for making indestructible light poles that fuck me over whenever I'm trying to stay low to avoid jets and shit.
March 22nd, 2012, 07:52 PM
That being said, I'm a very decent pilot myself.
March 22nd, 2012, 08:01 PM
Man Korn is really mad about not being able to practice flying.
DICE be trollin'
Hope they die
in a fire
Then there's the UI fuckwits. I hope they barely survive the fire. Fucking learn to background load, don't wait for me to press start before you load the fucking main menu. Oh, and let people quit at the EOR screen. Don't force people to stay within a shitty match, that's just shitty.
Maybe I'm just spoiled by the likes of Bungie. Maybe they are bleeding all the good engineers and designers from the rest of the shooter developers...
El Lobo
March 22nd, 2012, 08:47 PM
Yeah, really agree with the not being able to quit to the menu until the game has started again. How the fuck did they think that was a good idea? Just idiotic.
March 22nd, 2012, 08:51 PM
He's got a point though. What's wrong with creating a private game so you can practice piloting? Just make it non-ranked and so players can't earn challenges and shit. BC2 had private matches but you needed at least 8 fucking people before you could start. That being said, I'm a very decent pilot myself. I still hate dice for making indestructible light poles that fuck me over whenever I'm trying to stay low to avoid jets and shit.
Just practice with the transport helis on Firestorm etc, no one uses or cares about them. There's also the co-op mission with the apache.
March 22nd, 2012, 08:57 PM
There's also the co-op mission with the apache.
this is the only place i'll ever actually get in a chopper. i really wish there were more (re: any) chopper / jet flying missions in the single player so i could practice. i feel like thats a huge thing that the devs totally neglected to do. same with bad company 2 tbqh. tanks roll on the ground, theyre not that difficult to figure out. choppers are a totally different story. SP experience would benefit the entire community.
March 22nd, 2012, 10:44 PM
Hi there Korn:
1) Join emtpy server.
2) Practice flying.
3) ???
4) Profit!
March 23rd, 2012, 12:10 AM
Empty servers on the 360 require a certain number of players to begin the match. With just him, he can't do anything.
March 23rd, 2012, 12:33 AM
Yeah, really agree with the not being able to quit to the menu until the game has started again. How the fuck did they think that was a good idea? Just idiotic.
I've discovered that on PC, you can quit. No idea why they didn't enable that on console, it's just childish.
Also, everybody uses the transport helos on Firestorm, MrBig, not sure what you're talking about. They are actually more dangerous than the attack helos.
March 23rd, 2012, 12:41 AM
They are actually more dangerous than the attack helos.
Not if the attack helo operators are any good.
Also; If you have this game on console, a Battlefield series game, please realize that you're not playing the proper version before posting bad things about the game!!
March 23rd, 2012, 12:50 AM
I've since switched to playing it on PC. The transport helos are dangerous as hell. The attack helos are dangerous, but they are easier to take down because nobody is fixing them in-flight.
Note that I only play in hardcore servers. I refuse to put up with regenerating health and vehicles; that's not Battlefield in any sense and it just makes vehicle combat even more infuriating in light of it already taking 4-6 rockets to kill a tank, even shooting it in weak points or from above.
March 23rd, 2012, 12:57 AM
As much as I really wish they allowed for a sandbox mode to practice, I've had some hilarious times learning to fly as well as watching my usually squad mates go through the same process.
March 23rd, 2012, 01:58 AM
I don't know why PC players complained about not having a quit button before they added it. I find the most effective quit button is Alt+F4. I'm not kidding. It's hilariously faster than using the in-game quit button. Alt+F4 is instant exit. In-game button is take 15 seconds before it fully closes.
March 23rd, 2012, 02:35 AM
Also; If you have this game on console, a Battlefield series game, please realize that you're not playing the proper version before posting bad things about the game!!
Right, because the "proper" version of the game is the one which requires you to get online and log into battlelog to even start up campaign/MP, or be in game before you edit your loadouts. It's been said before, but I'll say it again: Stop Posting, Freelancer. Both flavors of the game have huge shortcomings that DICE totally fucked up on, your PC dick sucking isn't helping. Go shove a hamster up your ass, then use your free Canadian medical to get it yanked out.
March 23rd, 2012, 03:22 AM
I've since switched to playing it on PC. The transport helos are dangerous as hell. The attack helos are dangerous, but they are easier to take down because nobody is fixing them in-flight.
Note that I only play in hardcore servers. I refuse to put up with regenerating health and vehicles; that's not Battlefield in any sense and it just makes vehicle combat even more infuriating in light of it already taking 4-6 rockets to kill a tank, even shooting it in weak points or from above.
Aww, come on man, Vehicles are part of what has made the battlefield series fun as hell. I despise Team Deathmatch in BF3 because it cuts out the vehicles and fucks everything up, partially because I play on console and everyone is fagging it up with their USAS 12 frag rounds xP
March 23rd, 2012, 04:00 AM
I think you misunderstood me. I like the vehicles. I don't like it when they regenerate health just like infantry. Anything regenerating apart from stamina is not Battlefield.
Tanks in their current form are really hard to kill. I can dance around one all day and hit it with every rocket I have (without the explosives capacity upgrade) and potentially still not kill it. That's broken. Now add in regenerating vehicle health...
March 23rd, 2012, 04:20 AM
Right, because the "proper" version of the game is the one which requires you to get online and log into battlelog to even start up campaign/MP, or be in game before you edit your loadouts. It's been said before, but I'll say it again: Stop Posting, Freelancer. Both flavors of the game have huge shortcomings that DICE totally fucked up on, your PC dick sucking isn't helping. Go shove a hamster up your ass, then use your free Canadian medical to get it yanked out.
Yes, Battlelog is dumb.
Yes, Origin is just as dumb.
Being able to edit your kits outside of a game? Why exactly does this matter? There's ample time when a new game starts to adjust your kit the way you want and it's not like this game immediately spawns you before you can do that. This is literally a non-issue and you're the only one I have ever heard complain about it. IIRC there have yet to be any Battlefield games where you can edit your kits before joining a game. There is literally no reason you need to be able to do it.
March 23rd, 2012, 04:51 AM
I hate to say it. But I have to back that. I would rather edit my kits mid game than have to do it outside on a webpage. That being said, I like Battlelog, I don't like the fact that I have to exit the game every time I want to go look for a new game. However, to me it makes me feel like the entire thing is a bit more sociable. I don't know, maybe I'm insane.
March 23rd, 2012, 12:15 PM
I think you misunderstood me. I like the vehicles. I don't like it when they regenerate health just like infantry. Anything regenerating apart from stamina is not Battlefield.
Tanks in their current form are really hard to kill. I can dance around one all day and hit it with every rocket I have (without the explosives capacity upgrade) and potentially still not kill it. That's broken. Now add in regenerating vehicle health...
Hardcore man! If it's not hardcore you're not playing battlefield right!
March 23rd, 2012, 12:28 PM
I only ever play hardcore. Even in Bad Company 2. Anything less blows dick.
March 23rd, 2012, 01:03 PM
I hate to say it. But I have to back that. I would rather edit my kits mid game than have to do it outside on a webpage.
Or just fucking nix that website shit all together and have a menu in game like they have on the console. The in-game shit on the console doesn't tell you the descriptions of anything, where the menu editor does. I'll go games without changing up any attachments or weapons (equipment is another story). Then after I'm done for the day, I'll go into the menu editor and thoroughly check what I want to change.
TLDR: This game is a fucking crock of shit on both platforms because DICE and EA don't know how to or won't develop for the player. Glad I got this game (limited edition too) used and for less than full price. Running around in-game may make you forget the shitty experience you have while outside the match...well, right up until you go up against players using USAS and frag rounds like it was going out of style. Then you remember how shitty in-game can be.
March 23rd, 2012, 01:19 PM
If they fucking balanced the game correctly like in traditional BF games then we wouldn't need Normal and Hardcore modes. There would be one mode and people would would stop moaning.
Also, Lvlcap gaming has one of the coolest BF vids I've ever seen. The jets on his team are actually fucking helping their team mates on the ground and it looks fucking badass from the view Lvlcap had in his Viper:
March 23rd, 2012, 08:43 PM
In other news the PS3 gets the new patch in 4 days. No word yet on the PC or 360. They also claim the 360 and PS3 will be getting the "Rent A Server" feature.
March 23rd, 2012, 10:39 PM
If they fucking balanced the game correctly like in traditional BF games then we wouldn't need Normal and Hardcore modes. There would be one mode and people would would stop moaning.
Also, Lvlcap gaming has one of the coolest BF vids I've ever seen. The jets on his team are actually fucking helping their team mates on the ground and it looks fucking badass from the view Lvlcap had in his Viper:
Typical game when I play.
I seriously think you guys just need to find some good servers and favorite them. That video of them in the helo is pretty much exactly what a friend and I do, they even had the same vehicle customizations that we do (ECM/Flares and Heatseekers/TV Missile). I used to experience a lot of the BS issues you guys talk about when I first started playing but as you play more and get some experience you find that EVERYTHING has an easily accessible counter-weapon/vehicle. Find a server that has competent pilots in the air and both the ground-game and air-game are significantly improved.
Servers I usually recommend:
REDDIT (sometimes this server is really gay though)
Obviously there are still some seriously broken things, like Mobile AA being extremely overpowered against Infantry since they take to much damage to kill. And that Infantry-held AA missiles often kill the pilot without Disabling/Destroying the vehicle (I rage sooooooooo much at this).
March 24th, 2012, 01:10 AM
Correction: as you adopt some of the cheap, dickless, CoD-like tactics, your K/D improves.
March 24th, 2012, 01:16 AM
Weird, I didn't realize that CoD had vehicles. :confused:
No really though, you need to stop playing Hardcore because as it stands it's even more broken than Normal-mode. Pretty much everyone I know that has extensively tried both types agrees (I'm talking Colonel 20 stars and higher, so yes they generally know what they're talking about).
March 24th, 2012, 01:46 AM
There's a reason that LvlCap only plays on Normal servers. Btw, I didn't post that video to show off their "skills" or something. I posted it just for you guys to see how cool it looks up in the sky when jets try to engage enemies that others are actively fighting.
March 24th, 2012, 03:37 AM
Weird, I didn't realize that CoD had vehicles. :confused:
No really though, you need to stop playing Hardcore because as it stands it's even more broken than Normal-mode. Pretty much everyone I know that has extensively tried both types agrees (I'm talking Colonel 20 stars and higher, so yes they generally know what they're talking about).
Pro-tip: being Colonel means absolutely nothing about how much you know about the game. All it means is you've spent a great deal of time playing; even the worst player will reach Colonel within a reasonable amount of time since the game gives you points for just breathing.
Pro-tip II: I'm not just talking about vehicles (and yes, certain CoD games do have vehicles).
Normal is absolutely more broken than Hardcore. Go play BF2, the come back to BF3, and tell me which mode better resembles BF2, which is the superior game.
March 24th, 2012, 04:14 AM
Pro-tip: being Colonel means absolutely nothing about how much you know about the game. All it means is you've spent a great deal of time playing; even the worst player will reach Colonel within a reasonable amount of time since the game gives you points for just breathing.
And thus, gaining experience on how all the game mechanics work and what's balanced or not. Thanks for pointing out why I mentioned it though!
Pro-tip II: I'm not just talking about vehicles (and yes, certain CoD games do have vehicles).
Perks don't count as vehicles since they're temporary. If there are actual vehicles in older CoD multiplayer they still don't compare to vehicle mechanics in Battlefield.
Though, with some of the terrible pilots I've had in BF3 attack helo's I can see why you might confuse the resemblance to attack helicopter perks from CoD:MW series.
Normal is absolutely more broken than Hardcore. Go play BF2, the come back to BF3, and tell me which mode better resembles BF2, which is the superior game.
Normal plays the most like BF2 with the exception of Infantry health and everything related to it. It's also significantly more polished and balanced than the Hardcore mode and thus, less broken.
I've only played in ONE hardcore server on BF3 that was similar to BF2, and it was back a few patches when server admins were able to modify lots of settings like player and vehicle health and damage amounts. Basically the server admins were able to tune the servers how they wanted. This was obviously removed because people farmed their way to level 100 extremely easily by adjusting certain things and playing on small maps with friends to boost extremely effectively.
March 24th, 2012, 05:14 AM
You can spend a great deal of time playing and still not know how to play. Case-in-point: most of the Colonels in the game. Yes, let us just sit in the rubble with our sniper rifles and/or bipod machine guns and pay attention only to K/D. Let's sit in a Helo all day just shooting ground targets, not actually helping anybody cap because as soon as we take a hit we run away like the little pansies we are rather than make sure our job is done. Let's park that tank on a hill and use it as artillery instead of as cover for infantry trying to take a point or arm an MCOM. Let's fly jets around, thinking air superiority matters in the slightest when in fact it doesn't matter at all because rocket pods are woefully inadequate next to the old bombs and aren't really something to fear. Let us just sit there and fire rockets into a choke-point all day and rack up points rather than flank the enemy and take his home base.
Driving a tank definitely counts as a vehicle, sorry. World At War is practically the same game as CoD4, MW2, etc. except it has World War II weapons. They even put dot-sights on the guns, replacing the dot with a string. But you are focusing too much on the vehicles. BF3 adopts so much more from CoD including:
- 1 shot hit anywhere sniper kills (patched in on BC2, wasn't originally there)
- Piss-easy sniping in general
- Quick-scoping (courtesy of the ignorant straight-pull bolt perk)
- Pistols more powerful than rifles
- Spray and pray
- Recoiless laser rifles
- Encouraging camping rather than tactical play (giving the guy who can replenish his ammo special explosives? Dafuq is this?)
- Classes that hardly qualify to be called as such (way too much overlap)
- De-emphasized team-play
- No faction-specific armaments (no, BF3 has none, both sides unlock the other side's guns and they share everything in the middle)
- Regenerating health (been in since BC2)
- Upgrades that literally break the game for new players, causing them to get slaughtered until they finally unlock them
- Suppressors
- Enemies appearing on minimap when they fire (this never happened in BF2, you had to UAV or spot)
- Infinite ammo in all vehicles (aircraft don't have to touch down or fly over the air strip to rearm and repair)
- ALL Conquest maps feature uncaps, meaning there is no incentive to fight tooth and nail for flags. Might as well play CoD's domination mode.
None of the above is balanced any better in Normal than it is in Hardcore. Normal makes Medic useless, Engineer butt-frustrating, Support laughably overpowered, and Recon...well let's just say that people who religiously play Recon are among the most useless dirt-bags playing the game. They can't even C4 things anymore or call in mortar strikes.
BF3 in general plays absolutely nothing like BF2, but Hardcore is closer. You actually have to behave as a unit and be on the ball with medkits and ammo drops (because there is no commander to help you). Normal, you don't really have to worry about med-kits at all and ammo drops aren't as important because that tank that just took seven rockets to the weak point is going to kill you before you run out anyways. I actually just got through playing some BF2 today after getting turned off from BF3's crap remake B2K, and the experience was not only vastly different but also superior. You have squads actually working together to achieve a goal, you have a commander providing support via artillery, UAV spotting, and supply drops. Wake Island in BF2 is way, way better than it is in BF3. Tanks have to be escorted in or they will get demolished. Air power actually means something because the jets do some real damage, making you really want to defend your airstrip. People are in general more courteous.
So no. We didn't get Battlefield. We got Call of Duty with shiny imagery and vehicles. DICE made what is possibly one of the most up-tight, rage-inducing, generally disappointing games in recent memory. It is flat-out not what we were promised. People raging over Mass Effect think they got shafted? They don't know what shafted is. Shafted is being told that your favourite platform is the focus platform and then finding out that behind the scenes, it wasn't. Shafted is being told your platform is favoured, and then everything come first to the Playstation 3 owners. Shafted is being told that you are going to get the biggest, most comprehensive, and most refined Battlefield experience since Battlefield 2 and instead get given a bug-filled mess that removes most of the features that have defined Battlefield from the beginning.
They screwed up big-time. Unfortunately, it's still better than most other shooters that retain decently-sized player bases (such as CoD). That's the worst part about it all.
March 24th, 2012, 07:05 AM
After reading that post, I have determined that you have never played Normal-mode and have absolutely no fucking idea what you're tlaking about.
Literally 90% of that is either wrong, slightly incorrect, or complete lunacy that I've never heard. Seriously, what exactly is your experience with Normal-mode on PC? It's like you've read all the Hardcore-mode fanboism on various forums and compiled it into some kind of stereotypical bash-hate of Normal-mode.
Want to know where I stopped taking you seriously in that post?
"- 1 shot hit anywhere sniper kills (patched in on BC2, wasn't originally there)"
That is only the case in Hardcore-mode, as are many things you mentioned. Try playing the non-broken Normal-mode for more than 10 minutes before you start forming your extremely biased and incorrect opinion of it. Seriously, it's just better. This isn't BF2 anyway, stop trying to play it like it is.
One thing I do actually regret them not including is this:
"- Infinite ammo in all vehicles (aircraft don't have to touch down or fly over the air strip to rearm and repair)"
When I first played Caspian Border when it opened up during the Beta I took some damage and immediately tried flying over my airstrip to repair. I did that because it took so long for the auto-repair to kick in, and I did it again after I was finally Disabled because I thought that might fix it.
March 24th, 2012, 01:04 PM
Honestly, I have to agree with the above post. Most of what was said above it is incorrect. Sniping isn't easy at really long range since there's bullet drop. Pistols are most definitely not more powerful than rifles. What's wrong with suppressors? WTF is a recoilless laser rifle? I would love to unlock that. What games doesn't have spray and pray? Don't all BF2 maps have uncaps???? People like die in Normal mode, medics are still needed. I'm not sure how engineers are frustrating to play or how support is OP. Sort of how to agree with the Recon point unless the person is aggressive Recon that actually caps.
March 24th, 2012, 04:27 PM
You know, i'd actually play recon if they had c4. But no, so i'll go back to my Support class.
March 24th, 2012, 06:27 PM
Sniping-Recon players are bad players unless they're counter-sniper some faggot who's setup and actually being a problem.
Good Recon players equip a PDW/SMG and drop their MAV to act as a better T-UGS, then they setup their spawn-beacon somewhere near or behind an enemy fortification so your team has an option to flank.
But yeah, other than that they are really bad right now.
March 24th, 2012, 06:50 PM
When I'm recon I'm typically counter sniping, staring straight at an MCOM to make sure some audacious faggot doesn't disarm, or doing what Lancer just mentioned, only I prefer shotguns to PDW's/SMG's.
March 25th, 2012, 12:03 AM
Am I weird for spending most of my time in the Recon class, with a bolt action, sitting on a crane, or a roof, and picking people off :P Why does that make me a bad player?
March 25th, 2012, 01:15 AM
I agree with warsaw that some aspects of BF2 are just better than BF3. Back in BF2, there were maps where the attacking team had an uncap and the defending team did not. For example, Strike at Karkand basically forced the MEC(now replayed by Russians. I heard you liked Russians. Russians invading everywhere. All countries. All the time. RUSSIANS) team to defend the flags, else they were utterly screwed. The US uncap was far enough back that defenders could have some breathers in between waves early game, and the bridge by the train became a last ditch defense point late game. Now a days, BF3 promotes all sides to rambo behind enemy lines cuz defending doesn't amount to anything. Defenders losing all the flags just means that they can spawn back at the uncap and start over again. There was an actual map progression in BF2 conquest rounds and they felt more like coherent battles where one team steadily takes over the entire map. BF3 is more a senseless back and forth mosh of who can run the fastest out of spawn to the next flag and games only end when the tickers run out.
The spotting system is also pretty disappointing. Since enemies show up on the map from firing their weapons, new BF players have no incentive to spot enemies. Since very few people actually spot now, I'm sure you've all seen instances when a single enemy support guy blatantly runs across open space to mow down a whole squad of your teammates with no one stopping him until it's too late. Back in BF2 and 2142, if you were spot by someone while trying to do ninja things, you were basically screwed. You had to constantly avoid engagements if you wanted to back-cap, and have constant map awareness. In BF3 and the addition of silencers, ninja players can do whatever the fuck they want.
Also I agree that support class is OP. The laughable lack of overall hip fire penalty means that they can run all up in your joint and just hold down their trigger. I'm sure you've all seen this happen where a single support guy bunny hops around a corner and mows down 5 dudes (again the 5 dudes are too slow to react cuz no one spot the asshole). Back in BF2, if you weren't aiming down sights, you weren't going to hit jack crap, especially when you're hip firing AND moving. You still wouldn't hit jack crap if you were aiming down sights and moving. Not to mention, even with sights, the LMG's had enough recoil that you had to fire in bursts (in fact all weapons forced you to do this). Playing BF3, you'll do perfectly fine if you aim down your sights and just hold down fire at medium range.
And while I'm at it, I'm also going to bash the console versions. Who in their right minds would play, let alone pay for that garbage??? The maps are literally limited to half their intended size for conquest, and the player cap is 24??? I guess it's why DICE put such a huge emphasis on Rush, cuz it's the only game mode where consoles can keep the same map size. And the inferior version cost $60 for consoles on release... I got my PC version with B2K for $50 on amazon...
March 25th, 2012, 03:10 AM
Am I weird for spending most of my time in the Recon class, with a bolt action, sitting on a crane, or a roof, and picking people off :P Why does that make me a bad player?
Well, you haven't provided enough information to judge you :P
If you are sniping key targets (sniping people in flag capture zones, MCOM attacker/defenders, etc.) and actively spotting infantry and vehicles (throw out a SOFLAM while you're at it), then you are an asset to your team. If all you do is sit up there and snipe just for the hell of sniping people, then you are not just a bad player, you are a really bad player.
March 25th, 2012, 06:30 AM
I agree with warsaw that some aspects of BF2 are just better than BF3. Back in BF2, there were maps where the attacking team had an uncap and the defending team did not. For example, Strike at Karkand basically forced the MEC(now replayed by Russians. I heard you liked Russians. Russians invading everywhere. All countries. All the time. RUSSIANS) team to defend the flags, else they were utterly screwed. The US uncap was far enough back that defenders could have some breathers in between waves early game, and the bridge by the train became a last ditch defense point late game. Now a days, BF3 promotes all sides to rambo behind enemy lines cuz defending doesn't amount to anything. Defenders losing all the flags just means that they can spawn back at the uncap and start over again. There was an actual map progression in BF2 conquest rounds and they felt more like coherent battles where one team steadily takes over the entire map. BF3 is more a senseless back and forth mosh of who can run the fastest out of spawn to the next flag and games only end when the tickers run out.
Back to Karkand re-introduced this mode. Go play Wake or Sharki Conquest...
The spotting system is also pretty disappointing. Since enemies show up on the map from firing their weapons, new BF players have no incentive to spot enemies. Since very few people actually spot now, I'm sure you've all seen instances when a single enemy support guy blatantly runs across open space to mow down a whole squad of your teammates with no one stopping him until it's too late. Back in BF2 and 2142, if you were spot by someone while trying to do ninja things, you were basically screwed. You had to constantly avoid engagements if you wanted to back-cap, and have constant map awareness. In BF3 and the addition of silencers, ninja players can do whatever the fuck they want.
Yeah, the spotting system is kinda broken. If they're going to make it so people show up on it when shooting they should make shooting highlight the map-grid the person is in instead of exactly where they are.
Also I agree that support class is OP. The laughable lack of overall hip fire penalty means that they can run all up in your joint and just hold down their trigger. I'm sure you've all seen this happen where a single support guy bunny hops around a corner and mows down 5 dudes (again the 5 dudes are too slow to react cuz no one spot the asshole). Back in BF2, if you weren't aiming down sights, you weren't going to hit jack crap, especially when you're hip firing AND moving. You still wouldn't hit jack crap if you were aiming down sights and moving. Not to mention, even with sights, the LMG's had enough recoil that you had to fire in bursts (in fact all weapons forced you to do this). Playing BF3, you'll do perfectly fine if you aim down your sights and just hold down fire at medium range.
Kids are really bad at video games these days, they would rather complain until the game is on easy-mode for the majority than spend some time getting good at it. The developers want the money from the majority so this is exactly what they cater to.
Convince all of your friends to be less terrible at video games.
And while I'm at it, I'm also going to bash the console versions. Who in their right minds would play, let alone pay for that garbage??? The maps are literally limited to half their intended size for conquest, and the player cap is 24??? I guess it's why DICE put such a huge emphasis on Rush, cuz it's the only game mode where consoles can keep the same map size. And the inferior version cost $60 for consoles on release... I got my PC version with B2K for $50 on amazon...
Current-generation consoles were out of date before they were released, all future consoles will be in the same boat. Just look at the new rumored Xbox. It's already two or three generations behind in graphics tech.
March 25th, 2012, 11:37 AM
There's a reason that we play on PC: so we don't get held back by the limitations of consoles.
March 25th, 2012, 12:17 PM
Am I weird for spending most of my time in the Recon class, with a bolt action, sitting on a crane, or a roof, and picking people off :P Why does that make me a bad player?
Because you are contributing a net sum of zero to the overall effort in capturing points. Ok, you killed the guy capping it. Too bad there are three more out of your line of sight that you can't do anything about. Too bad that the guy you just killed is going to come back out of your LoS or hit you with a rocket and end your K/D farming (if you haven't figured it out yet, K/D means very very little in Battlefield). The most useful thing Recon can do exclusively is plant a spawn beacon.
Counter-snipers are great, but real counter-snipers are those that play everything but sniper until the snipers (usually in those hard to reach spots) get on their nerves enough to want to deal with them. After they do so, they switch right back to whatever class they were using before. They also stay on the ground and move from point to point, helping with caps. That's how I use Recon. The obnoxiousness varies with time, so just saying fuck it and going sniper from the outset is counter-productive to the overall team effort. That fuck-face on the top of the mountain on Operation Firestorm is not doing anything to help his team, so just ignore him. If Recon had C4 and Mortars again, it would be a much better class.
No. Not all BF2 maps have uncaps. Some are asymmetrical about this.
You can't spray-n-pray in BF2, you HAVE to burst it at every range, even from 6 metres away. You should know better than to say otherwise, you are a veteran BF2 player.
Sniping is easy mode because you can see your bullet fall (rather than having to look for the puff of dust), because you have bipods to remove sway, and because they are 1-hit kills. In BF2, it took 2 (bolt-action) or 3 (semi auto) rounds to kill on a body shot. This is so much more balanced. There is bullet drop in BF2.
Recoilless laser rifle: AEK-971 and FAMAS. Just point, squeeze, and presto: free kill. No bursting necessary at a distance. The AK-74M is pretty bad, too, but it at least kicks up giving you the illusion of recoil. I just recently unlocked the FAMAS and have used it to see what all the rage is about. It's broken for sure.
Suppressors themselves aren't a problem, but they are a problem when new players don't have them and thus light up like Christmas trees on everybody's map. The new player won't see that Level 99 Colonel on his map because, guess what, he has a suppressor. Wouldn't be so bad if the minimap wasn't on your HUD but if you had to press ESC. Basically, it's the same problem that IRNV had before the nerf; new players get totally demolished by those who have this unlocked. This is really bad in SQDM.
People die in Normal, but that's just defib. What's the point of medkits? Now I'm supposed to run out there and revive Rambo because he thought his regenerating health would save him? No. He can die for his stupidity, ticket be damned. I'd rather save my ticket than give the enemy two. If they would remove regenerating health, people would be more careful and play a little bit smarter.
I don't know how many times I have to reiterate why Engineer is frustrating. Vehicles just plain take too long to kill. Kill a jeep in BF2, one rocket. Kill a jeep in BF3, three or four rockets. Tank in BF2? Two or three rockets. Tank in BF3? Five to seven rockets. Holy fuck, why? I'm not making this up: I have counted on multiple occasions. It happens, and it's broken. Tanks don't even need infantry support because they are damage sponges! This is even worse on Normal where he will regenerate on his own without aid of an Engineer. I'll add another part while I'm at it: Nobody has any recourse against armour except Engineer. Even in BF2, everybody could contribute in some way toward killing a tank be it with 40mm, hand grenade, mine, or AT. What's the result of BF3? Me always feeling like I'm the only Engineer on my team because, three deaths later, that tank is still rolling despite being surrounded by my own teammates...a quarter to half of them snipers.
Support is OP because he can deploy onto a bi-pod for sniper-like accuracy, fortify his position with Claymores, and replenish those Claymores after they go off.
Also, everybody can snipe with every class using things like Heavy Barrel, for-egrips, and Ballistic 12x or even 6x scopes. It's like this game was made for snipers. We don't need a Recon class with this, especially given that Straight-pull Bolt essentially turns bolt-actions into semi-autos.
BF3 would be a much better experience if, at minimum:
-Commander Class is put in along with all that entails
-No uncaps for defenders in applicable Conquest maps (In BF2 there was Conquest: Assault and Double Conquest).
-No vehicle disables and less rockets to kill. Disables are so pointless.
-Recon gets C4
-Support loses his Claymore
-Recoil plays a larger role in weapon accuracy
-Fix that spawn system. I don't recall spawning two metres in front of an enemy being a common occurrence in BF2.
-Hardcore and Normal were combined into a single mode where nothing regenerates anything and crosshairs are removed (for the sake of the laser sight).
March 25th, 2012, 04:07 PM
AEK-971 is far FAR from a laser-rifle. The FAMAS is because it's broken with the fore-grip, The HK416 is much more of a laser-rifle than the AEK.
I consistently kill tanks in 4 rocket hits, no idea where you're getting 5-7 from. Mobile AA in 3. Jeeps are disabled in one hit, giving you ample time to switch to your primary and gun down the unfortunate occupants as they run around on fire trying to figure out what just happened.
Nobody has any recourse against armor except for Engineer? As you said yourself Engineer needs a damage buff against vehicles, as it stands it's easier to just sneak behind a vehicle and place some C4 on it as Support. I do that 50% of the time when there's a vehicle that's annoying me, the other 50% of the time I grab a jet and completely decimate all the ground targets with Rocket Pods (which you think are useless for some reason).
March 25th, 2012, 05:27 PM
Because you are contributing a net sum of zero to the overall effort in capturing points. Ok, you killed the guy capping it. Too bad there are three more out of your line of sight that you can't do anything about. Too bad that the guy you just killed is going to come back out of your LoS or hit you with a rocket and end your K/D farming (if you haven't figured it out yet, K/D means very very little in Battlefield). The most useful thing Recon can do exclusively is plant a spawn beacon.
Counter-snipers are great, but real counter-snipers are those that play everything but sniper until the snipers (usually in those hard to reach spots) get on their nerves enough to want to deal with them. After they do so, they switch right back to whatever class they were using before. They also stay on the ground and move from point to point, helping with caps. That's how I use Recon. The obnoxiousness varies with time, so just saying fuck it and going sniper from the outset is counter-productive to the overall team effort. That fuck-face on the top of the mountain on Operation Firestorm is not doing anything to help his team, so just ignore him. If Recon had C4 and Mortars again, it would be a much better class.
No. Not all BF2 maps have uncaps. Some are asymmetrical about this.
You can't spray-n-pray in BF2, you HAVE to burst it at every range, even from 6 metres away. You should know better than to say otherwise, you are a veteran BF2 player.
Sniping is easy mode because you can see your bullet fall (rather than having to look for the puff of dust), because you have bipods to remove sway, and because they are 1-hit kills. In BF2, it took 2 (bolt-action) or 3 (semi auto) rounds to kill on a body shot. This is so much more balanced. There is bullet drop in BF2.
Recoilless laser rifle: AEK-971 and FAMAS. Just point, squeeze, and presto: free kill. No bursting necessary at a distance. The AK-74M is pretty bad, too, but it at least kicks up giving you the illusion of recoil. I just recently unlocked the FAMAS and have used it to see what all the rage is about. It's broken for sure.
Suppressors themselves aren't a problem, but they are a problem when new players don't have them and thus light up like Christmas trees on everybody's map. The new player won't see that Level 99 Colonel on his map because, guess what, he has a suppressor. Wouldn't be so bad if the minimap wasn't on your HUD but if you had to press ESC. Basically, it's the same problem that IRNV had before the nerf; new players get totally demolished by those who have this unlocked. This is really bad in SQDM.
People die in Normal, but that's just defib. What's the point of medkits? Now I'm supposed to run out there and revive Rambo because he thought his regenerating health would save him? No. He can die for his stupidity, ticket be damned. I'd rather save my ticket than give the enemy two. If they would remove regenerating health, people would be more careful and play a little bit smarter.
I don't know how many times I have to reiterate why Engineer is frustrating. Vehicles just plain take too long to kill. Kill a jeep in BF2, one rocket. Kill a jeep in BF3, three or four rockets. Tank in BF2? Two or three rockets. Tank in BF3? Five to seven rockets. Holy fuck, why? I'm not making this up: I have counted on multiple occasions. It happens, and it's broken. Tanks don't even need infantry support because they are damage sponges! This is even worse on Normal where he will regenerate on his own without aid of an Engineer. I'll add another part while I'm at it: Nobody has any recourse against armour except Engineer. Even in BF2, everybody could contribute in some way toward killing a tank be it with 40mm, hand grenade, mine, or AT. What's the result of BF3? Me always feeling like I'm the only Engineer on my team because, three deaths later, that tank is still rolling despite being surrounded by my own teammates...a quarter to half of them snipers.
Support is OP because he can deploy onto a bi-pod for sniper-like accuracy, fortify his position with Claymores, and replenish those Claymores after they go off.
Also, everybody can snipe with every class using things like Heavy Barrel, for-egrips, and Ballistic 12x or even 6x scopes. It's like this game was made for snipers. We don't need a Recon class with this, especially given that Straight-pull Bolt essentially turns bolt-actions into semi-autos.
BF3 would be a much better experience if, at minimum:
-Commander Class is put in along with all that entails
-No uncaps for defenders in applicable Conquest maps (In BF2 there was Conquest: Assault and Double Conquest).
-No vehicle disables and less rockets to kill. Disables are so pointless.
-Recon gets C4
-Support loses his Claymore
-Recoil plays a larger role in weapon accuracy
-Fix that spawn system. I don't recall spawning two metres in front of an enemy being a common occurrence in BF2.
-Hardcore and Normal were combined into a single mode where nothing regenerates anything and crosshairs are removed (for the sake of the laser sight).
So go play BF2 and stop your crying...Don't like the game, don't play it.
March 25th, 2012, 06:17 PM
So go play BF2 and stop your crying...Don't like the game, don't play it.
:ugh: because its not like bf3 is the current battlefield game and is still receiving patches or anything
March 25th, 2012, 06:39 PM
So go play BF2 and stop your crying...Don't like the game, don't play it.
Or you can get your head out of your rear, stop being so complacent about the games you play, and notice that BF3 needs some work. I want to like the game but after they failed to deliver on their promises, this will be the last time I buy a DICE game unless they make some serious changes to their increasingly simplified formula.
Freelancer: I get disables in 2 to 3. A disable is not a kill. I want it dead. DEAD. And no, the people in the jeeps actually don't usually hop out when their vehicle gets disabled. They jump into the .50 instead. Nobody to mow down.
I forgot about C4 when I typed that because it was way late/early and I hadn't slept yet, but then again I don't see a whole lot of C4ing going on. When I do see C4 and it isn't some asshat butthurt over not getting an aircraft, it's always the same guy doing it. When I see rocket kills on vehicles, again, it's always the same guy and he's usually bad at it. I actually do really well against vehicles, but I know something is messed up when I see it. The vehicles are way too buffed for two people per team to deal with on their own and everybody would rather just sit around and snipe/machine gun. Besides, support shouldn't be the one with the C4, they have the mortar. Recon is supposed to sneak behind enemy lines and wreak havoc with the C4 in lieu of the Special Operations class.
March 25th, 2012, 07:48 PM
Because you are contributing a net sum of zero to the overall effort in capturing points. Ok, you killed the guy capping it. Too bad there are three more out of your line of sight that you can't do anything about. Too bad that the guy you just killed is going to come back out of your LoS or hit you with a rocket and end your K/D farming (if you haven't figured it out yet, K/D means very very little in Battlefield). The most useful thing Recon can do exclusively is plant a spawn beacon.
Counter-snipers are great, but real counter-snipers are those that play everything but sniper until the snipers (usually in those hard to reach spots) get on their nerves enough to want to deal with them. After they do so, they switch right back to whatever class they were using before. They also stay on the ground and move from point to point, helping with caps. That's how I use Recon. The obnoxiousness varies with time, so just saying fuck it and going sniper from the outset is counter-productive to the overall team effort. That fuck-face on the top of the mountain on Operation Firestorm is not doing anything to help his team, so just ignore him. If Recon had C4 and Mortars again, it would be a much better class.
Man, you are taking this wayyyyyy to seriously, If I want to the one person who is a Sniper for the entire match, and end it with a good K/D does it really matter? Most of my matches spent as a sniper I don't have that high of a K/D but it is the one class that I really have fun playing in the game at any given time. I enjoy working on my sniping, especially long range, and I get alot more satisfaction out of getting a kill with a sniper than I do with any other weapon. Im getting to the point where I can successfully lead jeeps and guys running from 200 and 300 meters out and get headshots. Even if my actions are not the most beneficial to my team, it really doesn't matter in the end.
March 25th, 2012, 08:22 PM
i cant speak for bf3 as much as bc2, since i play bc2 a lot more, but when half of your team is hanging back sniping as recon, trying to protect their precious K/Ds, your team will lose the vast majority of the time because of the sheer lack of bodies on the points. to the person sniping, it probably doesnt matter. to everyone else on their team, it probably does. one or two snipers is not an issue. once you get more of those, it starts to become a legitimate problem. i have games on a regular basis where everybody is either engineer or recon, and im the only one playing assault or medic. half the recons are about as useless to the team as possible without flat out being AFK, and if they would go assault and just drop ammo, they would benefit the team, and likely get more points as well. that goes doubly so for medic.
March 25th, 2012, 08:32 PM
Or you can get your head out of your rear, stop being so complacent about the games you play, and notice that BF3 needs some work.
Don't know how you got that out of my post, I said nothing like that in the slightest. Most of your crying is sounding like "this game isn't BF2", so go play BF2. If BF3 is so broken as you try to make it seem, don't play it. It's just a game, no need to get this pissy over it.
March 26th, 2012, 04:31 AM
Freelancer: I get disables in 2 to 3. A disable is not a kill. I want it dead. DEAD. And no, the people in the jeeps actually don't usually hop out when their vehicle gets disabled. They jump into the .50 instead. Nobody to mow down.
I Disable in 1-2 hits and get the kill with the last. Shoot the tanks in the rear or the top instead of the front/sides. Significantly weaker armor on the rear and top. They will be Destroyed in 4 max even if you mess up a shot placement.
Once the Jeep is disabled it's extremely hard to maneuver, spray it with bullets and get your quick triple-kill.
March 26th, 2012, 09:26 AM
I do. I know very well how to play Battlefield and it doesn't work. It's the most inconsistent thing ever. And it's not getting repaired.
Champ: it's because you haven't even acknowledged that the game has problems, which it does. Half of the issues have nothing to do with BF2. The point is that BF3 is not at all what they said it was going to be and in fact was not ready for prime-time at launch and even now. As such, I am perfectly entitled to bitching about it.
Bobblehob: It matters, because you've now contributed to costing your team the game. Snipers lose matches for their team. Battlefield is a team game. If all you care about is upping that K/D, go play Call of Duty because that game was made for your type of playing and there you might actually get respected for your skills.
March 26th, 2012, 09:45 AM
Bobblehob: It matters, because you've now contributed to costing your team the game. Snipers lose matches for their team. Battlefield is a team game. If all you care about is upping that K/D, go play Call of Duty because that game was made for your type of playing and there you might actually get respected for your skills.
Alternatively, play the Team Deathmatch games on BF3. They're there for CoDFags.
March 26th, 2012, 10:12 AM
Just equip the DAO-12 with Frags and the suppression perk then rush the other team.
Works every time, Right Warsaw?
March 26th, 2012, 10:29 AM
March 26th, 2012, 10:30 AM
Oh and don't forget the Tac sun!
March 26th, 2012, 01:07 PM
Bobblehob: It matters, because you've now contributed to costing your team the game. Snipers lose matches for their team. Battlefield is a team game. If all you care about is upping that K/D, go play Call of Duty because that game was made for your type of playing and there you might actually get respected for your skills.
I dont give a shit about call of duty, respect for my kills, or really about any of that, the only thing I want to do is have fun, most of the time as a sniper I do help my team alot of the time while playing, but I just don't take it that seriously, I generally do something ridiculous like being a suicide bomber with a jeep, or sniping.
March 26th, 2012, 01:50 PM
The thing you're not realizing is that "Recon" is not a "Sniper" class.
I've seen Recon's be top of the team with over 5,000 points and less than 10 kills.
March 26th, 2012, 01:57 PM
What you're not realizing is that a Video game is there for entertainment and the reason multiplayer is so enjoyable is the varied methods of making the most out of that entertainment.
You may not like snipers but that shouldn't be the reason to look down on others merely for enjoying their experience in a different way to how you enjoy yours.
Asking others to change their method of entertainment just for your own gain is extremely selfish.
March 26th, 2012, 02:39 PM
The thing you're not realizing is that "Recon" is not a "Sniper" class.
I've seen Recon's be top of the team with over 5,000 points and less than 10 kills.
Precisely. Recon is about scouting out enemy positions, helping engineers target vehicles for take-down and, formerly, undermining enemy effort via sabotage.
Most Recons don't do that. They instead make the game a miserable experience for everybody else including their own team. Anybody attempting to have fun at somebody else's expense is a troll and can get out of my game.
I don't mind dying. I don't mind losing. I do mind having my own entertainment handicapped because people want to be assholes. This includes snipers not contributing, consistent team-killing, and people camping for kills rather than accomplishing objectives. I don't care what team it is. I don't enjoy watching the enemy team fuck itself over with team kills, because it reduces the fun for both sides. What's the point for my team if there is no opposition?
Basically, a game is supposed to be about giving everybody as much fun as possible. Battlefield has a knack for not being able to deliver fun uniformly in any capacity, and that's not exclusive to Battlefield 3. The same applies to BC2, BC1, and to a more limited extent, BF2.
March 26th, 2012, 02:44 PM
What you're not realizing is that a Video game is there for entertainment and the reason multiplayer is so enjoyable is the varied methods of making the most out of that entertainment.
You may not like snipers but that shouldn't be the reason to look down on others merely for enjoying their experience in a different way to how you enjoy yours.
Asking others to change their method of entertainment just for your own gain is extremely selfish.
March 26th, 2012, 03:17 PM
Troll. You are doing it at everyone else's expense and thus need to GTFO. This is for you:
Also, to you pilots:
March 26th, 2012, 03:26 PM
Its a fuckin game man, its not real combat, its not that big of a deal. Good god xP
The ability to play in a non-conventional way is what has made battlefield games so much fun, especially back in the 1942 days.
March 26th, 2012, 03:39 PM
Right, because doing what 90% of recon players do is unconventional. Yup. I've never seen that before.
March 26th, 2012, 03:51 PM
I do what is fun for me, regardless what class I am using. It just happens that I have more fun sniping than doing most things. The difference here is that I don't take the game very seriously.
March 26th, 2012, 04:03 PM
Also, to you pilots:
Just don't forget that us pilots need to take out the other pilots before we can do anything to help you guys on the ground out. We're not much use to you if we just keep getting shot down after launching two rockets from a rocket pod salvo. This just gets more convoluted on servers with fast air vehicle respawns, I try and play on servers that have a normal to slow vehicle respawn rate. Vehicles should be occasional support craft to infantry, not the main focus of the gameplay flow.
March 26th, 2012, 04:17 PM
It's not that I'm taking it seriously, it's friggin' Battlefield, one of the twitchiest shooters that calls itself "realistic." Those of us on the ground trying to do our jobs are getting held back because of people like you. It's like being this close to getting lucky and then having your buddy reveal some potentially unsavoury tidbit about you (maybe you pick your nose every now and then, or you hadn't showered yet that night, or you like Power Rangers). It's wholly unnecessary. You can have fun without being an ass about it. Get on the ground and snipe from closer up, provide spot assists, set up a SOFLAM, get into a hard-to-reach spot over a capture point. Even as Engineer: throw some mines down on the road, get up on that rock above C, use the Javelin on tanks when they show up, snipe the enemy with that M4 carbine+heavy barrel.
All of those still fit with what you like to do but contribute to the team. They take almost no effort to do, since you seem to enjoy playing anything requiring no effort.
You know what else is fun though? Simple strafe patterns frustrating the hell out of snipers, reminding them that they are still awful shots.
E: Ninja'd by Freelancer.
Helos are fine, Jets are not. Jets serve no function in this game other than killing other jets. Helos can kill jets just as well. This is more of a problem for console players, though. Since there is mobile AA on most maps in PC, you pilots are more free to focus on fast-air. Which is good. I don't honestly understand why there is no mobile AA on console, it totally improves the way the maps play.
What's great in BF3 is that tanks are the focus on the ground. This is how it should work. The problem is that tanks by themselves can dominate without infantry support. It's supposed to be combined arms, not Tanks vs. Infantry. Some good teamwork with tanks in BF2 and BC2 could let you rapidly control the map without co-ordinated enemy defences. In BF3, a tank by itself can rapidly control the map without co-ordinated defences. I mean, it's great that it requires co-ordinated defences to bring it down, but it should also take co-ordinated offence to do so well. That is the Battlefield way and has been since 1942.
March 26th, 2012, 05:58 PM
Champ: it's because you haven't even acknowledged that the game has problems, which it does. Half of the issues have nothing to do with BF2. The point is that BF3 is not at all what they said it was going to be and in fact was not ready for prime-time at launch and even now. As such, I am perfectly entitled to bitching about it.
Lol so? Who really cares if I come in here whining and crying. I don't have to say the game isn't perfect, that goes without saying. Just because I don't come into this thread and make a post 5 paragraphs long with my opinion of what's wrong with BF3 doesn't mean I don't think it can be improved.
March 26th, 2012, 05:59 PM
I do what is fun for me, regardless what class I am using. It just happens that I have more fun sniping than doing most things. The difference here is that I don't take the game very seriously.
you know, people who make team killing montages are doing whats fun for them too. im not implying you do that, and i understand what you mean by doing whats fun for you, but theres a difference between having fun and helping, and having fun whilst not contributing anything.
i already gave my recon example in bad company 2, so heres another personal one. i have a soldier dedicated to getting defibrillator kills. i try to use my gun as little as possible, so i have to rely on putting myself in the right place at the right time. this involves sneaking behind enemies. well, squad mates can spawn on me while im behind those enemies and go take a point. then i get up behind people (think objective B on oasis conquest) and defib / knife kill them. while doing that, i can revive any team mates, or throw down med kits. at the same time, im perfectly willing to pull my garand out and deal with somebody who's causing problems for my team.
so what we have here is spawning behind enemy lines, medkits / revives for team mates, and all around better map control, all while doing what i want to do and having fun with it.
now, im not like... bragging or anything, its just an example. obviously this is a little different for sniping, but i know there are a lot of gadgets recons get in bf3 that are tremendously helpful for the team. point is, nobody is asking you to change the core style of your gameplay. we're asking that you add a little to it for everyone elses benefit.
Just because I don't come into this thread and make a post 5 paragraphs long with my opinion of what's wrong with BF3 doesn't mean I don't think it can be improved.
and yet, you criticized the guy who did.
March 26th, 2012, 06:09 PM
and yet, you criticized the guy who did.
..I'm guessing you missed the sarcasm in that. If the game is that broken to him, he should play something else. Chances are he isn't going to get what he's asking for and he definitely isn't going to get the community to change their ways of playing.
March 26th, 2012, 06:49 PM
You say that as if it took me some great expenditure of effort to type it...
Community changes ways of playing based on how the game mechanics work. It worked great before, even in BC2. They are attempting to address most of my issues in the patch, but some things cannot be fixed because they are core to how the game functions. That is to say, they can't change the class structure; they can't give the C4 to the Recon, or take away Claymores from Support. All they can do is nerf or buff attributes for certain things.
Sure BF2 is populated just fine and I do play it, but I also enjoy playing with my friends. They have moved on to BF3, and so I have to follow. I don't play BF3 by myself, that would make me some kind of masochist.
Also, great to see that you take time to cry about people crying. Model poster, for sure. Would read again, A++ material.
March 26th, 2012, 06:59 PM
Community changes ways of playing based on how the game mechanics work.
True, but you would also have to consider the community today and the community back then. Call of Duty pretty much ruined my opinion anyway.
March 26th, 2012, 07:24 PM
It did. But they still haven't achieved the success they want even after all of the CoD changes were implemented into the franchise. Instead, they've alienated those of us who loved Battlefield for doing its own thing. Actually, before CoD came along Battlefield was the king of modern combat multiplayer. When MW came out, BF2 had been out for two years already. People flock to the newer games. I know a great deal were expecting BF3 to be a true sequel to BF2, since that's what it was being billed as. Instead, we got Bad Company 3 without a campaign good enough to be called Bad Company.
EA knows that Battlefield is a successful franchise. They should have made BF3 PC-exclusive so that they didn't have to water it down, and made BC3 for consoles. BF2 was on PC only, and it did very well. BC1 was only on consoles, and it also did very well. The precedent is there. That isn't to say I want BF2 with BF3 tech, far from it. BF2 has tons of issues on its own, such as awkwardly-sized maps, crappy movement handling, and too many classes. But they didn't have to dumb it down so much.
March 26th, 2012, 07:41 PM
..I'm guessing you missed the sarcasm in that. If the game is that broken to him, he should play something else. Chances are he isn't going to get what he's asking for and he definitely isn't going to get the community to change their ways of playing.
missed the sarcasm in what? i can type entire papers on my perceived issues in games i love. those issues dont stop me from playing the game, but the game could be improved were those issues fixed. for example, morrowind is god-awful to start playing if you dont know whats going on, and there are tons of things big and small that could be changed to significantly improve the experience. that doesnt stop it from being my favorite game.
as far as bf3 goes, after bc2, i really want to enjoy this game. i want to play it while its full of players, but there are so many stupid things that completely ruin the experience for me. i bought it around last chistmas, got the limited edition and everything. started playing it, realized early on that its just full of bullshit. i play it every now and then, and i keep up with the strategies and stuff via popular youtube people, but i just enjoy bad company 2 so much more. problem is, there arnt many populated servers anymore that arnt heavy metal, so if there are some problem players, i often have to bite the bullet and deal with them, because there arnt a whole lot of other servers that are providing what i want to play.
tl;dr: i bought the game, im a player of the game, ive played previous titles to compare it to, and i feel like the game could be a lot better.
as for the player base as a whole, obviously we cant address them all, but whats the issue with talking to people 1 on 1 about their play style?
March 26th, 2012, 09:07 PM
Also, great to see that you take time to cry about people crying. Model poster, for sure. Would read again, A++ material.
Lol, was waiting for this. Appreciate the kind words though :)
March 26th, 2012, 09:23 PM
I'm merely serving your expectations. I wouldn't want you to go unrewarded for your troubles.
El Lobo
March 26th, 2012, 09:31 PM
What gun do you guys use for support? I have been trying to be a sneaky type player, ya know, C4, sprinting behind enemy lines, blowing up tanks, etc. So I was using the UMP with a silencer, but I just seem to lose most head to head firefights using it.
Any gun suggestions? LMG's slow down you down quite a bit, right?
March 26th, 2012, 09:37 PM
I'm merely serving your expectations. I wouldn't want you to go unrewarded for your troubles.
It is greatly appreciated.
And Lobo, needs more PC so you can play with Katana and me :woop:
March 26th, 2012, 09:39 PM
What gun do you guys use for support? I have been trying to be a sneaky type player, ya know, C4, sprinting behind enemy lines, blowing up tanks, etc. So I was using the UMP with a silencer, but I just seem to lose most head to head firefights using it.
Any gun suggestions? LMG's slow down you down quite a bit, right?
I typically use shotguns like the M1014 or the Saiga, but I also use the PDW-R a lot. Very effective little bastard.
March 26th, 2012, 09:40 PM
MP7. It's light, accurate, 40-round magazine (if you have the Extended Mag unlock), and it fires really fast. I use it in combination with the M134 scope and the laser sight, but you could swap the laser for a suppressor. Just know that it already has a lot of bullet drop, so it's going to be even worse at long range with a suppressor.
When I play support, though, I usually whore the 249, purely because it's the only gun I already have the Extended Box Magazine unlocked on. It's fantastically accurate when fired in short bursts, can fire forever, and can fire at a high rate when needed. I use it with a fore-grip and M134.
El Lobo
March 26th, 2012, 09:47 PM
Katana, my worst enemy....
Wish I was playing it on PC with you guys, sure it would be fun. :(
March 27th, 2012, 01:24 AM
laying down some C4!
Oh wait, this thread already blew up :saddowns:
March 27th, 2012, 01:54 AM
laying c4... throwing c4 is so much cooler
March 27th, 2012, 02:19 AM
Either way, it eventually gets laid at some point :mech2:
March 27th, 2012, 03:22 PM
Throwing out some C4!
It expired.
March 28th, 2012, 12:31 PM
This was posted in another thread, but this was basically for Warsaw (Jet starts at 03:25):
Note how as soon as I take care of enemy fast-air I do nothing but focus on helping our ground forces? I usually prioritize like this in the jet: fast-air -> nuisance helo -> nuisance AA -> helo -> tanks -> AA -> Infantry.
Nuisance meaning that they're trying to take me out, as opposed to just being oblivious and doing whatever.
Also take note of how even though I don't get kills with a lot of my Rocket Pod salvos agianst infantry, I pick some up with a gun strafe after the Rockets? Also think of the amount I'm suppressing them for my team by doing that.
March 28th, 2012, 01:46 PM
You are one guy. I don't see that happening from 99% of pilots. Same deal goes with you and Recon.
Most of them are just bad kids,
I played some normal last night. Wasn't really all that different apart from there being more engineers and people being able to come back after I wing them. Oh, and spotting makes it so easy with the red pips over peoples' heads. That's pretty cheap.
March 28th, 2012, 01:48 PM
I find it harder to shoot spotted targets, that might just be me though. The red marker screws with your ability to place shots accurately.
March 28th, 2012, 04:03 PM
So we get our patch tomorrow:
March 28th, 2012, 05:18 PM
lol, shortcut items
March 28th, 2012, 05:48 PM
Wow shortcuts for unlocks even for vehicles after they adjusted them? This is nonsense.
March 28th, 2012, 05:53 PM
BFBC2 had shortcut items for classes, but not for vehicles, if I recall. Honestly, it doesn't really affect anybody. Is it a dick move to buy the shortcut? Yes. But those unlocks were already in the game.
March 28th, 2012, 06:29 PM
wasnt that just the SA pack? or were there actually like, packs that just complete a class track for you?
March 28th, 2012, 08:06 PM
March 28th, 2012, 09:27 PM
I never heard of any complete class things, only the SA pack.
Also, hearing news now that the PC patch has been delayed because the build they compiled is extremely unstable and buggy on THEIR END. I can't wait to see how much they fuck this shit up for the end users with a wide range of system configurations.
Xbox is still on track for tomorrow.
March 28th, 2012, 09:55 PM
Most of them are just bad kids,
Another way to tell when someone is taking a game too seriously.
March 28th, 2012, 10:22 PM
Another way to tell when someone is taking a game too seriously.
I don't usually hate on people for playing games their way, but when I do I agree with Warsaw.
The main modes of Battlefield 3 are TEAM MODES. If you aren't contributing you're handicapping. If you only care about your K/D ratio and you want to just snipe people and camp all game go play Team Death Match with the rest of the CoD tryhards that couldn't cooperate if their lives depended on it.
March 28th, 2012, 10:40 PM
Another way to tell when someone is taking a game too seriously.
Another way to tell when somebody is offended that people think their play-style makes them a d-bag.
Fight the good fight, precious.
March 28th, 2012, 10:48 PM
Another way to tell when somebody is offended that people think their play-style makes them a d-bag.
Fight the good fight, precious.
You are a hell of alot more offended than I am man, especially when you start talking like Hunter :P
March 29th, 2012, 12:37 AM
:ugh: please tell me we're not about to do this. christ. i appreciate your persistence in making sure we all know that youre not open to suggestions and criticism, but we finished that discussion a page ago.
March 29th, 2012, 02:40 AM
Lol. It actually makes perfect sense that they are putting in flares for everyone. And shortcuts for kits. Being behind is the main reason I don't play team fortress 2 anymore. It got too crazy and is way to difficult to try to play a game now. So I can see where it comes from.
March 29th, 2012, 02:57 AM
March 29th, 2012, 03:37 AM
That was glorious.
March 29th, 2012, 07:45 AM
I bet you guys must think I'm the ultimate asshole slapping 6 AT mines into the front of buggies and going all hari kari on anything that drives on the ground.
March 29th, 2012, 12:14 PM
lol. I was flying the jets on Caspian yesterday and took out a Jihad Jeep from afar with rockets. Some dude on my team was driving a tank apparently and said "Thanks to whoever just saved my ass."
Was kind of cool.
March 29th, 2012, 02:28 PM
lol. I was flying the jets on Caspian yesterday and took out a Jihad Jeep from afar with rockets. Some dude on my team was driving a tank apparently and said "Thanks to whoever just saved my ass."
Was kind of cool.
I felt bad a few days ago, it looked liked a whole squad of dudes had setup 6 mines each around checkpoint on Caspian. I strafed that area with Rocket Pods and detonated one which set all of the others off. It looked like I blew up all of checkpoint for a moment haha. All that work for nothing heh.
March 29th, 2012, 03:10 PM
Also, heatseekers are fucked now. IGLA and Stinger reign supreme now. People bitch about the short range, though. Good, if it's not bothering your intended objective, let the AA and aircraft take it out.
March 29th, 2012, 05:35 PM
I'm happy about the changes to the F-35 now. Seems to work well against the Flankers and it's not OP against the Havok anymore.
Chopper turning speeds need to be set in between what they were and what they are now. As they stand they're much to quick, it's impossible to get away from a decent helicopter pilot in a jet now since the helicopters turn so fast.
Heatseekers lock-on a little bit to fast (pretty much instant if you use Beam Scanning as well) and need to be nerfed a bit. As for the Stinger and IGLA, they were supposed to nerf them not buff them...
March 29th, 2012, 05:36 PM
I hear theres a big patch coming. Last time I played was before the DLC and before the first ever big big patch. Will the new patch be worth me coming back?
March 29th, 2012, 08:02 PM
That big patch came out today.
March 30th, 2012, 02:28 AM
Stingers and IGLAs are actually a danger to jets now, but you can climb rapidly to get out of its nerfed range. You also have to be smarter with your flares. Before, it wasn't worth trying to take down jets on foot because it just took too many rockets. You would spend almost your entire allotment on one target.
March 30th, 2012, 07:31 AM
Anyone elses patch crap on their game? Since the patch when ever I do anything to do with my hud changing, so dieing, spawning, opening map. My game spazes between fullscreen and not about 3 times while freezing and then goes back to normal. EVERY FREAKIN TIME! Any Ideas?
March 30th, 2012, 01:07 PM
Nope. Works fine for me. Well, I did get that endless black loading screen after I updated, but that was because my Russian-to-English converted install updated with Russian files. Somebody always uploads a simple fix with the English patch files for it on Reddit.
March 30th, 2012, 05:14 PM
Ever since the patch the game seems to be running smoother for my computer. Frames seem less choppy and whatnot.
March 30th, 2012, 05:29 PM
Worse for me by about 10 FPS. Was rocking 70+ FPS before patch now I'm only getting 60+.
March 30th, 2012, 05:30 PM
Stingers and IGLAs are actually a danger to jets now, but you can climb rapidly to get out of its nerfed range. You also have to be smarter with your flares. Before, it wasn't worth trying to take down jets on foot because it just took too many rockets. You would spend almost your entire allotment on one target.How about an important topic: How about stingers on helicopters? I basically gave up in the game because it was too easy to get shot down and was super easy to dont die in a jet.
March 30th, 2012, 05:35 PM
I actually never really used Stingers on helos, I preferred the SMAW/RPG7. They would inevitably fly low at some point and that's when I'd hit them. That said, attack helos were far easier to take down than scout/transport helos because they can't get repaired mid-flight. I should think that with shorter range, an attack helo can get out of lock faster by diving away. The down side is that you'll end up low to the ground, so make sure there aren't people waiting for you with regular RPGs.
March 30th, 2012, 05:48 PM
Well I was pretty good in a helicopter, probably my best attribute in BF3 and yet anyone with a brain could hit me down. I'll have to download the patch and see what its like.
March 30th, 2012, 06:17 PM
I think the Stinger/IGLA is in a good place now, except it locks on a bit too quickly. It has good damage with reduced range. So now I can at least blast myself the fuck out of their range if I'm a jet. Helicopters are not so lucky.
April 2nd, 2012, 09:25 PM
so glad I don't own this game.
April 2nd, 2012, 09:54 PM
*facepalm* So annoying. I really hope there's something for those of us who don't buy that garbage.
April 2nd, 2012, 09:58 PM
It's necessary in BF3 because the game is broken for new players entering at this point.
April 2nd, 2012, 10:02 PM
if its broken they should fix it with a balance update not charge players a fee so they can enjoy the game they payed for.
April 2nd, 2012, 10:11 PM
I don't disagree, but that would require...*gasp*
El Lobo
April 2nd, 2012, 10:25 PM
I started playing about a month ago, didn't have anything unlocked. Didn't feel broken to me.
There are plenty of terrible players out there with great guns.
April 2nd, 2012, 10:52 PM
i tried playing this again to see how it is after the patch. played for an hour or so. i still hold that the tac light is one of the worst game design decisions ive ever seen. the hit detection was ridiculous too. i stopped playing after i dumped an entire magazine into a guy, got one hit marker, and had him turn around and kill me.
i really want to like this game, but every time i play it its just miserable.
April 2nd, 2012, 11:14 PM
Starting off new isn't hard, just people would rather bitch and complain now-a-days instead of do some work to earn the good stuff. It's a lot better now than it was at launch.
April 2nd, 2012, 11:34 PM
True, but on a one-on-one encounters in BF3, the veteran will win almost every time not counting actual skill, especially because head-shots have been so de-emphasized. In the other games, head-shots were one-hit-kills with any gun. That's why Magnum Ammo wasn't as broken as it could have been, and that's why AEK/FAMAS (at least before the most recent patch) were so OP.
So yes, lots of terrible players with great guns.
April 2nd, 2012, 11:46 PM
I faceroll people with the M16A3 and AK-74M all the time...
April 3rd, 2012, 12:50 AM
And so do I, but A.) you likely have the drop on them, B.) they aren't as good as you, C.) they can't react because whatever they were doing before physically won't let them.
It shouldn't take me more than one shot to the skull to kill a bitch. But it takes between 2 and 4 depending on the gun, all because they decided to make the head node lol-huge.
April 3rd, 2012, 01:34 AM
Nope, I usually switch back to those guns when I'm getting rolled by people better than I am. That's usually enough to turn the tables.
April 3rd, 2012, 01:43 AM
I use the AK-74M just because I think it's the prettiest gun in the game, but that's besides the point.
Interestingly, I nearly never see new players in the game, I'm almost always the lowest-ranked player. I wonder why that is...
April 3rd, 2012, 02:08 AM
I see players under level 10 every time I play, multiple people actually.
Heck half my team is usually under level 40.
April 3rd, 2012, 04:51 AM
I'm not even playing in Hardcore servers (there aren't a whole lot on PC with players) recently...Everybody is usually between 24 and Colonel <insert absurd number>.
April 3rd, 2012, 04:59 AM
I'm not even playing in Hardcore servers (there aren't a whole lot on PC with players)
Dude are you sure you bought Battlefield 3? Some of the shit you say I swear it's like someone stuck a BF3 insert into the box of whatever game you bought, because it doesn't sound anything like the game I'm playing.
April 3rd, 2012, 05:25 AM
That, or the server browser is fucked up, because I only ever see 2 or 3 Hardcore servers with a decent number of players, and between 5 and 10 Normal ones. There are also an awful lot of 24/7 servers, which suck.
April 3rd, 2012, 05:29 AM
I see hundreds of each type in North America alone so idk what your problem is, verify your filters aren't gay.
April 3rd, 2012, 05:40 AM
Normal, Ranked, Punkbuster, no region filter, filtered out anything not Rush or Conquest. I see tons of servers, but 90% have either 0 players or so few that it's not worth joining (think like, 3 to 7).
April 3rd, 2012, 06:20 AM
People join those non-populated servers and within minutes they usually populate.
April 3rd, 2012, 01:51 PM
So the new update has reached the 360 now. I think I'll give the Rent a Server feature a try, if only so me and matt can practice flying n such. Warsaw I know you have your new PC now, but if you wanted to drop in a derp around with us it'd be fun. :<
April 3rd, 2012, 02:06 PM
I'm not even playing in Hardcore servers (there aren't a whole lot on PC with players) recently...Everybody is usually between 24 and Colonel <insert absurd number>.I agree with Warsaw, nearly everyone I see is a high ranked Colonel. I've been playing a lot over the past 4 or so days and I've seen about 2 people under level 10.
That said, I'm still owning it up with KH2002 which is a great gun imo.
I'm still crap at sniping though.
April 3rd, 2012, 02:08 PM
So the new update has reached the 360 now. I think I'll give the Rent a Server feature a try, if only so me and matt can practice flying n such.
I'll drop by once the updates done.
April 3rd, 2012, 02:19 PM
Good, the more people, the more derpy the action. I have a neat idea for Hide n Seek using the Viper on Caspian Border.
April 3rd, 2012, 10:45 PM
You're all gonna burn in hell.
April 4th, 2012, 04:43 AM
So the new update has reached the 360 now. I think I'll give the Rent a Server feature a try, if only so me and matt can practice flying n such. Warsaw I know you have your new PC now, but if you wanted to drop in a derp around with us it'd be fun. :<
I am downeth on this ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘
April 4th, 2012, 04:47 AM
Do you not have to pay for the console servers? If they're free that is extremely gay and I demand they release the PC dedicated server!!
El Lobo
April 4th, 2012, 08:37 AM
No, its pay. Don't remember all of them, but like a 1 day server is 120 MS points.
April 4th, 2012, 01:15 PM
I use the AK-74M just because I think it's the prettiest gun in the game, but that's besides the point.
This may be of some interest to you:
April 4th, 2012, 08:48 PM
So the new update has reached the 360 now. I think I'll give the Rent a Server feature a try, if only so me and matt can practice flying n such. Warsaw I know you have your new PC now, but if you wanted to drop in a derp around with us it'd be fun. :<
I would if I still had it. It was my brother's though, and he sold it to make a quick buck...along with BC2 and Crysis 2. :gonk:
E: watched the vid. Some of his opponents are awful...
AK-74s also aren't AK-47s...they are not green either. That's camo paint chipping off because it was put on ad-hoc in the field, not because it's old. Old AK means you see metal shiny bits through scrapes the black finish. AK is my favourite gun series, lots of personality in it.
Also, magnum more powerful than the other pistols? So it kills in 2 shots versus the usual 3? I dunno, I'd prefer the faster fire rate as opposed to marginally higher damage.
Other than that, my load-out is pretty much the same as his, but I prefer the suppressor to the laser because I'm a sneaky player. I will use the laser every now and then.
Music at the end reminded me of Firefly...
El Lobo
April 4th, 2012, 08:59 PM
Just got banned from a server? I dont know what I diddddddddddddd.
April 4th, 2012, 10:14 PM
Just got banned from a server? I dont know what I diddddddddddddd.some servers are funny about which weapons you metro where they dont want you to use rpg's , grenade launchers ,and or usas shotguns
or maybe you just owned the admin :allears:
April 4th, 2012, 10:31 PM
Some servers ban jihad jeeps...
April 4th, 2012, 10:40 PM
Some servers ban jihad jeeps...?
That's alright, I was just in a server with Jihad planes.
April 4th, 2012, 11:05 PM
I have no idea why jihad jeeps would be banned, it's not like it breaks the game at all.
April 4th, 2012, 11:20 PM
I have no idea why jihad jeeps would be banned, it's not like it breaks the game at all.
Macgyver would use Jihad jeeps if he played bf3.
I've only been killed a few times by kamakiaze with c4, I find it funny more than anything. What I hate is when people purposely fly into your helicopter (with a jet).
April 5th, 2012, 01:32 AM
I can't rent a server. :/ Its not even giving me the option too. I think EA may have been overloaded.
So on my derpy server (whenever I can get it):
:x Oh well, it was meant as a derp and flight training server anyway.
April 5th, 2012, 01:36 AM
Teek you on console? if so what's your gt?
April 5th, 2012, 01:37 AM
lol. :D
But yeah, aside from those listed I mostly play with llama's friends (OctaveX, Night Smight, Dill Dude and Plazma.) More people would be neat. :P
April 5th, 2012, 01:39 AM
I'll add you, lets play tomorrow
April 5th, 2012, 01:44 AM
I'm dusting off my M1014. Its ROF increase was only marginal, but still noticeable. I love it. Had a game today on Grand Bazaar. I counted maybe...3 people using the USAS. So glorious.
April 5th, 2012, 01:51 AM
I did the same. I love the 1014 (real one) so it makes me happy they made it better
April 5th, 2012, 02:08 AM
Music at the end reminded me of Firefly...
It is from Firefly.
April 5th, 2012, 04:18 PM
Just got banned from a server? I dont know what I diddddddddddddd.
One of the nicer things about playing this game on the random banning nonsense.
April 5th, 2012, 04:26 PM
One of the nicer things about playing this game on the random banning nonsense.
April 5th, 2012, 04:30 PM
I have yet to feel/see/hear about the wrath of a BF3-specific ban hammer on the Xbox for things like jihad-jeeps and such.
April 5th, 2012, 04:46 PM
hey do you guys know how to force map changes on servers for console?
April 5th, 2012, 05:14 PM
I have yet to feel/see/hear about the wrath of a BF3-specific ban hammer on the Xbox for things like jihad-jeeps and such.
Me and Teekup joined a server and as soon as we spawned we were banned.
April 5th, 2012, 06:07 PM
Me and Teekup joined a server and as soon as we spawned we were banned.You sure it was a ban and not a kick. Maybe they have auto ping kick?
How exactly do people ban you on a console, vote ban? Via an admin panel on PC?
April 5th, 2012, 06:08 PM
so, less random banning nonsense then :v:
although to be fair, i have never once been banned from a server in bf3 or bc2, and im a pc player. i got auto kicked one time for "base raping" a guy who was camped at objective B on Oasis conquest, but i dont think that counts, lol.
April 5th, 2012, 09:57 PM
One of the nicer things about playing this game on the random banning nonsense.
Lobo is playing on the console. Unless..there's something he isn't telling me :tinfoil:
El Lobo
April 5th, 2012, 10:13 PM
I am on console, I swear it!!
April 5th, 2012, 11:01 PM
You sure it was a ban and not a kick. Maybe they have auto ping kick?
If it was kick it would say it was.
"you have been banned from this server" is pretty descriptive.
April 6th, 2012, 01:37 AM
My server is live.
South US, The Tea Lounge - Derpiness and Shenanigans Abound
Its on a rotating Conquest/Rush playlist. Extended tickets was on it for a while, and was having a lot of fun. Only real rule is to not spawn kill the enemy's vehicles. I hate people who do this with a passion.
April 6th, 2012, 02:30 AM
So... is anyone else seeing that it's much easier to not get hit with AA missiles now and that yours hardly ever hit? Or at least they don't cause as much damage.
April 6th, 2012, 02:34 AM
So... is anyone else seeing that it's much easier to not get hit with AA missiles now and that yours hardly ever hit? Or at least they don't cause as much damage.
I said this a few pages back and then everyone got into an argument again.
April 6th, 2012, 03:00 AM
Oh lol.
April 6th, 2012, 03:24 AM
Also, this is fucking scary (turn up the sound):
April 6th, 2012, 04:38 AM
That was insane. lol I dug it.
Edit: Holy shit this guy has some hilarious videos. Or they could be funny because it's 3 in the morning. Not sure.
April 6th, 2012, 07:20 AM
Also, this is fucking scary (turn up the sound):
Dont think I've ever seen an aircraft carrier with every vehicle available...Great video.
What pistols do you guys use? I really have no preference and usually stick with what is auto selected, though I am usually the M9 more now.
April 6th, 2012, 07:32 AM
What pistols do you guys use? I really have no preference and usually stick with what is auto selected, though I am usually the M9 more now.
M9 Suppressed or MP443 Suppressed are my goto pistols. For close-range maps I sometimes switch out to the Glock 18 Suppressed.
My FAVORITE pistol is the 1911 Suppressed, but the superior fire-rate of the M9 and MP443 beat it every time in a fight.
April 6th, 2012, 12:32 PM
I always use the G18, but I'm thinking about using the .44 Magnum for support.
April 6th, 2012, 04:01 PM
I use the 1911 tac, ranked 205 in the world with it 730 kills :)
April 6th, 2012, 07:44 PM
how do you go about finding out what your world rank is with a weapon? i wanna know what my defibrillator rank is, lol.
April 6th, 2012, 11:05 PM
BF3Stats (
April 6th, 2012, 11:17 PM
I use the 1911 tac, ranked 205 in the world with it 730 kills :)
Well, it's not like more than half the people out there even bother using it. Now if you'd said that you were 205 in the world with the UMP-45, then I'd be impressed.
April 7th, 2012, 01:47 AM
this game has the shittiest hit detection ive ever seen. i have 27 ping, guy i shoot has 12. i open fire, get around 50 bullets off, guy looks around like "oh hey, bullets are landing around me", turns around, and i just drop dead. there wasnt even a rapid series of shot impacts, i just dropped dead. reticule was on him the entire time. he had 75% health left, so i hit him what? twice?
this is not an isolated incident either.
E: my ranking for dogtag / kill ratio is 1987 i guess? i have no idea what that means, but these lists are excellent for weeding out hackers, lol.
April 7th, 2012, 02:35 AM
You are probably the first person I have ever seen to complain about the hit detection in BF3, it sounds like a personal issue.
Seriously the hit detection in BF3 is fine.
April 7th, 2012, 02:49 AM
idk, doesnt look like a personal problem to me. at an average of around 30 -40 ping per server (and yes, i sort by ping), this should not be an issue. ive been doing some reading up on this, and it looks like a lot of people are experiencing these problems.
just one of the many videos out there about this issue. if youd like, i can go record some footage of my own as well.
April 7th, 2012, 03:16 AM
The hit detection is NOT fine. I've been running into issues like these a lot, I blow it off though because its temperamental whenever it wants to do it. Although one gun for me sticks out the worst for hit detection, and that is the god-aweful MK11. I'll use the SVD before I even consider the MK11.
April 7th, 2012, 03:25 AM
Dont think I've ever seen an aircraft carrier with every vehicle available...Great video.
What pistols do you guys use? I really have no preference and usually stick with what is auto selected, though I am usually the M9 more now..44 Magnum. Accept no substitutes.
April 7th, 2012, 04:24 AM
The hit detection is NOT fine. I've been running into issues like these a lot, I blow it off though because its temperamental whenever it wants to do it. Although one gun for me sticks out the worst for hit detection, and that is the god-aweful MK11. I'll use the SVD before I even consider the MK11.
Oh I though you guys were talking about the PC version.
It's fine on the PC version. Don't tell me it isn't since I've probably logged more hours than you and have more actual experence in the game. I'm absolutely sure it's fine on the PC version. What I see in that video is bad aim, not a failure of hit detection. You guys are confusing your lack of game mechanic knowledge with bad hit detection. There's more to aim in this game than putting the optics on target and firing.
If you want bad hit detection get yourself invited to the GRO closed beta. That will show you bad hit detection.
April 7th, 2012, 05:20 AM
im aware that there are a lot of factors that go into aiming, but at a certain point, the short distance to your target and sheet volume of fire youre putting on them should kill them.
again, when im 15 meters and closing on a guy who's standing still facing the opposite direction, fire over 50 bullets at him (firing in bursts, btw, not just holding the trigger), and he can look around, see all the bullets landing around him, turn around, then i just drop dead, there is more at play there than the fact that LMGs suffer accuracy loss on the move.
let me put it this way: the combined total ping between us was around 30ms. im at 100% health, then i just drop dead. theres no like, "thwack thwack thwack" of all the bullets hitting me, i just go from 100 to 0 instantly. that ALONE is an issue. theres another video that i cannot find again for the life of me, but it shows like 7 or 8 different examples of this guy getting shot around a corner and dropping from 100% to 0% instantly.
the part that sets off alarm bells in my head is that every now and then i have a patch of games where i have no problem killing people in around 15 - 20 shots while strafing with an m249 or something. then ill find a different server and im suddenly missing everything
its either hit detection, or general net code. to be fair, i cannot imagine its actually the hit detection system itself. i dont know how its even possible to fuck that up.
April 7th, 2012, 05:38 AM
When you're ADS and strafing your aim is thrown completely off where your scope is pointing. Have you taken that into account? Pretty much every instance in that video I saw had the person moving/using a rifle with crazy recoil.
Either way, I have never experienced this problem myself. It may just be a problem with your ISP/connection. Things like this CAN be isolated. I don't have many issues with laggy games (people warping around) in GRO, but lots of people complain about it on the forums.
April 7th, 2012, 05:45 AM
Either way, I have never experienced this problem myself. It may just be a problem with your ISP/connection. Things like this CAN be isolated. I don't have many issues with laggy games (people warping around) in GRO, but lots of people complain about it on the forums.
Did you even look at his speedtest results?
April 7th, 2012, 10:50 AM
Oh I though you guys were talking about the PC version.
It's fine on the PC version. Don't tell me it isn't since I've probably logged more hours than you and have more actual experence in the game. I'm absolutely sure it's fine on the PC version. What I see in that video is bad aim, not a failure of hit detection. You guys are confusing your lack of game mechanic knowledge with bad hit detection. There's more to aim in this game than putting the optics on target and firing.
If you want bad hit detection get yourself invited to the GRO closed beta. That will show you bad hit detection.
Seriously? You're playing that card? I think I've logged enough game hours to understand how the damned game works.
April 7th, 2012, 05:07 PM
Close Quarters gameplay:
Looks pretty.
April 7th, 2012, 06:05 PM
Looks good. Also the M1014 has essentially become the best shotgun now due to is ROF. The Saiga has the advantage of superior range though. I can't even begin to use the Jackhammer or USAS now. :x
April 7th, 2012, 06:55 PM
Any idea of rough release date? I only just bought Back to Karkand =\
April 7th, 2012, 09:46 PM
Sometime in June.
April 8th, 2012, 03:00 AM
Seriously? You're playing that card? I think I've logged enough game hours to understand how the damned game works.
I have twice the hours and 20 levels on you.
I guess my understanding of the mechanics are just superior, because out of the things I bitch and complain about for this game, hit-registration isn't one of them. I'm constantly bitching and complaining about something when playing BF3 as well.
Did you even look at his speedtest results?
Indeed I did. And in that very specific moment in time to that specific server (not a Battlefield 3 server I might add) he had a good connection. The ping result from that test is most likely COMPLETELY irrelevant as well, since there are probably completely different hops involved to get him connected to a BF3 server.
April 8th, 2012, 03:07 AM
the scoreboard said my ping was 27 in the example i gave above. the other guy had 12. unless its lying, i really dont think ping is an issue.
im on ridiculously fast tech school internet anyway, so i seriously doubt its a network issue.
April 8th, 2012, 03:13 AM
Then stop complaining and start aiming :haw:
April 8th, 2012, 12:31 PM
This thread just became way to stuffy for my tastes.
April 8th, 2012, 04:22 PM
I just found this video
There, thread has been unstuffed for TeeKupz
April 8th, 2012, 07:05 PM
So I joined a server that had Freelancer and Skyline in it. I was owning it up after they left with a few friends. I was tv missiling AA as the pilot (solo).
Then this happened:
Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'Limited55' ... BC2! WARNING! PB Violation" [Admin Decision]
This is the server btw:
( them
Turns out I think this is the guy who banned me: I played with him in the server earlier, I kicked his ass and he asked why I was hacking. I said I wasnt hacking and didnt know wtf he was talking about.
If you get banned, do you still retain all the medals/stuff you earned BEFORE you got banned?
April 8th, 2012, 07:32 PM
You got perm banned from Punkbuster.
Those bans are shared throughout all the servers using punkbuster.
you might keep your kit but it'll be no use other than servers without punkbuster.
Also it wasn't the admin who banned you, it was likely punkbuster picking something up.
Check on another server see if you're banned there too.
April 8th, 2012, 07:40 PM
Stats are there - but show 0, I had over 20k before the ban. I was TV missiling the crap out of meddingRabit
I have just joined a BF3 server that it stats has PB and I got in fine and everything. Hopefully its just that server and Ill contact admin and ask him WTF?!
April 8th, 2012, 08:07 PM
So I joined a server that had Freelancer and Skyline in it. I was owning it up after they left with a few friends. I was tv missiling AA as the pilot (solo).
Then this happened:
Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'Limited55' ... BC2! WARNING! PB Violation" [Admin Decision]
This is the server btw:
( them
Turns out I think this is the guy who banned me: I played with him in the server earlier, I kicked his ass and he asked why I was hacking. I said I wasnt hacking and didnt know wtf he was talking about.
If you get banned, do you still retain all the medals/stuff you earned BEFORE you got banned?
You SHOULD get the medals and such, just wait a bit and see. It's possible you might not though.
You got perm banned from Punkbuster.
Those bans are shared throughout all the servers using punkbuster.
you might keep your kit but it'll be no use other than servers without punkbuster.
Also it wasn't the admin who banned you, it was likely punkbuster picking something up.
Check on another server see if you're banned there too.
Wrong on almost every account.
The "Admin Decision" bans are not global PunkBuster bans, they only apply to the server you were banned from.
April 8th, 2012, 08:30 PM
I'm really getting the hang of jets now, thanks to a few tips from Freelancer. Just got highest jet score :D
I was able to join another server. So you think the admin banned me himself?
April 9th, 2012, 01:21 AM
Yes, I know for a fact that he did.
It won't register globally, it just registers in his local PunkBuster banlist.
If you REALLY WANTED you could appeal directoy to PB to have your ban lifted. But that's like trying to get a one on one session with a head game developer just because you don't like some game mechanic in the game.
April 9th, 2012, 10:36 AM
This thread just became way to stuffy for my tastes.
Because Freelancer.
Anyway, if a someone is STATIONARY and presenting themselves as a perfect target, then there's no trick or hurdurtechnique. You aim and shoot; yet much like my brother, there are times when no tick marks are to be had. It's like I'm shooting blanks and the enemy soldier has the best fucking gun in existence.
E: Sorry I'm late
April 9th, 2012, 12:09 PM
Thread should be renamed Battlerage 3xtreme
April 9th, 2012, 05:04 PM
Have a bad Internets? Can't shoot people consistently in video games because of it? Blame developers for implementing client-side hit detection!
Client side is likely the future guys, most new games are going this route since our series of tubes has been super-powered.
April 9th, 2012, 06:27 PM
Have a bad Internets? Can't shoot people consistently in video games because of it? Blame developers for implementing client-side hit detection!
Client side is likely the future guys, most new games are going this route since our series of tubes has been super-powered.
You do realize people used to play games like Quake online perfectly well using internet connections far worse than anything available today, right?
I know BF3 is more technically sophisticated, but it really shouldn't be that hard to implement consistent hit detection.
April 9th, 2012, 10:31 PM
Hit detection was spot on in the Alpha Trial. That's because it was server-side. And then they supposed "improved" the netcode for the beta where hit detection was client-side. Everyone started complaining and nothing has changed. Do they do this to piss us off purposely?
April 10th, 2012, 02:24 AM
Client-side hit detection DOES work better when everyone has good ping.
But everyone doesn't, so it doesn't.
Just ban all people with bad ping from playing problem solved I say.
April 10th, 2012, 02:35 AM
I caved and got the game when it went on sale.
so far it feels like I'm playing 1000 ways to die but die 1002 ways instead.
also managed to knife someone from 20m away not sure how that works
April 10th, 2012, 05:17 AM
I caved and got the game when it went on sale.
so far it feels like I'm playing 1000 ways to die but die 1002 ways instead.
also managed to knife someone from 20m away not sure how that works
April 10th, 2012, 08:26 AM
also managed to knife someone from 20m away not sure how that works
Regardless of ping, this never happens.
April 10th, 2012, 08:46 AM
it wasn't lag it was just a very long knife thats all :ugh:
April 10th, 2012, 06:38 PM
happened to me on grand baazar about 2 months ago. this guy had run up over a curb, i knifed, nothing happened for a second, then just as he was about to start running up the stairs, i teleported to him and ripped his throat off. i was like "wut..... alright, lol"
April 10th, 2012, 09:25 PM
Happens to me all the time. I mean, I'm pretty good with knife kills but sometimes the game is just ridiculous and grants me a 10 meter lunge.
April 10th, 2012, 10:18 PM
One of my favorite knife kills are the ones when you run infront of them, strafe a tiny bit to their side, and front knife them while taking a little damage. I've been called a hacker a couple times, and it makes me lol hard.
April 11th, 2012, 01:30 AM
So Squad Rush with Bolt-action rifles, no optics (iron sights only) is pretty damned ridiculous and fun.
April 11th, 2012, 01:40 AM
Knife and pistol only servers are really fun too :D A lot slower paced but still awesome and adrenaline rushing.
April 11th, 2012, 01:56 AM
We did a few rounds with only shotguns too. Semi-autos only then 870 only. Shit gets ridiculous. :O
April 11th, 2012, 04:47 PM
I dunno, I liked the C4 round the best :p
April 11th, 2012, 05:28 PM
How much customization control does the server operator have over gameplay elements like that? I might actually want to play this game if I could, say, disable all vehicles
April 11th, 2012, 05:35 PM
How much customization control does the server operator have over gameplay elements like that? I might actually want to play this game if I could, say, disable all vehiclesTheres a tickbox in the server browser titled "Infantry only" so yeah server admins can turn off vehicles.
April 11th, 2012, 05:50 PM
is there a decent population in servers that use that option?
April 11th, 2012, 05:54 PM
is there a decent population in servers that use that option?
Not sure if this will work for you:
I ( did a search had there were a lot of servers, a few populated servers.
April 11th, 2012, 06:50 PM
im finding that whenever i tick "infantry only", at most, 50% of the time i actually get put into a game with no vehicles. then the server rotates to a map that does have them. right now im finding my best bet for avoiding vehicles is by playing on maps that dont have them, or at least dont make it miserable to play alongside them.
April 11th, 2012, 10:34 PM
I joined a server today that played NOTHING but Caspien Border Conquest (500 or 1000 tickets). That map is only good once in a blue moon.
April 11th, 2012, 11:23 PM
Caspian is better than Damavand.
April 12th, 2012, 03:54 PM
I joined a server today that played NOTHING but Caspian Border Conquest (500 or 1000 tickets). That map is only good once in a blue moon.ft4y
If you want to play vehicles, its a great map. If you want to be infranty it sucks balls. I love having helicopter/jet fights on the map.
April 12th, 2012, 04:46 PM
It's not even that good for vehicles. Gulf of Oman, Wake Island, Kharg Island, and Operation Firestorm are all much better vehicle maps.
April 12th, 2012, 11:03 PM
Ultimate vehicle map so far is Gulf of Oman. Let's hope that the "largest BF map ever" from Armored Kill has all the new vehicles plus the scout choppers, ground-attack jets, and Amtrak. I miss those types of battles from BF2.
April 13th, 2012, 06:54 AM
Yeah that new super-big map better have ALL the fucking vehicles.
You know what? Scratch that.... Instead just give each team 32 jets/16 attack helos. :realsmug:
April 13th, 2012, 11:15 AM're funny. That would be giving us what we want and the big publishers will never allow that.
April 13th, 2012, 02:25 PM
Ultimate vehicle map so far is Gulf of Oman. Let's hope that the "largest BF map ever" from Armored Kill has all the new vehicles plus the scout choppers, ground-attack jets, and Amtrak. I miss those types of battles from BF2.
Highway Tampa get. I would also say Daqing Oil Fields, but Operation Firestorm is kind of the same idea, but with a different layout.
April 13th, 2012, 09:11 PM
Lol. Lots of jets and helis would be awesome.
April 14th, 2012, 07:22 AM
airborne demolition derby
the thrilling game of who bails out of their jet first!
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