View Full Version : Thanks for nothing Blizzard?

February 17th, 2011, 12:37 AM

What makes this even more hilarious is that I dislike WoW so much that I hacked my way to the infamous "GM Island" on one of their live servers a year or two ago. Then opened a ticket that basically said "look where I am, your game is horrible, I have almost no programming or hacking experience and I got myself here. I have no plans to play your game in the future, ever, well cya~".

Now they want me to come play their shitty game, lol, sales must be down.

They need to take a hint from Turbine, Lord of the Rings Online went Free 2 Play (F2P) and now they're making almost three times the amount of money they were before the change.

February 17th, 2011, 12:41 AM
Your name is Kevin? That explains a lot :P

The button should actually say "Claim new life"

February 17th, 2011, 12:42 AM
Or they're just trying to get more subscribers (where the real money is at). It's just like how razor companies send out a free razor on men's 17 or 18th bday. It's very likely the guy will use the razor from then on, buying replaceable heads of the same brand.

Might not always work, but you don't always catch fish when you go fishing either.

February 17th, 2011, 12:47 AM
Your name is Kevin? That explains a lot :P
kinda figured that was real common knowledge ever since this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouLgygrFb8c).

February 17th, 2011, 01:38 AM
kinda figured that was real common knowledge ever since this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouLgygrFb8c).
guys look at me i'm important too

February 17th, 2011, 01:46 AM
My point is that I stopped caring if the Internet knew my name or not back in 2007.

February 17th, 2011, 02:20 AM
Yo Kevin my names Kevin its good to meet you bro.

February 17th, 2011, 02:21 AM
My point is that I stopped caring if the Internet knew my name or not back in 2007.it''s ok kelvin. i care about you.

Also Agree with What KM said.

February 17th, 2011, 06:42 AM
I guess that's what you get for supporting a shitty game. :3

February 17th, 2011, 10:01 PM
I stopped playing WoW ages ago... So long ago, in fact, I forgot everything about my login, heh. Not going to start again.

dont do it bro. DONT DO IT.

February 18th, 2011, 12:12 AM
I'd get myself into the GM Island jail/prison thing again and ask to be banned yet again, but since it's tied to my actual b.net account I don't think I will... lol