View Full Version : HCE Shame...
February 21st, 2011, 03:52 PM
Alot of work and it died, we lost interested and became real busy. That majority of the stuff works fine.
Revive or let it die?
(Btw the way this project replaced Cerebrum and was originally Cerebrum team was being merged into this.)
This is my final chapter in Halo...and Modacity (*tear to the eye*)
February 21st, 2011, 04:07 PM
You should revive it, would be cool to see finished!
February 21st, 2011, 04:22 PM
How do you lose interest on this? It's amazing!
Sean Aero
February 21st, 2011, 04:23 PM
Limited we've talked from time to time on AIM. I told you before get it done and release it.
The only comment I can make is why ask us? You already know everyone will tell you to revive it because a system like this has been desired for quite a while now. It looks great, promising and something many would enjoy. +1 to you guys
What still needs to be done before release and do you have enough time to do it yourself?
This is an important question because we don't need another promising looking system which will never be released.
February 21st, 2011, 04:48 PM
The reason it ended is because we had a lot of work for other projects that took over, also with the release of Reach we were blazing away at that non-stop, like literally the second Reach came out I never looked back at it...until now.
The real reason we ask why is because we are more motivated when other people are interested, we've hit the point of the project where its stopped being crazy fun for us, it started out just me and skyline coding just to see what we could do with our skills and it evolved from there, this was the way I learnt PHP and since then it turned into a full on stats project.
Now the whole Reach bandwagon has been and gone and people are getting old of it, we want to know whether people are still interested in Halo CE, and whether a statistics site is actually still wanted.
In terms of what we have done, I haven't looked at the PHP end of stuff since we had a hiatus. I can tell you now its miles in front of Cerebrum. In terms of stats gathering from the server thats pretty much nearly fully done. We need to refine what we want the end product to be in terms of what users can do. Alot of logistics needs to be ironed out in terms of practically how is this going to work as a fully functioning site, the concept works with stats being collected, displayed and all that jazz but expanding it out needs to be planned.
Sean Aero
February 21st, 2011, 05:23 PM
We need to refine what we want the end product to be in terms of what users can do. Alot of logistics needs to be ironed out in terms of practically how is this going to work as a fully functioning site, the concept works with stats being collected, displayed and all that jazz but expanding it out needs to be planned.
Start with just focussing on displaying stuff before moving on.
The concept of signing up and seeing a summary of your stats, awards, games and achievements. Would bring great joy to many players already.
After you have achieved that part you can always think to yourself if you wish to continue on developing the website.
If not I'm sure there are enough people around here that wouldn't mind continuing what you started.
February 21st, 2011, 06:36 PM
hmm i'm doin the exact same project for halo2, we've already got an app that tracks stats and ranks. i'm working on an xml exporter right now to export an xml file that the dedi spits out so the website can host recent post carnage reports. but yeah i think you should pick it back up.
we could combine it?
February 21st, 2011, 09:04 PM
Skyline, Jcap, and I have been discussing adding something like this into the server application that Skyline has been working on... Won't be integrated until all the in-game related features are added though.
February 21st, 2011, 09:40 PM
this reminds me of cerebrum-synapse
February 21st, 2011, 11:26 PM
this reminds me of cerebrum-synapse
Not because he mentioned it in his post?
February 22nd, 2011, 12:19 AM
this reminds me of cerebrum-synapse
After the Synapse-Cerebrum team died some started working on this from what Limited/Skyline told me.
February 22nd, 2011, 01:00 AM
You should definitely revive it. I've been waiting for this sort of thing for so long. If you went live with it I'd start playing CE again, and I might even host a server for it.
One question: does it use CD key hashes? If someone plays a game with the exact same name that I use, it wouldn't record his stats as if they were mine, would it?
February 22nd, 2011, 01:02 AM
I can almost guarantee that it would only record stats based on CD Key hash. It would probably even be possible for it to only record statistics for players with a legitimate copy of the game (ex: if the server allows pirates to play on it, but you don't want to record pirates stats because they're El Cheapo badkids).
February 22nd, 2011, 01:05 AM
You should definitely revive it. I've been waiting for this sort of thing for so long. If you went live with it I'd start playing CE again, and I might even host a server for it.
One question: does it use CD key hashes? If someone plays a game with the exact same name that I use, it wouldn't record his stats as if they were mine, would it?
do it please, if i had any knowledge of coding i would lend a hand. i'll just lend a hand by being on top of the charts~
February 22nd, 2011, 12:53 PM
It does use the CD key to link member profiles so don't worry if your one of those people that changes their every time they join a server, it will be collected together. This does of course create a new problem, of say you have a brother or sister that plays on your installation of Halo, those stats played will be recorded under the CD key. Personally I think thats a forfeit worth having if it means you can change your name and you don't have to re-link it on the website.
Sorry Freelancer, forgot to mention this was Skyline and I's project, although I have no idea what his current server app does, and he probably stopped adding functionality to stat track but his old server app did the job :)
It will remind people of Cerebrum/Synapse, some of the icons are from the Cerebrum project, MrBig let us use them and Klange did want to help out with the project way back, but he sort of disappeared.
Its somewhat annoying that we deleted the SQL table that had all the previous game data, as we had more games up.
Its good to see people interested, so thanks for the support.
February 22nd, 2011, 01:28 PM
There's a way to determine who killed an ai, if you ever wanted to count that at all.
February 22nd, 2011, 03:39 PM
Revive it. I can lend a hand if you want it :P
February 22nd, 2011, 04:11 PM
I don't have much in the way of technical skills to offer, but if nothing else, I could offer ideas on how to improve it.
February 22nd, 2011, 05:20 PM
Sorry Freelancer, forgot to mention this was Skyline and I's project, although I have no idea what his current server app does, and he probably stopped adding functionality to stat track but his old server app did the job :)
As I said, it was one of the things Jcap and I wanted added into the application eventually. He's been working on making it store kills/deaths/score/etc in the database recently like the old app (he sent me some of the old source for Xerzi which linked with the online portion you're talking about) and the MDB database is starting to look similar. You guys should get in touch again, though there are a couple things Jcap and I want to see integrated into the app before this (like vote kick and mapnext).
Looking forward to this, if you need a guinea-pig server for testing I can always set one up and I'm sure Jcap would be able to cater something as well.
February 23rd, 2011, 10:55 AM
Even the simplest version of this idea could make a big difference in the halo "community" if released.
February 23rd, 2011, 12:04 PM really should be a lot more careful with this. I don't want to harm you but your password starts with t and ends with a. You should really get a security guy onto this :P
Your CD Key Hash is 90603667e4c593c584fb3b42b117****
You want to make it secure for other people as well don't you :P I want to add that I have never done this before and it took me about 30 mins to learn...
Salt your passwords and make your site sql injection proof!
February 23rd, 2011, 12:30 PM
There is always one isnt there >_>
For the record, it was a test account with a purposely easy password to remember (it was a real word) cough cough 7239ea2b5dc943f61f3c0a0276c20974.
Security right now isn't a development issue, as theres nothing in the DB (part from that one test account) that needs protecting but nearer completion we are going to focus on security elements to protect the database.
Sean Aero
February 24th, 2011, 09:06 AM
but nearer completion we are going to focus on security elements to protect the database.
Does this mean your going to revive it? :haw:
PS. security always first when it comes to MySQL. :cop:
PSS. Server broken...
February 24th, 2011, 05:13 PM
I'd definitely like to see this come to fruition. I'd also like to lend a hand on the web side of things, but I've got too much on my plate as it is, and wouldn't want to leave anyone hanging. :(
February 24th, 2011, 09:16 PM
Suggestion: you should use K/D ratio instead of K/D spread.
It's pretty impressive that you can track which weapons were used for kills. Would it be possible to track the number of shots fired/landed? An accuracy percentage (how many of your shots land) would be really cool. A stat which shows what percentage of your landed shots were headshots would be cool as well.
Player stat page ideas:
CTF win percentage (would have to put requirements in place for games to qualify, such as x number of minutes played in the game, or x% of the game played)
Team slayer win percentage (same as above)
Slayer win percentage
Average rank in slayer / team slayer / CTF
Caps per game average in CTF games
Kills per game average in CTF / in team slayer / in whatever
Assists per game average in " "
Deaths per game average in " "
You'd probably have to put requirements in place for a lot of those in order to weed out the times when people only play a small fraction of the game.
Caps per minute (or per hour or per 30 min, since caps/min would be a pretty tiny number)
Kills per minute
Assists per minute
Deaths per minute
Average life length
March 4th, 2011, 06:56 PM
So what's the status on this? Alive/dead?
March 7th, 2011, 08:32 PM
i sure hope its alive. been waiting years for something like this :)
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