View Full Version : Bioware unjust?

March 10th, 2011, 07:49 PM
well its no surprise that recently DA2 has come under fire for being "lackluster" to say the least, but this just takes the cake:

the guy is not only banned on his main account, but is banned from basically playing his game that he LEGITIMATELY BOUGHT

incase the actual thread gets deleted heres a link to the screen cap of said thread:


now i know some of you are "fans" of bioware and I honestly want to know how you guys feel about Bioware/EA being able to deny someone from playing a game they have ALREADY purchased

so yeah, thoughts?

March 10th, 2011, 08:07 PM
I've held off from getting DA2 thanks to lackluster reviews and all (despite Bioware being one of my top favorite devs), and they do seem to be in a pretty nasty denial stage over it, but (if I'm reading right) the suspension wasn't Bioware's call, but rather EA's, and any hate over this precise matter should be directed appropriately

(Perhaps a DA2 general would be more appropriate)

March 10th, 2011, 08:14 PM
So much for Bioware being "one of the best developers".

March 10th, 2011, 08:16 PM
I've held off from getting DA2 thanks to lackluster reviews and all (despite Bioware being one of my top favorite devs), and they do seem to be in a pretty nasty denial stage over it, but (if I'm reading right) the suspension wasn't Bioware's call, but rather EA's, and any hate over this precise matter should be directed appropriately

(Perhaps a DA2 general would be more appropriate)
not withstanding, this amount to having a chef breaking into your house and stealing your food jsut because you said the steak you bought was undercooked

March 10th, 2011, 08:20 PM
So much for Bioware being "one of the best developers".

In my opinion, they started going downhill with Mass Effect 2. That game felt too forced, and it cut out a lot of the features that made the first game so replayable.

I'm a bit disappointed in them now, really. I hope this performance doesn't carry over into Mass Effect 3.

March 10th, 2011, 08:20 PM
If you read the post made by Woo, he says that the user wasn't banned by any Bioware moderator or employee, but instead a member of the EA Community moderating team.

I'm not denying that this is completely messed up and that Bioware shouldn't allow EA the rights to do something like this in the first place, but it makes much more sense that this is coming from EA than from Bioware themselves.

March 10th, 2011, 08:24 PM
The whole, "You don't own the copy of the game you're just borrowing a licence that can be revoked without refund" thing really needs to change.

March 10th, 2011, 08:29 PM
what im trying to get at is that Bioware/EA is basically fucking over paying customers

March 10th, 2011, 09:35 PM
Which is another reason why Gearbox is still my favorite underdog developer. WOOT.

March 11th, 2011, 11:11 AM
In my opinion, they started going downhill with Mass Effect 2. That game felt too forced, and it cut out a lot of the features that made the first game so replayable.

I'm a bit disappointed in them now, really. I hope this performance doesn't carry over into Mass Effect 3.

I thought ME2 was a lot better than the first one, and I've certainly replayed it many more times :x

But yeah, glad I didn't buy any DLC for dragon age: origins. I'll be selling that game, and will definitely NOT be buying ME3 if they use the same login system as dragon age.

March 11th, 2011, 05:24 PM
Use a crack for the game, problem solved
EA will only have themselves to blame.

E: And Bioware agrees (or at least plays along) with this EA user policy, so fuck them too. You mad EA?

March 11th, 2011, 06:15 PM
Where's the sense in making people login to play a singleplayer only game? Fuck you EA.

March 11th, 2011, 06:40 PM
How can they deny you from playing a game if you just play it offline, lol?

(never played dragon age, is it online or something?)

Anyway, I always thought Bioware was a good dev, even after ME2.

March 12th, 2011, 01:31 AM
But yeah, glad I didn't buy any DLC for dragon age: origins. I'll be selling that game, and will definitely NOT be buying ME3 if they use the same login system as dragon age.

ME2 already uses the same login system. It always remembers your info and doesn't exactly say you're logged in unless you go to options and untick that option. DLC is through social for both games too.


March 12th, 2011, 06:25 AM
The party ain't over yet:

EA Fails To Disclose SecuROM In Dragon Age II (http://vividgamer.com/2011/03/10/ea-fails-to-disclose-securom-in-dragon-age-ii/)

What kind of sadists work at EA? ILLEGALLY putting Securom in the install process and not even documenting it in the EULA. So Securom while there is already a login process required? The fuck?

I'm getting scared for Battlefield 3, now. Btw, ReclaimYourGame.com is down. I don't know if that is due to high traffic or something.

Oh and here's a crazy update:

After being repeatedly told that he was intentionally locked out of his EA games because he broke the rules on the BioWare forum, and that this was in accordance to the Terms Of Service that he’d agreed to, this morning’s internet famous man, Arno, has just been told that it was in fact a mistake.

He received an email from EA’s Senior Director of Customer Support, Boyd Beasley, explaining that his “inappropriate language” meant he had received a 72 hour ban from the BioWare Social Network, but that,

“Unfortunately, there was an error in the system that accidentally suspended your entire EA account. Immediately upon learning of the glitch, we have restored the entire account and apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused while accessing other areas of the EA service.”

So there you go then. A strange one indeed, after he was told by both EA’s live support, and the moderator who locked the thread discussing the matter (who declined to speak to us), the opposite. But good news for Arno, who can finally play the game he’s paid for.

March 12th, 2011, 07:23 AM
I'd raise hell. That deserves more than a "o, we r sryz lol". Jerk offs.

And did they call him saying 'have you sold your soul to the EA devil yet?', “inappropriate language"? If so, that's bullshit. Fucking jerk offs.

March 12th, 2011, 11:15 AM
ME2 already uses the same login system. It always remembers your info and doesn't exactly say you're logged in unless you go to options and untick that option. DLC is through social for both games too.

Unfortunately I already like ME2 too much at this point to do anything. That doesn't mean I'll be buying another new game that does the same shit, though.

March 12th, 2011, 02:36 PM
im calling bullshit, if you look ath the original picture


look what the bioware dude says

yeah banning arno from his game was a TOTAL glitch

EA covering its ass

March 12th, 2011, 04:16 PM
what the fuck. did you guys read the last post in that thread in the OP? you can be suspended from playing games because somebody reports your post on a forum? are you serious bioware?

can you imagine if bungie did something like that? there wouldnt be anyone left on halo.

March 12th, 2011, 04:24 PM
what the fuck. did you guys read the last post in that thread in the OP? you can be suspended from playing games because somebody reports your post on a forum? are you serious bioware?

can you imagine if bungie did something like that? there wouldnt be anyone left on halo.

Uh, read the rest of this thread.

March 12th, 2011, 04:27 PM
Good thing I don't post on EA based forums. vOv.

I once had an issue of linking my EA and Xbox Live account because I stupidly registered to their site with an email that wasn't the same as my live on. I politely sent them an email asking for a change and they did. Problem solved.

I don't approve of the steps taken by EA/Bioware in this, then again I wouldn't go rant/rave/slander something about them either. Regardless of this, I still hold EA above Activision.

March 12th, 2011, 04:38 PM
Good thing I don't post on EA based forums. vOv.

I once had an issue of linking my EA and Xbox Live account because I stupidly registered to their site with an email that wasn't the same as my live on. I politely sent them an email asking for a change and they did. Problem solved.

I don't approve of the steps taken by EA/Bioware in this, then again I wouldn't go rant/rave/slander something about them either. Regardless of this, I still hold EA above Activision.you say that now but if this recent debale has taught me anything hte only decent company is valve at the moment

March 12th, 2011, 05:37 PM
Uh, read the rest of this thread.
i did. whats your point?

March 12th, 2011, 06:21 PM
i did. whats your point?

It was a mistake on EA's part.

Also, Bioware is denying that they included Securom in the game. But they confirm that a form of unsolicited and undocumented DRM was included in the game by the same people who made Securom, so it might as well be Securom.

March 12th, 2011, 10:34 PM
you say that now but if this recent debale has taught me anything hte only decent company is valve at the moment

So yeah, hows that Half-Life 3/Episode 3 doing?

What about FPS turned MMOFPS TF2....with hats.

March 12th, 2011, 10:42 PM
So yeah, hows that Half-Life 3/Episode 3 doing?

What about FPS turned MMOFPS TF2....with hats.

I'll stick with stardock. THE BEST company out there for games. Their Elemental game was a dud, with terrible bugs. But the next version will be free to those who bought the first one. No DRM on Soase? yes.

March 12th, 2011, 10:46 PM
I just can't muster up enough paranoia to care. Whatever they did, it's transparent as far as I can tell. And this game is great. I certainly wouldn't allow an invisible boogeyman to prevent me from playing it. In 5 years, I'm going to remember this sophisticated, well-crafted piece of entertainment, but I won't give a shit about the PC that had some benign piece of unauthorized code installed on it.

Assuming that it is, in fact, benign. Even in the unlikely event that it causes a future headache, it's better than the headache we give ourselves worrying about this crap. People see SecuROM and just freak out. FREAK OUT! It's like it's still 2005.

March 13th, 2011, 12:38 AM
Assuming that it is, in fact, benign. Even in the unlikely event that it causes a future headache, it's better than the headache we give ourselves worrying about this crap. People see SecuROM and just freak out. FREAK OUT! It's like it's still 2005.

I don't give myself a headache by worrying about this stuff simply because I don't freak out about it. The truth must get out and EA/Bioware did not want it that way. Securom does fuck with some people's computers. The people have a right to know. As for this accidental banning and stuff, I don't hold it against EA/Bioware. As long as the dude can play his game again.

March 13th, 2011, 01:08 AM
The "truth" must get out. This thread is just another of the infinite examples of the internet twisting some facts and inventing others. BioWare has a DRM FAQ on their forums, which I just read. They aren't using SecuROM. Nothing is installed. The DRM mostly just locks the game until the release date and then removes itself. It also requires a one-time activation.

It has an unlimited number of installs, but it (reasonably) limits the number of different computers it can be installed on within an unspecified window of time. It also does not require the disc to play and the Steam version uses only Steam DRM.

They aren't out to get us. It's just games on computers; don't treat it as a political cause.

March 13th, 2011, 09:12 AM
The "truth" must get out. This thread is just another of the infinite examples of the internet twisting some facts and inventing others. BioWare has a DRM FAQ on their forums, which I just read. They aren't using SecuROM. Nothing is installed. The DRM mostly just locks the game until the release date and then removes itself. It also requires a one-time activation.
If this DRM removes itself on release date then how could it require a one time activation later on down the line?

It has an unlimited number of installs, but it (reasonably) limits the number of different computers it can be installed on within an unspecified window of time. It also does not require the disc to play and the Steam version uses only Steam DRM.

They aren't out to get us. It's just games on computers; don't treat it as a political cause.
Various people have found a unannounced DRM made by the same people who made Securom and it doe's near enough the same thing, are you trying to tell us that if a car manufacturer were to simply change the badge on the back without any changes what so ever then it's a completely different and original model of car?

March 13th, 2011, 09:36 AM
So yeah, hows that Half-Life 3/Episode 3 doing?

What about FPS turned MMOFPS TF2....with hats.its fun

gordon goes on the borealis, fights these weird critters that wont stop coming till you turn off the heating since their cold blooded or something, the looked alot like snarks

i also think i saw adrian shepard at one point...

Rainbow Dash
March 13th, 2011, 01:25 PM
you say that now but if this recent debale has taught me anything hte only decent company is valve at the moment

You're an idiot.

They turned one of the best multiplayer shooters ever created into a giant marketing sales joke, and are now developing DoTA2.


March 13th, 2011, 01:32 PM
Assuming that it is, in fact, benign. Even in the unlikely event that it causes a future headache, it's better than the headache we give ourselves worrying about this crap. People see SecuROM and just freak out. FREAK OUT! It's like it's still 2005.SecuROM screwed up my computer and almost harmed my sister's placement in her Bachelor of Education (I say almost because it instead caused me a late night with a laptop). Specifically it was the SecuROM that was on Crysis.

With it on my computer I couldn't author a DVD (for her placement class) from my camcorder footage that she borrowed.

But you know what? I bet you I could have pirated Crysis had I wanted to/not already purchased it.

But yeah... I got to admit... SecuROM made it too hard for me to use Windows DVD Maker among a couple of other programs until I formatted and reinstalled so they accomplished stumping me doing SOMETHING.

March 13th, 2011, 06:21 PM
You're an idiot.

They turned one of the best multiplayer shooters ever created into a giant marketing sales joke, and are now developing DoTA2.
<screenshot i see almost every day on /v/>

oh whaa theres new shit in TF2

when it comes down to it its still a fun game if you keep on servers you always played on and hope they dont go to shit

don't be angry at me that all the furry servers in TF2 suck


sent vware's original thread to several sites running the article that says EA claimed "its a glitch" that arno got locked out of his game to prove EA is just trying to cover its ass

lets see how this goes

March 13th, 2011, 07:30 PM
Various people have found a unannounced DRM made by the same people who made Securom and it doe's near enough the same thing, are you trying to tell us that if a car manufacturer were to simply change the badge on the back without any changes what so ever then it's a completely different and original model of car?

Why do people keep saying, "the company that made secuROM..."? It's Sony, people. SONY! S-O-N-Y. Say it out loud and you'll see how ridiculous all this sounds.

Release Control is made by Sony and uses some libraries that SecuROM uses (with folders that kept the SecuROM name), which is why red flags were raised. But it isn't SecuROM. Nothing gets rooted into your kernel (euphemism) and Release Control is what deletes itself after its function has been fulfilled.

The authentication is a separate issue and is likely built into the application.

The game is really good, by the way.

March 13th, 2011, 09:54 PM
You're an idiot.

They turned one of the best multiplayer shooters ever created into a giant marketing sales joke, and are now developing DoTA2.


The rest of Valve's (untouched) games are great, and TF2 can be fun too if you hop in just for a game. You don't have to worry about the hats or the crafting system or other people whacking off about hats--just play the damn game.

March 13th, 2011, 10:03 PM
Why do people keep saying, "the company that made secuROM..."? It's Sony, people. SONY! S-O-N-Y. Say it out loud and you'll see how ridiculous all this sounds.

It's not common knowledge that Securom was made by Sony. We refer to it as "the company that made Securom" because that's how the Bioware employee said it. Guess he wanted to avoid negative connotations?

March 13th, 2011, 10:29 PM
Why do people keep saying, "the company that made secuROM..."? It's Sony, people. SONY! S-O-N-Y. Say it out loud and you'll see how ridiculous all this sounds.

The same sony who have been hacking lumps of functionality out of their prize console for years now and are currently chasing after people who wished to reinstate said features.

March 14th, 2011, 02:24 PM
Just did a quick read through. WTF? They banned a guy from all the games on his account, and then tried to pass it off as a mistake? Valve and Bungie are essentially the only "good guys" left in PC dev. Fucking astonishing.

Also: The hats are awesome so stfu Seletic.

March 14th, 2011, 02:50 PM
Just did a quick read through. WTF? They banned a guy from all the games on his account, and then tried to pass it off as a mistake? Valve and Bungie are essentially the only "good guys" left in PC dev. Fucking astonishing.

Also: The hats are awesome so stfu Seletic.And this is one of those reasons why people like me are so against the culture of licensing we're getting/have gotten conditioned to.

March 14th, 2011, 05:10 PM
Just did a quick read through. WTF? They banned a guy from all the games on his account, and then tried to pass it off as a mistake? Valve and Bungie are essentially the only "good guys" left in PC dev. Fucking astonishing.

Also: The hats are awesome so stfu Seletic.

I wouldn't say Bungie, really. It's just Sawnose over there that we've heard from, basically.

March 14th, 2011, 09:10 PM
Going to link to this news site:

right now /v/ seems to be gathering nothing but facts and posts from people who have been barred from their game for criticizing DA2

anyways it seems to be going ok, occasional derailment, as per usual with any thread on 4chan but it seems to be coming along fine, EA/bioware is backpedaling and /v/ is just pushing them by sending every scrap of fact to gaming sites

March 14th, 2011, 11:02 PM
And theres a very good reason why I disabled DS2 PC login info :v:

EA will never get my money for PC games anymore!

March 15th, 2011, 12:15 AM
Just did a quick read through. WTF? They banned a guy from all the games on his account, and then tried to pass it off as a mistake? Valve and Bungie are essentially the only "good guys" left in PC dev. Fucking astonishing.
Bungie good for PC? They're working with Activison/Blizzard now. Maybe they were good in 2003 with Halo PC. They allowed themselves to be fucked in the ass by Microsoft for Halo 2 through Reach, all of those games having either no PC version at all or a horrible port.

Also: The hats are awesome so stfu Seletic.
Referring to your user title on this one.

March 15th, 2011, 12:54 AM
Bungie good for PC? They're working with Activison/Blizzard now. Maybe they were good in 2003 with Halo PC. They allowed themselves to be fucked in the ass by Microsoft for Halo 2 through Reach, all of those games having either no PC version at all or a horrible port.

Referring to your user title on this one.

Bungie has an independent contract with Activision. They get to do what they want and to be honest, I think Kotick won't touch them in the balls much.

March 15th, 2011, 01:52 AM
Bungie has an independent contract with Activision. They get to do what they want and to be honest, I think Kotick won't touch them in the balls much.

This, along with what Korn has said, needs to be plastered all over the top of the forum so that all the "Activision is butt-raping Bungie" accusations can stop.

March 15th, 2011, 03:53 AM
Bungie good for PC? They're working with Activison/Blizzard now. Maybe they were good in 2003 with Halo PC. They allowed themselves to be fucked in the ass by Microsoft for Halo 2 through Reach, all of those games having either no PC version at all or a horrible port.

Referring to your user title on this one.

I never really thought they were bad guys though. They have pretty much stopped deving for PC, which is sad, but other than H2V they haven't done anything wrong either.

Seriously though I like the hats. What's wrong with that? They're awesome. Is there something I'm missing? I only visit like the same 6 servers I've been playing since like 09 though...

March 15th, 2011, 07:06 AM
There hasn't been any official word from Bungie yet about their future target platforms (albeit, the PS3 is a pretty safe assumption if they ever get anyone to fill those job positions). All the PC games which they had any affiliation with since they were bought out were made while they were head deep in the development of a new game (so the studio's attention was elsewhere, leaving upper-management and the folks over at MS to handle shit). All the PC ports ended up as children in a nasty divorce settlement: lacking needed attention and love.

If their next game does come out for PC, we'll get to see how much of a PC developer the studio as a whole is after 10+ years off the wagon. Other than that, they're still just a console developer as far as I'm concerned, even with one sole engineer taking his own time to tend to major problems in a port done by another studio.

March 15th, 2011, 07:26 AM
BioWare is going to release SWTOR this year...big moneh.

March 15th, 2011, 10:06 AM
I miss the KoTOR games. About the only RPG that I ever really cared for.

Rainbow Dash
March 15th, 2011, 01:05 PM
<screenshot i see almost every day on /v/>

I don't understand, are you admitting that chantards are smarter than you?

March 15th, 2011, 02:51 PM
I miss the KoTOR games. About the only RPG that I ever really cared for.

I missed the kotor games but an MMO as a sequel to ultimate single player RPG series is pretty much the opposite of what I was hoping for.

Fuck other people, I wanted to do this shit by myself.

March 15th, 2011, 03:27 PM
I don't understand, are you admitting that chantards are smarter than you?congrats on being slower than the people defending bioware still

i meant I've seen that image enough times in "hurr TF@ haet" threads

the game is fine, the only thing people are angsty about is the stuff they add, while i admit its gone overboard I still do enjoy playing from time to time

more on topic:
Bioware seems to be doing some astroturfing at the moment

March 15th, 2011, 05:16 PM
Fuck other people, I wanted to do this shit by myself.
If I could take all the stars in the universe and turn them into periods, they would represent my reply. But I can't, so: .

If vB was any good, it would have a "IAWTP" button. A.k.a, a "like" button. Too bad vB sucks ass. IPS supremacy~~