View Full Version : FieldCallofHaloDutyBattleSim, Game design diary.

March 11th, 2011, 04:09 AM
This will be a mix of Battlefeild, Halo, Call of duty, and flight sims ect. All in one. yet completely different

The idea is to perfect a real time warfare environment based in the Halo Universe on a gargantuan scale.

Designed for 32-256 players/playerAI

The story: (QUICKNOTE: I got the idea for the theme (halo) and overall ideas from playing this (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=2040))
The UNSC cruiser hovering above Hotzone, the 'Genocide' was shot down by the Covenant Flagship. On the way down, the Genocide fired its MAC cannon at the Covenant ship, disabling it. Both starships crashed on this section of halo and are fighting for supremecy of the desert.

The ships:
The Genocide Halcyon cruiser: Taken out by a plasma torpedo to the rear, it flew from the sky overlooking Hotzone, to a desert plateau roughly 250 KM up the ring. Thanks to the structural genious of Halcyon cruisers, the Genocide remains nearly undamaged from the crash.

The Vanity and Humility Covenant Flagship: Disabled by a MAC round, it managed a controlled landing. With most of its systems intact, The Vanity and Humility activated its gravity lift and dispersed its troops and vehicles.

The two ships have crash landed, despite a hard impact the two ships are intact and most systems fully fictional.
The ships contain valuable intelligence, and will not surrender to the scenario. No reinforcements will be coming anytime soon this will end in blood shed. The ships will defend there stance.

These under are ideas I worked on last night, I had to simulate the game playing in my head to perfect my attempt at a “FieldCallofHaloDutyBattleSim”, These are meh randomly placed thoughts.

a "Quicknote" will give further information about the text and will be key places that I will add ideas, edit, ect..
I also must say I would like this to play out well with the multiple species in halo.

Troops on ground will be equipped with a remote targeting device that can be unlocked only when in stress, and or for objectives, this device will send a way-point to a 50mm Autocannon operator for support and to become a operator you must unlock it and you will be able to choose to spawn as it and can not play on the battlefield, if there are no operators (beginning of game) then the targeting device will not be available for unlock. The 3 Auto-cannons will only available once power reaches output required for this

the on ground targeting device will have a max radius which the auto-canons can not have there sights out of. you can zoom to from 0 the gun barrels to 100 the players size far away. and to move in and out of each given way-point you must be at 0. There will be views for the auto-cannons which can be unlocked and requires power levels at a certain level in order to be activated to be unlocked by the operator. You can unlock a probe device to provide a above ground view and can zoom 0 to 100, once you unlock the probe and have recommended power you can unlock one of the following: hud identification, limited time.priority auto targeting, ect.

the ship weapons, warfare, power, systems, ect. will be controlled by a crew officer at the bridge, engineering stations. The mouse controlled UI will be at eye view as the officer uses the control panel.

Start out low power, over time power increases, you can hit certain parts of the ship to stop or decrease ship power temporally, and in doing so can disable certain unlocks.

Once power reaches low the opposing side can deploy a elite/spartan team to gather the ships AI in the bridge. all players spawn as ground troops and must defend the AI at all cost only with raw man/fire power in corridors and near the bridge the ship is on lock down and and the opposing team must break through the ships corridors to reach the AI, once the AI is reached a video plays of them taking the AI and leaving the ship in drop ships to rendezvous with a rescue ship and the “losing ship” self destructs and no one wins or loses each time



50mm Auto-cannon
Archer-Missile Pod
Longsword Interceptor
Ground Support Vehicles

Special: (QUICK NOTE: you will spawn as different people each time you die, like say your a marine who was dropped off by a pelican *pilot* and died in battle, you can spawn as another person like say a nearby AI or a waked unconscious *ODST*)

March 11th, 2011, 11:20 AM
Uhm. Okay. First off I would like to say that it sounds really neat. Secondly, what engine do you plan to do this in? 32-256 players is not a small amount. I understand the AI, but it seems like it'll be a little difficult. A story is fine, so is how the game will pan out. The true meat and bones comes from the engine, the modelers, the artists, and programmers.

March 11th, 2011, 11:47 AM
Uhm. Okay. First off I would like to say that it sounds really neat. Secondly, what engine do you plan to do this in? 32-256 players is not a small amount. I understand the AI, but it seems like it'll be a little difficult. A story is fine, so is how the game will pan out. The true meat and bones comes from the engine, the modelers, the artists, and programmers.

In order to move on to what you say engine, art ect... you need a canvas first, something to anchor work on.
I must first make the design and when complete take care of engine, models coding.

March 11th, 2011, 05:20 PM
In order to move on to what you say engine, art ect... you need a canvas first, something to anchor work on.
I must first make the design and when complete take care of engine, models coding.

Well, when designing for certain engines you need to take certain factors into consideration. You may find that you run into unexpected issues when importing certain assets into a particular engine. You should look for an engine that suits your needs right now and then tailor your mod to work on it. The sooner you decide what engine you are going to use, the better.

March 16th, 2011, 09:30 AM
hey i've got a great idea for a game. i need a coder an artist a modeler and someone to make the website. it will be named JELLYSmod after me, the creator.

March 16th, 2011, 10:18 AM
Somewhat related, see:


Also, as mentioned, when you create a game. THE VERY FIRST GOD DAMN FUCKING THING you do is decide what engine it will be for. When games like COD, Halo, or something even like Forza, are being designed the first thing they look at is what are their core mechanics and what engine will best suite them or should they make their own proprietary engine. Also, what are your core mechanics? I see objectives and story but no well defined mechanics.

March 16th, 2011, 05:38 PM
Look for an article on the web called "Anatomy of a Game Design Document." And if/when you do, link it here, because I've been having trouble finding it myself. It exists, somewhere, because Gamasutra published it.

March 16th, 2011, 06:12 PM
This is nothing like a game design document, and I should know as I had to write one lmao. As usual, the new guy thinking he could achieve such a huge goal ...

March 16th, 2011, 06:55 PM
Look for an article on the web called "Anatomy of a Game Design Document." And if/when you do, link it here, because I've been having trouble finding it myself. It exists, somewhere, because Gamasutra published it.


March 19th, 2011, 04:30 AM
Admittedly, I looked for it back in 2009, and I couldn't find it. I mean, I had the link, but it was always broken. Thanks for finding it.

Luzaphant, read that article before you do anything else.

March 20th, 2011, 05:49 PM
In fact, it wouldn't hurt to write a mock game design article.

March 21st, 2011, 04:08 PM
Well, he can knock one up for this...idea...and then revise it after it gets viewed. Making a mock-up is no good if he doesn't have someone to submit to for review.