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View Full Version : Halo CE Dedicated Server Issue solution

March 19th, 2011, 04:13 AM
Hey everyone i just wanted to post to help people. I found out last night that the problem that i was having with my servers was not windows 7. It was AVG (anti virus) it cause them to stop working for some reason. Im not sure if it was resident shield or the fire wall but it was that which was causing the problem. I just wanted to post this maybe helping someone so they do no have to go through what i did for months. Well the other night i put AVG on the server pc (as it has no virus protection after my reformation from Win7 (which had AVG on it)). So i put AVG on then the problem started happening again...So then i uninstalled it and it worked perfect :D!!!!!!!!!

just check your anti virus..

also the error you will get is "This is a Server Fuction Only!"

Just trying to help out anyone with Ce problems

My fully working 100% working set up:

-1.09 dedi .exe
- Sapp 1.09 (patched)
-Switching to version 1 (v1 in the init.txt)
-Patcher (for ASCII/enable dev commands/No CD key check/don't force version)
-separate folder for each dedicated server
-Switching the specified CPU each server

Anyone needs help or something just send me a pm or add haloking2323 on xfire. Thank you for you time. I just never have see an explanation for this stupid error so i posted it here. Freelancer you can lock this or whatever btw ill be posting it on my clan site as well.

March 19th, 2011, 05:09 AM
I've ran the latest haloceded on a Win7 machine before and didn't have any issues. I told Windows to allow it through the Windows firewall (last I checked, AVG doesn't have its own), that's about all there was to it vOv

March 19th, 2011, 05:29 AM
I run AVG and I never have the freeze/stopping issue with my CE server. I'll see if jcap is using AVG on the official servers, and if so get him to add all the server related directories to the ID Protection, PUP, and Resident Shield Excluded lists. If that solves the problem, awesome, I know it's a possibility as I had a similar problem with Crysis 1 and AVG awhile back.

Thanks for the heads up, but uninstalling your AV isn't really a solution, take heed of the advice above instead.

March 19th, 2011, 07:30 AM
Just wondering though, are you using the 64bit version of Windows 7? The issue with running Halo servers on Windows Server 2008 64bit is that all players lose connection in one go once in a while. But you'll only notice this by either experiencing it yourself, by getting a heads-up from other players or by checking through the logs as it doesn't happen all too often.

March 19th, 2011, 09:00 AM
Yes win7 64 and well i mean it came to a point where the servers would fall one by one id go to sleep wake up and then boom. All of them are down. :/ but im not going to install AVG on that pc just to be safe. Also is anyone know how to set up an efficient banning system? Problems im having

1. People randomly get added to the banlist i have ? (ff is off btw)
2. I ban someone on one server then they just go in anohter.

March 19th, 2011, 11:47 AM
you have your servers set up wrong that's why...
i'll fix it for you later

March 19th, 2011, 01:56 PM
you have your servers set up wrong that's why...
i'll fix it for you later

you say that alll the time :P and it never works. lets make a server tool :P with z Ear Oh

March 19th, 2011, 05:55 PM
Your servers should be sharing a banlist if they're on the same system lol.

March 19th, 2011, 06:49 PM
Your servers should be sharing a banlist if they're on the same system lol.

really? did not know that >.> lol anyway do you know why some people are getting auto banned last week the banlist inclueded 500 people and i banned maybe like 4 or 5 botters. Teamkill is off in every server but i do have ping and afk kick on from sapp

March 19th, 2011, 08:38 PM
really? did not know that >.> lol anyway do you know why some people are getting auto banned last week the banlist inclueded 500 people and i banned maybe like 4 or 5 botters. Teamkill is off in every server but i do have ping and afk kick on from sapp
Unless you set something up custom for some reason, all the servers can pull from the 'Documents\My Games\Halo CE' directory for gametypes, logs, and banlist...

March 19th, 2011, 10:01 PM
It's not antivirus software causing the problem. Maybe you managed to reproduce it somehow with AVG.

Also AVG blows.

March 19th, 2011, 10:33 PM
k i've only said that the banlist is global to all servers hundreds of times... and everytime i set it up you change it to the way "you want"

instead of doing a folder for each instance. use bat files on the same .exe


March 19th, 2011, 10:41 PM
Why are you even trying to help him supersniper... If he can't even take the time to go read the documentation at halomaps on Dedicated server setup for CE servers... Man, really not someone I'd want running servers in the first place.

March 20th, 2011, 02:45 PM
where do you host the Modacity servers O.o i get 65 ping

March 20th, 2011, 09:22 PM
I don't know the exact location, but a simple IP lookup on the servers reveals:

Hosted on FIOS 25/25 Mbps line.

March 21st, 2011, 12:07 AM
I don't know the exact location, but a simple IP lookup on the servers reveals:

Hosted on FIOS 25/25 Mbps line.
