View Full Version : Trine 2 is going to be AMAZING!
April 22nd, 2011, 08:22 PM
If any of you have not had the opportunity to orgasm over the Gameplay and Graphics of the original Trine for any price you want, go here:
The Humble FrozenByte Indie Bundle (
Just a reminder, that pack still has just under 4 days until the sale is over. SO GET IT NOW!
Now that we got that out of the way, I present to you! TRINE 2! Packed with new features, monsters, locations, Bosses! It's back and even more beautiful than the first game!
HD Gameplay Trailer:
Holy Fuck You Have to See This!:
Release: Q3 2011; End of summer.
April 22nd, 2011, 09:14 PM
Pretty awesome, loved the first one.
April 23rd, 2011, 08:13 PM
Nobody else likes Trine? I know Pyong got crazy bout it when he first ran it.
April 24th, 2011, 12:46 AM
I've never played it. Looks rather good, especially for a side-scroller.
April 24th, 2011, 02:09 AM
I've never played it. Looks rather good, especially for a side-scroller.
You can still get it. go now. Also the codes for the games work on steam so you don't have to keep track of the site.
April 24th, 2011, 02:54 AM
Will Splot show up on Steam when it's out or no?
April 24th, 2011, 07:09 AM
Wow, that looks pretty good. Might have to check that out.
July 30th, 2011, 12:51 PM
Trine 2 is so fucking beautiful:
July 30th, 2011, 01:51 PM
implying sidescrollers are inferior to other kinds of games
August 1st, 2011, 07:35 AM
ooh, this looks good. I've been looking for a game like this, something fun with a lot of atmosphere and great visuals with a little more action than The Undergarden.
E: coop? any good?
August 1st, 2011, 10:48 AM
well i might as well abandon my indy project now, since it's absolute shit compared to this :C
August 1st, 2011, 11:32 AM
ooh, this looks good. I've been looking for a game like this, something fun with a lot of atmosphere and great visuals with a little more action than The Undergarden.
E: coop? any good?
Trine 1 only has local samescreen coop, but I've managed to get it to do online coop using StreamMyGame, but quality ain't that great unless you have a good upload speed. The best part, though is that I got my netbook to play it on highest settings on a low resolution to fit the screen so it ran really well and the host computer can still play the game at the same time so that's how LAN or Online coop is possible with Trine 1. Trine 2 will have online coop, though, so don't worry. The only thing I'm worried about for Trine 2 is the price. Trine 1 is still $20 on Steam. I got it in the Frozenbyte pack from the Humble Indie Bundle for $5 earlier this year, though.
August 2nd, 2011, 07:39 AM
Trine 1 was $10 on PSN. Played it all evening and a little coop with my gf. It sucks switching back and forth between the thief so that both of you can get through the level but that's really the only complaint I can think of. This game is so good I'm going to play two runs at the same time; coop and single player.
I just hope Trine 2 isn't that expensive.
August 10th, 2011, 10:22 AM
Forgot to post this one at the start of June:
August 11th, 2011, 07:52 AM
I hope the story art is a little better. The cutscenes in 1 look like they were drawn on the back of a Trapper Keeper.
I want to build a big log house, sweep the floors with a straw broom, let the chickens loose, and play this music inside it all day.
August 11th, 2011, 12:05 PM
I hope the story art is a little better. The cutscenes in 1 look like they were drawn on the back of a Trapper Keeper.
They were supposed to be like that. It adds to the fantasy element.
Mr Buckshot
August 11th, 2011, 03:42 PM
They were supposed to be like that. It adds to the fantasy element.
yeah, that "children's book feel" was part of what made the experience so memorable for me. Hope they keep it up!
August 11th, 2011, 03:48 PM
They were supposed to be like that. It adds to the fantasy element.
I dunno, all those stills just seem poorly drawn...take a look at the wizard's face, or the thief''s weird and incorrect.
August 11th, 2011, 07:42 PM
Are you kidding me? That's the artistic look they wanted so that it looks like it came out of an old story book. The second image is just concept art.
September 21st, 2011, 01:29 PM
Two great new Trine 2 videos:
September 21st, 2011, 02:29 PM
September 22nd, 2011, 07:16 AM
gimme now
October 27th, 2011, 09:09 PM
OMFG Trine 2 Pre-purchase is now available on steam! AT ONLY $15! OMFG. FUCKING STEAL. + the multiplayer beta is out now for those who pre-purchase. PLZ purchase and give me somebody to play with :)
Epic screenshots:
October 28th, 2011, 03:28 AM
just pre-purcahsed, but i can't play with ya, i'm at the studio, and as usual all ports are blocked.
October 28th, 2011, 02:19 PM
Holy lighting Batman, that looks good.
October 28th, 2011, 03:43 PM
I installed and played a bit of the beta. It looks just as good as the screenshots I posted.
It's so cool. There's drop-in/drop-out co-op available :D Playing the whole thing through by myself first, though.
October 28th, 2011, 05:38 PM
Oh wow, I just learned that this game can be played cross-platform between PC, Mac, Linux, PS3, and X360. That's awesome.
Mr Buckshot
October 31st, 2011, 06:09 PM
Now a proud owner of a Trine 2 preorder on Steam :)
$15 is less than they deserve. If they release Trine 2 in another Humble Bundle, I'm paying over $15 for sure.
October 31st, 2011, 11:29 PM
Well, considering that they are still working on Splot, I think it'll be quite some time before we seem them in a Humble Bundle again.
November 1st, 2011, 08:52 AM
I recorded the interactive starting screen:
You can play around with the three characters' most basic weapons and abilities in the interactive starting screen. Since I've only played the first level of the game and collected few experience potions, I don't know if the starting screen will update the characters with new weapons and abilities as you progress through the game.
As you can see at the bottom of the screen, it says "Click here to start." When you click that it brings up the full main menu (you get a glimpse of it at the end of the video).
November 4th, 2011, 01:19 AM
Fuck yeah!
November 4th, 2011, 07:17 AM
been waiting (impatiently) for this and today is payday :downsdance:
November 4th, 2011, 10:08 AM
Excellent. Who wants to play co-op?
December 7th, 2011, 12:14 PM
Trine 2 is out today! :iamafag:
Mr Buckshot
December 8th, 2011, 08:24 AM
I like how the full game gives beta players the option of resuming where the beta left off, with all their items/upgrades carrying over. Very nice touch.
December 8th, 2011, 02:10 PM
WHAT? If I knew that I would have played the second mission of the beta as well.
December 13th, 2011, 01:50 AM
Do want. Everything ATLUS touches is amazing.
December 13th, 2011, 01:57 AM
OMG, I'm absolutely loving this game so far. Since I fancy myself a Trine 1 veteran, I'm playing on hard mode, which isn't really that hard, but maybe I'm just used to it. The combat encounters are a good step above regular, though. It's all good, but I find myself spending almost 5 minutes on two or three advanced puzzles in each level. However, when I do get it eventually, it's so satisfying. It's like playing an even more beautiful combat-based, side-scrolling Portal. And yeah, there are portals you can use in this game :3
I feel like I'm going to get more out of the story missions in this game than any $60 game out there right now. I haven't played co-op, yet but I expect I shall be partnering up with Buckshot and ThePlague soon and hopefully anyone else out there. Everything is so perfect in this game (of course it has a few minor glitches here and there). The only thing I'm left wanting is cross-platform play. That would be awesome. PC + PS3 + X360 = Unified = PC elitists and Consolefags can't bitch no more.
December 13th, 2011, 02:00 AM
PS3 - PC cross-platform happens more often than 360 - PC, because Live rules are a bitch.
December 13th, 2011, 02:01 AM
No info yet on about this. I'll stop by Gamefags tomorrow and see if they have it.
December 13th, 2011, 12:44 PM
I'm pretty sure Trine 2 is downloadable only from the XBOX LIVE Marketplace or Arcade. I don't know which one, but I very much doubt there are physical copes.
Mr Buckshot
December 14th, 2011, 12:11 PM
very very few indie games nowadays get a physical distribution regardless of platform. You'll need to buy it as a download.
anyway, the game engine isn't the most intense out there, so I'm pretty sure it'll run fine on low end PCs, for those who might want the console version due to hardware issues. Even an ultraportable laptop with a low voltage i3 and a GMA HD can play it at medium settings fine. The PC version has multiple gamepad or keyboard/mouse support for local play as well.
December 14th, 2011, 02:09 PM
The engine is very scalable. I can run it no problem at the very highest settings with Very High AA (FXAA + 3xSSAA) on my system (X4 955BE stock, HD 5750 stock, 8GB 1333Mhz DDR3). As soon as you turn on the AA, the super sampling AA throws your framerate to shit on GPUs that can't handle it, but otherwise it runs excellent on old hardware. My iMac (E7600, Hd 4670M, 4GB 1066Mhz) can run it all highest settings with no AA at 1920x1080. In fact, I recorded this video using FRAPS on it:
Even my netbook can run the game on lowest settings at a 1024x600. Of course it looks pretty bad since there would be a lot of aliasing at that low res, but it's still good enough for playing.
March 16th, 2012, 11:02 AM
Trine 2 Expansion Pack:
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