View Full Version : [COMPETITION] BobtheGreatII's May Modeling Challenge: Forerunner Map

May 1st, 2011, 01:59 AM
Welcome to May - June Modeling Competition!

Create a playable and fun Forerunner themed multiplayer map for Halo Custom Edition!

What it should be:
The map should follow the standard Forerunner theme. Try your best to keep it in the Halo Universe. Feel free to use textures that are already created. If you use tags from someone else, be sure to list them and give them proper credit. Try to keep the map process to yourself, but if you must you can work in a group. No guarantees the prize will be split though.* The map itself can follow any size. Small, Medium, or Large. All maps must support all game types. Try to make it as fun as you can too. No rules against having map testing, but I'm not to be blamed for stolen ideas or tags. Anything you think is yours must be posted here first for all to see.
What it shouldn't be:
The map should not have UV errors. Exception errors will guarantee an almost immediate disqualification. Modeling problems, shadow problems, and other unpleasant errors will knock down on the rating.
Please post WIP in this thread, to be judged, critiqued, and hopefully to help you in your map making process!

Required pieces include:

The Map!
A list of tags, textures, or models used and their appropriate author!
Top down finished map render showing playable paths.

You must show progress, including renders! Any final model entries with no WIP renders/screenshots will not be accepted. Also, it may seem like a given, but all maps must be created between the 1st of May and the 30th of June . No previous work will be accepted!

Rules can change as seen fit by me, or the forum to protect original work, and properly judge the competition. Redirect comments and questions about judging and other issues to here:

The Prize:
*The prize is still up in the air. It will be announced as soon as I can work something out. I'm aiming for a gift card through Steam currently.

Now get to work!

>>Rules Have Changed<<
- Sketch is no longer required.
- You now have two months.
- From now on, you can use a previously un-released map to submit to the competition. (Note, Beta or Alpha releases don't count as a release). This does mean however, that it must be your work, if any of the map was done by someone else (excluding tags of course) without their permission it will lead to immediate disqualification. The forum will be my support for seeing that these maps are done by you and only you. Remember, WIP shot are still required in this thread, any released content without some work being showed will also lead to immediate disqualification.

May 1st, 2011, 05:54 AM
Awesome competition! I'll give it a go if I have some time to model stuff.

Rainbow Dash
May 1st, 2011, 08:50 AM
A sketch of the map layout! (This is for proof it was your idea)

Also, it may seem like a given, but all maps must be created in this month. No previous work will be accepted!

These are both kinda dumb tbh, not everyone makes a sketch of their map (I certainly never have, revelations, requiem, sympathy, etc)

As for the second rule, this would probably be good in a community where it's not only normal to have multiple WIPs, but also way more people. You're eliminating pretty much just one of the maybe 4 entries you'll get in this (if you're lucky) by not allowing maps started relatively recently.

You should also extend the deadline, and give at the very least three months instead.

May 1st, 2011, 02:25 PM
I'd have to agree. Perhaps you should do asset challenges as opposed to an entire map.

May 1st, 2011, 02:39 PM
Maybe a forerunner structure, as opposed to an entire map?

And on the note of drawings; they never seem to work out right when I do them, and I end up just going off of my creativity.

May 1st, 2011, 03:44 PM
This is not the place to be posting these. Post all comments about the competition here: http://www.modacity.net/forums/showt...g-Competitions (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?23235-Bring-Back-Modeling-Competitions)

This thread is for the WIP. The rules stand though. Deadline will be extended. It's two months. Three is extravagant. And the rule isn't mine. It was Snaf's from the original modeling competitions. It makes sense to me. And I will not accept any maps that have been worked on previously. This is a given for a monthly modeling competition. If you could pull out any old dusty map and submit it, you haven't put forth the effort to create something from scratch for this month. That rule will not change. All maps must be made this between this month and the end of the next.

And no, it's a map. Not a structure.

I can remove the sketch from the competition, but I will not be accountable for stolen ideas or layouts.

May 2nd, 2011, 01:08 AM
kewl, i think i might participate.

Llama Juice
May 2nd, 2011, 08:49 PM
Hrm... I might actually use this to jump back into some modeling, rather than continuing my lazy.

May 3rd, 2011, 01:26 AM
Hrm... I might actually use this to jump back into some modeling, rather than continuing my lazy.

hehe yeah that was exactly my reasoning :P

May 3rd, 2011, 01:23 PM
This is what I'm hoping for. I need to get to work on mine. Sheesh.

May 5th, 2011, 06:34 PM
Well this answers my question. Bummer, I was going to finish this Forerunner map in Max and import it to CE. Oh well.

May 6th, 2011, 04:36 PM
Well this answers my question. Bummer, I was going to finish this Forerunner map in Max and import it to CE. Oh well.

Alright, here's the deal, I'm seeing this is becoming a major issue with all of you. I will change the rule.

- From now on, you can use a previously un-released map to submit to the competition. (Note, Beta or Alpha releases don't count as a release). This does mean however, that it must be your work, if any of the map was done by someone else (excluding tags of course) without their permission it will lead to immediate disqualification. The forum will be my support for seeing that these maps are done by you and only you. Remember, WIP shot are still required in this thread, any released content without some work being showed will also lead to immediate disqualification.

You have the next two months to pretty up the map, and make it the most fun and enjoyable map in the competition.

Seem reasonable?

May 6th, 2011, 06:49 PM
Alright, here's the deal, I'm seeing this is becoming a major issue with all of you. I will change the rule.

- From now on, you can use a previously un-released map to submit to the competition. (Note, Beta or Alpha releases don't count as a release). This does mean however, that it must be your work, if any of the map was done by someone else (excluding tags of course) without their permission it will lead to immediate disqualification. The forum will be my support for seeing that these maps are done by you and only you. Remember, WIP shot are still required in this thread, any released content without some work being showed will also lead to immediate disqualification.

You have the next two months to pretty up the map, and make it the most fun and enjoyable map in the competition.

Seem reasonable?
Perfectly reasonable. I'll try to post a render ASAP!

Rainbow Dash
May 7th, 2011, 03:31 PM

wip shots :v:v

May 8th, 2011, 10:04 AM
We have no chance now. NVOUS is going to destroy....

May 8th, 2011, 02:20 PM
I think there should be some more specific parameters for this rule or it should be revoked.

As an example most conveniently provided by sel, we can see he pretty much has a solid piece of map already made, giving him a huge head start. With this chunk established, he probably has game play, design and many other processes done that would have taken up some of the competition time, giving him an unfair edge.

I propose having modelers be able to draw limited resources from previous maps as that would be a fair compromise.

So in theory, Sel would have the resource to to bring in one large structure and one small one and maybe 4 miscellaneous props(These can be adjusted to your liking).
The way to define what is a large structure or small structure can be simply done by using the stock spartan and lining them up next to said structure. This would take only a minute for the modeler to do and can be easily defined by competition maker (bob).
So for example, Boba could say one large structure 4 spartans wide and 5 spartans high can be used and one small structure 2 spartans wide and 3 spartans high (these are just random numbers, bob would define the actual heights and widths). With these requirements a modeler would simply present a quick render of the model with the spartans lined up to show proper measurement.

This would not be complicated at all and would take at most 5 minutes out of a modelers time. Also with this technique they can have parts of their older map they wish to have, but do not gain an unfair advantage as they will have to still build a map around these resources and go through the design processes everyone else has to endure.

Rainbow Dash
May 8th, 2011, 03:49 PM
Thing is, Requiem is totally done model/gameplay wise, it's development time was also just under two months, the allotted time for this contest is two months. I don't really see the issue here since I'm not going to be doing anything aside from very minor tweeks at this point lol. Hardly an edge tbh, unless I was going to take these next two months to do major work on it which would be unfair, since I'd have literally double the time.

I originally suggested that only recent projects should be allowed though, which I still believe would be the best solution to this.

Llama Juice
May 8th, 2011, 06:25 PM
Nah, let Sel toss it in. This gives people a deadline to finish their maps. Just 'cause Sel made a map that's pretty in a few months doesn't mean you can't do the same.

Make it awesome, and then brag about beating a guy who spent twice as long on it.

Rainbow Dash
May 8th, 2011, 06:30 PM
Nah, let Sel toss it in. This gives people a deadline to finish their maps. Just 'cause Sel made a map that's pretty in a few months doesn't mean you can't do the same.

Make it awesome, and then brag about beating a guy who spent twice as long on it.

The whole point is that I haven't spent twice as long on it. I spent around two months on it, and there were significant breaks in between that too, if anything you guys could spend even more time on your projects than I did : p

Llama Juice
May 8th, 2011, 06:49 PM
I know, that wasn't the point sir. I was trying to be motivational and stuff.

It's like how I brag about graduating Salutatorian of my class. There were 7 people in my graduating class.

May 9th, 2011, 07:02 PM


It's about halfway done. I've taken a lot of inspiration from Epitaph and made it more simplistic. I'm not a major Forerunner modeler and I'm definitely not a pro at it as this is my first legitimate attempt at Forerunner. I've modeled a decent amount of human architecture (Mombassa streets, Old Mombassa buildings, and other junk I've attempted for fun), so I thought it would be good going into Forerunner. There isn't much to see on the other side yet (duh), but I'll hopefully have this done soon after AP Testing is finished.

Critique about the model? Don't point out the obvious error triangle I spot on that platform; I was just trying to put a render up.

May 9th, 2011, 08:49 PM
Hey, looking like a good start. Keep up the work. Not much to really critique on yet. I know personally, I'm really getting the layout and basic stuff done before I start texturing and adding more details. I'm looking forward to seeing more.


I got a PM that I thought might need addressed here.

The forerunner mapping competition thread doesn't state (or, well, at least I didn't see it) any guidelines about what defines a forerunner map? Does it need to be strictly structure (I.E epitaph) or can it be organic too (blood gulch)? The reason I ask is that the map I've come up with is a sort of sanctuary and there are plenty of organic elements to the map (streams, rock facings, pathways) that relate with the actual inorganic elements (ramps, bases, shrines, structures). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

The answer is: Of course. Feel free to incorporate more organic elements in to the map. I define a map such as blood gulch to be a forerunner map, it doesn't have to be strictly a forerunner building all around. The main point I was trying to make was not to make a map that is human based (possible future map competition).

Sorry about not addressing this earlier.

May 23rd, 2011, 02:01 PM

Part of the new section I've added.


General overview of the map with new sections.

Any critique? I know some areas look bland (the middle pillars for instance), but I'm planning to get to those after everything else is modeled in. I still have to do the floor first. Then I'll vary those pillars a bit, add in the ceiling, then finish the exterior walls and what not to make it close-world enough for tool's liking.

May 23rd, 2011, 02:35 PM
Your doors aren't really following proper forerunner design. Try looking at some other maps for designs. Also, be careful of those faces that are not quite sitting completely flat. It's a quick fix, and well worth it when it comes to lightmaps later. Hard to really be judging much else. But certainly keep it up. You have another month left still.

May 23rd, 2011, 07:15 PM
Your doors aren't really following proper forerunner design. Try looking at some other maps for designs. Also, be careful of those faces that are not quite sitting completely flat. It's a quick fix, and well worth it when it comes to lightmaps later. Hard to really be judging much else. But certainly keep it up. You have another month left still.

Yeah, I was a bit wary of the doors, but I think they're reminiscent of Epitaph's doors, Epitaph being the map I have gotten a ton of inspiration from for this map. Unfortunately, I just checked the Epitaph doors and most of them aren't similar to each other and just trying to make it more like some of the more Forerunner ones is extremely tedious due to my having to reconstruct the areas where the door branches off the guard rails on the exterior passages.

May 25th, 2011, 12:39 AM
Would I actually have to submit a tagged and compiled .map, or would just the model suffice? It is after all, a modeling competition and not a mapping comp...

May 25th, 2011, 01:08 AM
Would I actually have to submit a tagged and compiled .map, or would just the model suffice? It is after all, a modeling competition and not a mapping comp...

It would be nice if it were in game. Because then you're still having to follow all the rules of mapping, or else you could just go crazy with it with no restriction to poly limit, sealed world, and so on. Worst case scenario see if someone else might be willing to tag it and get it in game for fun for you.

May 25th, 2011, 04:04 AM
Good point. I have some ideas knocking about, but I haven't really modeled or used hek in a long time, so we'll see...

May 25th, 2011, 05:18 AM

Yeah, don't know how to render. I don't have much chances against the experienced modelers of this community, so my map, Airwalk is more about the gameplay, not visuals. The map's heavily based on many teleporters. I'd make air lifts if they worked better in Halo CE. CTF map has two bases on each side, the base structures have each three teleporters to the middle structure. There are no sniper rifles or banshees on the map, except one of each when it's Slayer. Both bases have overshields on top and the middle structure has active camo.

May 25th, 2011, 03:20 PM
That looks pretty cool, Lateski.

May 30th, 2011, 05:02 PM
Looks interesting Lateski. Are you setting up for a more big teamed based Forerunner map?




Some progress. Everything in the map is modeled except for the ceiling and another, non-gameplay section. If you have any suggestions (besides the doors and the render that makes the textures look bad) then please do tell. I'm just messing with the ceiling right now and I'm not exactly sure what to do with it.

June 16th, 2011, 10:11 PM
Hey, is this thing still on? It's almost the end of June and there's no activity here besides me.lol.

June 18th, 2011, 08:59 AM
I'm too busy right now. I'd love to make the model ready tho.

June 18th, 2011, 06:38 PM
Hit a snag with my map, and honestly It's getting pretty ridiculous. I don't really have a problem, I'll post some of my stuff maybe tomorrow. But I would really like to see more people show up to this thing.

June 18th, 2011, 11:13 PM
Mine finally go in-game and I'm just tweaking BSP issues I find that I can fix. I still need to fix some UVW errors, need to make some portions bigger, have to model/texture/export a scenery, and finally need to put the BSP in Aether.

June 21st, 2011, 06:57 AM

Yeah, don't know how to render. I don't have much chances against the experienced modelers of this community, so my map, Airwalk is more about the gameplay, not visuals. The map's heavily based on many teleporters. I'd make air lifts if they worked better in Halo CE. CTF map has two bases on each side, the base structures have each three teleporters to the middle structure. There are no sniper rifles or banshees on the map, except one of each when it's Slayer. Both bases have overshields on top and the middle structure has active camo.

idk, i actually really like the looks of that map.

June 30th, 2011, 09:16 AM


I'm a bit worried about having too many lights on the map (a bit for FPS and a bit for just looks). Also, I send Conscars my thanks for making such a well done sky from Lumoria.

June 30th, 2011, 01:20 PM
You should invest some more time in UV'ing and texturing the map. It could be a really great map if the textures were much better.

June 30th, 2011, 03:30 PM
You should invest some more time in UV'ing and texturing the map. It could be a really great map if the textures were much better.
Well I've been trying to find good textures for it besides the Stock ones and I always fall short.

June 30th, 2011, 04:35 PM
stock > anything else

June 30th, 2011, 06:26 PM
stock > anything else
Alright. So what textures do you propose I change? Only the ones that compose the pillars (H3 Textures)?

June 30th, 2011, 06:38 PM
Take a look at these.
See how the textures are done. Each part has its own individual texture (or so it seems). On your map, it appears that you just selected huge portions of it and applied a texture and spent no time actually working out the UVs.

June 30th, 2011, 07:52 PM
I see what you mean now. That makes sense and since I don't actually have to change the coordinates of the map to do so, I won't be too worried about just texturing. Thanks for crit!

July 1st, 2011, 01:52 AM
Hey, Think I'll extend this another month. Strictly so I can get my map released too. :P $60 gift card on steam is a go though. So work hard.

July 1st, 2011, 02:09 AM
omg, self-preferential treatment!

July 1st, 2011, 03:25 PM

How do the UVWs look now? I'll get to making the catwalk nicer soon, but I need recommendations on what textures would make them look nice without clashing with the exterior walls. Any suggestions?

July 1st, 2011, 03:37 PM
Still needs a bit of work. Looks much better though. :)

July 1st, 2011, 03:40 PM
Still needs a bit of work. Looks much better though. :)
Yay! Which areas particularly? I need to know whether or not the interior walls need work, mainly because I can't tell what looks nice with that particular texture (I can tell what's higher res, but not what actually looks nice. The tiled look has always bothered me.)

July 1st, 2011, 03:50 PM
The interior walls. I suggest adding more geometry to break up the 'boringness'. Just for decoration though.
See how there is the texture strip on the wall straight ahead. Things like that.
You may have to add more geometry. Just subtle changes though.

July 1st, 2011, 04:01 PM
Hmmm, you do have a point there. My only argument is that keep in mind the level isn't populated with Light fixtures that consume wall-space and I also have a piece of vital scenery that needs to be added, which will vary up the level a bit so it's not as flat.

I'm not trying to mess with the Geometry too much because it was a pain to get to a decent state as it currently is. You'll notice some errors when you look in the video that were difficult to even get them to that stage. It's not so much I'm lazy, but I don't find messing with entire makeups of the geometry to be exactly feasible right now.

July 1st, 2011, 04:12 PM
You can use the cut tool to go in and cut out where you want certain textures to go though. Not really modeling.

August 19th, 2011, 04:53 PM
So who won?

August 19th, 2011, 10:55 PM
No one. No maps ever got finally submitted. No one really seemed interested. I gave it a shot though. *shrug*

August 20th, 2011, 01:06 AM
I was wondering what happened to this because the thread lost attention after Disaster's last response to my post.

Rainbow Dash
August 20th, 2011, 09:35 AM
Well you never really gave a due date.

Or atleast none that I can see in this thread

August 20th, 2011, 06:42 PM
The end of June was the deadline. Says it on the front page. Maybe not as simple as that. But oh well.

Locking this before it turns in to a shit-storm.

August 20th, 2011, 06:42 PM