May 16th, 2011, 05:01 PM
I found this on Reddit/r/gaming.
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There you can sign up/extended LIVE Gold for just $1/month. I only tried up to 5 times and got 5 months of LIVE added to my account. And I don't even have an XBOX :haw:
2 things to note:
1. It'll say that the system is glitched after every payment, but the payments will still go through and add to your account. You'll get the confirmation e-mails within 5 minutes.
2. The payments are recurring so make sure to call up LIVE service and tell them to cancel the recurring payments. If you already have recurring payments to live on your credit card, don't cancel the auto-renew.
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There you can sign up/extended LIVE Gold for just $1/month. I only tried up to 5 times and got 5 months of LIVE added to my account. And I don't even have an XBOX :haw:
2 things to note:
1. It'll say that the system is glitched after every payment, but the payments will still go through and add to your account. You'll get the confirmation e-mails within 5 minutes.
2. The payments are recurring so make sure to call up LIVE service and tell them to cancel the recurring payments. If you already have recurring payments to live on your credit card, don't cancel the auto-renew.