May 17th, 2011, 10:35 PM
As of now I have finished my new forge map called, "Snake Weave." This is a symmetrical map geared towards team objective game types, such as, CTF and Assault. My design philosophy is simplicity. I want to keep this map as simple and clean looking as I possibly can; getting away from those all too common, incredibly elaborate, overly forged maps that give you a panic attack at first glance.
In making this map I drew a lot of inspiration from Halo CE and the maps Sidewinder and Danger canyon. I looked into each map and tried to follow the base designs, map traversal, and weapon layout as closely as I could. The end product feels good but I won't know for sure until I'm able to play a few rounds with at least 6 players total. Please download and tell me what you think; if we get enough people I'd like to try to schedule a play date so that I can get a true feel of what I have created. All the map information is as follows:
Map type: 8 vs 8 team objective/slayer
Supported Game types: Assault, Capture the Flag, Stock Pile, King of the Hill, Slayer game variants.
Vehicles: Mongoose x2, Warthog default x2.
power weapon(s): Grenade Launcher x1, Sniper Rifle x2, Shotgun x2
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In making this map I drew a lot of inspiration from Halo CE and the maps Sidewinder and Danger canyon. I looked into each map and tried to follow the base designs, map traversal, and weapon layout as closely as I could. The end product feels good but I won't know for sure until I'm able to play a few rounds with at least 6 players total. Please download and tell me what you think; if we get enough people I'd like to try to schedule a play date so that I can get a true feel of what I have created. All the map information is as follows:
Map type: 8 vs 8 team objective/slayer
Supported Game types: Assault, Capture the Flag, Stock Pile, King of the Hill, Slayer game variants.
Vehicles: Mongoose x2, Warthog default x2.
power weapon(s): Grenade Launcher x1, Sniper Rifle x2, Shotgun x2
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