View Full Version : [MAP] Snake Weave

May 17th, 2011, 10:35 PM
As of now I have finished my new forge map called, "Snake Weave." This is a symmetrical map geared towards team objective game types, such as, CTF and Assault. My design philosophy is simplicity. I want to keep this map as simple and clean looking as I possibly can; getting away from those all too common, incredibly elaborate, overly forged maps that give you a panic attack at first glance.

In making this map I drew a lot of inspiration from Halo CE and the maps Sidewinder and Danger canyon. I looked into each map and tried to follow the base designs, map traversal, and weapon layout as closely as I could. The end product feels good but I won't know for sure until I'm able to play a few rounds with at least 6 players total. Please download and tell me what you think; if we get enough people I'd like to try to schedule a play date so that I can get a true feel of what I have created. All the map information is as follows:

Map type: 8 vs 8 team objective/slayer

Supported Game types: Assault, Capture the Flag, Stock Pile, King of the Hill, Slayer game variants.

Vehicles: Mongoose x2, Warthog default x2.

power weapon(s): Grenade Launcher x1, Sniper Rifle x2, Shotgun x2

Bugs are fixed, now click me! (http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=17846040&player=Recon%20V17)

Video Tour:
Ha! Who needs to embed? (http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=17818518&player=Recon%20V17)



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May 18th, 2011, 12:08 AM
Looks quite good actually, reminds me a lot of Halo 1 maps. I'll be sure to try it out :)

May 18th, 2011, 12:21 AM
Sorry for the double post, but there's a very big problem with your map. I just quickly tested out the map alone in FFA, and killed myself to test out the spawning. Turns out your respawning isn't working, and I'm spawning at the default respawn points for Forge World, being way outside the map...might wanna look into that.

May 18th, 2011, 12:50 AM
That's odd, so far I have yet to spawn anywhere but inside the boundaries of my map during play tests on a local connection. Regardless I'll remove the current link and fix this.

EDIT: Guh, I know what happened. I had two saves for the same map but one had a few things out of whack. I deleted the one that I thought was screwed up and kept building on the corrupt one. Alright so I'm restructuring the first post and making this into a WIP...Serves me right for not doing one last play test...

EDIT: EDIT: Alright, all spawning problems have been fixed, new download link on the first post.

February 29th, 2012, 08:00 AM

So I passed this map into a group of nit-picky testers on the off-hours.

Download the Video
(http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=26946836&player=Dark X Halcyon)
I had a bloody nose during the game, but I maintained a solid score.

May 21st, 2012, 01:24 PM
Oh wow, I never thought I'd actually see anyone seriously play this map. Watched your video all the way through, it looked like everything went ok. I can't say the map flow seemed all that interesting though, a LOT of encounters in the center teleporter section and corresponding cat walks. Not a lot happened at either base. I would really like to see people play some CTF or assault, seems like those game variants would offer a better push and pull feel. I don't know if I'll ever really start forging again until Halo 4, but do you have any suggestions for improvement?

May 21st, 2012, 02:22 PM
We had a half the recommended party size, but one thing I noticed that was troubling was getting though the cave. I think adding a pillar or two in the middle would have helped players leapfrog up the middle a bit. Getting to the base would simply be a matter of getting past the enemies.