View Full Version : ARMA III looks interesting

May 19th, 2011, 02:55 PM
The new site opened up today with a blurb about its story and a good set of screenshots:

Arma 3, the latest installment of the tactical military simulation game from independent developers Bohemia Interactive, creators of the award-winning mil-sim series Arma.


Survive, Adapt, Win
After years of intense warfare against Eastern armies, Europe has become the last stand for the battered NATO forces. On the verge of being driven into the sea, NATO command embarks upon a most desperate measure. In the hope of seizing what seems to be a well-guarded military secret, Operation Magnitude is launched. A small group of Special Forces and Researchers are sent to a Mediterranean island deep behind enemy lines. However, the mission is compromised and the task force destroyed, leaving Cpt. Scott Miller washed ashore upon the hostile island. In his effort to carry out the mission, he will face the dangers of modern warfare, an unforgiving environment, and the consequences of his own decisions...

Survive in the rich & authentic environment
Adapt to the unsurpassed experience of modern ground combat
Win the open-ended & story-driven campaign
Combining the strength of its predecessors with radical engine improvements, Arma 3 provides a unique experience of sandbox-oriented combat gameplay in the most detailed environment of the series.

Key features:

Single-Player Campaign - evolve from a lone prey into a military commander in the open-ended & story-driven campaign.
Vehicles & Weapons - control multitude of aircraft, vehicles and ships with the accurate simulation, shoot from anything from pistols to the sophisticated weapon platforms.
Customizable Soldier Load - choose your uniform, assemble your weapon kit, change your loadout, get encumbered.
Physical simulation & improved animations - take advantage of PhysX™ supporting the vehicle simulation, in-game interactions and the revamped animation system.
Rich & authentic environment - explore the unsurpassed modern ground combat experience set on the authentic Mediterranean island modeled from the real geographic data.
Multiplayer Gameplay - challenge both cooperative & competitive scenarios with full support of dedicated servers for both Windows and Linux.
Completely extensible & moddable - design & create countless customizable scenarios using the intuitive & easy-to-use mission editor.

Source (http://www.bistudio.com/index.php/english/games/arma3)


Looks like they are moving into the future. What really caught my eye was the helicopter in the last image. It appears to be some sort of combination of the Russian Mi-28 Havoc, but with the cargo/troop bay of the Mi-24 Hind, and the coaxial rotor arrangement of the KA-50 Hokum/Black Shark. Strange, but I sort of like the look of it. The cannon looks to be some sort of Gatling gun, though.

The tank in that same image appears to be a Leopard 2 as well. In the 6th image there are U.S. troops taking cover behind a Leopard 2 tank as well with the RAH-66 Comanche flying over head. This looks like a primarily NATO focused game rather than exclusively US, well with vehicles anyways. Maybe the Russians are helping NATO forces with the situation in Europe which explains the weird looking chopper. However, when I think about ARMA II it could just be the helicopter of some European country's air force.

Can't wait for this game.

May 19th, 2011, 04:24 PM
It could very well be a concept/prototype of a Havoc meant to incorporate systems from the Hokum. Looks neat though.

May 19th, 2011, 05:02 PM
Heh, need an eight core CPU to run this baby with thousands of AI. Most awesome thing I've ever seen in a game was ARMA II with 1700 AI, to be honest.

May 19th, 2011, 07:14 PM
The most awesome thing about those screens is the CRYE uniforms.


May 19th, 2011, 10:26 PM
They are sexy, ain't they. Didn't you say you were gonna get a multicam set? Or maybe I don't remember correctly. I know you have the khaki coloured ones, though.

May 19th, 2011, 10:34 PM
As long as we can still do stuff like this, I'm happy.


May 20th, 2011, 01:41 AM
Attention to detail: Check.


May 20th, 2011, 02:53 AM
I'm almost as excited for this as I am for BF3. However, BF3's audio is what really makes me swoon. ArmA's audio can't hold a candle to it.

Also, oversaturation of the market with modern combat games doesn't help either. I honestly only have room enough in my attention span for one modern warfare game. Battlefield 3 is front and center.

May 20th, 2011, 12:20 PM
I'd be interested in this if there was a chance in hell my PC would be able to run it well.

Since there isn't, meh.

May 20th, 2011, 01:29 PM
ArmA has been CPU intensive thus far. If you have a reasonably fast quad core and a relatively recent (HD48x0 or GeForce 8800 series) graphics card, you should be fine.

May 20th, 2011, 03:08 PM
I played a bit of ArmA II one time. It's a pretty game, but I couldn't stand it because the controls are just so wacky and hard to play with. Yes I know it's "realistic" but can't there be an option to make it more accessible to the general FPS gamer? Or at least streamline it a bit so player movement is smoother. Really, I felt like I was some fat guy running around, not a soldier in tip-top shape.

Oh, and hire an actual animator who knows what FP is as well...

May 20th, 2011, 03:10 PM
ARMA II runs perfectly (40 +/- 5 FPS) on highest possible settings at 1920x1080 on my 21.5" iMac:

Intel Core 2 Duo E7600 3.06GHz
4GB DDR2 RAM 1066Mhz
ATI Radeon HD 4670 256MB GDDR3

Runs about the same on my current rig, except I get 15-20 more FPS (to be expected with an OC'd 5750).

May 20th, 2011, 04:12 PM
You didn't try running it with over 1000 AI then. Guy who did it had to liquid cool his Q9650 so he could OC it high enough for smooth frame rates.

Most people don't run the game like that anyways, so it's a fringe concern.

May 20th, 2011, 04:30 PM
Obviously. No realistic situation in the modern world warrants 1000 human beings so why should I have to in ARMA II? It's awesome that you can do it with the proper hardware, though.

BTW, I used the in-game benchmark to pull out that FPS number. I think that's a good representation of the action most people will see in the game.

May 20th, 2011, 05:18 PM
Open warfare typically has more than 1000 combatants...just saying.

May 20th, 2011, 07:25 PM
Keyword: open. Are there many large skirmishes anymore?

May 20th, 2011, 09:28 PM
Are we presently at war with a major power?

ArmA is all about open warfare man. It's basically NATO vs. China Chernarus. Come on.

May 20th, 2011, 09:38 PM
Sorry, only bought ARMA II a few weeks ago so I'm not that far through the campaign. I didn't know they had huge missions with over 1000 AI.

May 20th, 2011, 10:37 PM
so opens a new chapter of ramming T-90s into M1s because you fail to penetrate the frontal armor

May 20th, 2011, 10:44 PM
Sorry, only bought ARMA II a few weeks ago so I'm not that far through the campaign. I didn't know they had huge missions with over 1000 AI.

Those don't exist in campaign. You keep shifting the subject. First we were talking about the game, then you made the erroneous statement that there is no realistic situation in the modern world where there is open warfare, and then I corrected you twice. You could have just let it drop when I said that it was a fringe situation in the game, but then you decided that the world bends to your point of view and that open warfare does not and never will exist again...and that is wrong (and I can elaborate more if you want). Following the correction, you couldn't face up to being in err and decided to start talking about the 1000 AI again...

What is your goal here other than trying to come off as sarcastic in an unfunny fashion?

May 21st, 2011, 02:02 AM
They are sexy, ain't they. Didn't you say you were gonna get a multicam set? Or maybe I don't remember correctly. I know you have the khaki coloured ones, though.
I'm going to eventually, the pants are SOOOO comfortable. If they weren't so "high profile" (as in, exposed and reinforced plastic protective padding) I'd wear them all the time. I already wear various "operator" pants daily because they have a great casual-formal look to them and have an obscene amount of pocket space.

If they weren't so expensive ($200+ from USA to Canada for pants+pads alone) I'd have a Multicam set already. The problem is that the pads for the pants and shit are sold separately, I already have a pair of the pants pads in Khaki/Sand so I only need the shirt pads + pants + shirt.

May 21st, 2011, 03:31 AM
If you have a reasonably fast quad core and a relatively recent (HD48x0 or GeForce 8800 series) graphics card


May 21st, 2011, 03:38 AM
When I tried ARMA II the graphics wouldn't render properly at maxed quality so I uninstalled. There was tearing and everything looked like complete garbage.

May 21st, 2011, 09:32 AM
I've read on a few forums that people have seen performance increases with the last few patches. You should install it again and see how it goes.

Those don't exist in campaign. You keep shifting the subject. First we were talking about the game, then you made the erroneous statement that there is no realistic situation in the modern world where there is open warfare, and then I corrected you twice. You could have just let it drop when I said that it was a fringe situation in the game, but then you decided that the world bends to your point of view and that open warfare does not and never will exist again...and that is wrong (and I can elaborate more if you want). Following the correction, you couldn't face up to being in err and decided to start talking about the 1000 AI again...

What is your goal here other than trying to come off as sarcastic in an unfunny fashion?

Well, my last statement was serious. I didn't think you'd take it as sarcasm. But since you ask...

You are bending my words. I did say that there is no current open conflict, unless it's some civil war shit going on or a massive operation in Afghanistan/Iraq. Where did I say it will never happen again? Huh? I think the problem is that I thought by open warfare you were talking about massive battles on open ground.

You're just itching for a fight and I'm not gonna fall for that shit. If I'm ignorant about the subject, just send me a PM and we'll sort it out there.

May 21st, 2011, 05:39 PM
I've read on a few forums that people have seen performance increases with the last few patches. You should install it again and see how it goes.
Wasn't really a performance problem IIRC, the models and textures seemed stuck on extremely low quality. Everything was pixilated and gross.

May 21st, 2011, 08:08 PM
Ahh. If that's what you mean you should still try updating the game to the latest patch. They had to have fixed that by now if people were experiencing issues.