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November 17th, 2012, 12:14 AM

I got #360003, how 'bout you?

November 17th, 2012, 12:17 AM

I got #360003, how 'bout you?


November 17th, 2012, 12:22 AM
Anyone else think the Boltshot is underpowered? It takes 11 shots to kill a guy. C'mon 343, 6 shots at least with the BS (calling it that from now on) so we don't get fucked in the ass by anyone with a Magnum or a Plasma Pistol. :v:

November 17th, 2012, 12:23 AM
Anyone else think the Boltshot is underpowered? It takes 11 shots to kill a guy. C'mon 343, 6 shots at least with the BS (calling it that from now on) so we don't get fucked in the ass by anyone with a Magnum or a Plasma Pistol. :v:
Carbine takes 8 shots. Kind of ridiculous tbh, even though it does have a faster rate of fire than the BR, Light Rifle, Magnum, or DMR.

November 17th, 2012, 12:37 AM
Scoped light rifle supremacy.

November 17th, 2012, 01:08 AM
Anyone else think the Boltshot is underpowered? It takes 11 shots to kill a guy. C'mon 343, 6 shots at least with the BS (calling it that from now on) so we don't get fucked in the ass by anyone with a Magnum or a Plasma Pistol. :v:

It's a shotgun side arm. I don't think it's primary fire needs a buff considering it can one-shot you on just about any occasion when you're withing 5 feet of the damn thing.

That being said, it's my favorite side-arm. Especially when those MLG wannabe fuck heads think they have the advantage when they back me into a corner on Haven. That's right screwball come right around and see what I have for you. :v:

November 17th, 2012, 01:40 AM
Getting pretty tired of this grind2win level bullshit!

November 17th, 2012, 02:18 AM
Anyone else think the Boltshot is underpowered? It takes 11 shots to kill a guy. C'mon 343, 6 shots at least with the BS (calling it that from now on) so we don't get fucked in the ass by anyone with a Magnum or a Plasma Pistol. :v:
:saddowns: mfw get killed by a plasma pistol

November 17th, 2012, 06:24 AM

I got #360003, how 'bout you?

November 17th, 2012, 07:37 AM
It's a shotgun side arm. I don't think it's primary fire needs a buff considering it can one-shot you on just about any occasion when you're withing 5 feet of the damn thing.I just like my sidearm to kill within the magazine when I'm fifty feet away. I don't like getting close thanks to the Halo 3 style melee system where the damage goes past shields.

That being said, it's my favorite side-arm. Especially when those MLG wannabe fuck heads think they have the advantage when they back me into a corner on Haven. That's right screwball come right around and see what I have for you. :v:Oh, no doubt. I still love it to pieces, but I don't want to rely on it as a sawed-off shotgun. That being said, it's still satisfying to knock a bastard flat on his ass with a single blast.

:saddowns: mfw get killed by a plasma pistol
I've lost a few battles of AR vs PP and I gotta say it's a real surprise. Usually it's a guy who is on my blind side. Overcharge, cooldown, spam trigger. At least have the decency to whip out a BR and take me down Halo 2 style.

November 17th, 2012, 01:52 PM
Halo 2-style melee system, excuse you. Halo 1 was the only one not like this...and actually damage did still pass through shields, you could just take more of it

November 17th, 2012, 04:14 PM

I got #360003, how 'bout you?


November 17th, 2012, 10:11 PM

November 17th, 2012, 11:47 PM
Stop breaking reality

November 18th, 2012, 12:34 AM
Halo 2-style melee system, excuse you. Halo 1 was the only one not like this...and actually damage did still pass through shields, you could just take more of it

More to the point, Halo 1 didn't have auto-aiming teleport lunge melee attacks, and it was a better game for it.

November 18th, 2012, 01:36 AM
I finished the game on Heroic:

That was quite an ending. I'm kind of disappointed in that when Cortana sacrificed herself to hold the Didact (which was kind of cheesy in the manner it was done), you simply did not go up to him and beat the shit out of him, then follow-up with shoving the grenade into him. Otherwise, I thought the ending was alright, but it is pretty weird that there's little cliffhangar afterwards like in all the past games. It is a wonder what will follow next. Is the Didact really dead though? Why are the Prometheans still active if he's dead? Wouldn't they change back to blue if he did die? Is Cortana really gone too? What of the Storm Faction? Jul 'Mdama? Arby? The other Spartan II's? Spartan Gray team? Reach's fate as a colony world that we saw at the end of Halo Reach? There is also the fact that the Didact's sentiment about humanity being the biggest curse in the galaxy at the end of the game is still present. What will the Chief do next? All those questions need to be answered within the next two games and media centered around those games.

I feel like 343i can do a LOT with the series and take it to some great places. They just need to answer more questions than they are creating. I'd also like to see the Halo Arrays flushed out more since the Halo seems like its only a "cameo" sentiment now. I think we all can agree that the Prometheans in general need some redesign to refine their gameplay aspects. At times they are laughable and at times they are too frustrating. Headshots are irritating to pull off with non-Human weapons against the Knights. The Suppressor feels like an SMG in the hands of the player and an auto-Light Rifle in the hands of the AI. I'm glad the Sentinels still made an appearance. I would also like to see Mendicant Bias make an appearance, perhaps as an important part of the plot.

November 18th, 2012, 07:21 AM
Cortana and the Didact aren't dead. Zero chance.

November 18th, 2012, 07:29 AM
Cortana and the Didact aren't dead. Zero chance.
Well, that was a given.

And I completely forgot this, but I posted about throwing some woops around when the Librarian returned.


November 18th, 2012, 07:38 AM
Noticed a certain comment on this video. Stop trying to ruin Halo again, Korn.

November 18th, 2012, 12:12 PM
Well, he didn't flat out tell people what happens nor did he post a video of him doing it.

Halo 4's scripting should be archived in plain text. I don't understand how modders haven't torn it apart yet.

El Lobo
November 18th, 2012, 01:05 PM
wut wut where are the crates? What are you in the crates? Hello hello

November 18th, 2012, 03:37 PM
So I just "completed" the game on Heroic. The reason why I put completed in quotes, is because the game says I haven't completed Level 3. Fuck that, that is the level I hate. So great, going to have to go back and play for the achievement.

My thoughts on the SP:
Story was pretty boring, I also felt like it was me soloing it for human kind way too much, in past Halos you really feel like its you and humanity VS the enemy, this one I felt alone, too alone.

I only really liked a few of the levels. These were typically the ones where you are doing a unique activity, I loved going about the ship in the Mantis. I loved the installation 03 stuff. Really, the Prometheus I found boring to fight and frustrating.

Apart from those cool levels where you do something unique, like drive a pelican, or broadsword, it just felt like I had to always go to multiple switches to turn something off or on, and just rinse and repeat that.

November 18th, 2012, 09:31 PM
broadsword level sucked ass. They should've squeezed a level on installation 03 instead.

November 19th, 2012, 04:15 AM
Halo 4's scripting should be archived in plain text. I don't understand how modders haven't torn it apart yet.
Had they hired me/brought me in to intern I would have verified that no debug data would have leaked into shipping builds. Their loss. Or they just don't care. Or someone there wanted it this way. Their loss, either way.

And I'm pretty sure the crates are spawned in the following zones (instead of all in the same spot) as a way to replenish the player with heavy weapons (since it only works on legendary).

November 19th, 2012, 05:33 AM
OS for halo4, coming to a shitbox near you.

November 19th, 2012, 08:31 AM
Since there's a challenge for doing Forerunner on Legendary solo, I'll share my tips for that mission.

There are several reasons why this mission is a little bitch. 1) There are barely any power weapons to be found and during the first couple encounters, all you have are freaking Boltshots and Suppressors. 2) Cover? What's cover? We'll give you a little rock to work from. Good luck with those crawlers, Ghosts, and Banshees that can get behind and shoot over said rock. And 3), the guy in charge of placing checkpoints is an asshole.

My first Legendary run, I had a Kill Em All mentality and it took forever and was exceedingly frustrating. Playing today, I avoided fights whenever possible and there are a LOT of opportunities to avoid fights on this level. The Prometheans and Covenant are fighting all over the place and that's usually a great opportunity to look for an opening and book it.

When you get to the beam towers, don't fuck around. You need to get a checkpoint as soon as possible, because replaying the beginning of both of those encounters is not something that is good for your sanity. What you need to do is be aggressive and go take out one of the shield generators, kill the nearby enemies and you should have a checkpoint.

For the second beam tower in particular, what I did was run over the Elite heading for the Banshee, then continue on in the Ghost to the right hand shield generator to force my first checkpoint. Then I worked my way around the back to take out the other two generators. Once they are down, go grab a Banshee and fly up to the light bridge and jump out. You're home free. Don't try to kill the Elites on the tower or the other Banshees, just give them the finger and move on.

As far as weapons go, I stuck with the Light Rifle and Scattershot. As I was saying before, there's really not much of an option there.

November 19th, 2012, 09:27 AM
Just logged on this morning:

Where the fuck is Episode 3?
Where the fuck is Team Snipers?
Why is there now a FFA Throwback playlist, and SWAT is gone?...

November 19th, 2012, 10:36 AM
Just logged on this morning:Why is there now a FFA Throwback playlist, and SWAT is gone?...Scroll down, that said team snipers and episode arent available. Should have been though.

E: Is it a dumb idea to try and complete Forerunner on legendary solo, whilst doing the "Carry a UNSC weapon all the way through level?"

November 19th, 2012, 11:02 AM
That's a really dumb idea, because you'd be limiting yourself to one weapon since your UNSC one will probably run out of ammo about 2 seconds into the damn level.

November 19th, 2012, 11:08 AM
That's a really dumb idea, because you'd be limiting yourself to one weapon since your UNSC one will probably run out of ammo about 2 seconds into the damn level.Yeah I gave up after 5 minutes.

Funny stuff, Halowaypoint is down and their twitter says they are experiencing "deployment issues", yet FFA Throwback is on...cant wait for snipers.

November 19th, 2012, 11:21 AM
Is it a dumb idea to try and complete Forerunner on legendary solo, whilst doing the "Carry a UNSC weapon all the way through level?"Heh, I dare you. Personally, I'm not sure I'll attempt that on Heroic by myself.

November 19th, 2012, 11:26 AM
Funny stuff, Halowaypoint is down and their twitter says they are experiencing "deployment issues", yet FFA Throwback is on...cant wait for snipers.FFA Throwback was actually kinda fun. I played a good game of King of the Hill on Haven (got 2nd, but most kills), and I'm sure other parts could be fun too.

Really I'm just eager for Episode 3 of Spartan Ops. I actually really like this episodic mini/weekly-campaign they have.

November 19th, 2012, 11:29 AM
Its up, same with team snipers.

November 19th, 2012, 12:02 PM
Anyone have their 14 day trial code that came with the game that they aren't using? I'd like to enjoy my MP experience longer. PM me if so:)

November 19th, 2012, 12:19 PM
I just did chapter 1 on easy to feel it out. I didn't die, but shit. That is going to be a nightmare on Legendary.

November 19th, 2012, 12:32 PM
Anyone have their 14 day trial code that came with the game that they aren't using? I'd like to enjoy my MP experience longer. PM me if so:)I don't know who you are (jk lol), but I'll do it because I already have like, 10 months left of mine because I just bought a year over the Summer.
PM imminent.

November 19th, 2012, 02:15 PM
Promethian Knight Battlewagons on Legendary are the worst.


And it's like I'm shooting spit-wads at them. :saddowns:

November 19th, 2012, 03:21 PM
That 2-Dot Code unlocks....

Raider DSTT Left Shoulder/RS and a new emblem + 2500 XP.

After you beat the first 15 chapters on Legendary.

November 19th, 2012, 03:46 PM
That 2-Dot Code unlocks....

Raider DSTT Left Shoulder/RS and a new emblem + 2500 XP.

After you beat the first 3 chapters on Legendary.ftfy

November 19th, 2012, 04:48 PM

November 19th, 2012, 04:52 PM
Promethian Knight Battlewagons on Legendary are the worst.


And it's like I'm shooting spit-wads at them. :saddowns:This made me spit out my drink, not even joking.


November 19th, 2012, 04:58 PM
I love how Dr halsey put those assholes in their place. Also Mission 1 on EP3 is amazing.

November 19th, 2012, 05:04 PM
"First we taught them how to be silent. Then we taught them how to be Spartans."


November 19th, 2012, 05:08 PM
Sweet lines, but they would be better-scripted if directed at different aggressors. That is to say, why are they writing the SPARTAN IVs as such tools? They're still SPARTANS, they've been trained for years and entrusted with multi-million dollar hardware, they're not Stormtroopers, for crying out loud.

November 19th, 2012, 05:14 PM
Actually the Spartan IV's are recruited marines. They're not nearly as genetically augmented...or disciplined...as Spartan II's. I hate the Spartan IV's. They just need to shut the hell up and get the work done, also they can lose their egos, that would help.

If I was a spartan II, and I saw Palmer point that magnum at Halsey, I'd step right in front of her and say "Go ahead, try something."

A Spartan II could easily break these people in half.

November 19th, 2012, 05:32 PM
And that's why I'm saying it's bad scripting. They still have a plethora of regular marines, these are supposed to be the best-of-the-best. The Halo franchise has had a long history of depicting nearly everyone outside the SPARTAN II Program as an undisciplined, egocentric fuck-wit.

November 19th, 2012, 05:33 PM
Actually, since these are volunteer military personal, they have this concept of how highly regarded the Spartans before them were and probably assume that privilege carries forward. So they're still the same "undisciplined, egocentric fuck-wits", just now they're wearing Spartan armor.

That 2-Dot Code unlocks....

Raider DSTT Left Shoulder/RS and a new emblem + 2500 XP.

After you beat the first 15 chapters on Legendary.

Actually, he had it right (about the 2-dot code), you have it wrong. It'd be the first 3 episodes, though. And on top of the 2500xp it unlocks SPOPs concept art

November 19th, 2012, 06:22 PM
So, I just watched all of the Halo 4 cut-scenes (fuck you, don't care), and I have come up with the perfect summary of the game:

Halo 4: Tron in Space.

Alternatively, there's Halo 4: Flynn meets Chief.

November 19th, 2012, 06:30 PM
Really glad they incorporated MP maps into SPOPs.

Was playing the third mission, took down the shield on the jammer, and killed all but the four Hunters. I thought jumping into the sniper tower would be a good idea. Turns out I got stuck under the platform. I spun around and saw the four hunters just glare at me. "Uh... 'sup guys?" Dead. :XD:

For anyone who hasn't played it on Legendary yet, third mission: try to hijack the ghost and then lay down plenty of fire on everything that moves from a really safe distance. I was stuck with a stupid Wraith driver and I laid waste to it and a plethora of elites in no time at all.

Also figured out that once a Hunter's back-plate is removed, about two charged shots from the Boltshot will take him down. Good luck getting behind it though. Hunters seem omnipotent to anything within fifty feet.

November 19th, 2012, 06:58 PM
Team Snipers on Vortex was pretty alright.

Team Snipers on Complex was a goddamn abomination. I'm positive Complex is just a bad map.

November 19th, 2012, 07:28 PM
I'm positive Complex is just a bad map.
It iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssss!

It's so abhorrent that I used the word abhorrent for the first time. Ever.

November 19th, 2012, 07:37 PM
It's the new Asylum from Reach. Not that the layout is similar, just that it's bad.

November 19th, 2012, 07:39 PM
Actually the Spartan IV's are recruited marines. They're not nearly as genetically augmented...or disciplined...as Spartan II's. I hate the Spartan IV's. They just need to shut the hell up and get the work done, also they can lose their egos, that would help.

If I was a spartan II, and I saw Palmer point that magnum at Halsey, I'd step right in front of her and say "Go ahead, try something."

A Spartan II could easily break these people in half.

Also, that's one of the neat things about the Spartan II's. I'm pretty sure any of them would pretty much do that. They would probably just stay silent though.

November 20th, 2012, 10:03 AM
Actually, since these are volunteer military personal, they have this concept of how highly regarded the Spartans before them were and probably assume that privilege carries forward. So they're still the same "undisciplined, egocentric fuck-wits", just now they're wearing Spartan armor.

Actually, he had it right (about the 2-dot code), you have it wrong. It'd be the first 3 episodes, though. And on top of the 2500xp it unlocks SPOPs concept artI have the full Raider armour set. Had it all since last week. It said you needed to complete more missions than you actually did to unlock it, 3 chapters was the actual unlock amount.

Since then though, 2 episodes have been deployed, so perhaps the requirements have increased if it has? Bad luck :D Ep3 gonna be a bitch on legendary. View my guy if you wanna see what full Raider armour looks like btw.

November 20th, 2012, 11:01 AM
Different raider suit.
I have had the suit as well and this code comes up with something different.

November 20th, 2012, 01:01 PM
Different raider suit.
I have had the suit as well and this code comes up with something different.
Ah yes I stand corrected, there is a different raider suit code.

November 20th, 2012, 11:48 PM
If you have a lancer promethean suddenly begun to teleport dash at you, step to the left and then assassinate them as they finish their charging at you.
this sounds oddly familiar......

November 21st, 2012, 04:45 AM

November 21st, 2012, 07:17 AM

What record? The record for the largest amount of time wasted? zing!

November 21st, 2012, 10:22 AM
that's not funny my xbox died that way

November 21st, 2012, 03:24 PM

Really awesome stuff. Some of these guys used to work where I'm at now, super talented people.

November 21st, 2012, 03:47 PM
Would Cortana have used less processing power over the years if they'd maybe put less polygons in her big fat perfectly sculpted ass? (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/6542-Halo-4)

November 22nd, 2012, 11:57 PM
Does anyone know when the XP cap resets? I hit it for the day around 12:05am my time (47->55) and I'm just curious when I'll start earning XP again.

November 23rd, 2012, 01:35 AM
Halo 4: FixThisShit.exe

November 23rd, 2012, 07:14 AM
Does anyone know when the XP cap resets? I hit it for the day around 12:05am my time (47->55) and I'm just curious when I'll start earning XP again.
When the rest of the world has started a new day, 2am PST (when the new challenges come out)

November 23rd, 2012, 07:24 AM
Also, anyone else here play enough Team Snipers to "master" the sniper rifle :downs:? I played about 40k XP worth of it yesterday. They should add the binary and beam rifles now so I can max those out.

November 23rd, 2012, 09:27 AM
I can't imagine how "fun" Team Snipers with binary rifles would be.

November 23rd, 2012, 09:31 AM
Why would it be any different than Team Snipers with Sniper Rifles? It's not exactly hard to get headshots with the massive autoaim in H4, so you'r getting 1shot kills either way. The difference with the Binary Rifle is that you've got a giant red laser beam showing where you are. And double punching faggots might not be as annoying since you can 1 shot noscope more easily vOv

November 23rd, 2012, 10:42 AM
I actually find sniping in Halo 4 to be harder than it was in Reach.

Given, that could also be atributed to how butt-ugly the gun is, which in turn actually carries over into how I play. (Reach's sniper looked nice, Halo 4's does not)

November 23rd, 2012, 11:20 AM
Since we're on the topic of snipers, the auto-aim for passengers in the Warthog is still fucking insane. It's like they dragged it from Reach. I could aim a mile above an enemy head, pull the trigger, and the bullet will still fly though his face.

November 23rd, 2012, 11:42 AM
I think Team Incinerator Cannons would be worth trying.

November 23rd, 2012, 11:58 AM
Team Rockets was one of the funnest alt-gametypes in Halo 3, and it was still kinda fun as Splockets in Reach.

But now...now it's time for TEAM INCINERATION CANNONS.

November 23rd, 2012, 12:15 PM
Team Rockets was one of the funnest alt-gametypes in Halo 3, and it was still kinda fun as Splockets in Reach.

But now...now it's time for TEAM INCINERATION CANNONS.

Just make sure you have a Hard Light Shield. It apparently can reflect the projectiles.

November 23rd, 2012, 02:44 PM
I actually find sniping in Halo 4 to be harder than it was in Reach.

Given, that could also be atributed to how butt-ugly the gun is, which in turn actually carries over into how I play. (Reach's sniper looked nice, Halo 4's does not)

I find sniping difficulty to be a combination of the reticle position and the recoil in every post-CE Halo game. Maybe that's it?

November 23rd, 2012, 04:17 PM
I feel like the recoil in Halo 4 is throwing me off since I was used to Reach's. I also liked Reach's sound a lot better too.

Dunno, I'm just weird. I am the one who prefers weapons based on animations, you know.

November 23rd, 2012, 04:31 PM
I find sniping difficulty to be a combination of the reticle position and the recoil in every post-CE Halo game. Maybe that's it?

Halo 2 SR didn't have recoil >:l

November 23rd, 2012, 05:32 PM
I'm actually glad that there is some recoil in a lot of the human weapons. The BR has it especially, which means there is a reason to choose other precision weapons for headshots. My only beef right now is just getting used to headshots in general as for some reason they are a bit more difficult to accomplish in this game than before. It could also have to deal with my issue of not playing an Xbox since July. >_<

November 23rd, 2012, 05:46 PM
Halo 2 SR didn't have recoil >:l

True, I couldn't remember so I went with safety. Post Halo 2 then.

Also, Dark, would the reticle position again be a factor there? Since most games you play are in the centre...

November 23rd, 2012, 05:50 PM
True, I couldn't remember so I went with safety. Post Halo 2 then.

Also, Dark, would the reticle position again be a factor there? Since most games you play are in the centre...
I don't think so, mainly because the theory is that you need to keep readjusting your aim, so that it's more skill based then an easy point-and-shoot gun from a possibly safe distance. I know what you're saying, but what I mean is that it just forces the user of those weapons to realign their reticules. The BR is powerful, so I think it works well, especially since it means the user has to mind the BR spread a bit more since aim is being readjusted.

November 23rd, 2012, 05:51 PM
Oh my FUCKING god!

The skies in this game are awful. First, they are visbily smaller than any version of skies we've seen before. Second, they are cheaply designed. And third, the clouds look rediculous.

If Con hasn't seen 'em yet, he'll be gouging his eyes out when he does. :gonk:

November 23rd, 2012, 06:16 PM
Oh my FUCKING god!

The skies in this game are awful. First, they are visbily smaller than any version of skies we've seen before. Second, they are cheaply designed. And third, the clouds look rediculous.

If Con hasn't seen 'em yet, he'll be gouging his eyes out when he does. :gonk:
If Reach did anything truly right, it was that the skies were so pretty. Goodness those skyboxes were probably the most moving part emotionally for the game aside from the music.

Speaking of music, if you haven't already I recommend you guys go to the store and buy a physical copy of Halo 4. Instead of just the 15 tracks, you get 6 more and the soundtrack is pretty freaking awesome. It's definitely not the same as Marty's stuff (then again, few soundtracks compare to Marty's work), but it's still REALLY good. My favorites have to be the two tracks Requiem and 117.

November 23rd, 2012, 07:11 PM
I strangely didn't hear much of the music at all, or rather...I don't remember any of it aside from 117 during the last mission.

The only thing I really remember about the music, actually, is how blaringly loud it was over the spoken audio >_>

November 23rd, 2012, 07:18 PM
There we go. Just saved everyone some time and money. :downs:

That second song is actually pretty decent.

November 23rd, 2012, 07:25 PM
Ah, I absolutely do remember "Requiem," when you first emerge to see the spectacular view that 343i has crafted for your first real introduction to Halo 4. Beautiful.

November 23rd, 2012, 08:25 PM
Belly of the Beast is one of my more fav songs from this game

November 23rd, 2012, 11:53 PM
Belly of The Beast, 117, Nemesis and Arrival are my favorites.

November 23rd, 2012, 11:55 PM
Ah, I absolutely do remember "Requiem," when you first emerge to see the spectacular view that 343i has crafted for your first real introduction to Halo 4. Beautiful.

I woke up my roommate from out astounded I was.

November 24th, 2012, 01:08 PM
At first I was like "wait why the fuck are there massive floating Forerunner pillars?"


November 24th, 2012, 05:47 PM
Fuck Midnight Launch. That has to be the worst achievement to get since Lone Wolf Legend. I don't want to wait another six hours just to drive a Warthog off a sand dune. Whoever thinks up this BS better get fired.

Oh, and fix the skies. I shouldn't see pixels while I'm running around unzoomed. It gives me a headache. :v:

November 24th, 2012, 05:59 PM
Achievements Hunter showed that you can change your timezone. They "moved" to Alaska since it was closest to before midnight, then they just waited until midnight and...boom, launched off a ramp on Requiem at the beginning with a warthog.

November 24th, 2012, 06:11 PM
Just finished my first few matches of Team Snipers. I never noticed the extent of Halo 4's auto-aim until now. Crazy

November 24th, 2012, 07:36 PM
So while working on a megalo variant editor for H4 I noticed that they changed up the way powerups were done from Reach. When I went into the actual game UI/Forge, I noticed that they flat out took out powerups. However, the "leader" trait mentions that it overrides everything besides powerups...yet powerups can't be placed (nor their traits edited)!

November 24th, 2012, 07:48 PM
Powerups were moved to ordnance drops in-game, so perhaps they're just hidden in Ordnance in Forge. Look around a bit.

November 24th, 2012, 08:21 PM
Overshield is all that remains from the power-oops. They've added speed boost and extra damage to list though. You can find them in any of the ordinance drops. They're just a pain to dig for.

November 24th, 2012, 09:46 PM
I'm talking about custom powerups. IE, Reach had red, blue, and yellow powerups, which game variants could then specify the player traits associated with those powerups. Does the ordnance palette have custom powerups?

November 25th, 2012, 12:06 AM
There's only one CP in multiplayer. You are thinking of custom Firefight skulls.

But to answer your question: no. There are no custom powerups in Halo 4 at all. The closest you are going to get is player trait zones.

November 25th, 2012, 08:46 AM
No, I'm not thinking of custom skulls. There were custom red/blue/yellow custom powerups.

November 25th, 2012, 09:53 PM
I remember there being the custom yellow powerup, but as far as I knew the red and blue were always the standard overshield and camo.

November 25th, 2012, 10:30 PM
There were never red or blue custom powerups. Ever. Red was overshield and blue was active camo. There were red/blue/yellow skulls for Firefight though.

Halo 3 and Reach were the only ones with a custom PU. Go check 'em out for yourself.

November 25th, 2012, 11:29 PM
There were custom yellow powerups though in both.

November 26th, 2012, 08:31 AM
Reach's red/blue/yellow powerup traits could all be configured by the game variant.

November 26th, 2012, 10:13 AM
But they don't exist in customs. The only custom powerup in customs is the yellow one.

November 26th, 2012, 01:57 PM
:words: :words: :words: customs. I wasn't fucking talking about customs. I was talking about the game variant. Which is where the powerup traits are stored. Which can be used anywhere. Matchmaking, customs, it doesn't make a goddamn difference.

November 26th, 2012, 02:32 PM
But red and blue custom powerup settings don't exist. They simply don't. Power on your Xbox, put in Reach, and look at the gametype settings! Seriously, the evidence is right there on the disk.

November 26th, 2012, 03:18 PM
But red and blue custom powerup settings don't exist. They simply don't. Power on your Xbox, put in Reach, and look at the gametype settings! Seriously, the evidence is right there on the disk.

And that's when Korn proves you wrong by looking through the game's coding and pasting it here.

I'm just being facetious of course.

November 26th, 2012, 04:37 PM
And that's when Korn proves you wrong by looking through the game's coding and pasting it here.

See those three calls to player_trait_encode in the below picture? Red. Blue. Yellow. The powerup trait settings are there, in the game variant, as I've been talking about since the beginning. You can now :gtfo:

November 26th, 2012, 04:51 PM
Because everything in the game's code can be used on a pristine retail copy of the disk. BRB, gonna go record a Firefight match on Halo 4. :v:

November 26th, 2012, 05:16 PM
Because everything in the game's code can be used on a pristine retail copy of the disk. BRB, gonna go record a Firefight match on Halo 4. :v:

November 26th, 2012, 05:21 PM
And they don't use custom powerups in matchmaking. :v:

MLG used them actually :ugh:

November 26th, 2012, 07:34 PM
MLG used them actually :ugh:
I've never MLG'd before, so I simply generalized. I hope they can cope with this sudden and unexpected loss.

November 26th, 2012, 08:55 PM
MLG is probably too busy shitting themselves about all the changes to the multiplayer.

Like the fact that there's more weapons than the DMR to use now.

November 26th, 2012, 09:15 PM
To be fair, most of the changes to multiplayer are shitty.

November 26th, 2012, 09:16 PM
MLG is probably too busy shitting themselves about all the changes to the multiplayer.

Like the fact that there's more weapons than the DMR to use now.

Don't worry, the DMR is still objectively the best starting rifle so I'm sure it'll see excessive use in MLG Halo 4.

November 26th, 2012, 09:56 PM
To be fair, most of the changes to multiplayer are shitty.

November 26th, 2012, 10:03 PM
MLG will always find a way to make a game as competitive boring as possible. Don't worry too much about it.

Mr Buckshot
November 27th, 2012, 12:06 PM
If Reach did anything truly right, it was that the skies were so pretty. Goodness those skyboxes were probably the most moving part emotionally for the game aside from the music.

Speaking of music, if you haven't already I recommend you guys go to the store and buy a physical copy of Halo 4. Instead of just the 15 tracks, you get 6 more and the soundtrack is pretty freaking awesome. It's definitely not the same as Marty's stuff (then again, few soundtracks compare to Marty's work), but it's still REALLY good. My favorites have to be the two tracks Requiem and 117.

117 is the best soundtrack ever in the Halo series (I skipped ODST so not sure about that but still!).

Also, did anyone watch the Forward unto Dawn web series? It's not going to win any awards, but it was still better than 100% of all game adaptations I've seen to date, because for once we have something that targets an audience with at least some background knowledge about the game universe, so no time is wasted on crappy backstories and explanations. It's just a shame that everything looked so plastic due to the low budget. P.S. those trainees were nubs, the AR sucks at long range, use the god damn pistol instead.

November 27th, 2012, 12:27 PM
117 is the best soundtrack ever in the Halo series (I skipped ODST so not sure about that but still!).

Also, did anyone watch the Forward unto Dawn web series? It's not going to win any awards, but it was still better than 100% of all game adaptations I've seen to date, because for once we have something that targets an audience with at least some background knowledge about the game universe, so no time is wasted on crappy backstories and explanations. It's just a shame that everything looked so plastic due to the low budget. P.S. those trainees were nubs, the AR sucks at long range, use the god damn pistol instead.
Dude, I couldn't stop listening to 117 for a full hour straight. It's such a good score, but can really get stuck in your head. Revival is also really cool.

Lol, a little slowpokey on the Forward Onto Dawn series. But yeah, most of us have watched it. I thought it was really good and it helped me respect Lasky more in the game.

November 27th, 2012, 01:13 PM
SPOPs Episode 4 is really weak. After watching the terribad-&-short intro film, the episode continues on into a terribad-&-lackluster series of chapters, then finishes with a terribad-&-anticlimactic ending. If they can't do a proper cliffhanger in-engine, then use a CGI sequence for the closing as well. At least that will be worth playing through the shittier chapters.

<insert character name here>: "something is happening!"
<insert mission here>

It was a lame line to end Halo Wars' legendary ending on (of course, Ensemble was looking forward to doing a sequel before getting slice and diced by MS), and it's a fucking lame way to start a mission. Scratch that, missions. It makes me feel like they really haven't decided what's going to happen in an episode before they go into recording.

Second to that cliche line is the now trite "eggheads" description Palmer uses for scientists. She might as well be a fat 13 yr old MLG-wannabe going around calling everyone and everything a 'noob'. She's already a worthless character. All she does is stand around on deck up on the Infinity (except for in Campaign, when it was all-hands-on-Del-Rio's-dick) and mouth off, then yell at others for mouthing off. Oh wait, I forgot, the same women in charge of this whole "we'll ban you from XBL for saying sexist shit, but only if it's female related!" are the same people who head the studio. I can see the point of having a Spartan lead, what appears to be, a battalion of Spartans but she just seems like a poor excuse to put more females in the game. Especially with more and more support in real life to allow women to serve in combat-arms roles. So much for breaking the status quo.

It's like they decided to scrap Bungie's firefight (ie, survival), along with the ability to use variants/skulls and scoring, for a rather weak episodic alternative just so they could say they're pushing the franchise.

A few rotton apples spoils the bunch. But it's like 343 decided they couldn't hold in a shit and had to take a dump into that same bunch, and now they're trying to polish 'dem turds.

/rossmum post

November 27th, 2012, 02:16 PM
In related news, Roland was entertaining enough to make me wish he'd replace Palmer and Miller.

November 27th, 2012, 06:09 PM
In related news, Roland was entertaining enough to make me wish he'd replace Palmer and Miller.
Lol. Nearly every let's play I watch the players basically say "Fuck you Palmer! Fuck you Miller!"

November 27th, 2012, 06:47 PM
Wait, just realized something. The Chief unarmors at the end of Halo 4. Who's gonna be the new protagonist?

Halo 5: Buck IS Chief! :woop:

November 27th, 2012, 07:15 PM
The only thing I remember from Episode 4 was that it rained Phantom chunks. Which was cool.

I've just come to grips with what Spartan Ops is at this point -- a cheap way to keep people from selling their game after beating the campaign. There are little kernels of promise here and there that get me excited for the next iteration. Or more realistically the next NEXT iteration, because the to-do list is massive.

November 27th, 2012, 07:22 PM
Im only interested in seeing the Infinity itself and its fleet do things and Dr. Halsey. Palmer and her minions can fuck right off because they're terrible characters.

November 27th, 2012, 07:32 PM
Palmer's a bitch, Miller's her bitch, Majestic are bitches, and Halsey kicks ass.

Then again, I want to say they made them all dicks on purpose (except Miller, whom they made dumb as a failed attempt to have humorous conversations between him and Palmer), so that Halsey can kick their asses because they aren't Spartans at all. And she's pissed. As hell.

Otherwise, the missions are okay. And I love the CGI sequences/stories they're telling.

November 27th, 2012, 08:04 PM
Im only interested in seeing the Infinity itself and its fleet do things and Dr. Halsey. Palmer and her minions can fuck right off because they're terrible characters.

Dude I hate the new spartan characters. She's a condescending bitch and the other guys are cocky idiots who don't it the typical spartan profiles for personalities.

November 27th, 2012, 09:15 PM
I was confused as shit when I first watched spartan ops. But then after knowing the background story of the Spartan IV program, I knew why they were so fucking lame.

And that want to replace the Master Chief; a silent, calculating, fighting machine with these loud mouths with no discipline? Incredible.

November 27th, 2012, 09:55 PM
I miss the ODSTs. :(

November 27th, 2012, 10:03 PM
I forgot the name of Halsey's escort from Majestic squad during the fourth vid. He seems to be one of the few that isn't a total douche. :v:

Also: I like how Meltdown is a spiritual successor to Ice Fields. It's like how Avalanche was a remake of Sidewinder. Familiar, but different in most respects. Props to Certain Affinity for bringing back at least one good map. Put the full-scale Gephyrophobia in a DLC map-pack and you've got a satisfied customer.

November 27th, 2012, 10:17 PM

I feel like this is appropriate.

November 27th, 2012, 11:21 PM
I was confused as shit when I first watched spartan ops. But then after knowing the background story of the Spartan IV program, I knew why they were so fucking lame.

And that want to replace the Master Chief; a silent, calculating, fighting machine with these loud mouths with no discipline? Incredible.

Well they're supposed to be like top tier special forces basically, taken from other special forces, but they have this obnoxious, childish attitude which seems wrong even compared to modern special forces. Who are typically calculated, disciplined, warriors, not like the annoying twats they went with for spartan ops.

November 27th, 2012, 11:43 PM
So basically, Spartan IV's are try-hards? Who knew.

Also, wouldn't the Spartan IV program effectively obsolete the ODST program as of Halo 4? Did it?

November 28th, 2012, 03:18 AM
By far my favorite character is Halsey. At least she knows that all these "Spartans" are just soldiers, and not really Spartans. I think episode 4 really showed that.

November 28th, 2012, 03:58 AM
I like and don't like spartan ops. I like the idea, I just feel like it's poorly executed. The down thing is that, firefight was fun to just chill with friends and face waves and waves of enemies. After you beat a spartan ops mission, you dont ever feel the urge to play it again. Atleast I don't. The recycle of BSP's and game play areas is quite annoying. It's:

-force way through enemy
-activate switches

Everytime. Theres no "search and rescue" type deals or anything other. I mean, they have the search part, but no rescue, it'd be fun to actually escort someone back to a pelican without them being killed (similar to Halo 1 T&R). I thought the point of Spartan ops was to explore and learn about requim. You cant do that with the same 5 BSP's and mission types. The CG Cutscnes are pretty cool, but that's all i really look forward too.

In my opinion Spartan ops should play like Halo 3 Co-op. Or similar too it. Sticking close together and actually being able to lose. It needs skulls, scoring, etc.

November 28th, 2012, 07:45 AM
So basically, Spartan IV's are try-hards? Who knew.

Also, wouldn't the Spartan IV program effectively obsolete the ODST program as of Halo 4? Did it?
ODST's were supposed to be colonial police, think of them as riot police whilst spartans are SAS.

November 28th, 2012, 08:56 AM
Formulaic changes, at least. Take the core Halo 4 gameplay, stick it in Reach's gametypes, and you'll get something good! As it is, I don't like the global loadouts, passive perks, ordinance system, respawn system, and so forth. Not to mention the general lack of content such as a proper BTB playlist, poorly-implemented join-in-progress, and so forth. They did improve oddball, so that's something.

I listened to the Halo 4 soundtrack and 117 is easily the best song there. Amusingly, it's the only song not composed by Neil Davidge.

This Zero Punctuation is pretty good. I particularly like his remark about how the Forerunner architecture is too clean, unreal, and boring.

Mr Buckshot
November 28th, 2012, 02:09 PM
Wait, just realized something. The Chief unarmors at the end of Halo 4. Who's gonna be the new protagonist?

Halo 5: Buck IS Chief! :woop:

aw you leaked my secret :( Yes I am the Master Chief.

November 28th, 2012, 02:10 PM
Could be cool.

Wait, just realized something. The Chief unarmors at the end of Halo 4. Who's gonna be the new protagonist?

Uh, you know that armour goes back on as well, right? What makes you think he wouldn't be re-deployed? He is locked into military service, after all.

November 28th, 2012, 02:23 PM
Uh, you know that armour goes back on as well, right? What makes you think he wouldn't be re-deployed? He is locked into military service, after all.Well, I needed some form of a segway to make "Buck is Chief" work. That was the best I could think of in the two seconds I decided to make the post.

Another thing. I found the BEST puddle of water in the entire campaign. In the second mission, just after you get the warthog, start driving towards the debris tube leading you into the caves. Don't enter. Rather, towards the rock wall (the one you would be facing when you are driving) between sections of debris is a murky pool of water. It has low tesselation and high wave height. Throw a grenade in for starters. You'll see the best splash ever. Next, drive your warthog into the puddle. Rather than forming splashes and waves like the other puddles of water in the level, this one will turn into a ridiculous mountian range reaching higher than the tires causing the waves. It's good for a few minutes of time wasting and about three seconds of lolz.

November 28th, 2012, 03:01 PM
Spartan IV's are just marines with bull semen injected into their spines and hands-free bluetooth headsets implanted in their skulls. But I think that's kind of the point. The game fully acknowledges their inferiority and it's part of the story.

November 28th, 2012, 04:46 PM
Formulaic changes, at least. Take the core Halo 4 gameplay, stick it in Reach's gametypes, and you'll get something good! As it is, I don't like the global loadouts, passive perks, ordinance system, respawn system, and so forth. Not to mention the general lack of content such as a proper BTB playlist, poorly-implemented join-in-progress, and so forth. They did improve oddball, so that's something.

I listened to the Halo 4 soundtrack and 117 is easily the best song there. Amusingly, it's the only song not composed by Neil Davidge.

This Zero Punctuation is pretty good. I particularly like his remark about how the Forerunner architecture is too clean, unreal, and boring.
I do feel they left out the classic gametypes a bit too much. That I will agree. I haven't had time to tinker with anything else besides that and Singleplayer, so I'll reserve my opinion for then! Also, I think they did improve CTF a good bit, even if it isn't entirely classic. The Flagssassination animation is fantastic.

117 is great, but I wouldn't say it's single-handedly the best, mainly because I have been listening to the soundtrack for a week now. Davidge does a lot of cool stuff and the music is all really nice. 117 is great, as I said, but I think the others are great once you have listened to them more than once or twice. I really like To Galaxy, Revival, Arrival, and Haven is really emotional in context. Armour (a part of the bonus tracks) is also eerie in its own right and is the music that is from the most frustrating level in the game IMO.

This is also my favorite remix:

Of course, this is just my response to the music and game thus far. I'm glad we can both discuss our feelings on the game, especially since they are so different. Thanks for explaining. :)

November 28th, 2012, 04:51 PM
Spartan IV's are just marines with bull semen injected into their spines and hands-free bluetooth headsets implanted in their skulls. But I think that's kind of the point. The game fully acknowledges their inferiority and it's part of the story.
343i is the biggest troll of them all...they're making us play an inferior game as inferior soldiers!

Since they wish to continue this cliched herp-derpin' soldier personality I guess that gives the internet free reign to continue making sexist comments, no?

Also, how the fuck do they completely fuck up the covie sniper tower anyway? That shit has been working since H2 and now all of a sudden the grav lift only works from one direction? And can get you lodged under the platform?

November 28th, 2012, 04:56 PM
So basically, Spartan IV's are try-hards? Who knew.

Also, wouldn't the Spartan IV program effectively obsolete the ODST program as of Halo 4? Did it?

I dont see why ODSTs would ever become obsolete. They're pretty much the same as a airborne infantry. They have a useful and well established role that SIVs can do, but only as something more expensive. If marines and spartans are considered separate departments of the UNSC, then ODSTs are still around.

If you ever read into the subtext of Halo 4, you'll find that Halsey's definition of a Spartan is far different than what the Spartan IVs are. While the continuity of the war at Reach has been broken, the raising and development of Spartan IIs are pretty much still there. 343i is trying to do whatever they can to show that Master Chief is not a faceless soldier, but a guy named John. The problem is that Bungie always did this indirectly and 343i is trying to shoe it in through brute force. In campaign, they tried the theme of Spartans=military-hardware/power and in ops they're trying social personality. In the next game or two, through some salvation of MC, they'll wind up with the 'revelation' that slapping on a set of armor doesn't make a soldier and it surely doesn't make a Spartan. To paraphrase from FoR, "you don't volunteer to be a Spartan."

November 28th, 2012, 06:52 PM
When I get stuck under a Covie sniper nest, I just imagine that my SIV would rather be there than in the mess hall of the Infinity, trying to choke down a strawberry bull semen shake. It's a comforting thought.

Master Chief has no time for that shit, though. He obliterates any nest that crosses his visor.

November 28th, 2012, 07:20 PM
Halo 5: Call of Buck.

New features: Master Chief now has the ability to call Eddie Buck's HEV down to strike an enemy location. Infinite times. Anywhere. Even if it's indoors. No structure known to the universe could hold the girth of Nathan Fillion. The end is nigh. 2014.

November 28th, 2012, 07:31 PM
Halo 5: Call of Buck.

New features: Master Chief now has the ability to call Johnson's HEV down to strike an enemy location. Infinite times. Anywhere. Even if it's indoors. No structure known to the universe could hold the girth of SGT Johnson. The end is nigh. 2014.


November 28th, 2012, 07:34 PM
When I get stuck under a Covie sniper nest, I just imagine that my SIV would rather be there than in the mess hall of the Infinity, trying to choke down a strawberry bull semen shake. It's a comforting thought.
That post made me use the rep system for the first time since it was activated again. Why they activated it again, I do not know, but this post I approve

edit: Say what you will about Bungie, but the vets knew how to use their engine and rock the Halo-verse. Just look at that firefight trailer. Reach may have been sub-par to some of you in comparison to previous games, but that's because most of the vets were hard at work on Destiny, and not helping fill MS's pockets full of cows and cash.

I hope Bungie got David Scully in the divorce.

November 28th, 2012, 07:49 PM
That post made me use the rep system for the first time since it was activated again. Why they activated it again, I do not know, but this post I approve

edit: Say what you will about Bungie, but the vets knew how to use their engine and rock the Halo-verse. Just look at that firefight trailer. Reach may have been sub-par to some of you in comparison to previous games, but that's because most of the vets were hard at work on Destiny, and not helping fill MS's pockets full of cows and cash.

I hope Bungie got David Scully in the divorce.
Korn has gone to the :mech: side. :(

On a side note, I miss Sergeant Johnson. :'(

November 28th, 2012, 08:03 PM
You know who didn't miss Sgt Johnson?
At least Sgt Stacker is still alive and kicking.

November 28th, 2012, 08:22 PM
Too soon, man, too soon.

November 28th, 2012, 08:34 PM
Five years, five long years.

November 28th, 2012, 08:54 PM
"My name is John 117, and I'm a little bitch"

There's actually a player trait value for overriding the player's scale. You know, in the game variant data itself, not something you can specify in the game type options. Sorry, there are idiots on these forums and I apparently have to be explicit in what I mean.

November 28th, 2012, 09:21 PM
Sorry, there are idiots on these forums and I apparently have to be explicit in what I mean.
Hi there. :downs:

November 28th, 2012, 09:30 PM
Fuck all these posts about johnson are making me tear up. They need to make an installment to the game where we see johnsons side of the story. From harvest/reach/installation 04. I'd also like to see what he went through with the spartan I project. Fuck Halo 5, I want to see this game NOW.

November 28th, 2012, 11:29 PM
Something cool I noticed in War Games. Depending on whether you team is winning or losing, music plays after the announcer calls out "5 kills remain."

Also, is it just me or are teammates fucking incompotent? Seriously. I'm sitting here with half my team's score and Jonny-Numbnuts here in second place has 4. We get dragged down because I've gotta protect these toddlers and bash the faces of some blues at the same time in just so we can keep up. It's worse with variable custom loadouts and ordinance drops giving the enemy an unreasonable edge. Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking? :suicide:

November 28th, 2012, 11:53 PM
I dont see why ODSTs would ever become obsolete. They're pretty much the same as a airborne infantry. They have a useful and well established role that SIVs can do, but only as something more expensive. If marines and spartans are considered separate departments of the UNSC, then ODSTs are still around.

If you ever read into the subtext of Halo 4, you'll find that Halsey's definition of a Spartan is far different than what the Spartan IVs are. While the continuity of the war at Reach has been broken, the raising and development of Spartan IIs are pretty much still there. 343i is trying to do whatever they can to show that Master Chief is not a faceless soldier, but a guy named John. The problem is that Bungie always did this indirectly and 343i is trying to shoe it in through brute force. In campaign, they tried the theme of Spartans=military-hardware/power and in ops they're trying social personality. In the next game or two, through some salvation of MC, they'll wind up with the 'revelation' that slapping on a set of armor doesn't make a soldier and it surely doesn't make a Spartan. To paraphrase from FoR, "you don't volunteer to be a Spartan."

What I mean is that Spartan IVs are a specialty program, just like ODSTs. ODSTs were the best of the best short of being a Spartan, and now the Spartan IV program has usurped that title. The nature of the job ODSTs were intended to carry out is better suited to Spartan IVs than ODSTs; the armour would reduce mortality rate during drops and could even make an individual drop operation a less costly affair since the pods could be made simpler for the same reason. Spartan IVs are better at sustaining themselves for extended periods behind enemy lines.

As for Spartan IVs vs. Spartan IIs, as far as I'm concerned Spartan IIIs barely deserved the title. The Spartan Program ended with II.

November 29th, 2012, 12:11 AM
Seriously, I want to see a Spartan II break a IV in half.

November 29th, 2012, 10:19 AM
as far as I'm concerned Spartan IIIs barely deserved the title.
None of Noble team acted like the assess in H4 and they were still all volunteers, not indoctrinated from childhood. Of course, those characters were (actually) developed by Bungie :mech2:

Oh and voiced by real actors :mech2:. Jen Taylor outshines these twerps because of that

November 29th, 2012, 10:29 AM
Yay! Even HBO thinks Palmer is a stupid cunt (http://carnage.bungie.org/haloforum/halo.forum.pl?read=1166370) :neckbeard:

November 29th, 2012, 11:27 AM
I don't have a problem with Palmer except that she's a Spartan that just squawks and does nothing like some kind of anti-Chief. Do you need to be a Spartan to do that job? Seems like a waste of good armor and bull semen.

November 29th, 2012, 12:17 PM
Jokes on her, her syringe was full of bull shit. Hence her character.

November 29th, 2012, 02:03 PM
Thorne, as I said before, seems to be the only one that isn't a douche. He may be misguided by his emotions, but at least he's respectful. Even Halsey feels like he's closer to being a Spartan than anyone else she's encountered on the Infinity. He tries his best to understand a situation, and asks relevant questions when he doesn't. This is a character more worthy than most of the others we've seen thus far.

I'll be keeping tabs on this guy. Hopefully he doesn't develop into an immature, shit-pile like the rest.

November 29th, 2012, 02:25 PM

November 29th, 2012, 02:44 PM
I like Shatter, but Harvest has my exclusive attention. Been waiting to play on that world since The Fall of Reach. Wreckage just seems like that map where the didn't know what to do with it, so they dropped buildings and ships into a small canyon. :v:

Also, inbound matchmaking updates includes some awesome better things:

• Made late joining improvements to Join in Progress in all game types.
• Reduced the window for Join in Progress in Slayer game types.
• Made improvements to Join in Progress for uneven starts.

And Team Regicide should be interesting. Sounds like it's going to be a little bit like VIP. :neckbeard:

• Protect your King: Keeping your King alive is the key to success in Team Regicide. The other team will know where your King is!
• Communicate: Keep an open line of communication with teammates and your King.
• Use the boosts: It’s often best to time an offensive when your King has a power-up for that extra advantage in a team fight.
• Hunt the enemy King: Especially if your team is down, the points are almost always worth it!

November 29th, 2012, 02:45 PM
Looks coolish. Didn't realize they'd start rolling those out so quickly.

November 29th, 2012, 02:55 PM
Surprised to see Harvest, all the other maps on the map pack are, been there- done that. Give us some covenant maps:(

November 29th, 2012, 04:17 PM
They all have the same visual style. That's kinda lame. Was hoping for some diversity. Oh well. Harvest does look cool though.

November 29th, 2012, 04:54 PM
I know this is off topic. But this popped into my head today and brought back some damn good memories.


November 29th, 2012, 05:08 PM
Does MG work at Bungie now?

November 29th, 2012, 05:15 PM
Maps look meh, nothing special or recognizeable about them at all. Plus, what's with all the fucking rocks everywhere?

And yes, like Ki11a said, give us some Covenant maps. And some better symmetric maps. And bring back/make a few arena (ala original Halo, weapons around the map) maps and playlists please.

Then maybe Halo 4 won't be so boring.

November 29th, 2012, 07:28 PM
Okay, yep, I am furious. This game is riddled with tryhards. I intentionally quit a game for the first time ever. They had 350 points while we had 60. I said, "Fuck this, I'm going back to Halo 3." I've been losing game after game with a massive gap because of loadout abuse, campers, and over powered ordinance drops. I hope MLG gets their shit in this game. It'll probably be a little less 1-sided when that happens.

Fuck 90% of War Games. BTB, Flood, and SWAT are all I'm playing now. :v:

November 29th, 2012, 07:31 PM
All I will play is Flood, SWAT and BTB if I have a lot of friends on. I'll mostly grind Spartan OPS for XP. Basically like Reach with Firefight.

November 29th, 2012, 07:42 PM
I'm already fed up with the game's multiplayer. At least Bungie weren't fucking conservative pricks and had Forge maps ready and in MM from day one. Fuck your maps 343. If it wasn't for Haven and Ragnerok, I'd have flipped my shit after the first week.

Also, why the fuck did they bring the SPOPs challenges down to two for the past two weeks? SPOPs should have four challenges too (still).

343's new tag line should be "just wait for our after taste..."

November 29th, 2012, 07:51 PM
My question is: why bother grinding XP at all? It's so easy just to not give a shit. Especially after Reach, I had my fill of earning skee ball tickets for the Chuck-E-Cheese prize counter. They want me to get back on that hamster wheel? Nah, I'm good.

I can't imagine how CoD players can stand unlocking red dot sights for the 80th time. Doesn't it feel like groundhog day?

November 29th, 2012, 08:20 PM
I am not having fun anymore. As much as I like some of the changes 343 made, I'd rather be playing Reach.

EDIT: Or more accurately, I'd rather by playing more Mass Effect 3 MP. I'm addicted to it.

November 29th, 2012, 08:34 PM
So a few games in Halo 3 cheered me up. Lost some, didn't care. It was fun and it was balanced.

November 29th, 2012, 10:02 PM
Seriously, I want to see a Spartan II break a IV in half.
Lol definitely this.

November 29th, 2012, 10:27 PM
So a few games in Halo 3 cheered me up. Lost some, didn't care. It was fun and it was balanced.
Halo 3 has great maps, too.

November 30th, 2012, 05:30 AM
Halo 3 has great maps, too.

The large ones anyway. Valhalla, Sandtrap, Avalanche, we miss you :(

Also, Halo 3 has a Warthog that doesn't fucking suck balls. That's the biggest thing for me. I kinda lost interest in H4 MP because the Warthog still blows.

November 30th, 2012, 05:36 AM
If they bring back Sandtrap, there might be hope.

November 30th, 2012, 11:12 AM
It'd only act as a bandade for a wound that needs stitches.

November 30th, 2012, 12:22 PM

I love Youtube comments.

November 30th, 2012, 08:01 PM

What's that? Yeah, I know it's a video from Reach. Why did I post it here? Because I got more enjoyment watching that than I did playing H4 MP.

November 30th, 2012, 08:43 PM
I'm really not understanding the hate in this thread for the game. The core gameplay mechanics are well thought out and respectful to H3, although I can understand some of the disappointment in SPOPS and the MP matchmaking system. The maps on the disc still aren't fully rolled out yet, nor are the playlists which is annoying but I still have a lot of fun playing the game, and there is a lot less bullshit going on here than there was in Reach.

November 30th, 2012, 08:57 PM
Two things bug the shit out of me in this game.
Three actually, weapons disappearing too quickly, no decals in the majority of the surfaces of objects which breaks the immersion.
And third, most importantly, sound effects and mixing, I've yet to find a level where the audio is mixed to a point where I'm actually immersed into the action, HCE T&R- walk in the woods, H2 metropolis- Earth city, H3 The Ark- Outpost.
Warthog sounds disgusting, there is no variation in sound effect based on speed you're driving it's an instant V12 revving at max, Weapon SFX are way too similar, all sound like souped up pneumatic pistons, the bass and treble, that bugs the crap out of me, it's almost like all the sounds have so much bass that the sound is actually being truncated from the raw bass.

November 30th, 2012, 09:30 PM
New specializations are out!

December 1st, 2012, 06:53 AM
I'm really not understanding the hate in this thread for the game. The core gameplay mechanics are well thought out and respectful to H3, although I can understand some of the disappointment in SPOPS and the MP matchmaking system. The maps on the disc still aren't fully rolled out yet, nor are the playlists which is annoying but I still have a lot of fun playing the game, and there is a lot less bullshit going on here than there was in Reach.
It's not the core gameplay that's the problem. It's the framework around it. Global loadouts, ordinance system, lack of weapon spawns on maps, crappy join-in-progress, missing playlists, missing maps, lack of Elites in multi, lack of gametype variety, spawn system, missing forge content, no firefight, no campaign scoring, awful stat-tracking website, no campaign theater, lack of enemy variety, perks, inability to pick up grenades off of enemy players, lack of vehicle variety, missing emblems, awful implementation of specializations (if you are going to have perks, at least do it right), a whole bunch of appearance options hidden behind ridiculous master commendations, and other crap that doesn't come to mind right now.

December 1st, 2012, 11:10 AM
So what happens when we say, "Fuck you Didact, you are annoying to listen to." during that final cinematic? We get this.
*spoilers for those who haven't seen the legendary ending*


Very, very fitting.

December 1st, 2012, 01:02 PM
Small maps: https://twitter.com/bradford_welch/status/274741697357959168

And they still have cocks in their mouth when it comes to Forge maps in MM: https://twitter.com/bradford_welch/status/274752843771174912

December 1st, 2012, 01:12 PM
Fuck small maps. Or at least, have better designed small maps. Like Narrows, or Midship (symmetrical too, and pretty).
Bring back Sandtrap too you bitches. And make it even bigger. And up the cap to 30 people.
...okay maybe not bigger and 30, but bring back Sandtrap you bitches.

December 1st, 2012, 02:33 PM
I'm really not understanding the hate in this thread for the game. The core gameplay mechanics are well thought out and respectful to H3, although I can understand some of the disappointment in SPOPS and the MP matchmaking system. The maps on the disc still aren't fully rolled out yet, nor are the playlists which is annoying but I still have a lot of fun playing the game, and there is a lot less bullshit going on here than there was in Reach.

I don't hate Halo 4. The campaign was IMO the best the series has seen in a while. On the multiplayer side though, Halo 4 still hasn't fixed my 2 biggest gripes with the last 2 games

1. It still takes entirely too long to kill someone.

2. The vehicles (and in particular the Warthog) still kind of suck. Not as bad as in Reach for sure. but they could still be better.

On another note, I still don't think the DMR should be in the game. I still think it ruins the flow of large maps the same as it did in Reach. When you can be shot anywhere, from anywhere, it severely limits your options.

December 1st, 2012, 03:22 PM
I don't hate Halo 4. The campaign was IMO the best the series has seen in a while. On the multiplayer side though, Halo 4 still hasn't fixed my 2 biggest gripes with the last 2 games

1. It still takes entirely too long to kill someone.

2. The vehicles (and in particular the Warthog) still kind of suck. Not as bad as in Reach for sure. but they could still be better.

On another note, I still don't think the DMR should be in the game. I still think it ruins the flow of large maps the same as it did in Reach. When you can be shot anywhere, from anywhere, it severely limits your options.

The DMR, Light rifle, Carbine, and BR can all shoot people from long ranges. I'm happier with all of them because unlike Reach the DMR is no longer the only useful weapon in the game.

December 1st, 2012, 03:56 PM
The DMR shoots significantly longer than all other rifles bar the sniper rifle. BR, Light Rifle, and Carbine ain't got shit on it.

Also Pooky what the hell kind of complaint is "it takes too long to kill someone." This is Halo, that's how it's supposed to be and that's how it better stay. All other games have turned into mindless "first one who shoots, wins" but Halo still has skill involved in firefights...at least, most times. I find myself always getting fucked out of my kills because someone runs away like a coward and you can't chase them at all. That's my gripe.

And also, has anyone noticed 343s obsession with fucking rocks? I swear, there are fucking rocks everywhere in this fucking game. Blocks so many sightlines, and overcomplicated the map so much more than they should.

December 1st, 2012, 03:59 PM
BR and Carbine maybe not, but the LR has a 3x zoom, it's technically the most powerful of the three at range. Idk, I rock that thing on large maps.

December 1st, 2012, 04:07 PM
The DMR shoots significantly longer than all other rifles bar the sniper rifle. BR, Light Rifle, and Carbine ain't got shit on it.
Isn't its zoom also stronger than the BR/Carbine?

December 1st, 2012, 04:08 PM
I think DMR/LR and BR/Carbine are paired up as midrange and long range. I like the setup.

December 1st, 2012, 04:57 PM
So I redeemed the code I got for the specilizations on xbox.com

Problem is, it still thinks my account is attached to the console I recovered it to the day (friends console) So I cant DL on MY xbox. I don't know how to fix this.

December 1st, 2012, 05:03 PM
You need to transfer content licenses (http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live/marketplace-and-purchasing/download-content).

December 1st, 2012, 05:14 PM
I don't hate Halo 4. The campaign was IMO the best the series has seen in a while. On the multiplayer side though, Halo 4 still hasn't fixed my 2 biggest gripes with the last 2 games

1. It still takes entirely too long to kill someone.

2. The vehicles (and in particular the Warthog) still kind of suck. Not as bad as in Reach for sure. but they could still be better.

On another note, I still don't think the DMR should be in the game. I still think it ruins the flow of large maps the same as it did in Reach. When you can be shot anywhere, from anywhere, it severely limits your options.

Too long to kill someone? I still think it doesn't take long enough. I want to have protracted firefights of awesome where it takes some tactical planning, not a "SURPRISE, BUTTSECKS!" contest.

Also, the DMR shouldn't be in the game simply because there are already 3 other mid-range weapons and adding a "mid-long" and "mid-mid" and "mid-close" type is splitting hairs. They gave humans two mid-range weapons for crying out loud...I think they just couldn't bear to part with either of them.

December 1st, 2012, 05:30 PM
Does anyone know why they have all these maps that aren't put into matchmaking?

December 1st, 2012, 05:31 PM
Too long to kill someone? I still think it doesn't take long enough. I want to have protracted firefights of awesome where it takes some tactical planning, not a "SURPRISE, BUTTSECKS!" contest.

You cannot take on multiple opponents with the kill times being as protracted as they are now. It takes so long to kill someone that by the time you finish them off you're probably at half shield and get killed by their teammates.

In halo 3, you are forced to teamshot or you lose. Stupid people say that this means there is more teamwork. Smart people realize that even though teamshot is irrelevant in Halo CE, halo CE actually takes 5x as much teamwork as halo 3 ever could. The difference is that you can do something as an individual rather than being tethered to your teammates.


I've said this before, but the biggest difference between Halo 1 and any of its sequels is the individual power afforded to players. As an individual in Halo 1, you can take on an entire enemy team plus their vehicles and kill them all as long as you're more skilled than they are. If you want the long range battles to be more epic, maybe a better step would be to turn down the massive autoaim in the game?

December 1st, 2012, 05:39 PM
You cannot take on multiple opponents with the kill times being as protracted as they are now.


December 1st, 2012, 05:43 PM
You cannot take on multiple opponents with the kill times being as protracted as they are now.
Hey, how you doin'?


Wow, would you look at that? #9, #6, #4, and #1 clearly did not happen.

December 1st, 2012, 05:43 PM
Lol Pooky. You're obviously bad. :V

Jk of course. But seriously.

December 1st, 2012, 05:44 PM
Isn't its zoom also stronger than the BR/Carbine?Yes, significantly. I can easily shoot anyone from anywhere on Exile, whereas the BR barely nicks them with one shot from a burst.

December 1st, 2012, 05:50 PM
Hey, how you doin'?Wow, would you look at that?

Maybe I wasn't clear. I'm only referring to your starting loadout. Every multikill in that video save the last one was accomplished with vehicles, grenades, or instant kill weapons like the Sniper Rifle. The last one I give credit for, but he also had the benefit of heavy cover and opponents rushing at him in a straight line. I've never seen anyone in Halo: Reach or Halo 4 kill an entire enemy team of 8 people, including their vehicles, while on foot and using only a Pistol and grenades. That was perfectly possible in Halo 1.

If you try to take on multiple people on the same team, while on open ground and using a starting rifle, the situation is pretty unwinnable most of the time.

While not revolutionary and perhaps even somewhat borrowed, Halo: Combat Evolved’s core mechanics and gameplay was a hodgepodge of right choices. The two weapon system forced players to move around the map and generated a strategic element in each enemy encounter. The balance of the sandbox also permeated, and while oft-contended, Halo: Combat Evolved’s legendary pistol, the M6D, seemed to level the playing field for any and everyone, giving the player who spawned into misfortune a fighting chance at survival rather than a swift burial. Vehicle combat was practically without transition and played like a natural extension of its on-foot brother. Everything from the responsive movement and cunning map design to the game’s intriguing and often entertaining physics made Halo: Combat Evolved unforgettable.


December 1st, 2012, 05:54 PM
You cannot take on multiple opponents with the kill times being as protracted as they are now. It takes so long to kill someone that by the time you finish them off you're probably at half shield and get killed by their teammates.


I've said this before, but the biggest difference between Halo 1 and any of its sequels is the individual power afforded to players. As an individual in Halo 1, you can take on an entire enemy team plus their vehicles and kill them all as long as you're more skilled than they are. If you want the long range battles to be more epic, maybe a better step would be to turn down the massive autoaim in the game?

Halo 1 had longer kill times than any of the subsequent titles though. To take on multiple opponents, you had to place your shots and grenades wisely, use cover, and bounce the motion tracker around. It was pure calculation. Halo 2+? My experience with them has been that he who gets the first shot off wins with rare exception.

I don't actually care about long-range battles. I'm talking about mid-close, where most of the action in Halo 1 took place.

December 1st, 2012, 05:56 PM
Halo 1 had longer kill times than any of the subsequent titles though. To take on multiple opponents, you had to place your shots and grenades wisely, use cover, and bounce the motion tracker around. It was pure calculation. Halo 2+? My experience with them has been that he who gets the first shot off wins with rare exception.

If the kill times seemed longer, it's only because you had to actually aim. A miss in Halo 1 is a miss, there's no colossal autoaim to make up for one's personal inadequacies. Trust me, 3 shots from the Pistol in H1 comes a lot faster than 5 shots from the DMR in H4.


Notice also the Shotgun being useful from more than 2 meters away, the Sniper Rifle firing much faster, the Assault Rifle can kill someone with only a quarter of the magazine, the grenades are daisy cutters, etc. etc.

December 1st, 2012, 06:03 PM
Small maps: https://twitter.com/bradford_welch/status/274741697357959168

And they still have cocks in their mouth when it comes to Forge maps in MM: https://twitter.com/bradford_welch/status/274752843771174912
an option
an option

My god 343i, just support the damn game now.

This game is going to be so much fun in a year.

December 1st, 2012, 06:03 PM
A "kill-time" takes into account all the variables and makes an average. I am not disagreeing that a 3sk from the Pistol is stupendously fast, but assuming two equally-skilled players, a 3sk is not going to happen. They will take measures to prevent it including grenades, strafing, and other forms of deception. It was a veritable dog-fight. On PC, those of us who knew how to compensate for the lag were far fewer than the pubbies who just thought it was random, and it therefore seemed like a cinch to be godlike. In all the Xbox LANs I've played, though, it was a strafing match. The average time it took to make the kill was much less, mostly because you couldn't shoot twice then punch to the face, but also because the auto-aim in the other games made it so much easier.

That kind of verifies the idea that Halo 2 and onwards are easy-mode, made more "accessible" to new players. Personally, I don't see the need to make a game more "accessible" when you separate players based on their skill-level.

Fake E: ninja'd.

December 1st, 2012, 06:07 PM
A "kill-time" takes into account all the variables and makes an average. I am not disagreeing that a 3sk from the Pistol is stupendously fast, but assuming two equally-skilled players, a 3sk is not going to happen. They will take measures to prevent it including grenades, strafing, and other forms of deception. It was a veritable dog-fight. On PC, those of us who knew how to compensate for the lag were far fewer than the pubbies who just thought it was random, and it therefore seemed like a cinch to be godlike. In all the Xbox LANs I've played, though, it was a strafing match. The average time it took to make the kill was much less, mostly because you couldn't shoot twice then punch to the face, but also because the auto-aim in the other games made it so much easier.

So what you're saying is, the potential for a 3 shot kill means there's a much larger difference between the really skilled players and the pub kids? Imagine that! That's what's referred to as a high skill ceiling, which is exactly what's been lost from Halo over the years.

That kind of verifies the idea that Halo 2 and onwards are easy-mode, made more "accessible" to new players. Personally, I don't see the need to make a game more "accessible" when you separate players based on their skill-level.

Fake E: ninja'd.

Pretty much exactly this. Glad we're on the same page.

December 1st, 2012, 06:14 PM
Pretty much, yes. We are on exactly the same page. It was more that we had different interpretations of "time to kill." To some it means the time it takes to kill a target using x-weapon while hitting every shot and to others it means what I said.

December 1st, 2012, 06:16 PM
The other thing about making the game more accessible is that it gives bad players the illusion that they're actually decent, which encourages them to play more and buy lots of DLC. I'm convinced that this is an intentional strategy by Bungie/343i

December 1st, 2012, 06:55 PM
The other thing about making the game more accessible is that it gives bad players the illusion that they're actually decent, which encourages them to play more and buy lots of DLC. I'm convinced that this is an intentional strategy by Bungie/343i THE WHOLE FUCKING GAMES INDUSTRY.


December 1st, 2012, 10:45 PM
mmh. There are a very few developers out there still making hardcore games. Super Meat Boy was downright excellent and a great surprise.

December 1st, 2012, 11:44 PM
I'm guessing that most of you guys are in your mid-20's or younger, but those mad skillz that you pride yourselves on are about to decline rapidly. So, try not to look down with too much disdain on a population of players that you will sooner or later be joining, either by loss of neuroplasticity, visual acuity, or you just plain have priorities other than mastering a video game.

It's fine if you think you know what's best for the franchise, but pretty much everybody believes they do by now. Even if I was making a Halo game exclusively for a million parallel universe versions of myself, I am not confident that I wouldn't piss off a significant chunk of them with my design decisions. And I'm pretty forgiving. With some of you, I could easily imagine an alternate version of yourselves stalking you, murdering you, and defiling your corpses.

Not saying that no one should complain or offer alternative solutions. My point is that the hypothetical Halo MP that is going to usher in a new golden age of universal acclaim and community harmony is not there to be had -- at least, it won't have the name "Halo" on it. We're at a point where, to make one person happy is to alienate another. You change something: you're fucked. You don't change something: you're fucked. If those guys weren't making truckloads of money, I would pity them.

December 2nd, 2012, 12:11 AM
So, try not to look down with too much disdain on a population of players that you will sooner or later be joining, either by loss of neuroplasticity, visual acuity, or you just plain have priorities other than mastering a video game.

You mean the population of 12 year olds who actually play these games on Xbox Live? Okay.

It's fine if you think you know what's best for the franchise, but pretty much everybody believes they do by now. Even if I was making a Halo game exclusively for a million parallel universe versions of myself, I am not confident that I wouldn't piss off a significant chunk of them with my design decisions. And I'm pretty forgiving. With some of you, I could easily imagine an alternate version of yourselves stalking you, murdering you, and defiling your corpses.

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about here. I don't think anybody here said that they know what's best for the Halo franchise, or that anybody's seriously pissed about Halo 4. This is the Internet, so for some reason having a civil discussion about something = pissed off. That bit about defiling corpses... yeah.

My point is that the hypothetical Halo MP that is going to usher in a new golden age of universal acclaim and community harmony is not there to be had -- at least, it won't have the name "Halo" on it. We're at a point where, to make one person happy is to alienate another. You change something: you're fucked. You don't change something: you're fucked. If those guys weren't making truckloads of money, I would pity them.

I don't expect a magical Halo multiplayer to come out that's going to be absolutely amazing. I do however think perhaps Halo should have quit while it was ahead. If you're at the point where change or no change, lots of people are unhappy then it might be time for a new franchise.

P.S. I think if a game is designed well enough then you don't have to be PRO MLG ELITE to still enjoy playing it.

December 2nd, 2012, 05:03 AM
Yeah.. I knew we had to follow up on the chief somehow.. But Halo 4, 5 and 6? It just proves that MS knows that Halo is one of there best sellers and will do anything to squeeze every penny from the title. Personally I think they should've covered more ground on the existing story they have with the books and such. I think it should have gone like this:

Halo3 ODST
Halo Reach
Halo 1.5 (Not my idea of a title, would cover what happened on INST 04, how chief found johnson and fellow spartans, and what was thier fate, reach expansion mb)
Harvest (First hostile contact with the covenant and why the war is even happening)
THEN maybe Halo 4. But i'd stop it there. Of course even if they followed this method MS would keep pushing out new games.

Also, just played a couple hours of Halo anniversary MP. Was having a lot of fun compared to Halo 4.

December 2nd, 2012, 01:15 PM
Either the VGAs were recorded months ago, or they will be premiering the next season of black spartan flops: http://halo.bungie.org/news.html?item=38153

December 2nd, 2012, 01:47 PM
Speaking of SPOPS leaked cinematic for Halo 4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMbBqxtJNq4)

December 2nd, 2012, 01:58 PM
^August, 2011.

mmh. There are a very few developers out there still making hardcore games. Super Meat Boy was downright excellent and a great surprise.
StarCraft2. That game is fucking tough to be good at right off the bat. The ragequit and QQ from us lower league players, I swear. At least Blizzard kept it tough to be good at.

This is coming from someone who only has played FPS and RPG for the past decade. It kind of makes sense that I suck at it anyways.

December 2nd, 2012, 10:42 PM
The other thing about making the game more accessible is that it gives bad players the illusion that they're actually decent, which encourages them to play more and buy lots of DLC. I'm convinced that this is an intentional strategy by Bungie/343i THE WHOLE FUCKING GAMES INDUSTRY.

Yeah, and? What you said makes perfect sense. That's how you make more money. They nailed their target demographic and made plenty of money in return to keep their amazingly talented team employed. Stop complaining about how developers aren't making games that cater to a minority demographic.

December 2nd, 2012, 11:44 PM
I know that, but making money wasn't the topic of discussion at that point. That also wasn't my quote, that was just a change to Pooky's that is pretty much exactly what he said, just expanded to include everything.

December 2nd, 2012, 11:51 PM
The other thing about making the game more accessible is that it gives bad players the illusion that they're actually decent, which encourages them to play more and buy lots of DLC. I'm convinced that this is an intentional strategy by Bungie/343i THE WHOLE FUCKING GAMES INDUSTRY.
I think this started as an accidental byproduct of shitty network backbone in America. To help combat latency and bandwidth issues, they greatly increased hit assist (lol melee lunge). This in turn opened up the game to worse players and started the whole process.

Lets be honest, the monopoly regions of shit-tier ISPs still aren't good enough to have a decent netcode implemented without problems.

December 3rd, 2012, 12:56 AM
I know that, but making money wasn't the topic of discussion at that point. That also wasn't my quote, that was just a change to Pooky's that is pretty much exactly what he said, just expanded to include everything.

Yeah, wasn't really directed you, or Pooky for that matter. Just in general.

December 3rd, 2012, 03:15 AM
i know the game genre is different and the game is single player, but i just started playing dishonored. i dont think a game being accessible and a game being dumbed down for the lowest common denominator go hand in hand. without sucking this game off too much (even though i really want to, its really fucking good), you can run in guns blazing and kill everyone, which is easier obviously, or you can play through all the way without killing anybody, which is much more difficult. the game is accessible to a variety of players, because it can be much more action oriented for people who just want to stab shit, or it can be very tactical and stealthy for patient players who want to make it through the game without killing anyone.

im not entirely sure how youd carry that sort of concept over into a PvP multiplayer environment, but i wouldnt totally write off modern multiplayer gaming yet. i guess like, "infiltrating" a base in planetside 2 as infiltrator vs running in as heavy assault. the analogy doesnt quite hold up, but its the only example i can come up with off the top of my head.

December 3rd, 2012, 05:12 AM
Dishonored was a great game. Short but nothing less then great.

December 3rd, 2012, 05:24 AM
i know the game genre is different and the game is single player, but i just started playing dishonored. i dont think a game being accessible and a game being dumbed down for the lowest common denominator go hand in hand. without sucking this game off too much (even though i really want to, its really fucking good), you can run in guns blazing and kill everyone, which is easier obviously, or you can play through all the way without killing anybody, which is much more difficult. the game is accessible to a variety of players, because it can be much more action oriented for people who just want to stab shit, or it can be very tactical and stealthy for patient players who want to make it through the game without killing anyone.

Another good example of that would be the Metroid series. Metroid games typically aren't all that hard if you grab every expansion and upgrade you find. However, they can be brutally difficult once you start going for low % runs. The difficulty is what you make of it, in other words. Also, you'll notice how Metroid games never have tutorial missions or anything like that? That's because the game teaches you how to play it THROUGH the level design. Accessible without being dumbed down.

Here's another good take on that:


December 3rd, 2012, 06:36 AM
Yeah, and? What you said makes perfect sense. That's how you make more money. They nailed their target demographic and made plenty of money in return to keep their amazingly talented team employed. Stop complaining about how developers aren't making games that cater to a minority demographic.
Mind pointing me to any surveys that show which demographic is in the minority?
Any polls at all?
Published research?

Oh right.

December 3rd, 2012, 11:47 AM
The hardcore pc gamers are the minority. If you want to argue otherwise you're wrong. Not saying there isn't money in that market, but it's easier and less risky for AAA development to target the casual 360 and PS3 gamers. And that usually means the game doing exactly what pooky described. But this is a different argument entirely and this is not the place to discuss it really.

e: I think star citizen and other recently wildly successful PC games coupled with aging consoles are showing a shift in this, but again that's getting too far off topic here.

December 3rd, 2012, 02:20 PM
So SPOPs Episode 5 is out. I haven't played it yet, but I wonder if the Prometheans are going to strike back (You know, since we kicked 99% Covenant ass in the last episode). Like Star Wars.

December 3rd, 2012, 02:55 PM
The hardcore pc gamers are the minority. If you want to argue otherwise you're wrong.
You keep saying this but you keep forgetting to back this up with actual research data. :allears:

December 3rd, 2012, 04:36 PM
I don't understand the people who complain that we're still fighting covies in Halo 4. Does anyone really want a campaign that's entirely prometheans? Prometheans, like the Flood, are only good in small doses. The covenant-heavy Spartan Ops episodes are always the best.

And another thing I noticed. Solace is a very pretty map. It is, in fact, better-looking than all of the forerunner structures in campaign, for the simple fact that it's the only forerunner structure that looks worn, weathered, and ancient.

December 3rd, 2012, 04:43 PM
I don't understand the people who complain that we're still fighting covies in Halo 4. Does anyone really want a campaign that's entirely prometheans? Prometheans, like the Flood, are only good in small doses. The covenant-heavy Spartan Ops episodes are always the best.
I'll agree to this. Prometheans are really good finishing touches, but not a good main course. Covenant are simply classic and vital for Halo gameplay.

Does anyone else feel like fights with Prometheans are a lot like Flood gameplay?

December 3rd, 2012, 05:22 PM
It's official: Palmer can go fuck herself.

December 3rd, 2012, 06:11 PM
I can't make heads or tails of Thorne. First he proves to be a competent by hijacking a banshee and then he's somehow able to get captured by the Covenant. We better find him surrounded by dead elites in the coming episodes.

Oh, and forget doing the first mission Legendary solo. That's damn difficult.

EDIT: But props to making a mission "Failable", just do it better next time.

December 3rd, 2012, 06:14 PM
You keep saying this but you keep forgetting to back this up with actual research data. :allears:

You don't even need evidence to support this, its so blatantly obvious its kind of ridiculous.

December 3rd, 2012, 06:35 PM
Yeah, and? What you said makes perfect sense. That's how you make more money. They nailed their target demographic and made plenty of money in return to keep their amazingly talented team employed. Stop complaining about how developers aren't making games that cater to a minority demographic.

I'm not complaining that developers aren't making games to cater to a minority demographic. Because, in fact, they are. I think I was complaining that Halo has made a sharp turn away from the hardcore demographic and planted itself firmly in casual territory.

Even then, I ain't really complainin', I just sayin'.

December 3rd, 2012, 06:49 PM
I'll agree to this. Prometheans are really good finishing touches, but not a good main course. Covenant are simply classic and vital for Halo gameplay.
Besides, who else are we going to fight? You've got covies, forerunner machines, the flood, and other humans. Take your pick.

December 3rd, 2012, 07:08 PM
We can fight nature! Battle the trees! Fight back tsunamis! Beat down hurricanes!

December 3rd, 2012, 07:12 PM
When do we fight Innies? I want an excuse to blow another human's head off rather than him being an enemy Spartan or infected by the Flood.

December 3rd, 2012, 07:16 PM
I'm not complaining that developers aren't making games to cater to a majority demographic. Because, in fact, they are. I think I was complaining that Halo has made a sharp turn away from the hardcore demographic and planted itself firmly in casual territory.

It totally did, and I wish it was less than it did. Still fun, but a different experience.

December 3rd, 2012, 08:00 PM
Dammit, I can't make heads or tails of Thorne. First he proves to be a badass by hijacking a banshee then he's stupid enough to fall into the hands of the Covenant. We better find him surrounded by dead elites in the coming episodes.

Dude, he didn't "fall into the hands of the Covenant." He was teleported to a region under Covenant control by the artifact he did not know could teleport him anywhere. Just saying.

December 3rd, 2012, 08:19 PM
You'd think, after the first guy warped away, that there would be a ship-wide notice and a handy-dandy warning telling personnel to stay away.

December 3rd, 2012, 08:44 PM
You'd think, after the first guy warped away, that there would be a ship-wide notice and a handy-dandy warning telling personnel to stay away.

December 3rd, 2012, 08:53 PM
You'd think, after the first guy warped away, that there would be a ship-wide notice and a handy-dandy warning telling personnel to stay away.
You'd also think that on a ship as armed to the teeth as Infinity is, and with the new missions it's running on the feign-planet crawling with...crawlers, the scientists would be armed and/or have some kind of basic knowledge of how to use a gun. At least fucking Boyd knew how to hold a pistol. And shoot a DMR once I gave him one.

Also, who here hopes that Palmer's obsession with running around sans-helmet will land her in the same boat as Kat, only messier? Since you know, there's no helmet to contain her brains from shooting out every which way. I mean, those fucking crawlers don't miss, unlike their Jackel sniper counterparts, she's gonna get it sooner or later.

December 3rd, 2012, 09:02 PM
Also, who here hopes that Palmer's obsession with running around sans-helmet will land her in the same boat as Kat, only messier? Since you know, there's no helmet to contain her brains from shooting out every which way. I mean, those fucking crawlers don't miss, unlike their Jackel sniper counterparts, she's gonna get it sooner or later.
Episode, fucking, ten. :D

December 3rd, 2012, 10:43 PM
You'd think, after the first guy warped away, that there would be a ship-wide notice and a handy-dandy warning telling personnel to stay away.
You say this and then don't keep in mind the same characters we're talking about except two. I'm sure Halsey would want it to happen. Lasky is just trying to keep things together. But yeah, everyone else.

December 3rd, 2012, 10:48 PM
Episode, fucking, ten. :D
Nah, they wont kill off the fuck buddies unless it's in a game people pay for.

December 3rd, 2012, 11:22 PM
Fucking seriously, Thorne? Just when I was thinking we'd have at least one sensible Majestic team member... "ooh shiny."

December 4th, 2012, 12:27 AM
Anyone else notice this?