View Full Version : Far Cry 3 in 2012

June 9th, 2011, 09:34 PM
Far Cry 3 (http://cdeezgames.com/far-cry-3-news/far-cry-3-release-date/15/) is going to be released in 2012. It was just announced at this years E3. This game has the best sandbox editor in any console game that I've ever played.

There's a trailer for it here:

or the Official Ubisoft forums here:

June 10th, 2011, 01:24 AM
^_^ there'll be more farcry-news

June 12th, 2011, 10:33 PM
There's another Far Cry 3 (http://cdeezgames.com/far-cry-3-news/far-cry-3-release-date/30/) video that shows the character using a zip line.

June 13th, 2011, 03:20 PM
TeeKup and I found it funny that the tourist/protagonist in the trailer inexplicably knew how to silently assassinate targets and throw knives with expert precision :bunchies:

June 13th, 2011, 03:36 PM

June 13th, 2011, 06:16 PM
TeeKup and I found it funny that the tourist/protagonist in the trailer inexplicably knew how to silently assassinate targets and throw knives with expert precision :bunchies:

Its probably like the story in FC1 where Jack was ex cia/special forces or whatever it was.

June 13th, 2011, 07:21 PM
TeeKup and I found it funny that the tourist/protagonist in the trailer inexplicably knew how to silently assassinate targets and throw knives with expert precision :bunchies:

This made no sense and pissed me off. But whatever game design. I'll probably get FC3, I had my fair share of FC2 (fuck the respawning guardposts though....)

June 14th, 2011, 03:38 AM
Fuck the malaria.

June 14th, 2011, 09:20 AM
^ Oh and the goddamn malaria was stupid too.

June 14th, 2011, 09:24 AM
^ I thought that was hilarious. AND SUDDENLY MALARIA

June 14th, 2011, 10:38 AM
Fuck the friends. And fuck the ending.

June 14th, 2011, 04:03 PM
The buddies were all shit and always died and whined and shit. Respawning guard posts was meh, ending was hilarious because it was so dumb.

You know what they did right though in FC2? THOSE FUCKING AMAZING ANIMATIONS, HOT DAMN

June 14th, 2011, 05:18 PM
The crazy guy is amazingly well-done in every respect. The voice work was fantastic.

June 15th, 2011, 07:00 AM
I hated having to go out of my way to do favors for buddies during main missions and then having to hold their hands afterwards. I got to the point where I was just doing to favors for the camp upgrades and then come time for the firefight, I would load up a truck with IEDs and ram my buddy with it to finally end the mission.

The first person animations were great, and so was the gunplay in that regards. Sniping was awesome, would have been perfect with bullet drop. However, the third person anims for enemies were terribad. Shooting in one direction while looking in the opposite, ridiculous delays in death anims after getting shot, running around like they have a wooden plank nailed to their spines, god it was bad.

The Jakal was boss though, I would enjoy finding out if he double crossed you in FC2, and makes an appearance in 3.

Mr Buckshot
June 17th, 2011, 07:12 PM
I mostly hated the respawning guard checkpoints.

Driving also took way too long and the buses lacked coverage.

Fire and lighting effects were awesome though.

June 18th, 2011, 12:59 AM
A Far Cry game not developed by Crytek is guaranteed to suck.

June 24th, 2011, 06:36 PM
no its not :C

June 24th, 2011, 08:47 PM
yeah really, no it is not at all. iv played over 100 hours in fc2's single player alone, and i love the game. the ai was interesting in fc2. the animations were bad for the enemies, but they hunted you down if you hid from them. i just wish there was more option for stealth, because even that stealth suit (for 40 fucking diamonds god damn) was completely useless. ai seemed to aimbot you sometimes, and they just take loads of bullets before going down. i snipe a guy in the forehead with an m1903, and he just lays down and starts shooting me. fuck that. ai aside, driving was pretty cool. i kind of wish there were more animals though, like lions that would fuck your shit up if they caught you off guard. an actual train you could take would be awesome too, especially if it was like red dead style where you can just jump on as its going. gunplay was pretty decent too.

im really liking the fact that the AK in that fc3 trailer has rails on it. hopefully this means we can put scopes and stuff on our guns. im just hoping they dont pull an mw2 and add 400 attachments for every gun. if they did something like cod4 where you can have a silencer, acog, or grenade launcher (dont even need this tbqh) that would be ideal. being able to deck out an FAL with a silencer in fc2 would have been awesome. im kind of hoping you can use the iron sights on sniper rifles too. i have always wanted to use a dragunov without a scope. also, more m14 pls.

E: fucking awesome fp animations too.

June 25th, 2011, 07:09 PM
E: fucking awesome fp animations too.
IMO that was the only good thing about the game, everything else sucked noodles. As for 3, everything I saw in the trailer is already an improvement over 2, but it still looks shitty to me.

June 25th, 2011, 08:04 PM
so 5 minutes of demo gameplay that shows things i dont think iv ever seen in a first person shooter looks shitty? it looks far better than most other fps games (looking at you, cod.)

June 25th, 2011, 08:38 PM
yeah really, no it is not at all. iv played over 100 hours in fc2's single player alone, and i love the game. the ai was interesting in fc2. the animations were bad for the enemies, but they hunted you down if you hid from them. i just wish there was more option for stealth, because even that stealth suit (for 40 fucking diamonds god damn) was completely useless. ai seemed to aimbot you sometimes, and they just take loads of bullets before going down. i snipe a guy in the forehead with an m1903, and he just lays down and starts shooting me. fuck that. ai aside, driving was pretty cool. i kind of wish there were more animals though, like lions that would fuck your shit up if they caught you off guard. an actual train you could take would be awesome too, especially if it was like red dead style where you can just jump on as its going. gunplay was pretty decent too.

I was SO goddamn pissed after I got that stealth suit. Didn't do SHIT.

June 25th, 2011, 09:14 PM
If the campaign is more than just 5 hours of shooting things, then I might actually like it, but I doubt it will be any better than that.

June 25th, 2011, 09:35 PM
my first play through of farcry 2 took about 30 hours. im not sure how much of that was fucking around, but that game is definitely longer than 5 hours. farcry 1 took me about 20 hours i think. the assassins creed games always took me a while to finish too. the point im trying to make here is i think ubisoft is more than capable of making a good game. im pretty sure ubisoft just forgot they were making a game for a little while with farcry 2. they were trying to nail the atmosphere of africa as realistically as possible, and it seems like they lost sight of other stuff like the AI and keeping the action going with the long driving delays. the trailer for farcry 3 looks like theyre taking a more farcry 1 styled approach to things where theyre more concerned with gameplay than realism (see arrows that show when the AI have spotted you).

i just dont think its fair to call this game shitty when all you have seen is 5 minutes of demo footage of a game thats coming from a company that has shown before that they know how to change their games to be more user friendly after the first title (see AC1 -> AC2). its been what, 4 years since farcry 2? if ubisoft's past is anything to go off of, farcry 3 should be fine.

DRM is a different story, but we'll bitch about that when the time comes.

June 25th, 2011, 09:52 PM
I see what you mean, and I agree. Far Cry2 was more than 5 hours for me, but when I said that, I meant games like CoD. Far Cry 2 was about 20 or 30 hours of driving around and doing the same stuff over and over again, and it had me wishing that Ubisoft would never make a Far Cry game again.

December 5th, 2011, 02:01 AM

December 5th, 2011, 03:02 AM
why bump a 6-month year old thread with a post like 'what?'

December 5th, 2011, 03:10 AM
because some asshole posted something and deleted his post between the time i said "what" and now.

actually, i think i may be being targeted right now. theres some guy advertizing LED flashlights and every thread hes posted in so far are old threads where my post is the most recent post.
E: or im a paranoid fuck

February 16th, 2012, 12:59 AM
Far Cry 3 looks like something I want to play now. That's a 180 from when I saw the E3 trailer last year:


The dubstep shit doesn't seem to flow with the game's theme, though. Looks like an awesome movie to watch, too.

EDIT: UBISOFT? "Ahh fuck! Ah damn it!" Looks like I'm once again forced into pirating a game that looks like it's worth something. GG Ubisoft.

February 16th, 2012, 01:35 AM
EDIT: UBISOFT? "Ahh fuck! Ah damn it!" Looks like I'm once again forced into pirating a game that looks like it's worth something. GG Ubisoft.

Far Cry 2 actually got a pretty neat PC release; no mod tools or anything, but it was well-optimized, controlled nicely, and came with some light DX10 features. The FC3 demonstration at E3 was actually on a PC w/ an X360 controller (read it in an interview PC Gamer or RPS or somewhere)

Don't discount it yet until month-delays and horrible-DRM are actually confirmed

February 16th, 2012, 02:08 AM
Lol of course it was on a PC, that's the only real way to showcase something the very first time that you announce a game.

February 16th, 2012, 02:52 AM

February 16th, 2012, 12:29 PM
You know... Ubisoft sure does make a nice prerendered trailer. Between this and the Assassin's Creed stuff... Pretty awesome. Unfortunately. I never beat Far Cry 2. I have it. But I got done with the first major section and was like "What the hell, there's more of the same crap?" and then I quit.

February 17th, 2012, 01:33 AM
by their logic:

omg WoW had pretty prerendered stuff and was successful.


February 17th, 2012, 10:01 AM
The trailer I posted, though, didn't look like a traditional pre-rendered trailer. If you look at the faces of the people, they seem imperfect. That's not how most CGI trailers look. Since they are using a heavily modified version of CryEngine, maybe that was real time rendering with heavy scripting.

February 17th, 2012, 12:55 PM
Trailer was sick. Gameplay looks fun, I just hope it doesnt bore the shit out of me like Far Cry 2 did (I played several hours but hardly did any missions, had annoying elements).

February 18th, 2012, 04:21 AM
The thing about the Farcry games is that they seem to be completely unrelated to each other. Farcry 1 had mutated beasts hunting you as well as other humans. Farcry 2 was realism-based (LOL) in an African nation where you're searching for an arms dealer. Far Cry 3 seems to be less realism, but not sci-fi and running away from crazy people. And I just love tropical islands so much. Well, it's not surprising considering that Crytek only made the first Far Cry and then sold the name to Ubisoft I guess.

February 18th, 2012, 04:53 AM
having played both farcry 1 and farcry 2, i have to say, i love them both, but for different reasons. farcry 1 was just excellent. the stealth gameplay, the ridiculous difficulty, the voice acting (IM GONNA SHOOT YOU IN THE FACE!), and the scenarios kicked ass. farcry 2 was awesome because of all the attention to detail in it. weapon jamming is cool, the expansive environments were interesting to explore (for me at least), and the sound effects were nice. also, the ability to traverse by land or water was a nice option. but it seemed like farcry 2 was the foundation for an awesome game that just never came to fruition, like it was missing a whole layer of gameplay. its a major part of the inspiration i have for a game i want to make some day because of that.

im imagining a co-op mode. youre driving, and your friend is on the gun in the truck. theres a truck chasing you, and youre running through the wilderness trying to get to a safe point where you have some allies that can open fire from a protected position. game would have been fucking awesome if it had a deep level of gameplay like that.

oh, and the animations were awesome too. still some of the best ive seen to date.

February 18th, 2012, 12:40 PM
hey look 5.5 minutes of gameplay

the nice:
-Still seems to be open world!
-While probably not revelatory the shooting looks mechanically tight and punchy
-Stealth actually an option!
-Way more mission variety! Shown: attacking a wrecked ship, exploring a cave, tripping on 'shrooms in said cave, fighting through an underwater vessel (and going through a hull breach)
-XP system; either-or for some people, and we don't see how it "works" beyond that it's there, but hopefully this can help fight off the repetition
-Oh and a minimap, so you don't have to whip yours out just to check where you are (probably still a full map you can open up)

the wait what:
-Ear-bleeding dubstep apparently not exclusive to the trailer. FC3 now the first game to use it in a soundtrack, and hopefully the last
-While still in unbroken first-person, you'll apparently get control taken away during cutscenes
-More of a personal thing, but the whole setting, while nice-looking, seems less interesting and original than FC2's Africa, and the game doesn't seem to fit itself into the location as seamlessly

The 5 next to the cross on the right I would think means that there's a non-regenerative health system in place, hopefully the same segmented regeneration in FC2. There's probably no health-bar onscreen because they're showing off a demo and don't want to show how often the presenter would have actually died and/or they haven't actually settled on a good system yet


February 18th, 2012, 02:51 PM
I like how stealth was completely useless in FC2, unless you were literally a mile away. Even them, the moment you fired a single bullet everyone knew where you were.

I said I won't ever buy anything from Ubisoft again, but this might be an exception. Depends on what gay little DRM accessories come with it.

February 18th, 2012, 02:53 PM
I'm really torn over the animations in this game. The overlay system is really nice and fluid. The motions for actual functional animations are really stiff, robotic and boring though. Reloads look bad, grenade throws look worse.

February 18th, 2012, 04:41 PM
I think it looks great, looks a lot like the original far cry, I loved the colour scheme and setting of Far cry, it just worked so well.
The gameplay looks fun, and it looks like its going to have a pretty awesome story, not all shooting.

February 20th, 2012, 08:07 PM
I am just impressed seeomg such a good looking game on the 360. Just from what is shown here.

February 20th, 2012, 09:50 PM
I'm really torn over the animations in this game. The overlay system is really nice and fluid. The motions for actual functional animations are really stiff, robotic and boring though. Reloads look bad, grenade throws look worse.
The reloads are fucking terrible lol.

February 20th, 2012, 10:12 PM
this is just a personal note here, but it would be awesome if they had an excurciatingly difficult mode, like the entirety of farcry 1 on normal (lol that game is so fucking hard), but also had an easier, more "casual" difficulty like farcry 2 on normal. you know, something that allows you to play the game without it being too bad, but then actually play the hard mode and get your ass kicked. that part in the trailer where he gets up to the radio and the guy on the ground yells "GIVE HIM ALL YOUVE GOT!". when i hear that in games, i want to be legitimately terrified of how difficult the following encounter is going to be, not just keep playing like nothing changed.

zelda twilight princess comes to mind. at one point midna is like "i think things are gonna be a lot harder from here on out". in my head i was like "oh shit". i was intimidated. but i quickly figured out that it wasnt much harder at all. in fact, i wouldnt have noticed anything at all if she hadnt said that. contrast that with battling the mutants in farcry 1, and you see a noticible change in difficulty. especially when they kick you out of the chopper with an m4 with one magazine of ammo. seriously what the fuck that game is so hard.

also, just to be clear, im not talking "calladooty blackops on veteran" stupid, arbitrary difficulty. im talking like, more advanced AI, better path finding, better searching, ai have a better understanding of squad mechanics, you have to plan your attacks using the environment, game doesnt hold your hand and put an HUD flag on everything, that sort of thing. not just "difficulty = hard means all shots and health get a 2X multiplier", because thats bullshit.

February 20th, 2012, 11:10 PM
But none of that "LUL INVINCIBILITY!" shit that Halo 3 pulled. >:|

February 20th, 2012, 11:11 PM
But none of that "LUL INVINCIBILITY!" shit that Halo 3 pulled. >:|
Watch this Brute absorb two clips of assault rifle ammo :iamafag:

February 21st, 2012, 12:00 AM
But none of that "LUL INVINCIBILITY!" shit that Halo 3 pulled. >:|
regenerating enemy health is fucking obnoxious in general. im looking at the elites in reach. what the fuck was that shit?
E: wow i just now watched that pre-rendered trailer amit posted. the dubstep not only doesnt fit the scenario, its just not good dubstep, and it actually subtracts from the quality of the trailer.

lets drop this shit before release, ok ubisoft? ok, thanks.

February 21st, 2012, 12:49 AM
^ Lol.

Yeah, needlers not super-combining unless shields are out exacerbated the Elite issue...

February 21st, 2012, 07:35 PM
I'm really torn over the animations in this game. The overlay system is really nice and fluid. The motions for actual functional animations are really stiff, robotic and boring though. Reloads look bad, grenade throws look worse.I was going to mention this myself, but seeing as I always seem to bitch about animations in games I figured I'd leave it to someone else. Thank you, ICEE.

t3h m00kz
February 22nd, 2012, 09:18 AM
I thought "looking down gun sights" year was 2010

February 22nd, 2012, 03:01 PM
I thought "looking down gun sights" year was 2010

February 22nd, 2012, 03:25 PM

February 22nd, 2012, 06:51 PM
Confirmed this is running on CryEngine 3

February 22nd, 2012, 07:16 PM
can we cut down trees with the machete this time? please?

March 3rd, 2012, 01:48 PM
I don't think so.

March 21st, 2012, 02:12 PM
Well this is progressing nicely:


El Lobo
March 21st, 2012, 08:39 PM

Is that the same voice actor as Gman from Half Life 2? Sounds so much like him.

March 21st, 2012, 08:44 PM
Rise and SHINE, Mister Freeman, rise...and...shine.

Is it sad that I have that entire opening monologue committed to memory?

March 21st, 2012, 08:57 PM
The G-Man investigates: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0426722/
Also OMFG he played Torin and Boogle from Torin's Passage!

March 22nd, 2012, 02:05 AM
Wow, its like Far Cry 1 got it on with Far Cry 2 while they were on all the drugs.

Far Cry 1 had the dominant genes by the looks of it.

May 30th, 2012, 01:23 PM
Game looks good.



What in the fuck was that at the end of the video?

May 30th, 2012, 10:18 PM

May 31st, 2012, 09:42 AM
People trying to escape a collapsing, burning hotel?

June 1st, 2012, 05:21 PM
People trying to escape a collapsing, burning hotel?

Turn up your sound and maximize the video.

June 5th, 2012, 03:37 AM
The insane people on the island by any chance?

June 5th, 2012, 11:01 AM
I'm gonna go with monsters.

June 5th, 2012, 11:18 AM
When does this come out again? And why isn't this in Tech Talk?

June 5th, 2012, 05:16 PM
I hope its crazy jumping mutant things.

El Lobo
June 6th, 2012, 07:27 AM
Looks like a couple Corgys.

November 29th, 2012, 04:27 PM
Anyone get this? Kinda want to know how well it performs CPU wise.

November 30th, 2012, 08:49 AM
Runs great on my C2Q q9550. Will probably run better on anything better than my 4870. Not worth upgrading just yet at this point in time.

December 2nd, 2012, 03:48 PM
I got it, I can run it on all low on a 2.3 dual core at around 20-30 fps. It still look amazing on all low.

December 2nd, 2012, 04:32 PM
I can run it very high at 1080p in DX11 with 4x AA. I can't seem to kick up the AA up to 8 or else I start getting frame drops. Other than that. I find the game to be a lot of fun. I'm digging all the little animations in everything. Voice acting is kinda cheesy, but Vaas is crazy as hell. Well, actually all the characters that aren't the main group are pretty interesting, you're always trying to figure out if they're just pulling your strings or being true to their word. And my god, all the weapons look grungy as hell. It's really cool, and kinda funny looking all at the same time.

December 5th, 2012, 09:31 PM
So this game is very awesome. I find it funny I die more from predators than I do from pirates.

December 9th, 2012, 11:56 PM
Love the game, it has been loads of fun so far. My only gripe is the bow. I love using it to clear out hostile camps, but why the hell is it that whenever I take someone out with this weapon that is supposed to be completely silent that every enemy AI in the camp immediately runs straight to where I fired the shot from to investigate; but when I pick them off with a silenced gun of any kind none of them give a fuck?

December 10th, 2012, 03:18 AM
You have to make sure noone sees the person drop. I spose its more realistic. Arrows move slow enough to see to in a way they point both ways if they see the shot.

December 10th, 2012, 12:01 PM
See I have the opposite effect. People don't give a damn about my arrows, but as soon as I let out a shot of my silenced pistol, all hell breaks loose. I've learned to just keep my distance and pick them off with my silenced sniper rifle. Or tigers... that's always an option.

December 12th, 2012, 02:28 AM
I decided to make a car bomb in the game, put two C4 packs down on a car, then picked them back up. I accidentally pressed the right mouse button because I am used to BF3 controls, and the car exploded underneath me xP Anyone else noticed this?

Edit: I think it only happens if you die with C4 planted somewhere... Not entirely sure :\

December 12th, 2012, 03:05 AM
Trials of the Rakayat are broken. If you play through a 2nd time they are complete and so you dont get rewards, they dont register in the handbook and so no signature weapons from that, and they give you the ability to fast travel to the 2nd island from the start of the game.

December 15th, 2012, 06:25 PM
This is one those games where I absolutely refuse to drive anywhere. I will literally run to all of my locations because the environment and and landscape and setting is just to awesome. Also the Recurve bow is the best weapon. Hands down. Explosive arrows and perfect for clearing out at outpost at a distance confusing the fuck out of everyone, then headshotting the heavy defenders. Boo-yah 1500XP.

December 16th, 2012, 05:28 PM
You know what would make this game x1000 times better? If stealth wasn't so completely BROKEN. Everytime I try and kill some random jack-tard with my Bow and I miss, he screams in my general direction and I'm INSTANTLY discovered. It doesn't matter than I'm bloody 200 FUCKING YARDS AWAY IN TALL GRASS. I've taken out outposts undetected with fucking EXPLOSIVE ARROWS but I can't do it with regular arrows?!

This game is really really fun, But I can't stealth for shit unless I'm using a bloody sniper rifle.

December 16th, 2012, 06:29 PM
The stealth really is a bit finicky, though the difficulty level gives you much more of a sense of accomplishment when you do take out an outpost with out getting detected. Missing with any weapon will almost certainly get you detected, unless its a grenade lobbed over a building, but to be honest, it makes sense that you would notice an arrow, or a bullet flying through the air near you. Don't forget when you are attacking stealthily, to use your rocks, you can distract 3 or 4 guys then do a chain takedown when they are going to investigate, or throw a rock and follow it up with a grenade you cooked.

April 11th, 2013, 06:18 PM
Everyone hold on to your fucking balls, shits about to get real.

I'm serious.

Check this fucking shit out:


And some gameplay:


Releases as a stand-alone game for PC, 360 and PS3 on May 1st.

April 11th, 2013, 06:26 PM

April 12th, 2013, 01:54 AM
Lol, old hat for Kotaku readers, but I do love the whole "fuck you seriousness, we're bringin' 80s back!" vibe of this game. I will get it.

April 12th, 2013, 06:28 AM
im glad theyre finally embracing the ridiculous nature of their game instead of trying to deny it with a hilariously awkward serious story. vaas aside, you could practically hear the disbelief in the voice actor's tones, as if they had read the script 10 minutes earlier and been like "what the fuck, seriously?"

now what are the chances of them fixing the incongruent aim down sight mechanics and the only-sometimes-context-sentitive knife stealth kills? or the fact that the health syringes destroy any notion of difficulty?

April 12th, 2013, 02:44 PM
Lol, old hat for Kotaku readers...That's where I'd first seen it back on April 2nd, but it was still after April 1st so I gave it a bit before I bothered to post. Forgot about it, then they posted a trailer so here it is. Yay.

April 18th, 2013, 02:05 AM
im glad theyre finally embracing the ridiculous nature of their game instead of trying to deny it with a hilariously awkward serious story. vaas aside, you could practically hear the disbelief in the voice actor's tones, as if they had read the script 10 minutes earlier and been like "what the fuck, seriously?"

now what are the chances of them fixing the incongruent aim down sight mechanics and the only-sometimes-context-sentitive knife stealth kills? or the fact that the health syringes destroy any notion of difficulty?

Health syringes are awesome. In most games, you can run out, so how they populate the levels with them determines things. In a game like Bad Company, it made you nigh invincible, but it's not like dying meant anything in that game anyways. Still, the game became more about trying to play it right for your own fulfilment rather than to just an hero your way through.

April 18th, 2013, 06:05 AM
Implementation of health syringes sucked in this game. He could heal himself by applying a bandage at no cost but if you are just missing one bar of health and there was no imminent danger, he still used a syringe or am i doin it wrong?

May 2nd, 2013, 04:26 PM
Alright you bitches, Blood Dragon released yesterday and it's fucking awesome. Amazing game to play, and although it's still based off of FC3's engine it feels like an entirely new game. It kicks ass. The soundtrack is so fucking awesome. The over-the-top feel of the game that doesn't-take-itself-seriously is one of the most refreshing things I've ever had the sheer joy of playing.

Seriously, buy it or at least wait for a sale to buy it. Anything as ballsy as making a game as stupidly fun as this deserves the money, even if it is Ubisoft.

May 2nd, 2013, 04:57 PM
Health syringes are awesome. In most games, you can run out, so how they populate the levels with them determines things. In a game like Bad Company, it made you nigh invincible, but it's not like dying meant anything in that game anyways. Still, the game became more about trying to play it right for your own fulfilment rather than to just an hero your way through.
Its not so much the health syringe itself, its how plentiful they are. You're absolutely right, populating a level with a certain number of syringes would change how you play. The problem is that you're now developing under the assumption that the player is always going to tackle a scenario on the same path. Basically, you're looking at Halo 1-esque linear level design. Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly down with that, but it doesnt really work as well in FC3 for a couple reasons. The obvious one is that its open world. You can't, as a designer, know that your player will always walk through a particular area. The other is that you can have like 12 health syringes and over 30 extra green plants to make more on your person at any given time. Syringes basically are limitless in this game. That's really my main issue with it.

May 2nd, 2013, 05:12 PM
Alright you bitches, Blood Dragon released yesterday and it's fucking awesome. Amazing game to play, and although it's still based off of FC3's engine it feels like an entirely new game. It kicks ass. The soundtrack is so fucking awesome. The over-the-top feel of the game that doesn't-take-itself-seriously is one of the most refreshing things I've ever had the sheer joy of playing.

Seriously, buy it or at least wait for a sale to buy it. Anything as ballsy as making a game as stupidly fun as this deserves the money, even if it is Ubisoft.got it played it liked and subscribed. much better game than farcry 3 imo.