View Full Version : Microsoft reveals Xbox LIVE will be built into Windows 8

June 11th, 2011, 12:42 PM
Microsoft has revealed that its Xbox LIVE service will be built into PCs in the future.

Mike Delman, Microsoft’s vice president of global marketing in the interactive entertainment business unit, revealed the company’s plans in an interview this week. Speaking to The Seattle Times, Delman confirmed that Windows 8 will include Xbox LIVE integration:

Live has been successful on the Windows Phone. Live will be built into the PC. It will be the service where you get your entertainment. We were talking about it — you will not just see consoles and handhelds at this show next year, this show’s going to morph into other devices.

Delman also answered questions on how the service and content will be part of Windows 8:

There will be a lot of similarities in design and service philosophy. Whether it’s us or Apple or anybody else, people want to be able to navigate through multiple devices in a certain ecosystem very seamlessly so we’re committed to that.

Asked whether Xbox LIVE would be a cloud media service that works across Windows PCs as well as phones and Xbox, Delman confirmed that Xbox LIVE will be the “pervasive media service” across devices. He also revealed that the company’s Xbox LIVE and SkyDrive storage asssets will be unified and that the change will be good for Microsoft and “good for consumers.”

Source (http://www.winrumors.com/microsoft-reveals-xbox-live-will-be-built-into-windows-8)

June 11th, 2011, 01:54 PM
It is good for me as a consumer, because this just convinced me not to get it.

June 11th, 2011, 02:06 PM
But Windows Vista and 7 already have Live..., this new PR statement is to try and smooth the way for them charging money for the service.

June 11th, 2011, 02:17 PM
Games are not yet required to support it, so whatever. As soon as Microsoft starts trying to force devs to support Live on the PC, I predict we will see them jumping ship for OS X and/or Linux because Steam is already too convenient to ditch for Live service. Live is also redundant with Steam already providing most of the popular features like communications, digital downloads, cloud storage of game saves, and multiplayer gaming.

June 11th, 2011, 03:03 PM
Maybe this is a good thing? Xbox and PC integrated?

June 11th, 2011, 03:53 PM
How much damage this causes depends on how integrated it is into the core experience. There's always been a dickload of proprietary Microsoft software that 95% of the userbase completely ignores in favor of better things; I would predict a similar reception of any XBL stuff included with 8. Now, if it prevents or hampers the usage of those better things, then MS will have a class A shitestorm on their hands, but after the miserable failure that was GFWL Gold, I can't honestly believe they'll force a pay-for-usage strategy. I'd imagine that anything we don't like can probably be ignored.

June 11th, 2011, 05:13 PM
Their stated reasons for doing this have almost nothing to do with PC gaming. 40% of Live use is non-gaming and that number is only going to go up. That segment is the reason they are trying to make Live a ubiquitous service.

I don't happen to be a part of that segment, so I don't give a shit. But I can promise you that the tinfoil hats are unnecessary. They don't give a shit about selling you PC GAMES, much less trying to charge you to play multiplayer on the games they don't think you're going to buy (and aren't making).

June 11th, 2011, 05:25 PM
untrue ejburke. They are a company, and as that, they will attempt to charge you nickel and dime for every single feature they can. Now, whether or not they realize they can't do it, is another question.

June 14th, 2011, 11:19 AM

"Live Anywhere...we're announcing it today. And when it launches, it will actually be a part of Windows Vista."


June 14th, 2011, 02:48 PM
Quick, KIWF!