View Full Version : [TF2] Shitty items addict 13 year old child to Tf2!
Rainbow Dash
June 18th, 2011, 03:18 PM
He can stay there 10 straight hours without going to eat/bath. The guy just plays Team Fortress 2 all fucking day, checking out his stupid 'hat' business.
really, sounds like most of the people still playing the game lol!
June 18th, 2011, 04:37 PM
I'm really getting sick of all the fucking TF2 hate going around: the game is still fun, and those new additions are the main reason the game is still so incredible active even today. Honestly, I play it every so often and I still play it for a while and have a blast. Play the game and talk about it, or don't and shut up. I'm getting really tired of hearing people's bitching.
On the topic though, the kid sounds like he could have some mental disorders. Somewhere along the lines in the Autism spectrum or such is my guess, though I haven't started any psych classes and I'm just going off my brother here (he has Asberger's, plays computer a lot but not as bad as this kid).
June 18th, 2011, 06:48 PM
Show him the shameless Chinese clone of TF2 and he'll stop playing a couple hours early each day to rant about it, haha.
June 18th, 2011, 07:31 PM
I always hated TF2.
June 18th, 2011, 07:40 PM
Team Fortress 2 still owns, haters gonna hate~
June 18th, 2011, 07:58 PM
What a nasty mouth!!! I bet if your mom was reading this it would not say those words
June 18th, 2011, 08:17 PM
hmm... sounds like me when i really got into morrowind about 3 years ago. actually, that just sounds like me in general, except not with tf2 and not for ingame item farming, plus i know when to put the game down and take care of important shit like school and grades. but i mean, i can see playing video games instead of hanging out with friends. iv been on summer break for about a month now, and iv only left the house to go to 2 graduation parties and to see my mom.
point is, i dont really see an issue with compulsive video gaming unless youre actually destroying friendships, grades, or your health. or i mean, unless literally (and i actually mean literally, not like every idiot out there who throws the word around when theyre exaggerating) wake up and play the game all day every day
June 19th, 2011, 01:17 AM
I'm really getting sick of all the fucking TF2 hate going around: the game is still fun, and those new additions are the main reason the game is still so incredible active even today. Honestly, I play it every so often and I still play it for a while and have a blast. Play the game and talk about it, or don't and shut up. I'm getting really tired of hearing people's bitching.
This, ftw. We all know how you feel about tf2 sel. In fact, I think every time there's an article with a negative opinion about video games, I think "Selentic would get a boner for this".
June 19th, 2011, 03:34 AM
I like the discussion about parenting in the comments there. Most children aren't capable of reasoning, or are more than capable of deception. If setting limits isn't working, the parents need to step it up, even if it means possibly dealing with a complete brat that's going to resent them for taking away his precious hats.
I like the suggestion of taking out the power supply and locking it away... *writes in notebook for later*
And on the subject in this forum, I'm disgusted more or less with how fucking gimmicky this game has become. Seriously, the number of promo items are outrageous. Any time something trending happens in the community, Valve turns it into a fucking hat or weapon and throws it into the game. TF2 is nearing the 10GB mark in terms of size and I wonder just how many of those are hats. Plus, from what I hear, Unusual hats are by far the stupidest thing I've seen in terms of customization, right up there with the flaming helmet/chestplate in Reach. And the addition of all the different weapon variations save for the first sets introduced with each class update blatantly contradicts the design goals Valve laid out which resulted in the removal of grenades: accessibility and simplicity, with clear borders on what to do and what not to do.
June 19th, 2011, 04:39 AM
What a nasty mouth!!! I bet if your mom was reading this it would not say those words
Jesus Christ my mother hijacked my computer!:maddowns:
Right, back on topic. I've been thinking about getting TF2 on Steam during one of their holiday sales. Mainly because I have the Orange Box on the 360 and nobody is ever on. I could care less about hats and that stupid crafting business. As long as I'm still able to play and keep things like they were originally as an option, then I'm game.
Rainbow Dash
June 19th, 2011, 10:18 AM
Jesus Christ my mother hijacked my computer!:maddowns:
Right, back on topic. I've been thinking about getting TF2 on Steam during one of their holiday sales. Mainly because I have the Orange Box on the 360 and nobody is ever on. I could care less about hats and that stupid crafting business. As long as I'm still able to play and keep things like they were originally as an option, then I'm game.
There's no Vanilla tf2 option, you have to play with all the shitty people who won't shut up about trading or the "Economy", and with all the horribly broken new weapons they added.
Don't waste your money on it.
I like the discussion about parenting in the comments there. Most children aren't capable of reasoning, or are more than capable of deception. If setting limits isn't working, the parents need to step it up, even if it means possibly dealing with a complete brat that's going to resent them for taking away his precious hats.
Normally I'd agree, but tf2 uses several skinner box mechanics like most modern MMOs do, and there are easily far more "mature" players playing tf2 at this point who are also addicted to the game. The game is designed to be addictive, and while the parents are partially at fault, Valve is also to blame for disfiguring it into something meant to trap players.
You blame the drug dealer for causing the addiction, not the parents for not being able to deal with it.
Also shut the fuck up ODX, the TF2 WOULD HAVE GOTTEN OLD OTHERWISE argument is absolutely fucking ludicrous. There are more than enough examples of other great games that never changed and still have a large player base.
June 19th, 2011, 12:41 PM
Also shut the fuck up ODX, the TF2 WOULD HAVE GOTTEN OLD OTHERWISE argument is absolutely fucking ludicrous. There are more than enough examples of other great games that never changed and still have a large player base.
Lol counter strike.
June 19th, 2011, 02:09 PM
Apparently you don't know what gamebanana ( is. New content keeping gamers playing and interested in the game, even if it is all optional it's still additional content that makes the game more unique with variety.
And I never said "it would have gotten old," I said "it's a main reason why the game is still alive" because it keeps things interesting and involves the community in the game. That's something a lot of companies fail at: involving themselves in the actual community of gamers and letting them see they still know they exist.
Now get out of your stupid little butthurt mood, and just play the game and don't focus on the items. I do it all the time and still have fun playing the game. Sure, it may be slightly "broken" but it's still a fun and addictive game.
June 19th, 2011, 04:47 PM
Fun to play
Still has a fairly large player base
Hasn't changed one bit since 1994 may have had some small issues at launch, and continued support is always good for a game. But these sweeping changes are completely fucking unnecessary, and the fact that they're forced on people is just obnoxious. Someone told me Valve even patched the game so you can't disable hats or weapons on your own server with a plugin. That's just ridiculous. Especially when the changes made completely ruin the game for competition play.
June 19th, 2011, 05:00 PM
ha i was actually playing this game yesterday.
June 19th, 2011, 05:13 PM
Played that game for the first time on Friday.
June 19th, 2011, 06:58 PM
Team Fortress 2 is still the best online game out there, wrap it up haterailures
June 19th, 2011, 07:02 PM
Team Fortress 2 is still the best online game out there, wrap it up haterailures
nooooooooooo. it's still fun though
June 19th, 2011, 07:26 PM
Team Fortress 2 is still the best online game out there, wrap it up haterailures
June 19th, 2011, 08:54 PM
I'm waiting for the day for Robin to pull the plug on hats suddenly.
June 19th, 2011, 11:37 PM
Team Fortress 2 is still the best online game out there, wrap it up haterailures
But TF2 isn't SC2 :S
Mr Buckshot
June 20th, 2011, 05:56 PM
also, TF2 sucks nowadays. I've taken to torrenting a pre-update version (the good version) and playing it on Garena because the version on my Steam account is a steaming pile of shit (no pun intended). Even Counter Strike is more fun srsly.
I have the Orange Box on the 360 and nobody is ever on.
wut. Learn your lesson and play Valve games only on the PC from now on.
June 20th, 2011, 06:27 PM
wut. Learn your lesson and play Valve games only on the PC from now on.
The 360 version is better than the PC version.
June 20th, 2011, 07:18 PM
The 360 version is better than the PC version.
Rainbow Dash
June 20th, 2011, 08:27 PM
The 360 version is better than the PC version.
June 20th, 2011, 11:45 PM
Sure there's a sacrifice to be made in terms of the tweaks to the core gameplay (like ammo recharging cloak and picking up buildings) only a handful of maps, and the lack of payload and KOTH, but it seems the only way to get that vanilla goodness is to plop in that copy of Orange Box for the 360.
No hats.
No unlockable weapons.
No Mann-Conomy.
No problem.
June 21st, 2011, 07:45 PM
June 22nd, 2011, 01:08 AM
Vanilla tf2 is the best tf2, hats are ok, just leave the weapons alone.
Actually, I want a pink pony shaped flamethrower.
June 22nd, 2011, 01:16 AM
also, TF2 sucks nowadays. I've taken to torrenting a pre-update version (the good version) and playing it on Garena because the version on my Steam account is a steaming pile of shit (no pun intended). Even Counter Strike is more fun srsly.
This excites me :o
June 24th, 2011, 12:21 AM
The 360 version is better than the PC version.
Give me a break.
June 24th, 2011, 02:05 AM
Just as long as we don't get more powerful weapons because we play the game more than another person, it's all A-OK.
Rainbow Dash
June 24th, 2011, 06:11 AM
Give me a break.
What's the matter, are you stupid or something?
June 24th, 2011, 09:14 AM
PC TF2 is perhaps the greatest multiplayer experience ever created, the 360 version is a hilariously broken outdated piece of trash, well cya.
June 24th, 2011, 10:10 AM
PC TF2 is perhaps the greatest multiplayer experience ever created, the 360 version is a hilariously broken outdated piece of trash, well cya.
Which is why they're practically throwing it at anyone who will listen.
New game on pre-order? pre-order and we'll give you TF2 HATS!!
June 24th, 2011, 01:06 PM
PC TF2 is perhaps the greatest multiplayer experience ever created, the 360 version is a hilariously broken outdated piece of trash, well cya.
It's our hilariously broken piece of trash.
Free of hats.
And little kids getting addicted to it because of hats.
And people crying about hats.
And people stroking egos over hats.
And people shitting up messageboards asking for hat trades.
Did I mention TF2X has no hats?
June 24th, 2011, 03:50 PM
It's our hilariously broken piece of trash.
Free of hats.
And little kids getting addicted to it because of hats.
And people crying about hats.
And people stroking egos over hats.
And people shitting up messageboards asking for hat trades.
Did I mention TF2X has no hats?
And how exactly do you know that people get addicted to TF2 purely on the basis of HATS?
That's like saying that people get addicted to World of Warcraft purely on the basis of 4 Strength, 4 Stam Leather Belts.
If someone is going to get addicted to a game, it's not going to be one particular thing that is going to cause it. It is the gaming atmosphere on the whole. If someone enjoys a game, and all the elements within it, then I can see that. But I can't reasonably see someone playing TF2 for the SOLE purpose of getting the hats.
I don't see why you guys are freaking out about it. 1.) I think people like the wearable items because people like to feel individualized and their characters give them a personality within the realm of the game. 2.) Hats do NOT affect gameplay whatsoever. You can freak out about how hats ruin TF2 when they make tons of hats that give a damage bonus when you wear it or something. 3.) I am sure lots of things stroke a gamer's ego, like having a certain achievement for instance, or getting to the highest possible skill level in an RPG. You're confusing ego with vanity.
No one freaks out when World of Warcraft releases new weapons and armor and such. Ya'll just need to chill out.
Also, the message boards have been shitted up since just about ever. Hats have nothing to do with it.
To say that entire game is ruined by something completely superficial is.... well, superficial.
June 24th, 2011, 04:02 PM
Rainbow Dash
June 24th, 2011, 04:14 PM
2.) [B]Hats do NOT affect gameplay whatsoever.
have you been playing this game, or have you been busy sitting in a trade server for the last 10 months?
Mr Buckshot
June 24th, 2011, 07:08 PM
Hey guys, TF2 on PC is free-to-play now =.=
Is Valve really trying to run this game into the ground? I still love Valve's other games, but they seem to have lost their minds with this game.
Let's see how long it takes for it to end up like Combat Arms.
June 24th, 2011, 10:34 PM
Is Valve really trying to run this game into the ground? I still love Valve's other games, but they seem to have lost their minds with this game.
So making a game free is a bad thing? Fucking hell you're the third dumbest person on this forum :lol:
OT: Look everyone, a well worded argument on why TF2 is dead to many of the people here:
At release, TF2 had arguably the most well defined art style of any game of any genre ever. Everything fit together perfectly and complemented the overall design. The class silhouettes were distinct and the weapons made sense for the classes. Also, the characters were all individual and interesting.
After the first few class updates, the weapon design started to take a nose dive. While the early packs (medic, pyro, scout and sort of heavy) all had pretty good weapons (blutsauger, ubersaw, sandvich, FaN, original backburner, axetinguisher, flaregun, kritskrieg) things started to go downhill at sniper vs spy (lucksman, jar of piss, worthless shield, sniperpistol, cloak and dagger). Sniper vs spy also introduced...
HATS. Hats have single handedly ruined the beautiful aesthetic of vanilla TF2. The first pack wasn't great (fucking demo fro) but it wasn't as bad as what's to come.
WAR! Update: Weapon design sucks now; we get the totally broken v1.0 direct hit, the pure (and quite un-needed) upgrade weapon equalizer and totally retarded demoknights.
Fast forward to the trading (something almost everybody, myself included wanted) and Mann-Conomy update: Aesthetics have gone out the window and while the cash shops personally don't bother me (Haven't spent a cent), the crates are just a kick in the dick to long time players. Now we have no way of using some of our drops without paying money for them? No thanks valve. Furthermore, trading totally changed the way the game was played. While before you had quiet idle servers for item addicts to get loot (looking at you Zilla :realsmug:), people were now standing around in spawn on proper servers trying to peddle or beg their way into your vintage ear buds. It turned the community against its self like no other update ever has.
Somewhere before here the game tie in items started popping up as well. Do I really need to talk about how aesthetically disgusting and gimmicky these are?
Again, this all comes back to the purity and brilliance of the original TF2 (and early updates) and the way the newer content has pissed all over it.
If it's been a while or for what ever reason you haven't yet watched the developers commentary, please go do so. Go through all of it and listen to how they talk about the pains they went to to ensure TF2 was at release, the beautiful game it was. It was in development for so many years and went through so many revisions until they reached the final look and feel of the game. How they chose to remove grenades and other sub-par weapon designs because they cluttered the experience and detracted from the overall feel. Now they pile on ugly redundant shit every other week.
We loved TF2 and had to watch it turn into the commercial whore it is today, of course we're going to be bitter about it.
If TF2 is Valve's grand experiment, for many here the key lesson has been: more is not better.
June 24th, 2011, 11:16 PM
Except the vast majority of items and hats that were added to the game are awesome and added tons of value to the game and you're a bandwagon hater who doesn't care about fun at all (because TF2 is still hella fun)
Well, cya.
June 24th, 2011, 11:25 PM
Except the vast majority of items and hats that were added to the game are awesome and added tons of value to the game and you're a bandwagon hater who doesn't care about fun at all (because TF2 is still hella fun).
Since you're a pro TF2 player, what loadouts do you use?
Also, In the class specific hats I count 21 that fit in alright, those making up 17% of class specific hats. Subjective yeah but that's still seriously low compared to the 100% of vanilla TF2.
PS. why would I want to jump on a bandwagon that hates a game I used to love? I wanted to think the hats would get less ugly ever since the fucking demo frobut that hasn't happened. What value have they added?
June 25th, 2011, 12:03 AM
n00b's argument is exactly the way i feel.
also i was only in the idle servers because of hte retarded nature of drops.
like i played Every single class in the game, and was pretty good with all of them, enough to participate in scrims as a freelancer, as such i needed the weapons for each class whether it was a scout a heavy or a pyro to be able to play properly, because lets face it, things like tripple jump for scout and kritzkreig ect made a hell of alot of difference to play styles. and after spending hundreds of hours in game playing and still not being able to utilize the class as much as other players i started to idle.
i actually missed all the item purges ect.
June 25th, 2011, 01:06 AM
To say that entire game is ruined by something completely superficial is.... well, superficial.Hey, remember your rant that boiled down to everyone on the steam forums brushing you off and saying you were just mad because you didn't have Bill's Hat...? (
The game's not ruined by hats per se, the community is just retarded and attracted to shiny things.
...and added tons of value empty gigabytes to the game...
So making a game free is a bad thing? Fucking hell you're the third dumbest person on this forum :lol:
OT: Look everyone, a well worded argument on why TF2 is dead to many of the people here:
Nail on the fucking head.
Buuuut, since hinting to any dislike of TF2 boils down to hats, I prefer to just cut to the chase. You say all those things, but all a TF2 kiddie hears is "blah blah blah tf2 sucks because i don't have this hat blah blah blah"
If it's been a while or for what ever reason you haven't yet watched the developers commentary, please go do so. Go through all of it and listen to how they talk about the pains they went to to ensure TF2 was at release, the beautiful game it was. It was in development for so many years and went through so many revisions until they reached the final look and feel of the game. How they chose to remove grenades and other sub-par weapon designs because they cluttered the experience and detracted from the overall feel. Now they pile on ugly redundant shit every other week.
A thousand times this.
June 25th, 2011, 02:58 AM
And how exactly do you know that people get addicted to TF2 purely on the basis of HATS?
the story in the OP.
as somebody who has played very little of this game (re: a total of 7 hours from 2 sittings almost 6 months apart) but has somewhat followed it almost from the start, my take on the game is the following: its awesome that a developer continually supports a game by releasing free updates. we're not talking about the content here, just the fact that the developer supports it. in terms of the hats and new weapons coming out in those updates, without even playing the game, just reading the stuff you guys were posting about it led me to believe people were becoming obsessed with obtaining hats.
at that point, as a person looking in on the game, i wanted to start playing it, but continual updates with new weapons and hats made me wonder if it was even worth it to try to learn the game mechanics at that point, let alone try to play with veterans who had been playing from the start. so finally i bought the game around last christmas, and i played in about 7 or 8 servers during the 5 hours i played that day. 3 of them were specifically for trading items and grinding for drops or whatever, and in every other game at least one person mentioned wanting to trade. the number of times i heard "hey who has christmas crates" was infuriating.
thats another thing: those crates you had to pay 5 real dollars to open? what the fuck was that? are you really going to taunt players with drops you have to pay to use? i got two of them in one day of playing, and just about as soon as i got them, people asked me if i had them, at which point i traded them both off for some scrap metal which i still have no idea what to do with.
so as the months went on from christmas, i noticed steam would download updates for tf2 occasionally, which i let go, because i figured it was like xbox live game updates where its just a patch for something, and therefore like 44kb. i was mistaken, to a large extent. when i installed this game, i think it took up about 6 gb. my cousin went to install it today, found out it was 10 gb, and suddenly it made sense why my hard drive was filling up when i wasnt downloading anything. again, i ask, how much of that is just hats, which by themselves are just for looks?
finally, today i played this game again for about 2 hours, and it was pretty fun, but my computer was having a hard time running the game. even with all settings on low, occasionally mouse strokes wouldnt register, and the game would hang for about half a second when somebody started shooting at me, as if it was having a hard time pulling the effects data off the HDD or something. i mean, thats probably just my computer, but my point is that i am not pleased when my hard drive keeps losing more and more space to tf2 updates that are adding mostly aesthetic items.
all in all, the game is fun, but the simple fact that some people grind this game on a daily basis (see OP) just for hat drops is a serious problem imho. i dont have much hard drive space left here, and between the infrequency of my play time on this game, and the amount of shit that keeps getting added to it, i dont know if i can even keep it installed anymore. to juxtapose, iv had halo ce installed for almost 6 years, and aside from maps, it has never taken up more than about 500 mb.
E: god damn i type way too much.
Rainbow Dash
June 25th, 2011, 09:37 AM
finally, today i played this game again for about 2 hours, and it was pretty fun, but my computer was having a hard time running the game. even with all settings on low, occasionally mouse strokes wouldnt register, and the game would hang for about half a second when somebody started shooting at me, as if it was having a hard time pulling the effects data off the HDD or something. i mean, thats probably just my computer, but my point is that i am not pleased when my hard drive keeps losing more and more space to tf2 updates that are adding mostly aesthetic items.
Chances are it's not your pc, almost EVERY modern pc nowadays has issues with the game, that could previously run the game fine.
June 25th, 2011, 09:56 AM
Chances are it's not your pc, almost EVERY modern pc nowadays has issues with the game, that could previously run the game fine.
I was running most things on high but after the engy update, something broke and I get choppy FPS on all low :smith:
June 25th, 2011, 11:04 PM
OT: Look everyone, a well worded argument on why TF2 is dead to many of the people here:
It's funny, because I remember having the argument with n00b a while back that TF2 was going to turn out exactly like this. At the time he was adamant that it wouldn't
Sorry bout ur game buddy :saddowns:
But seriously, x1000 everything you just said.
June 25th, 2011, 11:20 PM
i think pooky might be a prophet. this is like the 5th time hes predicted a game's downfall.
June 25th, 2011, 11:30 PM
And every time no one has listened. It's funny how that works.
June 26th, 2011, 12:09 AM
It's funny, because I remember having the argument with n00b a while back that TF2 was going to turn out exactly like this. At the time he was adamant that it wouldn't
Sorry bout ur game buddy :saddowns:
I wanted to believe so bad :smithicide:
June 26th, 2011, 01:01 AM
That's like saying that people get addicted to World of Warcraft purely on the basis of 4 Strength, 4 Stam Leather Belts.
lmao that just made my day
June 26th, 2011, 07:45 PM
have you been playing this game, or have you been busy sitting in a trade server for the last 10 months?
I've been actually playing the game, and not once have I been killed by another player and found myself screaming, "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU AND YOUR STUPID FUCKING HAT!"
Hey, remember your rant that boiled down to everyone on the steam forums brushing you off and saying you were just mad because you didn't have Bill's Hat...?
I STILL happen to think the strategy of making people pre-order or purchase games for a TF2 hat is low and somewhat cheap. So you're not really making a good point on that one. It makes it cheap, but it doesn't OMG RUIN TF2 I'M LEAVING FOREVAH.
June 26th, 2011, 09:59 PM
I STILL happen to think the strategy of making people pre-order or purchase games for a TF2 hat is low and somewhat cheap. So you're not really making a good point on that one. It makes it cheap, but it doesn't OMG RUIN TF2 I'M LEAVING FOREVAH.
The point I'm trying to make isn't about how you act in regards to hats, it's about how others do.
Case in point: I decided to play earlier and I found a crate. I asked if anyone else wanted the piece of crap and like 6 people just jump on it like I was giving away free money.
June 27th, 2011, 02:11 AM
The point I'm trying to make isn't about how you act in regards to hats, it's about how others do.
Case in point: I decided to play earlier and I found a crate. I asked if anyone else wanted the piece of crap and like 6 people just jump on it like I was giving away free money.
Where the fuck were you? I've got 10 crates rotting in my inventory that I can't get anyone to take off my hands. :\
June 27th, 2011, 09:51 AM
I'll take them if you don't want them. I'm sure I'll get a key soon some time this decade.
June 27th, 2011, 09:52 PM
Shitty items
best update
suck it haterailures
June 27th, 2011, 10:14 PM
this has got to be the 5th or 6th time iv seen you post that, and every time i sit here for like 5 minutes trying to pronounce it.
June 28th, 2011, 03:48 AM
Replace the 'f' in failure with hater.
June 28th, 2011, 04:48 AM
but thats not creative at all. it doesnt even roll off the tongue :saddowns:
June 29th, 2011, 02:44 AM
but thats not creative at all.
welcome to TF2
June 29th, 2011, 03:36 AM
There are much better uses for the tf2 characters than this game... for example..
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