View Full Version : Halo Anniversary to be ruined by Kinect

June 20th, 2011, 01:11 PM

The people making this game have taken great measures to ensure the gameplay is exactly as it was in Halo 1. I was impressed with how they are handling it and was very happy to see someone doing it right for once.

And then Microsoft does it's usual thing.

But hey look on the bright side! At least it will "not affect the core gameplay experience".

June 20th, 2011, 01:22 PM
So they add more support and everyone bitches?

June 20th, 2011, 01:25 PM
I don't understand what your bitch is supposed to be about. It's not like they are forcing you to use Kinect.

June 20th, 2011, 01:26 PM
There I was hoping this was just some fans who got in place to sanction a official recreation.
Next up Halo 4: Kinect Evolved.


Mr Buckshot
June 20th, 2011, 02:06 PM
Don't see what all the fuss is about. It's not like they're taking away the ability to just use the gamepad like old times. Pretty sure the Kinect will just be a tacked-on novelty gimmick like Sixaxis controls in most major PS3 titles, something that isn't required at all to play the game properly.

What I do hope to see in the remake (apart from the obvious like gfx/physics) are:

- AI drivers for marines, yes they aren't great but it is a fun twist to take the turret every once in a while and still remain mobile.
- Destructibility for human vehicles (quite likely)
- All my weapons intact. No dual wields or any bs. I want my trusty old horribly inaccurate 60-round AR that's still fucking fun to use. I want to troll the "gay combo" m6d/pp users.
- Health packs. The need to watch physical health in addition to shields was integral to tactics used.
- No energy sword whether online or offline. Seriously.
- PC version's maps, especially Death Island.

June 20th, 2011, 02:54 PM
Remember that the gameplay is being transferred utterly intact. As such...

What I do hope to see in the remake (apart from the obvious like gfx/physics) are:

- AI drivers for marines, yes they aren't great but it is a fun twist to take the turret every once in a while and still remain mobile. Not likely. That falls under gameplay.
- Destructibility for human vehicles (quite likely) I could see it in there, but that could be a little advanced for the update.
- All my weapons intact. No dual wields or any bs. I want my trusty old horribly inaccurate 60-round AR that's still fucking fun to use. I want to troll the "gay combo" m6d/pp users. Weapons are gameplay, and therefore translated verbatim, but keep in mind that they're not including a classic MP mode; the MP component is just a H1 map pack for Reach multiplayer.
- Health packs. The need to watch physical health in addition to shields was integral to tactics used. Yep. That's gameplay.
- No energy sword whether online or offline. Seriously. Yep.
- PC version's maps, especially Death Island. They haven't confirmed which maps are in; I wouldn't get your hopes up, though.

June 20th, 2011, 03:02 PM
We know that infinity is there so there's one PC map.

June 20th, 2011, 04:07 PM
I don't understand what your bitch is supposed to be about. It's not like they are forcing you to use Kinect.

Time spent wasted on developing a feature that most likely no one will use rather than using that time on something else.

June 20th, 2011, 05:44 PM
We know that infinity is there so there's one PC map.
Is it? I saw Timberland in the videos and I thought they said there was only gonna be one PC map.

June 20th, 2011, 07:40 PM
Time spent wasted on developing a feature that most likely no one will use rather than using that time on something else.
They don't see it as a "waste" since it's them driving another one of their products, using an existing product. Wish they would have just worked on putting LAN support in at least for the HD remake, instead of Kinect poop. At least then people could enjoy LANs and shit in HD.

This tidbit just guarantees that Halo4 will have Kinect gimmicks now.

Kinect in Halo remains guilty until proven innocent, just like everything else coming out of 343i's hands, IMO, right now. Certain Affinity is exempt though, they're a bunch of smart cookies. I'll nom them anytime.

June 20th, 2011, 09:16 PM
How is Halo going to work with Kinect? Are they going to release some sort of light gun?

June 20th, 2011, 10:01 PM
You open your hand and close it.

Obviously :v:

June 20th, 2011, 11:51 PM
I get the feeling it'll just be something simple. I highly doubt they'll actually add any sort of actual in game control. It'll probably be for like, selecting menu items, or talking. Something simple.

June 20th, 2011, 11:58 PM
I'm guessing that Microsoft has told all the studios that it has any influence over that they must include some sort of Kinect functionality in all their new games; 343 will probably just roll with it and include some kind of token voice/gesture support for menus or armor customization or something, or some half-assed extra little game mode hidden away in the Extras menu. I doubt they'll pour any more effort than is absolutely necessary into integrating the hardware since I doubt it was their call to include it in the first place.

June 21st, 2011, 12:06 AM
Its been said its going to be kinect enabled but its not going to affect the core gameplay at all. Quit bitchin'

June 21st, 2011, 01:57 AM
I'm pretty about this. I think it will be interesting to see how Kinect can be used with a FPS. I very highly doubt they will be able to integrate gestures into actual gameplay though.

Microsoft may just be using 343i as guinea pigs to see if real games can successfully make practical use of Kinect, before they include it with the next Xbox generation or mandate developers to support it.

June 21st, 2011, 12:21 PM
I'm guessing that Microsoft has told all the studios that it has any influence over that they must include some sort of Kinect functionality in all their new games;
Doubt it, considering Microsoft has that game studio that only focuses on AAA games. They do probably push rather hard to get some support, but I doubt its a must.

Pretty sure it will be a similar implementation to Forza 4 where when you turn your head and camera moves a bit, maybe some fancy minority report style menu navigation using hands.

No Jcap, Microsoft has a studio that only focuses on AAA Kinect titles, 343i is not the test subjects.

June 21st, 2011, 09:25 PM
Maybe that'll be the way we interact with the terminals... if you have one.

June 21st, 2011, 11:21 PM
Maybe that'll be the way we interact with the terminals... if you have one.
I think that'd be a pretty cool use of the Kinect. Maybe it would sub as the Press "E" function for activating things.

June 22nd, 2011, 02:54 AM
You know, one thing I would love to see in HA10 is being able to exchange weapons with the AI...too bad it would "change gameplay" :/

June 22nd, 2011, 05:00 PM
but see then people would want boardable vehicles, destructible vehicles, better ai, etc... i mean, ai weapon swapping would be fantastic. i would love to see that. i know they arnt doing this, but it would be cool if you could choose to play the original version of the campaign or a version with the encounters updated with reach ai and ai drivers and weapons swapping and stuff.

im just picturing that part before the 3rd core where you have to steal the banshee on two betrayals on legendary with reach ai... theres 5 elites, 2 hunters, 2 wraiths, and suicidal rocket launching flood. i cannot even begin to comprehend that.

June 22nd, 2011, 05:15 PM
You know, one thing I would love to see in HA10 is being able to exchange weapons with the AI...too bad it would "change gameplay" :/

Yeah! You could... exchange for an assault rifle... marines really don't have much variety do they?

June 22nd, 2011, 05:28 PM
They did mention in the Vidoc that there were features they were going to add in that weren't around at the time.

June 22nd, 2011, 06:16 PM
Yeah! You could... exchange for an assault rifle... marines really don't have much variety do they?
remember that weapon exchanging also gives the ai whatever weapon you were holding. if i have 3 shotguns, or if i find a beam rifle or something, im giving one to my ai ally. remember that level in halo 2 where you save those 5 marines from the ship's brig? i usually get 3 of them all the way to the end of the level after i deck them out with beam rifles and carbines.

also marines in halo 1 had assault rifles, shotguns, and sniper rifles, the latter of which i have acquired by murdering the guy holding it. they have pistols too if you count the PoA engineer guys. i would use the weapon swapping ability to give everyone riding on my tank on AotCR rocket launchers and sniper rifles.

They did mention in the Vidoc that there were features they were going to add in that weren't around at the time.
they said they wernt touching the gameplay at all too though. i think by features they meant stuff like the terminals, and something like theatre mode.