View Full Version : Last Stand/Second Chance - nooby or not?
Mr Buckshot
July 3rd, 2011, 12:31 PM
Had a debate with some friends last night about the use of this perk in COD4/Black Ops.
One of my friends always rages when he gets killed by someone who falls into Last Stand after getting "killed" by my friend's shots. He rants about how Last Stand is like having two lives and is way too unfair etc, and never equips it himself. He especially hates the Black Ops Pro version where you can get revived and you can actually move (slowly).
I don't always use that perk (especially in COD4 where I only have 5 class slots), but I have played with it a few times and been amused. For some time I did take advantage of it in order to fulfill pistol challenges. Personally, I don't see it as being too much an overpowered noob-friendly perk as I am typically very quick to catch a Last Stand activation and simply follow up with a melee or just a few more bullets. Plus, it's not like the Last Stand owner can use his main weapon or killstreak rewards while in Last Stand, as the pistols are easier to dodge. Not that I haven't been caught off guard and killed by a Last Stand user - it happens, but not even half as often as the reverse.
Additionally Last Stand doesn't seem to be banned on a lot of servers, compared to noob tubes and/or 3x nades.
I never played MW2 multiplayer (only SP on console) so I have no comment about MW2's version.
So fellas, what's your view on the usage of this perk? IMHO, I believe it's perfectly acceptable in a game, but only if a few features are axed, especially in the Black Ops version:
- ADS should be disabled in Last Stand to reduce accuracy
- Last Stand kills should not count towards killstreaks for rewards, i.e. if someone has 6 kills and gets the 7th in Last Stand, he should not get his heli.
- The more powerful pistols (Deagle in COD4, Python in BO) should not be allowed, if they are equipped in reserve then the Last Stand should auto change it to one of the weaker pistols (i.e. M9, USP, M1911)
- BO Pro version has to go. Revives are not cool as it really becomes a 2nd life. Ability to move also makes it too cheap. The non-pro version is more tolerable though.
- Only one magazine allowed in Last Stand, no reloads.
Sadly MW3 will probably be unbalanced crap but there's a chance other FPS's in the future might make their own version of Last Stand, so we can always hope.
e: Crap, can't find the Poll feature
July 3rd, 2011, 01:06 PM
MW3 isn't going to have last stand IIRC. In MW2 you got a deathstreak called final stand, survive for 30 seconds and you got back up. In black ops, half the people were too retarded to stop and revive you.
it's obnoxious, but I can deal with it fairly easy.
July 4th, 2011, 09:58 PM
In CoD 4 it's cheap for one main reason. You're invincible while falling, but you can still attack. If they fixed that, I wouldn't mind it nearly as much. Also, you shouldn't be able to knife.
July 4th, 2011, 11:08 PM
honestly, i never had an issue with noobtubes or last stand in cod4. the firing cap alone stops people from firing too fast or abusing modded controllers. and the only difference between the deagle and the other 3 pistols is that it kills in 2 shots instead of 3. i rarely get killed by last stand, and when i use it i often dont even have the chance to aim at the other guy before he kills me. many times i get shot from behind anyway.
i have not played blackops entensivly, but i do know that the falling into last stand animation looks like the death animation, so it fools people a LOT better than the cod4 version. that is irritating. the ability to revive people is cool though. honestly, i dont know why anybody is complaining about that. when iv been put down into last stand in cod 4, its either because i went head to head with somebody who is going to kill anybody who could possibly revive me, or i killed one stray guy and my team mates just stand around and watch me die. there have been plenty of times when i could have revived my friend or vice versa without any impact on the fairness of the game. i mean, it takes a kill away from the other team when that happens, but the number of times that happens compared to the other times when you just get put down and nobody is around to save you is fairly small.
E: tl;dr cod4's is fine, and a revive function that takes like 5 seconds to pull off would be nice.
July 5th, 2011, 07:37 AM
it's rage-inducing but not ban worthy. the only change i would make is rename it to "butt scooter/butt scooter pro" (BO).
July 5th, 2011, 12:32 PM
People who bitch about last stand really don't comprehend that you don't have the kill until the +5 pops up.
July 5th, 2011, 08:02 PM
People who bitch about last stand really don't comprehend that you don't have the kill until the +5 pops up.
Yeah that really applies when you shotgun someone at point blank range and they deagle spam or knife you during their half second invulnerability
(Also, the +5 doesn't appear on Hardcore)
July 5th, 2011, 08:28 PM
is that half second invulnerability in cod4 too or just in blackops? i never noticed it in cod4. also yeah, no knife in last stand either. that is bs.
July 6th, 2011, 03:42 PM
Yeah that really applies when you shotgun someone at point blank range and they deagle spam or knife you during their half second invulnerability
(Also, the +5 doesn't appear on Hardcore)who uses shotguns? really lol.
Mr Buckshot
July 6th, 2011, 04:01 PM
shotguns work fairly well on Killhouse and Shipment in COD4. In BO I have yet to touch the shotguns.
July 6th, 2011, 06:13 PM
M1014, Desert Eagle, 3x Flash, Juggernaut, Extreme Condition. Rude as hell.
July 6th, 2011, 07:27 PM
you put a grip on the m1014 i assume
July 6th, 2011, 10:48 PM
How can I put a grip on it when I'm using Perk 1 for 3x The M1014 doesn't need a grip anyway.
July 7th, 2011, 12:02 AM
yeah i kind of failed to comprehend the 3x part of 3x flash. i always use grips with shotguns though. idk if it actually makes the pellets go further before they disappear (because cod cannot do shotguns), but it makes me feel a little better about myself.
Mr Buckshot
July 7th, 2011, 02:33 AM
Never felt any improvements using grips on the shotguns especially the M1014.
July 7th, 2011, 05:27 AM
who uses shotguns? really lol.
Yeah that really applies when you shotgun/pistol/SMG/noscope someone at point blank range and they deagle spam or knife you during their half second invulnerability
(Also, the +5 doesn't appear on Hardcore)
Doesn't matter how you do it.
is that half second invulnerability in cod4 too or just in blackops? i never noticed it in cod4. also yeah, no knife in last stand either. that is bs.
Don't know if it's in Blops since I literally took that game back within a week of buying it, it's definitely in CoD 4 though. Half second may have been exaggerating slightly, it's very brief but it's more than enough time to kill someone in CoD.
July 7th, 2011, 07:50 AM
The grip only helps reduce the recoil of whatever weapon you use it on. Using it on either shotgun makes it much easier to reacquire your target after every shot, since the gun re-centers quicker than usual. If you're using either shotgun at less than half their effective killing range (just about point-blank for the M1014, and at the M1014's maximum effective range for the W1200), the grip is absolutely useless for two main reasons: 1) Your target will be dead in your first shot, providing you can aim worth a damn, completely eliminating recoil from the equation, and 2) Since you're shotgunning like a noob, you probably need to use your perk 1 as a crutch just to keep your k/d above 1/2, since you're probably getting knifed to hell whenever you get point-blank on a target. Dumb-ass.
Basically the grip turns the M1014 into an ACCURATE spam-cannon, allowing rapid recovery and reacquisition between shots (a good rage-quit-inducing weapon, when used properly), and the W1200 into a short-to-mid-range ACCURATE hip-fire sniper rifle, allowing you to take on mid-range enemies in open terrain outside of your maximum effective one-shot-kill range (an almost definite rage-quit-inducing weapon, when used expertly). Use either with the right perks, and you can become a killing machine short order, with enough intensive practice.
I usually use the W1200 with Grip, Double Tap, and Dead Silence.
July 7th, 2011, 08:12 AM
is this shitty thread seriously in the great debate section.
t3h m00kz
September 11th, 2011, 05:54 AM
It's pointless because you don't level your shit up with it
At least not in COD4.
We're talking COD4 right? Because that's the only one that matters. >:{
September 11th, 2011, 01:26 PM
Yes CoD4. If it wasn't infested with hackers advertising their hacks from where they got them on youtube, I'd play it alot more.
t3h m00kz
September 11th, 2011, 01:28 PM
Solution: update.
Unless you already have latest..
September 11th, 2011, 02:25 PM
It's on the bro box so its always the latest.
September 11th, 2011, 02:32 PM
WaW has no hackers right now. I enjoy tanking to get dogs.
September 11th, 2011, 07:26 PM
Sure about that? Last time I dived into there it was just as bad.
September 12th, 2011, 08:06 AM
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