View Full Version : Pooky's new JK2 server

July 31st, 2011, 02:08 AM

I've recently acquired a dedicated server for JK2. The version is 1.02a, the game is full force FFA. If you play JK2 at all, please come check out the new server with me!




Things you may need to play

JK2 downgrade to version 1.02:


Only needed if your JK2 is not the original CD release. Turns any other version of JK2 back into the original, unpatched game. I strongly reccomend the unpatched version over any of the updates, as the updates ruined the gameplay badly. See video for reference.


No CD patch:
http://m0002.gamecopyworld.com/games/pc_sw_jedi_knight_2.shtml#Jedi Knight 2 ALL VERSIONS [ENGLISH] No-CD Patch (https://rapidshare.com/files/2895371031/jk2mpNOCD.rar)

You'll need this if you got JK2 off Steam or one of the re-releases as the 1.02 version will ask for the original disk.

E: updated with a better no CD patch. This is the one I use, it's virus free and all that jazz and works for both SP and MP. If you got JK2 off the Steam version, it'll ask you if you want to search files (because the Steam version doesn't include the original launcher .exe). Just say no.

Dual Core fix:


Use this only if you get low framerates or crashes on dual core. Goes in the same directory as jk2mp.exe and runs alongside it, so don't delete anything.

ATI crash fix:

http://www.file-upload.net/download-3904904/atioglxx.dll.html (https://rapidshare.com/files/3827659106/atioglxx.dll)

You may need this if the game won't launch and you have AMD graphics. Goes in the same directory as jk2mp.exe

Assets8.pk3 model exploit fix:

http://www.file-upload.net/download-3904912/assets8.pk3.html (https://rapidshare.com/files/2499741969/assets8.zip)

Prevents people from using any kind of model exploits against you. A combination of the previously released assets7 and assets6 pk3s, with some additional features. Goes in your JK2\GameData\base folder. Be sure to remove this before playing single player or some things will look really weird.

July 31st, 2011, 04:22 AM
Pity...right now I am working a lot on Jedi Academy :P

August 5th, 2011, 07:55 PM
Something else to note is that the game's default settings are kind of outdated and bad. To help new players along configuring their game, I'll post my personal .cfg file as an example

// Generic config for all modes
// The first section of the .cfg consists entirely of control bindings. I strongly recommend setting your binds in a custom .cfg rather than using the in game menus. Since all mods load seperate .cfg files, you'll frequently need to reset your controls and this is just a faster way to do it.
unbindall //Removes all your current key bindings. Since I frequently set binds to chat sayings or other random crap, I use this to ensure all my controls are reset when I load the game.
bind TAB "+useforce" //Use your currently selected force power. Not REALLY a necessary bind, since all good players bind their force powers to seperate keys anyway. I just like having it for completion's sake.
bind ENTER "+button2" //I honestly don't remember what this does. <_<
bind SPACE "+moveup" //Jump.
bind MWHEELUP "weapprev" //Previous weapon.
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext" //Next weapon.
bind MOUSE4 "force_pull" //Force Pull. If I could only choose one power to bind to a key, it would be this one. By far the most important force power in multiplayer. Bind this to an easy to reach place, preferably on your mouse, and get comfortable with using it.
bind MOUSE5 "force_throw" //Force Push. Not as vital as Pull, but still recommended to bind this in an easy to reach place.
bind CTRL "force_speed" //Force Speed.
bind v "force_seeing" //Force Sight.
bind V "force_seeing" // Force Sight. There's a bug in JK2 1.02 where the game recognizes lowercase and capital letters as seperate keybindings. Therefore if you're going to bind anything to a letter, you'd better make sure to bind both cases so you don't screw yourself over by accidentally pressing capslock.
bind - "forceprev" //Cycles back through force powers. Don't ever try to use this in a fight. I only have it bound so I can review what powers I have at a glance.
bind , "messagemode3" //Private message. Move your crosshair over another player and press this key to send a PM.
bind = "forcenext" //Cycles forward through force powers. Don't ever try to use this in a fight. I only have it bound so I can review what powers I have at a glance.
bind . "messagemode4" //Reply to a private message without having to locate and target the person who PM'ed you. This command is somewhat buggy, so I wouldn't rely on it for sensitive messages. Only included for completion's sake.
bind 0 "weapon 10" // Select explosives. This command is bugged in JK2 1.02 and won't let you select mines or detpacks unless you also have thermal detonators, so make sure you have weapnext and weapprev bound.
bind 1 "weapon 1" //Select lightsaber. Press again to turn the saber off. While the saber is active it'll emit noise and light that are easily noticeable even through walls. Some people also like to turn their saber off and bow before duels.
bind 2 "weapon 2" //Select pistol.
bind 3 "weapon 3" //Select blaster.
bind 4 "weapon 4" //Select sniper.
bind 5 "weapon 5" //Select bowcaster.
bind 6 "weapon 6" //Select repeater.
bind 7 "weapon 7" //Select demp gun.
bind 8 "weapon 8" //Select golan.
bind 9 "weapon 9" //Select rockets.
bind [ "invprev" //Cycles back through inventory. Don't ever try to use this in a fight. I only have it bound so I can review my inventory at a glance.
bind ] "invnext" //Cycles forward through inventory. Don't ever try to use this in a fight. I only have it bound so I can review my inventory at a glance.
bind ` "toggleconsole" //Binding the 'toggleconsole' command doesn't seem to actually do anything in JK2, but what the hell.
bind a "+moveleft" //Strafe left.
bind d "+moveright" //Strafe right.
bind k "engage_duel" //Target another player in your crosshair at close range and press engage_duel to challenge them to a no-force saber only duel. Do the same to accept a duel challenge. During duel mode you can't damage or be damaged by other players (except by saber throw glitching... but let's not get into that).
bind r "+use" //Use. In base jk2 this is only really used to get shields from those green trash cans in CTF. Some mods and custom maps however have objects which require the use key to activate.
bind s "+back" //Move backwards.
bind t "messagemode2" //Team chat.
bind w "+forward" //Move forward.
bind y "messagemode" //Standard chat.
bind h "+taunt" //Not bound by default. Makes your character hold out his arm and say something.
bind p "cg_thirdperson !" //Thirdperson mode. The ! means it's a toggle bind.
bind P "cg_thirdperson !" //Thirdperson mode. The ! means it's a toggle bind.
bind A "+moveleft" //Repeat bind for capslock bug.
bind D "+moveright" //Repeat bind for capslock bug.
bind K "engage_duel" //Repeat bind for capslock bug.
bind R "+use" //Repeat bind for capslock bug.
bind S "+back" //Repeat bind for capslock bug.
bind T "messagemode2" //Repeat bind for capslock bug.
bind W "+forward" //Repeat bind for capslock bug.
bind Y "messagemode" //Repeat bind for capslock bug.
bind H "+taunt" //Repeat bind for capslock bug.
bind ~ "toggleconsole" //Repeat bind for capslock bug.
bind ALT "+speed" // Hold down to walk, or to run if you have "always run" set to off. But only dumb people do that.
bind SHIFT "+movedown" //Crouch. Tap it while moving to roll.
bind INS "scoresUp" //Scroll up through the scoreboard.
bind DEL "scoresDown" //Scroll down through the scoreboard.
bind END "team follow1" //Join spectator mode.
bind F1 "+scores" //Show the scoreboard. If you have "defer models" set to on (which I strongly reccomend), you can press this to refresh people's current player models.
bind F2 "use_bacta" //Use the bacta item.
bind F5 "use_field" //Use the forcefield item.
bind F4 "use_sentry" //Use the sentry item.
bind F3 "use_seeker " //Use the seeker drone.
bind F8 "kill" //Kill yourself. Mainly used in CTF so you can quickly respawn at your base.
bind F9 exec pooky.cfg //It's often useful to bind a key to execute your config so you can reset all your controls and settings with one button press.
bind MOUSE1 "+attack" //Primary fire.
bind MOUSE2 "+altattack" //Alt fire.
bind MOUSE3 "saberAttackCycle" //Cycle lightsaber styles.
bind leftarrow say_team left //Chat bind for CTF so you can let your team know where the flag carrier went with one button press.
bind rightarrow say_team right //Chat bind for CTF so you can let your team know where the flag carrier went with one button press.
bind downarrow say_team mid //Chat bind for CTF so you can let your team know where the flag carrier went with one button press.
seta cl_maxpackets "63" //Network cvar. Use these settings to optimize the game's netcode for modern broadband connections.
seta rate "25000" //Network cvar. Use these settings to optimize the game's netcode for modern broadband connections.
seta snaps "40" //Network cvar. Use these settings to optimize the game's netcode for modern broadband connections.
seta com_maxfps "125" //Caps the game's maximum FPS at a specified value. Due to a strange attribute of the Quake 3 engine, your strafe jumps will go further and faster if com_maxfps is capped at certain values.
seta cg_drawfps "1" //Displays a framerate counter at the top right of your screen.
seta cg_bobup "0" //Removes all the first person camera bob for smoother aiming.
seta cg_bobpitch "0" //Removes all the first person camera bob for smoother aiming.
seta cg_bobroll "0" //Removes all the first person camera bob for smoother aiming.
seta cg_runroll "0" //Removes all the first person camera bob for smoother aiming.
seta cg_runpitch "0" //Removes all the first person camera bob for smoother aiming.
seta cg_drawTimer "1" //Draws a timer at the top right of your screen which shows how long the current map has been running.
seta cg_drawcrosshair "7" //Cg_drawcrosshair command selects your crosshair. Works with all numbers 1-9, I prefer 7.
seta cg_fov "100" //100 degree field of view. Strongly reccomended for lightsaber combat.
seta cg_lagometer "1" //Draws a box on the right of your screen which gives you a visual indication of your connection to the server. Generally speaking, smooth lines good, jaggy lines bad.
set model "lando" //Your player model. Can use any stock or custom model you prefer (even team colors).
set team_model "lando" //Your player model for team games. Why this is chosen seperately I have no idea.
set color1 3 // Your lightsaber color. Can be any number 0-6.
seta r_mode "-1" //Sets your resolution. I'm using a widescreen monitor so I have to use custom resolution which is -1.
seta r_customwidth "1440" //Custom horizontal resolution.
seta r_customheight "900" //Custom vertical resolution.
set sensitivity "6.375000" //Overall mouse sensitivity. Find what works for you, then save it here.
set m_yaw "0.029" //Horizontal mouse speed. I use this to make my mouse slightly faster sideways than upwards (useful for backstabs). You can also set vertical speed with m_pitch.
seta com_hunkmegs "256" //Allows the game to use more memory than normal. Needed for some custom maps, and just makes things run better overall. Value in MB.
seta cg_speedtrail "0" //Enables or disables the force speed effect. Though it's a valuable indicator in combat, I turn it off because the effect annoys me.
set cl_allowdownload "0" //Enable or disable your game from autodownloading files from server. I turn it off to keep the game from downloading shit I don't want. Most servers these days disable auto download anyway.
seta con_notifytime "20" //Changes how long console messages remain on screen. The default time is really short and makes it easy to miss what people say, so I make it slower.
seta r_swapinterval "0" //Enables or disables vsync. If you're using com_maxfps for optimum jumping, you want to make sure vsync is disabled.
set name "^7^6^7Herpaderp^5" //Your name. Color codes are ^1 through ^6

If you want to use this, copy and paste the contents into a blank text file and edit it to your liking.

Name it "yourconfig.cfg" and place it in JK2/GameData/base. If you want the config to execute automatically when you launch the game, open your shortcut and add onto the target line " +exec yourconfig.cfg".

Note that I don't have all my force powers bound here. That's because I use a custom set of .cfgs and binds to select force powers. It's a good idea to make seperate configs for light and dark side, then bind those configs to keys, like so.

// test config file for Darkside
bind MOUSE5 "force_throw"
bind MOUSE4 "force_pull"
bind CTRL "force_speed"
bind x "+force_lightning"
bind q "force_forcepowerother"
bind e "+force_grip"
bind g "force_rage"
bind f "+force_drain"
bind v "force_seeing"
bind X "+force_lightning"
bind Q "force_forcepowerother"
bind E "+force_grip"
bind G "force_rage"
bind F "+force_drain"
bind V "force_seeing"

// test config file for Lightside
bind MOUSE5 "force_throw"
bind MOUSE4 "force_pull"
bind CTRL "force_speed"
bind e "force_protect"
bind q "force_absorb"
bind g "force_heal"
bind f "force_healother"
bind x "force_distract"
bind v "force_seeing"
bind E "force_protect"
bind Q "force_absorb"
bind G "force_heal"
bind F "force_healother"
bind X "force_distract"
bind V "force_seeing"

To select your force powers by .cfg, copy the contents of these into two configs called "lightside.cfg" and "darkside.cfg". Then you can bind keys to "exec lightside" and "exec darkside" to set all your force power binds. This allows you to have both force sides bound on the same set of keys.

August 5th, 2011, 08:10 PM
I'll also post a link to my personal graphics mini-mod. It's a compilation of various small tweaks that make the game that much better for competitive play. Alterations include the HUD, sniper scope, saber trails, hit marks, and so on. Some parts were made by me, some by others.

http://www.file-upload.net/download-4061069/zzzzgfx.pk3.html (https://rapidshare.com/files/3743931264/zzzzgfx.pk3)


Custom saber trail and HUD. Saber trails only appear after you swing your saber, and remain active even if you get knocked down. They're a valuable gameplay indicator that your saber is currently active and will hurt like fuck if someone touches it. However, the default saber trails blend in with the saber beam making it hard to tell if the saber is active or not. Making the trails a smooth solid color fixes that, and it looks cool.

The HUD is an edit of the default which simply removes all unnecessary or distracting parts, giving you that much more screen space.


Custom sniper scope. The default scope heavily restricts your field of view and doesn't even have a proper crosshair. This fixes that.


Custom saber hit marks. By default the saber doesn't give you any indication of a successful hit other than a small noise. With this, you can easily see exactly how much damage you're doing.

There are various other fixes as well. Again, I didn't make everything in this .pk3, though I did make some things. I decided to consolidate everything into a single file for convenience, and because JK2 gets kind of buggy when you have too many custom .pk3s. Goes in JK2/GameData/base.

August 5th, 2011, 08:29 PM
People should join. We've had a few randoms come in and its been fun.

August 5th, 2011, 08:36 PM
Hell, we had almost a full house yesterday and it was pretty awesome. Even got p0lar to join. Anyone who's tired of random noskill bullshit games like CoD would do well to give JK2 a try. It's by far the deepest and most challenging multiplayer game I've ever played.

September 19th, 2011, 11:13 PM
itt: pooky gets the most out of his jk2 server:


September 20th, 2011, 12:44 AM

October 12th, 2011, 10:44 PM
The script I use to record ingame demo files

// Jk2Bindings
bind f12 vstr startswitch
bind f10 vstr stopswitch

set startswitch "g_synchronousClients 1;vstr rec_demo;g_synchronousClients 0"
set stopswitch "stoprecord; vstr nxt_demo; echo Recording Stopped.; echo Current Queue; rec_demo"

// Cycles 1-30
set demo_01 "set rec_demo record demo01; set prv_demo vstr demo_30; set nxt_demo vstr demo_02"
set demo_02 "set rec_demo record demo02; set prv_demo vstr demo_01; set nxt_demo vstr demo_03"
set demo_03 "set rec_demo record demo03; set prv_demo vstr demo_02; set nxt_demo vstr demo_04"
set demo_04 "set rec_demo record demo04; set prv_demo vstr demo_03; set nxt_demo vstr demo_05"
set demo_05 "set rec_demo record demo05; set prv_demo vstr demo_04; set nxt_demo vstr demo_06"
set demo_06 "set rec_demo record demo06; set prv_demo vstr demo_05; set nxt_demo vstr demo_07"
set demo_07 "set rec_demo record demo07; set prv_demo vstr demo_06; set nxt_demo vstr demo_08"
set demo_08 "set rec_demo record demo08; set prv_demo vstr demo_07; set nxt_demo vstr demo_09"
set demo_09 "set rec_demo record demo09; set prv_demo vstr demo_08; set nxt_demo vstr demo_10"
set demo_10 "set rec_demo record demo10; set prv_demo vstr demo_09; set nxt_demo vstr demo_11"
set demo_11 "set rec_demo record demo11; set prv_demo vstr demo_10; set nxt_demo vstr demo_12"
set demo_12 "set rec_demo record demo12; set prv_demo vstr demo_11; set nxt_demo vstr demo_13"
set demo_13 "set rec_demo record demo13; set prv_demo vstr demo_12; set nxt_demo vstr demo_14"
set demo_14 "set rec_demo record demo14; set prv_demo vstr demo_13; set nxt_demo vstr demo_15"
set demo_15 "set rec_demo record demo15; set prv_demo vstr demo_14; set nxt_demo vstr demo_16"
set demo_16 "set rec_demo record demo16; set prv_demo vstr demo_15; set nxt_demo vstr demo_17"
set demo_17 "set rec_demo record demo17; set prv_demo vstr demo_16; set nxt_demo vstr demo_18"
set demo_18 "set rec_demo record demo18; set prv_demo vstr demo_17; set nxt_demo vstr demo_19"
set demo_19 "set rec_demo record demo19; set prv_demo vstr demo_18; set nxt_demo vstr demo_20"
set demo_20 "set rec_demo record demo20; set prv_demo vstr demo_19; set nxt_demo vstr demo_21"
set demo_21 "set rec_demo record demo21; set prv_demo vstr demo_20; set nxt_demo vstr demo_22"
set demo_22 "set rec_demo record demo22; set prv_demo vstr demo_21; set nxt_demo vstr demo_23"
set demo_23 "set rec_demo record demo23; set prv_demo vstr demo_22; set nxt_demo vstr demo_24"
set demo_24 "set rec_demo record demo24; set prv_demo vstr demo_23; set nxt_demo vstr demo_25"
set demo_25 "set rec_demo record demo25; set prv_demo vstr demo_24; set nxt_demo vstr demo_26"
set demo_26 "set rec_demo record demo26; set prv_demo vstr demo_25; set nxt_demo vstr demo_27"
set demo_27 "set rec_demo record demo27; set prv_demo vstr demo_26; set nxt_demo vstr demo_28"
set demo_28 "set rec_demo record demo28; set prv_demo vstr demo_27; set nxt_demo vstr demo_29"
set demo_29 "set rec_demo record demo29; set prv_demo vstr demo_28; set nxt_demo vstr demo_30"
set demo_30 "set rec_demo record demo30; set prv_demo vstr demo_29; set nxt_demo vstr demo_01"

// set Assignments
set rec_demo record demo01
set prv_demo vstr demo_20
set nxt_demo vstr demo_02

// Sprayed bug free by TF_BioHazard
// May the Force be with you!
// www.teamfusion.org

Copy into a text file and save as demo.cfg

Once executed, press F12 to start recording a demo. When you're done, press F10 to stop recording and cycle to the next demo slot. Good for up to 30 demos.

October 12th, 2011, 11:00 PM
I would love to join if I had the game. It looks fun.

October 12th, 2011, 11:03 PM
It's 10 bucks on Steam. 20 gets you the whole series.


October 13th, 2011, 08:59 PM

Sounds challenging.

October 13th, 2011, 09:29 PM
JK2 training videos:







October 13th, 2011, 09:38 PM
those videos are such bad quality that it wasn't even worth uploading them. Can't tell what's going on.

October 13th, 2011, 09:45 PM
First off, I didn't make those. They were made years ago when youtube wasn't nearly as good as it is now. Second, you don't even play JK2 so why do you care? I posted those for the benefit of the people who play on the server with me.

October 14th, 2011, 12:00 AM
Just because I don't play with you doesn't mean I haven't played JK2 before!

October 14th, 2011, 06:21 AM
Point, but you don't really seem like the type. If you did it was probably as a 1.04 noob :D

October 14th, 2011, 03:00 PM
Nah it was waaaay back when it first came out and I still had my installation CD-ROM.

October 14th, 2011, 09:01 PM
Nice. Should come play on the server some time then, the original gameplay hasn't aged a bit.

Actually, it got a lot better with age as people discovered new tactics and tricks. Just don't install the patches.

October 17th, 2011, 06:27 PM
p0lar and Sever show that JK2 is serious business

http://i.imgur.com/DUYIm.jpg (http://imgur.com/DUYIm)

November 3rd, 2011, 08:28 PM
New map: FFA_Bespin2012


Finally released by Kaiser, this map is a huge expansion of the original FFA_Bespin with loads of new content. I'll be hosting this on the server for anyone who wants to come try it out.

DOWNLOAD: http://www.locjk2.tk/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=15

November 24th, 2011, 02:16 PM
The whole Jedi Knight series is currently on sale on Steam for 40% off, an excellent opportunity for new people to get into some of the best PC action games ever made.




Sucky songs, but some hilariously audacious kills in this video.

November 24th, 2011, 02:51 PM
Updated OP with new links because Rapidshare is a faggot.

November 24th, 2011, 04:11 PM
Updated OP with new links because Rapidshare is a faggot.

They went downhill when they introduced their stupid currency that confuses its consumers into giving them more money than they were previously.

December 4th, 2011, 01:21 AM
I'm famous!

I found 2 JK2 videos randomly on youtube that I'm actually in. Which should show you just how fucking small this game's community is these days. I'm Herpaderp.



Also, for p0lar, the Matrix Cams mod


and Nerevar's cam mod


Look forward to the derping montage.